
Removed duplicated addslahes
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / fai /
1 <?php
3 class faiTemplate extends plugin
4 {
5   /* CLI vars */
6   var $cli_summary      = "Manage server basic objects";
7   var $cli_description  = "Some longer text\nfor help";
8   var $cli_parameters   = array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
10   /* attribute list for save action */
11   var $ignore_account   = TRUE;
13   /* Attributes for this Object */
14   var $attributes       = array("cn","description");
16   /* ObjectClasses for this Object*/
17   var $objectclasses    = array("top","FAIclass","FAItemplate");
19   /* Class name of the Ldap ObjectClass for the Sub Object */
20   var $subClass         = "FAItemplateEntry";
21   var $subClasses       = array("top","FAIclass","FAItemplateEntry");
23   /* Class name of the php class which allows us to edit a Sub Object */
24   var $subClassName     = "faiTemplateEntry";      
26   /* Attributes to initialise for each subObject */
27   var $subAttributes    = array("cn","description","FAItemplatePath","FAIowner","FAImode"); 
28   var $sub64coded       = array();
29   var $sub_Load_Later   = array("FAItemplateFile");
30   var $subBinary        = array("FAItemplateFile");
32   /* Specific attributes */
33   var $cn               = "";       // The class name for this object
34   var $description      = "";       // The description for this set of partitions
35   var $is_dialog        = false;    // specifies which buttons will be shown to save or abort
36   var $dialog           = NULL;     // a dialog, e.g. new disk dialog
37   var $SubObjects       = array();  // All leafobjects of this object
39   var $FAIstate         = "";
41   function faiTemplate ($config, $dn= NULL)
42   {
43     /* Load Attributes */
44     plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
46     $this->acl="#all#";
48     /* If "dn==new" we try to create a new entry
49      * Else we must read all objects from ldap which belong to this entry.
50      * First read SubObjects from ldap ... and then the partition definitions for the SubObjects.
51      */
52      if($dn != "new"){
53       $this->dn =$dn;
55       /* Set acls
56        */
57       $ui   = get_userinfo();
58       $acl  = get_permissions ($this->dn, $ui->subtreeACL);
59       $acli = get_module_permission($acl, "FAIclass", $this->dn);
60       $this->acl=$acli;
62       /* Get FAIstate
63        */
64       if(isset($this->attrs['FAIstate'][0])){
65         $this->FAIstate = $this->attrs['FAIstate'][0];
66       }
68       /* Read all leaf objects of this object (For FAIscript this would be FAIscriptEntry)
69        */
70       $ldap     = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
71       $ldap->cd ($this->dn);
72       $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=FAIclass)(objectClass=".$this->subClass."))",array("dn"));
74       while($object = $ldap->fetch()){
76         /* Set status for save management */
77         $objects = array();
78         $objects['status']      = "FreshLoaded";
79         $objects['dn']          = $object['dn'];
80         $objects                = $this->get_object_attributes($objects,$this->subAttributes);
81         $this->SubObjects[$objects['cn']] = $objects;
82       }
83     }
84   }
87   /* Reload some attributes */
88   function get_object_attributes($object,$attributes)
89   {
90     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
91     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
92     $ldap->cat($object['dn'],$attributes);
93     $tmp  = $ldap->fetch();
95     foreach($attributes as $attrs){
96       if(isset($tmp[$attrs][0])){
97         $var = $tmp[$attrs][0];
99         /* Check if we must decode some attributes */
100         if(in_array_ics($attrs,$this->sub64coded)){
101           $var = base64_decode($var);
102         }
104         /*  check if this is a binary entry */
105         if(in_array_ics($attrs,$this->subBinary)){
106           $var = $ldap->get_attribute($object['dn'], $attrs,$r_array=0);
107         }
109         /* Fix slashes */
110         $var = addslashes($var);
111         $object[$attrs] = $var;
112       }
113     }
114     return($object);
115   }
118   function execute()
119   {
120         /* Call parent execute */
121         plugin::execute();
123     /* Fill templating stuff */
124     $smarty= get_smarty();
125     $display= "";
127     /* New Listhandling
128      */
129     $once = true;
130     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
131       if(preg_match("/^editscript_/",$name)&&($once)){
132         $once = false;
133         $entry = preg_replace("/^editscript_/","",$name);
134         $entry = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*/","",$entry));
136         $obj  = $this->SubObjects[$entry];
137         if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){
138           $obj  = $this->get_object_attributes($obj,$this->sub_Load_Later);
139         }
141         $this->dialog= new $this->subClassName($this->config,$this->dn,$obj);
142         $this->dialog->acl = $this->acl;
143         $_SESSION['objectinfo'] = $obj['dn'];
144         $this->dialog->parent = &$this;
145         $this->is_dialog=true;
146       }
147       if(preg_match("/^deletescript_/",$name)&&($once)){
148         $once = false;
149         $entry = preg_replace("/^deletescript_/","",$name);
