
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / groups /
1 <?php
2 # ACLD definitions go here
4 $ACLD['application']=array("cn" => "LDAP name",
5                         "create" => "Create",
6                         "delete" => "Delete",
7                         "description" => "Description",
8                         "gosaApplicationExecute" => "Execute",
9                         "gosaApplicationFlags" => "Modify flags",
10                         "gosaApplicationName" => "Visible name");
11 $ACLD['department']= array("businessCategory",
12                         "description",
13                         "facsimileTelephoneNumber",
14                         "l",
15                         "ou",
16                         "postalAddress",
17                         "st",
18                         "telephoneNumber");
19 $ACLD['gofax']=      array("cn",
20                         "create",
21                         "description",
22                         "facsimileAlternateTelephoneNumber",
23                         "facsimileTelephoneNumber",
24                         "faxReport",
25                         "goFaxBlocklist",
26                         "goFaxDeliveryMode",
27                         "goFaxFormat",
28                         "goFaxIsEnabled",
29                         "goFaxLanguage",
30                         "goFaxPrinter",
31                         "goFaxRBlockgroups",
32                         "goFaxSBlockgroups",
33                         "gosaMailForwardingAddress");
34 $ACLD['blocklists']= array("cn",
35                         "create",
36                         "description",
37                         "goFaxBlocklist");
38 $ACLD['group']=      array("cn",
39                         "create",
40                         "delete",
41                         "description",
42                         "force_gid",
43                         "password",
44                         "gidNumber");
45 $ACLD['appgroup']=   array();
46 $ACLD['all']=        array();
47 $ACLD['mailgroup']=  array("default_permission",
48                         "imap_perms",
49                         "member_permissions",
50                         "mail",
51                         "gosaMailAlternateAddress",
52                         "gosaMailForwardingAddress",
53                         "gosaMailQuota",
54                         "gosaMailServer");
55 $ACLD['terminal']=   array("gotoAdaptPath",
56                         "gotoAutoFs",
57                         "gotoBootKernel",
58                         "gotoFilesystem",
59                         "gotoFontPath",
60                         "gotoKernelParameters",
61                         "gotoLdapServer",
62                         "gotoLpdEnable",
63                         "gotoLpdServer",
64                         "gotoMode",
65                         "gotoModule",
66                         "gotoModules",
67                         "gotoNtpServer",
68                         "gotoScannerEnable",
69                         "gotoSwapServer",
70                         "gotoSyslogServer",
71                         "gotoTerminalPath",
72                         "gotoXColordepth",
73                         "gotoXDriver",
74                         "gotoXHsync",
75                         "gotoXKbLayout",
76                         "gotoXKbModel",
77                         "gotoXKbVariant",
78                         "gotoXMethod",
79                         "gotoXMouseButtons",
80                         "gotoXMousePort",
81                         "gotoXMouseType",
82                         "gotoXResolution",
83                         "gotoXVsync",
84                         "gotoXdmcpServer",
85                         "login",
86                         "password");
87 $ACLD['user']=       array("academicTitle",
88                         "create",
89                         "delete",
90                         "certificateSerialNumber",
91                         "certificates",
92                         "departmentNumber",
93                         "description",
94                         "employeeNumber",
95                         "employeeType",
96                         "facsimileTelephoneNumber",
97                         "functionalTitle",
98                         "givenName",
99                         "gouvernmentOrganizationalPersonLocality",
100                         "gouvernmentOrganizationalUnit",
101                         "gouvernmentOrganizationalUnitDescription",
102                         "gouvernmentOrganizationalUnitSubjectArea",
103                         "homePhone",
104                         "homePostalAddress",
105                         "houseIdentifier",
106                         "ivbbLastDeliveryCollective",
107                         "jpegPhoto",
108                         "kerberos",
109                         "l",
110                         "labeledURI",
111                         "mobile",
112                         "o",
113                         "ou",
114                         "pager",
115                         "password",
116                         "personalTitle",
117                         "postalAddress",
118                         "postalCode",
119                         "publicVisible",
120                         "role",
121                         "roomNumber",
122                         "sn",
123                         "st",
124                         "street",
125                         "telephoneNumber",
126                         "uid",
