
Fixed group->application saving. Store category sorting too
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / groups /
1 <?php
2 class appgroup extends plugin
3 {
4   /* CLI vars */
5   var $cli_summary= "Manage application groups";
6   var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
7   var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
9   /* Appgroup attributes */
10   var $gosaMemberApplication= array();
12   /* Helpers */
13   var $departments        = "";       // All departments within $this->curbase;
14   var $apps               = array();  // All available applications
15   var $used_apps          = array();  // Specifies which applications are currently assigned 
17   var $option_name          = array();
18   var $option_value         = array();
19   var $appoption            = array();
21   var $table                  = "";
22   var $curbase                = "";
23   var $curCatDir                  ;
24   var $curCatDepth              =0;         //
25   var $Categories;
27   /* attribute list for save action */
28   var $attributes               = array("gosaMemberApplication","gosaApplicationParameter");
29   var $objectclasses            = array("gosaApplicationGroup");
31   var $FAIrelease               = "/";
32   var $InitialFAIrelease           = "/";
33   var $Releases                 = array();
34   var $enableReleaseManagement  = false;
36   var $AllAppsForRelease        = array();
37   var $AllAppsForReleaseParameter = array();
38   var $view_logged = FALSE;
39   var $CopyPasteVars            = array("Categories");
40   var $gosaApplicationParameter ;
41   var $ui                       = NULL;
42   var $no_release_acls          = false;
44   function appgroup (&$config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL)
45   {
47     /* Check if we have relase mangement enabled and prepare group application for release management */ 
48     $tmp = $config->search("faiManagement", "CLASS",array('menu','tabs'));
49     if(!empty($tmp)){
50       $this->enableReleaseManagement = true;
51       $this->objectclasses  [] = "FAIreleaseTag";
52       $this->attributes     [] = "FAIrelease";
53     }
55     plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent);
57     /* set userinfo object */
58     $this->ui = get_userinfo();
60     /* Compatibility check 
61         In some case of old applikations with old release tag saving, 
62           we must reassign is_account state.
63           (Or if release management wasn't activated before creating this app) */
64     if($this->enableReleaseManagement){
66       /* Release management is activated && this is a valid group app account,
67           but no release class was found, so activate is_account flag  */
68       if(isset($this->attrs['objectClass'])){
69         if($dn != "new" && ( in_array("gosaApplicationGroup",$this->attrs['objectClass'])) && 
70             (!in_array("FAIreleaseTag",$this->attrs['objectClass']))){
71           $this->is_account =true;
72         }
73       }
74     }
76     /* Load member applications */
77     if (isset ($this->attrs["gosaMemberApplication"][0])){
78       $this->gosaMemberApplication = array();
79       for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs["gosaMemberApplication"]["count"]; $i++){
80         $this->gosaMemberApplication[]=
81           $this->attrs["gosaMemberApplication"][$i];
82       }
83     }
85     /* Load application options */
86     if (isset($this->attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'])){
87       for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs['gosaApplicationParameter']['count']; $i++){
88         $option= preg_replace('/^[^:]+:/', '',
89             $this->attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'][$i]);
90         $name= preg_replace('/:.*$/', '',
91             $this->attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'][$i]);
92         $this->appoption[$name]= $option;
93       }
94     }
96     /* Parse MemberApplication*/
97     $tmp    = array();
98     $tmp2   = array();
99     $prios  = array();
100     $cats   = array();
102     foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication as $memberApp){
103       if(preg_match("/\|/i",$memberApp)){
105         $tmp = split("\|",$memberApp);
107         if(!empty($tmp[0])){
108           $tmp2[$tmp[1]][$tmp[2]] = array("App"=>$tmp[0]);
109         }
110         if(!empty($tmp[1])){
111           $n = split("/",$tmp[1]);
112           $c = count($n);
113           $cats [$tmp[1]] = $n[$c-1];
114         }
115         $prios[$tmp[1]][$tmp[2]] = $tmp[2];
116       }else{
117         $tmp2[]['App'] = $memberApp;
118       }
119     }
121     /* Assign collected category and application settings */
122     $this->Categories = $cats;
123     $this->gosaMemberApplication = $tmp2;
125     /* Sort application by category */
126     $cats[""]="";
127     foreach($cats as $cat ){
128       if((isset($prios[$cat]))&&(count($prios[$cat]))){
129         $max = max($prios[$cat]);
130         $min = 1;//min($prios[$cat]);  
131         $last = false;
132         for($i = $min ; $i < $max ; $i++){
133           if(!isset($prios[$cat][$i])){
134             if($last == false){
135               $this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat][$i]['App'] = "__SEPARATOR__".$i;
137               $last = true;
138             }
139           }else{
140             $last = false;
141           }
142         }
143       }
144     } 
146     /* Sort application by priority */
147     $tmp = array();
148     foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication as $key =>  $entries){
149       ksort ($entries);
150       foreach($entries as $entry){
151         $tmp[$key][]= $entry;
152       }
153     }
154     $this->gosaMemberApplication = $tmp;
155     $this->curbase = $this->config->current['BASE'];
