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[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / fai / faiTemplate.tpl
1 <table summary="" width="100%">
2         <tr>
3                 <td valign="top" style="border-right:1px solid #A0A0A0; width:50%">
4                                 <h2><img class="center" alt="" src="images/fai_small.png" align="middle" title="{t}Generic{/t}">&nbsp;{t}Generic{/t}</h2>
5                                 <table summary="" cellspacing="4">
6                                         <tr>
7                                                 <td>
8                                                         <LABEL for="cn">
9                                                         {t}Name{/t}{$must}
10                                                         </LABEL>
11                                                 </td>
12                                                 <td>
13                                                         <input value="{$cn}" size="45" maxlength="80" disabled id="cn">
14                                                 </td>
15                                         </tr>
16                                         <tr>
17                                                 <td>
18                                                         <LABEL for="description">
19                                                         {t}Description{/t}
20                                                         </LABEL>
21                                                 </td>
22                                                 <td>
23                                                         <input value="{$description}" size="45" maxlength="80" {$description} name="description" id="description" {$descriptionACL}>
24                                                 </td>
25                                         </tr>
26                                 </table>
27                 </td>
28                 <td style="width:50%">
29                                 <h2><img class="center" alt="" src="images/fai_template.png" align="middle" title="{t}Objects{/t}">&nbsp;
30                                         <LABEL for="SubObject">
31                                                 {t}List of template files{/t}
32                                         </LABEL>
33                                 </h2>
34                                 <table summary="" width="100%">
35                                 <tr>
36                                         <td>
37                                                 <select name="SubObject[]" multiple} 
38                                                         title="{t}Choose a template to delete or edit{/t}" style="width:100%;" size="20" id="SubObject">
39                                                         {html_options values=$SubObjectKeys output=$SubObjects}
40                                                 </select><br>
41                                                 <input type="submit" name="AddSubObject"     value="{t}Add{/t}"         title="{t}Add{/t}" {$cnACL}>
42                                                 <input type="submit" name="EditSubObject"    value="{t}Edit{/t}"    title="{t}Edit{/t}">
43                                                 <input type="submit" name="DelSubObject"     value="{t}Delete{/t}"  title="{t}Delete{/t}" {$cnACL}>
44                                         </td>
45                                 </tr>
46                                 </table>
47                 </td>
48         </tr>
49 </table>
50 <input type="hidden" value="1" name="FAItemplate_posted">
51 <!-- Place cursor -->
52 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
53   <!-- // First input field on page
54   document.mainform.description.focus();
55   -->
56 </script>