127                         "vocation");
128 $ACLD['mail']=       array("custom_sieve",
129                         "gosaMailAlternateAddress",
130                         "gosaMailDeliveryMode",
131                         "gosaMailForwardingAddress",
132                         "gosaMailMaxSize",
133                         "gosaMailQuota",
134                         "gosaMailServer",
135                         "gosaSpamMailbox",
136                         "gosaSpamSortLevel",
137                         "gosaVacationMessage",
138                         "mail",
139                         "only_local");
140 $ACLD['posix']=      array("allowedHosts",
141                         "force_ids",
142                         "gidNumber",
143                         "gosaDefaultLanguage",
144                         "gosaDefaultPrinter",
145                         "gosaHostACLD",
146                         "gosaHostAcl",
147                         "groupMembership",
148                         "homeDirectory",
149                         "kerberos",
150                         "loginShell",
151                         "memberUid",
152                         "shadow",
153                         "shadowExpire",
154                         "shadowInactive",
155                         "shadowMax",
156                         "shadowMin",
157                         "shadowWarning",
158                         "uidNumber");
159 $ACLD['samba']=      
160                         array("acctFlags" => "samba2:acctFlags", 
161                         "allow_pwchange" => "samba2:allow_pwchange",
162                         "homeDrive"     => "samba2:homeDrive",
163                         "no_password_required" => "samba2:no_password_required",
164                         "profilePath"           => "samba2:profilePath",
165                         "scriptPath" => "samba2:scriptPath",
166                         "smbHome" => "samba2:smbHome",
167                         "temporary_disable" => "samba2:temporary_disable",
168                                         "sambaHomePath"         ,//=> _("Home path"), 
169                                                 "sambaHomeDrive"        ,//=> _("Home drive"), 
170                                                 "sambaDomainName"       ,//=> _("Samba domain name"),
171                                                 "sambaLogonScript"      ,//=> _("Logon script"),
172                                         "sambaProfilePath"      ,//=> _("Profile path"),         
174                                                 "sambaLogonTime",//     => _("Limit Logon Time"),
175                                                 "sambaLogoffTime",//    => _("Limit Logoff Time"), 
176                                                 "sambaKickoffTime",//   => _("Account expiry"),         
177                                                 "sambaPwdCanChange",//  => _("Can change password"),
178                                                 "sambaPwdMustChange",//=> _("Password expiry"), 
179                                                 "allow_pwchange"        ,//=> _("Allow password change"),
180                                                 "no_password_required",// => _("Login from windows client requires no password"),
181                                                 "temporary_disable",// => _("Lock account"),
182                                                 "sambaUserWorkstation",//=> _("Allow connection from these workstations only"),
184                                                 "connectclientdrives",//        => _("Connect client drives at logon"),
185                                                 "connectclientprinters",// => _("Connect client printers at logon"),
186                                                 "defaultprinter",//             => _("Default to main client printer"),
188                                                 "shadow",//                             => _("Shadowing"),
189                                                 "brokenconn",//                 => _("On broken or timed out"),
190                                                 "reconn",//                             => _("Reconnect if disconnected"),
192                                                 "inherit",//                            => _("Inherit client config")
193                                                 "tslogin",//                            => _("Inherit client config")
195                                                 "CtxWFHomeDir",
196                                                 "CtxWFHomeDirDrive",
197                                                 "CtxWFProfilePath",
199                                                 "CtxMaxConnectionTime",
200                                                 "CtxMaxDisconnectionTime",
201                                                 "CtxMaxIdleTime",
203                                                 "CtxInitialProgram",
204                                                 "CtxWorkDirectory"
206                                                 ) ;
209 $ACLD['proxyAccount']=      array(
210                         "proxyAccount",
211                         "gosaProxyAcctFlags",
212                         "gosaProxyQuota",
213                         "gosaProxyWorkingStart",
214                         "gosaProxyWorkingStop");
216 $ACLD['pureftpdAccount']=   array(
217                         "pureftpd",     
218                         "FTPUploadBandwidth",