157     /* Get required release informations */
158     if($this->enableReleaseManagement){
159       $this->InitialFAIrelease  = $this->FAIrelease;
160       $this->Releases           = $this->getReleases();
161     }
163   }
166   /* Combine new array */
167   function combineArrays($ar0,$ar1,$ar2)
168   {
169     $ret = array();
170     if(is_array($ar0))
171     foreach($ar0 as $ar => $a){
172         $ret[$ar]=$a;
173     }
174     if(is_array($ar1))
175     foreach($ar1 as $ar => $a){
176         $ret[$ar]=$a;
177     }
178     if(is_array($ar2))
179     foreach($ar2 as $ar => $a){
180         $ret[$ar]=$a;
181     }
182     return($ret);
183   }
185   /* Returns element position within given array */
186   function getpos($atr,$attrs)
187   {
188     $i = 0;
189     foreach($attrs as $attr => $name)    {
190       $i++;
191       if($attr == $atr){
192         return($i);
193       }
194     }
195     return(-1);
196   }
199   /* Check current combination of application && release 
200       Are all application available?, application parameter changed? ... */
201   function diffAppsInReleases()
202   {
203     /* Only diff if it is required  */
204     $ret =array();
206     /* If current release has changed */
207     if($this->FAIrelease != $this->InitialFAIrelease){
209       /* Walk through all apps which are currently displayed */
210       if(isset($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir])){
212         foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir] as $entry){
214           /* If application is also available in new release, check if parameter differs */
215           if(in_array($entry['App'],$this->AllAppsForRelease)){ 
217             $old = array();   // Old application parameter
218             $new = array();   // New parameters 
220             /* There are possibly no parameters specified */
221             if(isset($this->AllAppsForReleaseParameter[$this->InitialFAIrelease][$entry['App']])){
222               $old = $this->AllAppsForReleaseParameter[$this->InitialFAIrelease][$entry['App']];
223             }
225             if(isset($this->AllAppsForReleaseParameter[$this->FAIrelease][$entry['App']])){
226               $new = $this->AllAppsForReleaseParameter[$this->FAIrelease][$entry['App']];
227             }
229             /*  Both (old & new) have no gosaApplicationParameter
230              */
231             if((!isset($old['gosaApplicationParameter'])) && (!isset($new['gosaApplicationParameter']))){
232               $ret[$entry['App']] = false; 
234               /* Both got gosaApplicationParameter */
235             }elseif((isset($old['gosaApplicationParameter'])) && (isset($new['gosaApplicationParameter']))){
236               if(array_differs($old['gosaApplicationParameter'],$new['gosaApplicationParameter'])){
237                 $ret[$entry['App']]  = true;
238               }else{
239                 $ret[$entry['App']]  = false;
240               }
241             }
242             /* Initially had gosaApplicationParameter bot in new release not */
243           }elseif((isset($old['gosaApplicationParameter'])) && (!isset($new['gosaApplicationParameter']))){
244             $ret[$entry['App']]  = true;
246             /* Old release had no gosaApplicationParameter but new got some */
247           }elseif((!isset($old['gosaApplicationParameter'])) && (isset($new['gosaApplicationParameter']))){
248             $ret[$entry['App']]  = true;
249           }
250         }
251       }
252     }
253     return($ret);
254   }
256   /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/
257   function ArrayUp($atr,$attrs)
258   {
259     $ret = $attrs;
260     $pos = $this->getpos($atr,$attrs) ;
261     $cn = count($attrs);
262     if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == 1))){
263       $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-2));
264       $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-2),2));
265       $unten  = array_slice($attrs,$pos);
266       $ret = array();
267       $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
268     }
269     return($ret);
270   }
273   /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/
274   function ArrayDown($atr,$attrs)
275   {
276     $ret = $attrs;
277     $pos = $this->getpos($atr,$attrs) ;
278     $cn = count($attrs);
279     if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == $cn))){
280       $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-1));
281       $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-1),2));
282       $unten  = array_slice($attrs,($pos+1));
283       $ret = array();
284       $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
285     }
286     return($ret);
287   }
290   /* Sort category on position up  */
291   function catUp($id)
292   {
293     /* Get all cats depinding on current dir */
294     $cats = $this->GetSubdirs($this->curCatDir);
295     $newcats =$this->ArrayUp($id,$cats);
296     foreach($newcats as $cat => $name){
297       unset($this->Categories[$cat]);
298     }
299     foreach($newcats as $cat => $name){
300       $this->Categories[$cat]=$name;
301     }
302   }
305   /* Sort category on position down */
306   function catDown($id)
307   {
308     /* Get all cats depinding on current dir */
309     $cats = $this->GetSubdirs($this->curCatDir);
310     $newcats =$this->ArrayDown($id,$cats);
311     foreach($newcats as $cat => $name){
312       unset($this->Categories[$cat]);
313     }
314     foreach($newcats as $cat => $name){
315       $this->Categories[$cat]=$name;
316     }
317   }
320   /* Increase application priority */
321   function getOneUp($appl)
322   { 
323     $cat  = $this->curCatDir;
324     $apps = $this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat];
325     $appsA = array();
326     foreach ($apps as $appkey => $name){