150         $entry = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*/","",$entry));
151         if($this->SubObjects[$entry]['status'] == "edited"){
152           $this->SubObjects[$entry]['status']= "delete";
153         }else{
154           unset($this->SubObjects[$entry]);
155         }
156       }
157     }
159     /* Add new sub object */
160     if(isset($_POST['AddSubObject'])){
161       $this->dialog= new $this->subClassName($this->config,"new");
162       $this->dialog->acl = $this->acl;
163       $this->is_dialog=true;
164     }
166     if($this->dn != "new"){
167       $_SESSION['objectinfo']= $this->dn;
168     }
170     /* Save Dialog */
171     if(isset($_POST['SaveSubObject'])){
172       $this->dialog->save_object();
173       $msgs = $this->dialog->check();
174       if(count($msgs)>0){
175         foreach($msgs as $msg){
176           print_red($msg);
177         }
178       }else{
180         /* Get return object */
181         $obj = $this->dialog->save();
182         if(isset($obj['remove'])){
183           $old_stat = $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status'];
185           /* Depending on status, set new status */
186           if($old_stat == "edited" || $old_stat == "FreshLoaded"){
187             $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status'] = "delete";
188           }elseif($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status']=="new"){
189             unset($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]);
190           }
191           $obj['status'] = "new";
192           $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['to']] = $obj;
193           unset($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['to']]['remove']);
194         }else{
195           if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){
196             $obj['status'] = "edited";
197           }
198           $this->SubObjects[$obj['cn']]=$obj;
199         }
201         $this->is_dialog=false;
202         unset($this->dialog);
203         $this->dialog=NULL;
204       }
205     }
207     /* Sort entries */
208     $tmp = $keys = array();
209     foreach($this->SubObjects as $key => $entry){
210       $keys[$key]=$key;
211     }
212     natcasesort($keys);
213     foreach($keys as $key){
214       $tmp[$key]=$this->SubObjects[$key];
215     }
216     $this->SubObjects = $tmp;
218     /* Cancel Dialog */
219     if(isset($_POST['CancelSubObject'])){
220       $this->is_dialog=false; 
221       unset($this->dialog);
222       $this->dialog=NULL;
223     }
225     /* Print dialog if $this->dialog is set */
226     if($this->dialog){
227       $this->dialog->save_object();
228       $display = $this->dialog->execute();
229       return($display);
230     }
232      /* Divlist Containing FAItemplates */
233     $divlist = new divSelectBox("FAItemplates");
234     $divlist->setHeight(400);
235     if((chkacl($this->acl,"cn")!="") || ($this->FAIstate == "freeze")){
236       $img_edit = "<input type='image' src='images/edit.png'      name='editscript_%s'    title='"._("edit")."' alt='"._("edit")."'>";
237       $img_remo = "";
238     }else{
239       $img_edit = "<input type='image' src='images/edit.png'      name='editscript_%s'    title='"._("edit")."' alt='"._("edit")."'>";
240       $img_remo = "<input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' name='deletescript_%s'  title='"._("delete")."' alt='"._("delete")."'>";
241     }
243     foreach($this->getList(true) as $key => $name){
245       if(($this->SubObjects[$key]['status'] == "new") || ($this->SubObjects[$key]['dn'] == "new")){
246         $down = "";
247       }else{
249         $dn = $this->SubObjects[$key]['dn'];       
251         $down = "<a href='getFAIscript.php?is_template&id=".base64_encode($dn)."'>
252           <img src='images/save.png' alt='"._("Download")."' title='"._("Download")."' border=0>
253           </a>";
254       }
256       $divlist->AddEntry(array( array("string"=>$name),
257             array("string"=>$down , "attach" => "style='width:20px;'"),
258             array("string"=>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($key),$img_edit.$img_remo),
259               "attach"=>"style='border-right: 0px;width:50px;text-align:right;'")));
260     }
261     $smarty->assign("Entry_divlist",$divlist->DrawList());
262     /* Divlist creation complete
263      */
265     $smarty->assign("SubObjects",$this->getList());
267      /* Magic quotes GPC, escapes every ' " \, to solve some security risks
268      * If we post the escaped strings they will be escaped again
269      */
270     foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){
271       if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
272         $smarty->assign($attrs,stripslashes($this->$attrs));
273       }else{
274         $smarty->assign($attrs,($this->$attrs));
275       }
276     }
278     foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
279       $smarty->assign($attr."ACL",chkacl($this->acl,$attr));
280     }
282     $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('faiTemplate.tpl', TRUE));
283     return($display);
284   }
286   /* Generate listbox friendly SubObject list
287   */
288   function getList(){
289     $a_return=array();
290     foreach($this->SubObjects as $obj){
291       if($obj['status'] != "delete"){