219                         "FTPStatus",
220                         "FTPDownloadBandwidth",
221                         "FTPQuotaFiles",
222                         "FTPQuotaMBytes",
223                         "FTPUploadRatio",
224                         "FTPDownloadRatio");
225 $ACLD['goFonConference']= array(
226                         "goFonConference",
227                         "goFonPIN",
228                         "base",
229                         "cn",
230                         "description",
231                         "telephoneNumber",                      
232                         "goFonConferenceOption",
233                         "goFonConferenceOptionLifetime",
234                         "goFonConferenceOptionFormat",
235                         "goFonConferenceOption_s",
236                         "goFonConferenceOption_i",
237                         "goFonConferenceOption_r",
238                         "goFonConferenceOption_d",
239                         "goFonConferenceOption_D",
240                         "goFonConferenceOption_P",
241                         "goFonConferenceOption_M",
242                         "goFonConferenceOption_c",
243                         "goFonConferenceOwner");
245 $ACLD['gotoEnvironment']=array(
246                                         "gotoPrinter",
247                                         "gotoEnvironment",
248                                         "gotoShare",
249                                         "gotoProfileServer",
250                                         "gotoProfileFlags",
251                                         "gotoXResolution",
252                                         "gotoLogonScript",
253                                         "gotoKioskProfile",
254                                         "gotoProfileQuota",
255                                         "gotoHotplugDevice"
256                                         );
258 $ACLD['phpgwAccount']                   =array("phpgwAccount"                   );
259 $ACLD['webdavAccount']                  =array("webdavAccount"                  );
260 $ACLD['intranetAccount']                =array("intranetAccount"                );
261 $ACLD['pptpAccount']                    =array("gosapptp"                               );
262 $ACLD['phpscheduleitAccount']   =array("gosaphpscheduleit"              );
264 $ACLD['phoneAccount'] = array("goFonDeliveryMode",
265       "goFonHardware","goFonPIN","goFonVoicemailPIN","telephoneNumber", "goFonMacro");
267 $ACLD['nagiosAccount'] = array("NagiosAlias"
268 , "NagiosPager"
269 , "NagiosMail"
270 , "HostNotificationPeriod"
271 , "ServiceNotificationPeriod"
272 , "HostNotificationCommands"
273 , "ServiceNotificationCommands"
274 , "HostNotificationOptions"
275 , "ServiceNotificationOptions"
276 , "AuthorizedAllHosts"
277 , "AuthorizedAllServices"
278 , "AuthorizedSystemCommands"
279 , "AuthorizedAllHostCommands"
280 , "AuthorizedAllServiceCommands"
281 , "AuthorizedConfigurationInformation"
282 , "AuthorizedSystemInformation");
284 $ACLD['addressbook']=  array("addressbook","add", "delete",
285           "sn", "givenName", "mail", "title",
286       "initials", "homePostalAddress", "displayName",
287       "homePhone", "mobile", "o", "postalAddress", "l",
288       "postalCode", "st", "ou", "telephoneNumber",
289       "facsimileTelephoneNumber", "pager");
290 $ACLD['fonreport']      =  array("fonreport", "src", "dst", "channel", "lastapp", "disposition", "duration");
291 $ACLD['faxreport']      =  array("faxreport");
292 $ACLD['logview']        =  array("logview");
293 $ACLD['mailqueue']      =  array("mailqueue","unhold_all","hold_all","del_all","requeue_all","unhold","hold","del","requeue","query","header");
294 $ACLD['ldapmanager']=  array("ldapmanager","import","export","xlsexport","csvimport");
296 $ACLD['conference']     =       array(  
297                                                                 "conference",
298                                                                 "cn",
299                                                                 "base", 
300                                                                 "description", 
301                                                                 "goFonPIN",
302                                                                 "goFonConferenceOption_P",
303                                                                 "goFonConferenceOption_r",
304                                                         "goFonConferenceOption_M",
305                                                                 "goFonConferenceOption_s",
306                                                                 "goFonConferenceOption_i",
307                                                                 "goFonConferenceOption_c",
308                                                         "goFonConferenceOption_D",
309                                                                 "goFonConferenceOptionFormat",
310                                                                 "goFonConferenceOptionLifetime",
311                                                                 "telephoneNumber",      
312                                                                 "goFonConferenceOwner");
315 $ACLD['FAIclass']       =       array(
316                                                                 // Allow displaying of FAI menu element
317                                                                 "FAIclass"      => "FAI management enabled");
319 ?>