327       $appsA[$name['App']] =$name['App'];
328     }
329     $result = $this->ArrayUp($appl,$appsA);
330     $ret = array();
331     foreach($result as $app){
332       $ret[]=array("App"=>$app);
333     }
334     $this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat] = $ret;
335   }
338   /* Decrease application priority */
339   function getOneDown($appl)
340   {
341     $cat  = $this->curCatDir;
342     $apps = $this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat];
343     $appsA = array();
344     foreach ($apps as $appkey => $name){
345       $appsA[$name['App']] =$name['App'];
346     }
347     $result = $this->ArrayDown($appl,$appsA);
348     $ret = array();
349     foreach($result as $app){
350       $ret[]=array("App"=>$app);
351     }
352     $this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat] = $ret;
353   } 
356   /* Add seperator to application list */
357   function AddSeperator($id)
358   {
359     $found  = false;
360     $cat    = "";
361     $tmp = array();
362     foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir] as $appID => $app){  
363       $tmp[] = $app;    
364       if(($app['App'] == $id)&&(!$found)){
365         $cnt = count($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir]);
366         $tmp[] = array("App" => "__SEPARATOR__".($cnt+1));
367         $found = true;
368       }
369     }
370     if($found){
371       $this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir]=$tmp;
372     }
373   }
376   /* Check if application acls are readable */
377   function check_acls()
378   {
379     return(count($this->ui->get_module_departments("application")));
380   }
383   function execute()
384   {
385     /* Call parent execute */
386     plugin::execute();
388     print_a($this);
390     /* Log view */
391     if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
392       $this->view_logged = TRUE;
393       new log("view","groups/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
394     }
396     /* Check if department was selected */ 
397     if((isset($_GET['act']))&&($_GET['act']=="depopen")){
398       $dep = base64_decode($_GET['depid']); 
399       $this->curbase =$dep;
400     }
402     /* Check if category was selected */
403     if((isset($_GET['act']))&&($_GET['act']=="open") && (empty($_GET['id']) || isset($this->Categories[base64_decode($_GET['id'])]))){
404       $this->curCatDir = base64_decode($_GET['id']);
405     }
407     /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */
408     if(isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
409       if($this->is_account && $this->acl_is_removeable()){
410         $this->is_account= FALSE;
411       }elseif(!$this->is_account && $this->acl_is_createable()){
412         $this->is_account= TRUE;
413       }
414     }
416     /* Do we represent a valid group? */
417     if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent === NULL){
418       $display= "<img alt=\"\" src=\"images/stop.png\" align=\"middle\">&nbsp;<b>".
419         _("This 'dn' is no appgroup.")."</b>";
420       return ($display);
421     }
423     /* Show tab dialog headers */
424     $display= "";
425     if ($this->parent !== NULL){
426       if ($this->is_account){
427         $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Remove applications"),
428             _("This group has application features enabled. You can disable them by clicking below."));
429       } else {
430         $display.= $this->show_enable_header(_("Create applications"),
431             _("This group has application features disabled. You can enable them by clicking below."));
432         return ($display);
433       }
434     }
436     /* Check acl, applications must be readable */
437     if(!$this->check_acls()){
438       $display .= "<img src='images/button_cancel.png' alt='"._("ACL")."' class='center'>
439                   <b>"._("Insufficient permissions")."</b>
440                   <p>".
441                   _("You do not have permission to query application entries. All your changes will not be saved.").
442                   "</p><p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>";
443       $this->no_release_acls = true;
444     }
447     /* Add Categorie */ 
448     if((isset($_POST['AddCat']))&&(isset($_POST['CatName']))&&(!empty($_POST['CatName']))){
450       /* Only allow adding a category, if it is allowed */  
451       if($this->acl_is_writeable("gosaMemberApplication",$this->no_release_acls)){
453         if(preg_match("/[\\\\\/]/i",$_POST['CatName'])){
454           print_red(_("Invalid character in category name."));
455         }elseif(!in_array($_POST['CatName'],$this->Categories)){ 
456           if(empty($this->curCatDir)){
457             $this->Categories[$_POST['CatName']]=$_POST['CatName'];
458           }else{
459             $this->Categories[$this->curCatDir."/".$_POST['CatName']]=$_POST['CatName'];
460           }
461         }else{
462           print_red(_("The specified category already exists."));
463         }
464       }
465     }
468     $this->reload();
469     $this->diffAppsInReleases();
471     /* Check POST variables for commands 
472         to add/remove some applications */
473     $only_once = false;
474     if($this->acl_is_writeable("gosaMemberApplication",$this->no_release_acls)){
476       /* Walk through posts */
477       foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
479         /* Add a seperator to current category */
480         if((preg_match("/AddSep_/",$name))&&(!$only_once)){
481           $only_once = true;
482           $n = preg_replace("/AddSep_/","",$name);
483           $val= preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$n);
484           $this->AddSeperator($val);
485         }
487         /* Delete application | seperator entry */
488         if((preg_match("/DelApp_/",$name))&&(!$only_once)){