293         if((isset($obj['description']))&&(!empty($obj['description']))){
294           if(strlen($obj['description']) > 40){
295             $obj['description'] = substr($obj['description'],0,40)."...";
296           }
297           $a_return[$obj['cn']]= $obj['cn']." [".$obj['description']."]";
298         }else{
299           $a_return[$obj['cn']]= $obj['cn'];
300         }
301       }
302     }
303     return($a_return);
304   }
306   /* Delete me, and all my subtrees
307    */
308   function remove_from_parent()
309   {
310     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
311     $ldap->cd ($this->dn);
312     $ldap->rmdir_recursive($this->dn);
313     $this->handle_post_events("remove");    
314   }
317   /* Save data to object 
318    */
319   function save_object()
320   {
321     if((isset($_POST['FAItemplate_posted'])) && ($this->FAIstate != "freeze") ){
322       plugin::save_object();
323       foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){
324         if(isset($_POST[$attrs])){
325           $this->$attrs = $_POST[$attrs];
326         } 
327       }
328     }
329   }
332   /* Check supplied data */
333   function check()
334   {
335     /* Call common method to give check the hook */
336     $message= plugin::check();
338     return ($message);
339   }
342   /* Save to LDAP */
343   function save()
344   {
345     plugin::save();
347     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
349     $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
350     if($ldap->count()!=0){
351       /* Write FAIscript to ldap*/
352       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
353       $this->cleanup();
354       $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); 
356     }else{
357       /* Write FAIscript to ldap*/
358       $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
359       $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn));
360       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
361       $ldap->add($this->attrs);
362     }
363     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving FAI template base failed"));
365     /* Do object tagging */
366     $this->handle_object_tagging();
368     /* Prepare FAIscriptEntry to write it to ldap
369      * First sort array.
370      *  Because we must delete old entries first.
371      * After deletion, we perform add and modify 
372      */
373     $Objects = array();
375     /* We do not need to save untouched objects */
376     foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){
377       if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){
378         unset($this->SubObjects[$name]);
379       }
380     }
382     foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){
383       if($obj['status'] == "delete"){
384         $Objects[$name] = $obj; 
385       }
386     }
388     foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){
389       if($obj['status'] != "delete"){
390         $Objects[$name] = $obj; 
391       }
392     }
394     foreach($Objects as $name => $obj){
396       foreach($this->sub64coded as $codeIt){
397         $obj[$codeIt]=base64_encode($obj[$codeIt]);
398       }
399       $tmp = array();
400       $attributes = array_merge($this->sub_Load_Later,$this->subAttributes);
401       foreach($attributes as $attrs){
402         if(empty($obj[$attrs])){
403           $obj[$attrs] = array();
404         }
405         $tmp[$attrs] = $obj[$attrs];
406       }    
408       $tmp['objectClass'] = $this->subClasses;
410       $sub_dn = "cn=".$obj['cn'].",".$this->dn;
412       if($obj['status']=="new"){
413         $ldap->cat($sub_dn,array("objectClass"));
414         if($ldap->count()){
415           $obj['status']="edited";
416         }
417       }
419        /* Check if gosaAdministrativeUnitTag is required as object class */
420       if($obj['status'] == "edited"){
421         $ldap->cat($sub_dn,array("objectClass"));
422         $attrs = $ldap->fetch();
423         if(isset($attrs['objectClass'])){
424           if(in_array_ics("gosaAdministrativeUnitTag",$attrs['objectClass'])){
425             $tmp['objectClass'][] = "gosaAdministrativeUnitTag";
426           }
427         }
428       }
430       if($obj['status'] == "delete"){
431         $ldap->cd($sub_dn);
432         $ldap->rmdir_recursive($sub_dn);
433         $this->handle_post_events("remove");
434         show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing FAI template base failed")); 
435       }elseif($obj['status'] == "edited"){
436         $ldap->cd($sub_dn);
437         $this->cleanup();
438         $ldap->modify ($tmp); 
439         show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving FAI template failed")); 
441         $this->handle_post_events("modify");
442       }elseif($obj['status']=="new"){
444         if($tmp['description']==array()){
445           unset($tmp['description']);
446         }
447         $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
448         $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $sub_dn));
449         $ldap->cd($sub_dn);
450         $ldap->add($tmp); 
451         $this->handle_post_events("add");
452         show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving FAI template failed")); 
453       }
455       $this->handle_object_tagging($sub_dn, $this->gosaUnitTag);
456     }
457   }
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