
Added new base method
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / mimetypes / generic.tpl
1 <table style="width:100%">
2         <tr>
3                 <td colspan="2">
4                         <h2><img src='images/list_mime.png' class='center' alt='[M]'>&nbsp;{t}Generic{/t}</h2>
5                 </td>
6         </tr>
7         <tr>
8                 <td style='width:50%; vertical-align:top;' >
10                         <table>
11                                 <tr>
12                                         <td>
13                                                 {t}Mime type{/t}{$must}
14                                         </td>
15                                         <td>
16 {render acl=$gotoMimeGroupACL}
17                                                 <input type="text" name='cn' value="{$cn}" title='{t}Please enter a name for the mime type here{/t}'>
18 {/render}
19                                         </td>
20                                 </tr>
21                                 <tr>
22                                         <td>
23                                                 {t}Mime group{/t}
24                                         </td>
25                                         <td>
26 {render acl=$gotoMimeGroupACL}
27                                                 <select name='gotoMimeGroup' title='{t}Categorize this mime type{/t}'>
28                                                         {html_options output=$gotoMimeGroups values=$gotoMimeGroups selected=$gotoMimeGroup}
29                                                 </select>
30 {/render}
31                                         </td>
32                                 </tr>
33                                 <tr>
34                                         <td>
35                                                 {t}Description{/t}
36                                         </td>
37                                         <td>
38 {render acl=$descriptionACL}
39                                                 <input type="text" name='description' value="{$description}" title='{t}Please specify a description{/t}'>
40 {/render}
41                                         </td>
42                                 </tr>
43                                 <tr>
44                                         <td><LABEL for="base">{t}Base{/t}{$must}</LABEL></td>
45                                         <td>
46 {render acl=$baseACL}
47         <select size="1" id="base" name="base" title="{t}Choose subtree to place application in{/t}"
48                 {if $isReleaseMimeType} disabled {/if}>
49                 {html_options options=$bases selected=$base_select}
50         </select>
51 {/render}
53 {render acl=$baseACL disable_picture='images/folder_gray.png'}
54         <input type="image" name="chooseBase" src="images/folder.png" class="center" title="{t}Select a base{/t}">
55 {/render}
56                                         </td>
57                                  </tr>
59                         </table>
61                 </td>
62                 <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0;vertical-align:top;">
63                         <table summary="">
64                                 <tr>
65                                         <td>
66                                                 <LABEL for="picture_file">{t}Icon{/t}</LABEL><br>
67                                                 <img src="{$gotoMimeIcon}" border=1 alt='{t}Mime icon{/t}' 
68                                                         style="width:48px; height:48; background-color:white; vertical-align:bottom;">
69                                         </td>
70                                         <td style="vertical-align:top">
71                                                 &nbsp;<br>
72                                                 <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">
73 {render acl=$gotoMimeIconACL}
74                                                 <input name="picture_file" type="file" size="20" maxlength="255" 
75                                                         accept="image/*.png" id="picture_file">
76 {/render}
77 {render acl=$gotoMimeIconACL}
78                                                 <input type="submit" name="update_icon" value="{t}Update{/t}" 
79                                                         title="{t}Update mime type icon{/t}">
80 {/render}
81                                         </td>
82                                 </tr>
83                         </table>
84                 </td>
85         </tr>
86         <tr>
87                 <td colspan="2">
88                         <p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>
89                 </td>
90         </tr>
91         <tr>
92                 <td colspan="2">
93                         <h2><img src='images/mime_leftclick.png' class='center' alt='{t}Left click{/t}'>&nbsp;{t}Left click{/t}</h2>
94                 </td>
95         </tr>
96         <tr>
97                 <td style='width:50%; vertical-align:top;' >
98                         {t}File patterns{/t}{$must}
99 {render acl=$gotoMimeFilePatternACL}    
100                         {$gotoMimeFilePatterns} 
101 {/render}
103 {render acl=$gotoMimeFilePatternACL}    
104                         <input type='text'       name='NewFilePattern'    value='' title='{t}Please specify a new file pattern{/t}'>
105 {/render}
106 {render acl=$gotoMimeFilePatternACL}    
107                         <input type='submit' name='AddNewFilePattern' value='{t}Add{/t}' title='{t}Add a new file pattern{/t}'>
108 {/render}
109                 </td>
110                 <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0;vertical-align:top;">
111                         {t}Applications{/t}
112 {render acl=$gotoMimeApplicationACL}    
113                         {$gotoMimeApplications}         
114 {/render}
115 {render acl=$gotoMimeApplicationACL}    
116                         <input type='text'       name='NewApplication'    value='' title='{t}Enter an application name here{/t}'>
117 {/render}
118 {render acl=$gotoMimeApplicationACL}    
119                         <input type='submit' name='AddNewApplication' value='{t}Add{/t}' title='{t}Add application{/t}'>
120 {/render}
121                 </td>
122         </tr>
123         <tr>    
124                 <td colspan="2">
125                         <p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>
126                 </td>
127         </tr>
128         <tr>    
129                 <td colspan="2">
130                         <h2><img src='images/mime_embedding.png' class='center' alt='{t}Embedding{/t}'>&nbsp;{t}Embedding{/t}</h2>
131                 </td>
132         </tr>
133         <tr>
134                 <td style='width:50%; vertical-align:top;' >
136                         <table>
137                                 <tr>
138                                         <td style='vertical-align:top; '>
139 {render acl=$gotoMimeLeftClickActionACL}
140                                                 <input type='radio' name='gotoMimeLeftClickAction_IE' value='I' 
141                                                         {if $gotoMimeLeftClickAction_I} checked {/if}>
142 {/render}
143                                                 {t}Show file in embedded viewer{/t}
144                                                 <br>
146 {render acl=$gotoMimeLeftClickActionACL}
147                                                 <input type='radio' name='gotoMimeLeftClickAction_IE' value='E' 
148                                                         {if $gotoMimeLeftClickAction_E} checked {/if}>
149 {/render}
150                                                 {t}Show file in external viewer{/t}
151                                                 <br>
153 {render acl=$gotoMimeLeftClickActionACL}
154                                                 <input type='checkbox' name='gotoMimeLeftClickAction_Q' value='1' 
155                                                         {if $gotoMimeLeftClickAction_Q} checked {/if}>
156 {/render}
157                                                 {t}Ask whether to save to local disk{/t}
158                                         </td>
159                                 </tr>
160                         </table>
162                 </td>
163                 <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0;vertical-align:top;">
164                         {t}Applications{/t}
165 {render acl=$gotoMimeEmbeddedApplicationACL}
166                         {$gotoMimeEmbeddedApplications}         
167 {/render}
168 {render acl=$gotoMimeEmbeddedApplicationACL}
169                         <input type='text'       name='NewEmbeddedApplication'    value='' 
170                                 title='{t}Enter an application name here{/t}'>
171 {/render}
172 {render acl=$gotoMimeEmbeddedApplicationACL}
173                         <input type='submit' name='AddNewEmbeddedApplication' value='{t}Add{/t}' 
174                                 title='{t}Add application{/t}'>
175 {/render}
176                 </td>
177         </tr>
178 </table>
179 <input type="hidden" name="MimeGeneric" value="1">
180 <!-- Place cursor -->
181 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
182   <!-- // First input field on page
184   -->
185 </script>