489           $only_once = true;
491           if(preg_match("/DelApp___SEPARATOR__/",$name)) {
492             $n=  preg_replace("/DelApp___SEPARATOR__/","",$name);
493             $val= "__SEPARATOR__".preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$n);
494           }else{
495             $n = preg_replace("/DelApp_/","",$name);
496             $val= preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$n);
497           }
499           foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication as $key =>  $cat){
500             foreach($cat as $key2 => $app){
501               if($app['App'] == $val){
502                 unset($this->gosaMemberApplication[$key][$key2]);
503                 if(isset($this->used_apps[$val])){
504                   foreach($this->getParameters($val) as $para){
505                     if(isset($this->appoption[$para])){
506                       unset($this->appoption[$para]);
507                     }
508                   }
509                   unset($this->used_apps[$val]);
510                 }
511               }
512             }
513           }
514         }
516         if(preg_match("/DelCat_/",$name) && !$only_once){
517           $only_once =TRUE;
518           $cat = preg_replace("/DelCat_/","",$name);
519           $cat = trim(base64_decode( preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$cat)));
521           $free_apps = array();
523           if(isset($this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat]) && is_array($this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat])){
524             foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat] as $app){
525               $free_apps[] = $app['App'];
526             }
527             unset($this->gosaMemberApplication[$cat]);
528             unset($this->Categories[$cat]);
529           }
530           foreach($this->Categories as $key => $name){
531             if(preg_match("/^".normalizePreg($cat)."\/.*/",$key)){
532               foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication[$key] as $app){
533                 $free_apps[] = $app['App'];
534               }
535               unset($this->gosaMemberApplication[$key]);
536               unset($this->Categories[$key]);
537             }
538           }
539           foreach($free_apps as $app){
540             if(isset($this->used_apps[$app])){
541               unset($this->used_apps[$app]);
542             }
543           }
544         }
546         /* Edit application parameter */
547         if((preg_match("/EdiApp_/",$name))&&(!$only_once)){
549           $only_once = true;
550           $appname = $value;
551           $appname = preg_replace("/EdiApp_/","",$name);  
552           $appname = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$appname);
554           /* We've got the appname, get parameters from ldap */
555           $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
557           /* Check if we have release management enabled */
558           $tmp = $this->config->search("faiManagement", "CLASS",array('menu','tabs'));
559           if(!empty($tmp)){
561             /* Get application parameter from ldap */
562             $tmp = array_flip($this->Releases);
563             $base = $tmp[$this->FAIrelease];
564             $ldap->cd($base);
565             $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaApplication)(cn=$appname))",array("gosaApplicationParameter"));
566             $found = "";
567             while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()) {
568               if(preg_match("/cn=".$appname.",".$base."/",$attrs['dn'])){
569                 $found = $attrs['dn'];
570               }
571             }
572             $ldap->cat($found, array("gosaApplicationParameter"));
573           }else{
575             /* Get application parameter from ldap */
576             $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
577             $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaApplication)(cn=$appname))",array("gosaApplicationParameter"));
578           }
580           /* Check if this application is unique */
581           if ($ldap->count() != 1){
582             print_red (_("The selected application name is not uniq. Please check your LDAP."));
583           } else {
585             /* Get parameter */
586             $attrs= $ldap->fetch();
587             if(isset($attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'])){
588               $this->dialog= TRUE;
590               /* Fill name and value arrays */
591               for ($i= 0; $i<$attrs['gosaApplicationParameter']['count']; $i++){
592                 $option= preg_replace('/^[^:]+:/', '',
593                     $attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'][$i]);
594                 $name= preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', 
595                     $attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'][$i]);
596                 $this->option_name[$i]= $name;
598                 /* Fill with values from application, default should be
599                    loaded by the external scripts */
600                 if (isset($this->appoption[$name])){
601                   $this->option_value[$i]= $this->appoption[$name];
602                 }
603               }
605               /* Create edit field */
606               $table= "<table summary=\"\">";
607               for ($i= 0; $i < count($this->option_name); $i++){
608                 if (isset($this->option_value[$i])){
609                   $value= $this->option_value[$i];
610                 } else {
611                   $value= "";
612                 }
613                 $table.="<tr><td>".$this->option_name[$i]."</td><td>".
614                   "<input name=\"value$i\" size=60 maxlength=250 ".
