
Added FAIstate update
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / applications / generic.tpl
1 <table summary="" style="width:100%;">
2  <tr>
3   <td style="width:50%;">
5    <table summary="">
6      <tr>
7       <td><LABEL for="cn">{t}Application name{/t}{$must}</LABEL></td>
8       <td>
9 {render acl=$cnACL}
10         <input id="cn" name="cn" size=25 maxlength=60 value="{$cn}" title="{t}Application name{/t}">
11 {/render}
12       </td>
13     </tr>
14     <tr>
15      <td><LABEL for="gosaApplicationName">{t}Display name{/t}</LABEL></td>
16      <td>
17 {render acl=$gosaApplicationNameACL}
18         <input id="gosaApplicationName" name="gosaApplicationName" size=35 maxlength=60 
19           value="{$gosaApplicationName}" title="{t}Application name to be displayed (i.e. below icons){/t}">
20 {/render}
21      </td>
22     </tr>
23     <tr>
24      <td><LABEL for="gosaApplicationExecute">{t}Execute{/t}{$must}</LABEL></td>
25      <td>
26 {render acl=$gosaApplicationExecuteACL}
27         <input id="gosaApplicationExecute" name="gosaApplicationExecute" size=35 maxlength=60 
28           value="{$gosaApplicationExecute}" title="{t}Path and/or binary name of application{/t}">
29 {/render}
30      </td>
31     </tr>
32     <tr>
33      <td><LABEL for="description">{t}Description{/t}</LABEL></td>
34      <td>
35 {render acl=$descriptionACL}
36       <input id="description" name="description" size=35 maxlength=80 value="{$description}">
37 {/render}
38      </td>
39     </tr>
40     <tr><td colspan=2><div style="height:15px;"></div></td></tr>
41     <tr>
42       <td><LABEL for="base">{t}Base{/t}{$must}</LABEL></td>
43       <td>
44 {render acl=$baseACL}
45        <select size="1" id="base" name="base" title="{t}Choose subtree to place application in{/t}" 
46         {if $isReleaseApplikation} disabled {/if}>
47         {html_options options=$bases selected=$base_select}
48        </select>
49 {/render}
50 {render acl=$baseACL disable_picture='images/folder_gray.png'}
51       <input type="image" name="chooseBase" src="images/folder.png" class="center" title="{t}Select a base{/t}">
52 {/render}
53       </td>
54      </tr>
55    </table>
56   </td>
57   <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0">
58    &nbsp;
59   </td>
60   <td style="vertical-align:top;">
61    <table summary="">
62     <tr>
63     <td>
64     <LABEL for="picture_file">{t}Icon{/t}</LABEL>
65     <br>
66     <img alt="" src="getbin.php?rand={$rand}" border=1 style="width:48px; height:48; background-color:white; vertical-align:bottom;">
67     </td>
68     <td style="vertical-align:top">
69     &nbsp;<br>
71     <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">
72 {render acl=$gosaApplicationIconACL}
73     <input name="picture_file" type="file" size="20" maxlength="255" accept="image/*.png" id="picture_file">
74 {/render}
75 {render acl=$gosaApplicationIconACL}
76     <input type="submit" name="update" value="{t}Update{/t}" title="{t}Reload picture from LDAP{/t}">
77 {/render}
78     </td>
79     </tr>
80    </table>
81   </td>
82  </tr>
83 </table>
85 <p class="plugbottom" style="height:4px; margin-bottom:0px;">&nbsp;</p>
87 <h2><img src="images/lamp.png" alt="{t}Options{/t}" align="middle">&nbsp;{t}Options{/t}</h2>
88 <table summary="" style="width:100%;">
89   <tr>
90     <td style="width:50%;border-right:1px solid #B0B0B0; vertical-align:top">
91 {render acl=$gosaApplicationFlagsACL}
92       <input type=checkbox name="exec_for_groupmembers" value="1" {$exec_for_groupmembers}>
93 {/render}
94         {t}Only executable for members{/t}
95       <br>
96 {render acl=$gosaApplicationFlagsACL}
97       <input type=checkbox name="overwrite_config" value="1" {$overwrite_config}>
98 {/render}
99         {t}Replace user configuration on startup{/t}
100     </td>
101     <td>
102 {render acl=$gosaApplicationFlagsACL}
103       <input type=checkbox name="place_on_desktop" value="1" {$place_on_desktop}>
104 {/render}
105       {t}Place icon on members desktop{/t}
106       <br>
107 {render acl=$gosaApplicationFlagsACL}
108       <input type=checkbox name="place_in_startmenu" value="1" {$place_in_startmenu}>
109 {/render}
110       {t}Place entry in members startmenu{/t}
111       <br>
112 {render acl=$gosaApplicationFlagsACL}
113       <input type=checkbox name="place_on_kicker" value="1" {$place_on_kicker}>
114 {/render}
115       {t}Place entry in members launch bar{/t}
116     </td>
117   </tr>
118 </table>
120 <p class="plugbottom" style="height:4px; margin-bottom:0px;">&nbsp;</p>
122 <table width="99%" summary="">
123         <tr>
124                 <td>
125                         <h2><img src="images/fai_script.png" alt="{t}Script{/t}" align="middle">&nbsp;{t}Script{/t}</h2>
126 {render acl=$gotoLogonScriptACL}
127                         <textarea name="gotoLogonScript" style='width:99%;height:220px;'>{$gotoLogonScript}</textarea>
128 {/render}
129 {render acl=$gotoLogonScriptACL}
130                         <input type="file" name="ScriptFile" value="{t}Import{/t}">
131 {/render}
132 {render acl=$gotoLogonScriptACL}
133                         <input type="submit" name="upLoad" value="{t}Upload{/t}">
134 {/render}
135                         <input type='image' name='downloadScript'  src='images/save.png' title='{t}Download{/t}' class='center'>
136                 </td>
137         </tr>
138 </table>
140 <div style="height:20px;"></div>
142 <!-- Place cursor -->
143 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
144   <!-- // First input field on page
146   -->
147 </script>