
Added acls to gotomasses
[gosa.git] / plugins / addons / gotomasses / contents.tpl
1 <div class="contentboxh">
2  <p class="contentboxh"><img src="{$launchimage}" align="right" alt="[F]">
3         {t}Options{/t}&nbsp;
4  </p>
5 </div>
6 <div class="contentboxb" style="margin-bottom:10px">
8         <table summary="" width="100%" class="contentboxb" style="border-top:1px solid #B0B0B0; padding:0px;">
9                 <tr>
10                         <td>
11                                 {t}Export{/t}&nbsp;
12                                 <input type='submit' name='export_gotomass_csv' value='{t}Export{/t}'>
13                         </td>
14                         <td style='width:20px;'>
15                         </td>
16                         <td>
17                                 {t}Import{/t}&nbsp;
19                                 {if $is_writeable}      
20                                         <input type='file' name='mass_file'>
21                                         <input type='submit' name='import_gotomass_csv' value='{t}Import{/t}'>
22                                 {else}
23                                         <input type='file' name='mass_file' disabled>
24                                         <input type='submit' name='import_gotomass_csv' value='{t}Import{/t}' disabled>
25                                 {/if}
26                         </td>
27                 </tr>
28         </table>
29 </div>
30         <table summary="" width="100%" class="contentboxb" cellspacing=0>
31                 <tr>
32                         <td style='width:40px'>
33                                 <b>{t}No.{/t}</b>
34                         </td>
35                         <td style='width:200px'>
36                                 <b>{t}Mac address{/t}</b>
37                         </td>
38                         <td>&nbsp;
39                         </td>
40                         <td style='width:40%;'>
41                                 <b>{t}Assigned object group{/t}</b>
42                         </td>
43                         <td style='text-align:right ; width:20%;'>
44                                 <b>{t}Action{/t}</b>
45                         </td>
46                 </tr>
47         {foreach from=$contents item=val key=key}
49                 {if ($key+2)%2 ==0 }
50                 <tr class='rowxp1'>
51                 {else}
52                 <tr class='rowxp0'>
53                 {/if}
54                         <td>
55                                 {$key+1}
56                         </td>
58                         {if !$contents.$key.VALID_MAC}
59                         <td  style='background-color: #FF0000;' >
60                         {else}
61                         <td>
62                         {/if}
63                                 <input name='mac_{$key}' type='text' value='{$contents.$key.MAC}' style='width:200px'>
64                         </td>
65                         <td>
66                         </td>
67                         <td>
68                                 <select name='og_{$key}' title='{t}Select object group{/t}'>
69                                  {html_options options=$ogs selected=$contents.$key.OG}
70                                 </select>
71                         </td>
72                         <td style='text-align:right'>
73                                 {if $is_writeable}
74                                 <input type='image' name='remove_{$key}' src='images/edittrash.png'
75                                         title='{t}Remove this entry{/t}'>
76                                 {else}
77                                         &nbsp;  
78                                 {/if}
79                         </td>
80                 </tr>
82         {/foreach}
83                 {if $is_writeable}
84                 <tr>
85                         <td>
86                                 &nbsp;- 
87                         </td>
88                         <td>
89                                 &nbsp;- 
90                         </td>
91                         <td>
92                                 &nbsp;- 
93                         </td>
94                         <td>
95                                 &nbsp;- 
96                         </td>
97                         <td style='text-align:right'>
98                                 <input type='submit' name='add_new_entry' value='{t}New entry{/t}'>
99                         </td>
100                 </tr>
101                 {/if}
102         </table>
103 <div class="contentboxb" style="border-top: 1px solid #B0B0B0; padding:0px; margin-top:10px;">
104  <p class="contentboxb" style='text-align:right'>
105 {if $contents_modified}
106         {if $is_writeable}
107                 <input type='submit' name='save_gotomass_changes' value='{t}Apply{/t}'>
108         {else}
109                 <input type='submit' name='save_gotomass_changes' value='{t}Apply{/t}' disabled>
110         {/if}
111         <input type='submit' name='reload_gotomass_data' value='{t}Cancel{/t}'>
112 {else}
113         <input type='submit' name='save_gotomass_changes' value='{t}Apply{/t}' disabled>
114         <input type='submit' name='reload_gotomass_data' value='{t}Cancel{/t}' disabled>
115 {/if}
116  </p>
117 </div>
118 <input type='hidden' name='gotomasses' value='1'>
120 <!-- Display a warning if the content was modified, but not saved yet -->
121 {if !$contents_modified}
122         <input type='hidden' name='ignore' value='1'>
123 {/if}