615                   "value=\"".$value."\"><br></td></tr>";
616               }
617               $table.= "</table>";
618               $this->table= $table;
619             } else {
620               print_red (_("The selected application has no options."));
621             }
622           }
623         }
624       }
625     }
627     /* Add multiple */
628     if(isset($_POST['AddApps'])){
629       foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
630         if(preg_match("/AddApp_/",$name)){
631           $app = preg_replace("/AddApp_/","",$name);
632           $this->addApp($app);
633         }
634       }
635     }
637     /* Add application with post */
638     if((isset($_GET['act']))&&($_GET['act']=="add")){
639       $this->used_apps[$_GET['id']]= $_GET['id'];
640       asort($this->used_apps);
641       $this->addApp($_GET['id']);
642     }
644     /* Cancel edit options? */
645     if (isset($_POST['edit_options_cancel'])){
646       $this->dialog= FALSE;
647     }
649     /* Finish edit options? */
650     if (isset($_POST['edit_options_finish'])){
651       $this->dialog= FALSE;
653       /* Save informations passed by the user */
654       $this->option_value= array();
655       for ($i= 0; $i<count($this->option_name); $i++){
656         $this->appoption[$this->option_name[$i]]= $_POST["value$i"];
657         $this->is_modified= TRUE;
658       }
659     }
661     /* Prepare templating stuff */
662     $smarty= get_smarty();
663     $smarty->assign("used_apps", $this->used_apps);
664     $apps= array();
665     foreach ($this->apps as $key => $value){
666       if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->used_apps)){
667         $apps["$key"]= "$value";
668       }
669     }
672     /* Create application list */
673     $div = new divSelectBox("appgroup");    
674     $div->SetHeight(300);
675     $departments = array();
676     $res = get_list("(objectClass=gosaDepartment)", "application", $this->curbase,array("description","cn","ou"),GL_SIZELIMIT);
677     foreach($res as $value){
678       $fdn = $value['dn'];
679       $fdn = preg_replace("/".normalizePreg($this->curbase)."/","",$fdn);
680       $fdn= @LDAP::fix($fdn);
681       if($value["description"][0]!=".."){
682         $departments[$value['dn']]= convert_department_dn($fdn)." - [".$value["description"][0]."]";
683       }else{
684         $departments[$value['dn']]=convert_department_dn($fdn)." ["._("Back")."]";
685       }
686     }
688     /* Create 'open' and 'add' links */
689     if($this->acl_is_writeable("gosaMemberApplication",$this->no_release_acls)){
690       $linkadd  = "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=add&amp;id=%s'>%s</a>";
691     }else{
692       $linkadd = "%s";
693     }
694     $linkopen = "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=depopen&amp;depid=%s'>%s</a>";
696     /* Create base back entry */
697     $base_back = preg_replace("/^[^,]+,/","",$this->curbase);
698     if((strlen($base_back)>= strlen($this->config->current['BASE']))&&($this->curbase!=$this->config->current['BASE'])){
699       $div->AddEntry(array(
700             array("string"=>sprintf($linkopen,base64_encode($base_back),".. ["._("back")."]"),
701               "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'")
702             ));
703     }
705     /* Append departments for current base */
706     foreach($departments as $key => $app){
707       $div->AddEntry(array(
708             array("string"=>"<img class='center' src='images/folder.png' alt='"._("department")."'>&nbsp;".sprintf($linkopen,base64_encode($key),$app),
709               "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'")
710             ));
711     }
713     /* Add applications found on this base */
714     foreach($apps as $key => $app){
715       $div->AddEntry(array(
716             array("string"=>sprintf("<input class='center' type='checkbox' value='1' name='AddApp_%s'>",$key).
717               "<img class='center' src='images/select_application.png' alt='"._("application")."'>&nbsp;".sprintf($linkadd,$key,$app),
718               "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'")
719             ));
720     }
722     /* Create list of used/assigned applications */
723     $div2 = new divSelectBox("appgroup");
724     $div2->SetHeight(300);
726     /* Check acls to create "edit/remove" category links */
727     if(!$this->acl_is_writeable("gosaMemberApplication",$this->no_release_acls)){
728       $linkopen       = "<img class='center' src='images/folder.png' alt=\"\">&nbsp;<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=open&amp;id=%s'>%s</a>";
729       $catremove      = "&nbsp;<img src='images/empty.png' alt='&nbsp;'>";
730       $catupdown      = "";
731     }else{
732       $linkopen       = "<img class='center' src='images/folder.png' alt=\"\">&nbsp;<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=open&amp;id=%s'>%s</a>";
733       $catremove      = "&nbsp;<input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' title='"._("Delete entry")."' name='DelCat_%s' value='%s'>";
734       $catupdown      = "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=cat_up&amp;id=%s'>".
735         "<img align='top' alt=\"\" src='images/sort_up.png' border=0 title='"._("Move up")."'>".
736         "</a>&nbsp;".
737         "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=cat_down&amp;id=%s'>".
738         "<img alt=\"\" src='images/sort_down.png' title='"._("Move down")."' border=0>".
739         "</a>";
740     }
742     /* Add back category for current category */
743     if(empty($this->curCatDir)){
744       $cnt =0;
745     }else{
746       $cnt = count(split("/",$this->curCatDir));
747       $tmp = split("/",$this->curCatDir);
748       $bbk = "";
749       for($i = 0 ; $i < ($cnt -1 ) ; $i++){
750         $bbk .= $tmp[$i]."/";
751       }
752       $bbk = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$bbk);
753       $div2 ->AddEntry(array(array("string"=>sprintf($linkopen,base64_encode($bbk),".. ["._("Back")."]")),array("string"=>"&nbsp;","attach"=>"style='border-right:0px;'")));
754     }
756     /* Add sub categories */ 
757     $this->GetSubdirs($this->curCatDir);
758     foreach($this->GetSubdirs($this->curCatDir) as $path => $name){
759       $div2 ->AddEntry(array( 
760             array("string"=>sprintf($linkopen,base64_encode($path),$name)),
761             array("string"=>preg_replace("/%s/",base64_encode($path),$catupdown.$catremove),
762               "attach"=>"align='right' style='width:80px;border-right:0px;'"))); 
763     }
765     /* Create priority & seperator links */
766     $separator ="<hr size=1>"; 
767     if($this->acl_is_writeable("gosaMemberApplication",$this->no_release_acls)){
768       $sep      = "<input type='image' src='images/back.png' title='"._("Insert seperator")."' value='%s' name='AddSep_%s'>";
769       $upudown  = "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=one_up&amp;id=%s'>".
770                   " <img alt='{t}sort{/t}' align='top' src='images/sort_up.png' title='"._("Move up")."' border=0>".
771                   "</a>&nbsp;".
772                   "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=one_down&amp;id=%s'>".
773                   " <img alt='{t}sort{/t}' src='images/sort_down.png' title='"._("Move down")."' border=0>".
774                   "</a>&nbsp;".
775                   "<input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' title='"._("Delete entry")."' name='DelApp_%s' value='%s' alt='{t}delete{/t}' >";
776     }else{
777       $sep      = "";
778       $upudown  = "";
779     }
781     /* Create edit link */ 
782     if($this->acl_is_writeable("gosaApplicationParameter",$this->no_release_acls)){
783       $edit=      "&nbsp;<input type='image' src='images/edit.png' title='"._("Edit entry")."' name='EdiApp_%s' value='%s' alt='{t}edit{/t}' >";
784     }else{
785       $edit=      "";
786     }
788     /* Get differences to mark those entries that have changed from last edit. */
789     $Differences = $this->diffAppsInReleases();
791     /* Walk through entries an append them to list */
792     if(isset($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir])){
793       foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir] as $cat => $entry){
795         /* Add seperator */ 
796         if(preg_match("/__SEPARATOR__/",$entry['App'])){
797           $div2 ->AddEntry(array(array("string"=>$separator),
798                 array("string"=>preg_replace("/\%s/",htmlentities($entry['App']),$upudown),"attach"=>"align='right' style='border-right:0px;'")));
799         }else{
801           /* Add application */
803           $image = "";
804           /* Check if application was available within selected release
805            *  or application list if release management is not active
806            */
807           if(!in_array($entry['App'],$this->AllAppsForRelease)){
809             /*  release managent is active
810              */
811             if(!$this->enableReleaseManagement){
812               $image = "<img class='center' alt='R' src='images/select_invalid_application.png' 
813                           title='"._("This application is no longer available.")."'>&nbsp;";
814             }else{
815               $image = "<img class='center' alt='F' src='images/select_invalid_application.png' 
816                           title=\"".sprintf(_("This application is not available in any release named %s."),$this->FAIrelease)."\">&nbsp;";
817             }
819           }elseif(isset($Differences[$entry['App']]) && ($Differences[$entry['App']] == true)) {
820             $entry['App'].=" <i>["._("Check parameter")."]</i>";
821               $image = "<img class='center' src='images/select_invalid_application.png' 
822                           title='"._("This application has changed parameters.")."'>&nbsp;";
823           }else{
824             $image = "<img class='center' src='images/select_application.png' alt=\"\">&nbsp;"; 
825           }
827           $div2->AddEntry(array(array("string"=>sprintf($image."%s",$entry['App'])),
828                 array("string"=>preg_replace("/\%s/",htmlentities($entry['App']),$sep.$edit.$upudown),
829                       "attach"=>"align='right' style='width:100px;border-right:0px;'")));
830         }
831       }
832     }
834     /* Assign created div lists to template */
835     $smarty->assign("UsedApps", $div2->DrawList());
836     $smarty->assign("List", $div->DrawList());
837     $smarty->assign("apps", $apps);
839     $smarty->assign("enableReleaseManagement",$this->enableReleaseManagement);
841     $smarty->assign("ReleaseSelectAble", false);
842     $smarty->assign("Release", $this->FAIrelease);
844     if($this->enableReleaseManagement){
845       $smarty->assign("FAIrelease",  $this->FAIrelease);
846       $smarty->assign("Releases", $this->Releases);
848       if(!$this->no_release_acls && count($this->Releases)){
849         $smarty->assign("ReleaseSelectAble", true);
850       }
851     }
853     /* Set acls to  template */
854     $tmp = $this->plInfo();
855     foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $acl => $translation){
856       $smarty->assign($acl."ACL",$this->getacl($acl,$this->no_release_acls));
857     }
859     /* Show main page */
860     if (is_object($this->dialog)){
861       $smarty->assign("table", $this->table);
862       $display.= $smarty->fetch (get_template_path('application_options.tpl', TRUE,dirname(__FILE__)));
863     } else {
864       $display.= $smarty->fetch (get_template_path('application.tpl', TRUE,dirname(__FILE__)));
865     }
867     return ($display);
868   }
871   function getReleases()
872   {
873     /* Only display those releases that we are able to read */
874     $dn     = $this->config->current['BASE'];
875     $filter = "(&(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=FAIbranch))";
876     $res    = get_list($filter,"application", $dn, array("ou"), GL_SUBSEARCH);
878     $ret =array();
879     foreach($res as $attrs){
880       if(preg_match("/ou=apps,/",$attrs['dn'])){
881         $bb     = preg_replace("/ou=apps,.*/","",$attrs['dn']);
882         $parts  = array_reverse(split("ou=",$bb));
884         $str ="";
885         foreach($parts as $part){
886           if(empty($part)) {
887             continue;
888           }
889           $str .= str_replace(",","",$part)."/";
890         }    
891         $name = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$str);
892         if(empty($name)) {
893           $name ="/";
894         }
895         $ret[$attrs['dn']] = $name;
896       }
897     }
898     return($ret);
899   }
901   function save_object()
902   {
904     /* Move category one position up or down */
905     if((isset($_GET['act']))&&(($_GET['act'] == "cat_up")||($_GET['act']=="cat_down"))){
906       if($_GET['act']=="cat_up"){
907         $this->catUp(base64_decode($_GET['id']));
908       }
909       if($_GET['act']=="cat_down"){
910         $this->catDown(base64_decode($_GET['id']));
911       }
912     }
914     /* Move application one position up or down */
915     if((isset($_GET['act']))&&(($_GET['act'] == "one_up")||($_GET['act']=="one_down"))){
916       if(isset($_GET['id'])){
917         $id   = $_GET['id'];
918         $act  = $_GET['act']; 
920         if($act == "one_up"){
921           $this->getOneUp($id);
922         }elseif($act == "one_down")   { 
923           $this->getOneDown($id);
924         }
925       }
926     }
929     plugin::save_object();
930   }
933   function remove_from_parent()
934   {
935     if(!$this->initially_was_account){
936       return;
937     }
939     plugin::remove_from_parent();
941     $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
942     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
943     $this->cleanup();
945     $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); 
946     new log("remove","group/".get_class($this),$use_dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
947     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of groups/applications with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
949     /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */
950     $this->handle_post_events("remove");
951   }
954   /* Save to LDAP */
955   function save()
956   {
957     /* Skip saving application settings, if we do not have release acls */
958     if($this->no_release_acls){
959       new log("security","groups/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array(),"Skip saving group application extension. Caused by insufficient acls");
961       return;
962     }
964     plugin::save();
968     /* Copy members */
969     $this->Categories[""]=""; 
970     $this->attrs["gosaMemberApplication"]= array();
971     $this->attrs["gosaApplicationParameter"]= array();
972     $cat_id= 0 ;
973     foreach($this->Categories as $name => $cats){
974       $i =0;
975       if(isset($this->gosaMemberApplication[$name])){
976         foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication[$name] as $entry){
977           if(!preg_match("/__SEPARATOR__/",$entry['App'])){
978             $this->attrs["gosaMemberApplication"][]= $entry['App']."|".$name."|".$i;
979             $i ++;
980           }
981         }
982       }
983       if(($i==0)&&(!empty($name))){
984         $this->attrs["gosaMemberApplication"][]= "|".$name."|".$cat_id;
985       }
986       $cat_id++;
987     }
991     /* Are there application parameters to be saved */
992     $this->attrs['gosaApplicationParameter']= array();
993     foreach($this->appoption as $name => $value){
994       if ($value != ""){
995         $this->attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'][]= "$name:$value";
996       }
997     }
999     /* Write back to LDAP */
1000     $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
1001     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
1002     $this->cleanup();
1003     $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); 
1005     if($this->initially_was_account){
1006       new log("modify","group/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
1007     }else{
1008       new log("create","group/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error()); 
1009     }   
1011     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of groups/applications with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
1013     /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */
1014     if ($this->initially_was_account == $this->is_account){
1015       if ($this->is_modified){
1016         $this->handle_post_events("modify");
1017       }
1018     } else {
1019       $this->handle_post_events("add");
1020     }
1022   }
1024   function check()
1025   {
1026     /* Call common method to give check the hook */
1027     $message= plugin::check();
1029     return ($message);
1030   }
1033   function reload()
1034   {
1035     /* Generate applist */
1036     $this->apps= array();
1038     /* Special handling for release managed apps */
1039     $tmp = $this->config->search("faiManagement", "CLASS",array('menu','tabs'));
1040     if(!empty($tmp) && count($this->Releases)){
1041       $this->enableReleaseManagement = true;
1043       /* Check if release is available */
1044       $tmp = array_flip($this->Releases);
1045       if(isset($tmp[$this->FAIrelease])){
1046         $base =  $tmp[$this->FAIrelease];
1047       }else{
1049         /* Release is not available, check if there is an alternative */
1050         $old_r =  $this->FAIrelease;
1051         $k = key($tmp);
1053         if(isset($tmp[$k])){
1055           /* We have found an alternative release name */
1056           $r = $tmp[$k];
1057           $this->FAIrelease = $k;
1058           $base = $r; 
1060           /* Display msg */
1061           if(!(!$this->initially_was_account && $old_r =="/")){
1062             print_red(sprintf(_("Can't resolve the release name '%s', setting release name to '%s'. Possibly the objects base has changed."),$old_r,$k));   
1063           }
1064         }else{
1066           /* There are no releases available ... */
1067           print_red(_("There are no releases available. You will not be able to select another release."));
1068           return;
1069         }
1070       }
1072       /* Get applications for this release */
1073       $base = preg_replace("/ou=apps,.*$/","ou=apps,".$this->curbase,$base);
1074       $res = get_list("(objectClass=gosaApplication)","application",$base,array("*"));
1075     }else{
1077       /* Get applications for this base */
1078       $res = get_list("(objectClass=gosaApplication)","application","ou=apps,".$this->curbase,array("*"));
1079     }
1081     /* Append applications */
1082     foreach($res as $attrs){
1083       if (isset($attrs["description"][0])){    
1084         $this->apps[$attrs["cn"][0]]=
1085           $attrs["cn"][0]." (".
1086           $attrs["description"][0].")";
1087       } else {
1088         $this->apps[$attrs["cn"][0]]=
1089           $attrs["cn"][0];
1090       }
1091     }
1093     /* Get all apps ... */
1094     $res = get_list("objectClass=gosaApplication","application",$this->config->current['BASE'],array("gosaApplicationParameter","cn"),GL_SUBSEARCH); 
1095     $tmp = $this->config->search("faiManagement", "CLASS",array('menu','tabs'));
1096     $this->AllAppsForRelease = array();
1097     if(!empty($tmp)){
1098       $tmp = array_flip($this->Releases);
1099       foreach($res as $attrs){
1101         $testdn = preg_replace("/ou=apps,.*$/","ou=apps",$attrs['dn']);
1102         $testdn = preg_replace("/^[^,]+/","",$testdn);
1103         $testdn = preg_replace("/^,/","",$testdn);
1105         if($testdn == preg_replace("/ou=apps,.*$/","ou=apps",$tmp[$this->FAIrelease])){
1106           $this->AllAppsForRelease[$attrs['dn']] = $attrs['cn'][0];
1107           $this->AllAppsForReleaseParameter[$this->FAIrelease][$attrs['cn'][0]] = $attrs;
1108         }
1109       }
1110     }else{
1111       foreach($res as $attrs){
1112         $this->AllAppsForRelease[$attrs['dn']] = $attrs['cn'][0];
1113       }
1114     }
1116     natcasesort ($this->apps);
1117     reset ($this->apps);
1119     if(is_array($this->gosaMemberApplication))
1120       foreach ($this->gosaMemberApplication as $cat){   
1121         if(is_array($cat))
1122           foreach($cat as $entry){
1123             $this->used_apps[$entry['App']]= $entry['App'];
1124           }
1125       }
1126   }
1129   function addApp($cn)
1130   {
1131     if((isset($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir]))&&(is_array($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir]))){
1132       foreach($this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir] as $entry){
1133         if($entry['App'] == $cn) return;
1134       }
1135     }
1136     $this->gosaMemberApplication[$this->curCatDir][]= array("App"=>$cn);
1137     $this->used_apps[$cn]=$cn;
1138     $this->is_modified= TRUE;
1139   }
1142   function removeApp($cn)
1143   {
1144     $temp= array();
1145     foreach ($this->gosaMemberApplication as $value){
1146       if ($value != $cn){
1147         $temp[]= $value;
1148       }
1149     }
1150     $this->gosaMemberApplication= $temp;
1151     $this->is_modified= TRUE;
1152   }
1154   function getParameters($app)
1155   {
1156     $tmp = $this->getReleases();
1157     $ret = array();
1158     if(in_array($this->FAIrelease,$tmp)){
1159       $tmp2 = array_flip($tmp);
1160       $base = $tmp2[$this->FAIrelease];
1161       $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
1162       $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
1163       $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaApplication)(cn=".$app.")(gosaApplicationParameter=*))",array("gosaApplicationParameter"));
1164       if($ldap->count()){
1165         $attrs = $ldap->fetch();
1166         for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs['gosaApplicationParameter']['count'] ; $i ++ ){
1167           $name = preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'][$i]);
1168           $ret[$name] = $name;
1169         } 
1170       }
1171     }
1172     return($ret);
1173   }
1175   function GetSubdirs($dir)
1176   {
1177     $ret = array();
1178     $tmp1 = split("/",$this->curCatDir);
1180     foreach($this->Categories as $path=>$cat){
1181       $tmp2 = split("/",$path);
1183       if((empty($this->curCatDir))&&(!preg_match("/\//",$path))){
1184         $abort = false;
1185       }elseif(((count($tmp1))+1) == (count($tmp2))){
1186         $abort = false;
1187         for($i = 0 ; $i < count($tmp1) ; $i++){
1188           if($tmp1[$i] != $tmp2[$i]){
1189             $abort = true;
1190           }
1191         }
1192       }else{
1193         $abort= true;
1194       }
1195       if(!$abort){
1196         $ret[$path]=$cat;
1197       } 
1198     }
1199     return($ret);
1200   }
1203   function PrepareForCopyPaste($source)
1204   {
1205     $s = new appgroup($this->config,$source['dn']);
1206     $this->FAIrelease = $this->InitialFAIrelease = $s->FAIrelease;
1207     $this->gosaMemberApplication = $s->gosaMemberApplication;
1208     $this->appoption = $s->appoption;
1209     $this->Categories = $s->Categories;
1210   }
1213   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling  */ 
1214   function plInfo()
1215   {
1216     return (array(
1217           "plShortName"   => _("Applications"),
1218           "plDescription" => _("Group applications"),
1219           "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
1220           "plDepends"     => array(),
1221           "plPriority"    => 0,
1222           "plSection"     => array("admin"),
1223           "plCategory"    => array("groups"),
1224           "plProvidedAcls"=> array(
1225             "gosaMemberApplication"     => _("Application"),
1226             "FAIrelease"                => _("Release"),
1227             "gosaApplicationParameter"  => _("Application parameter"))
1228           ));
1229   }
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1232 ?>