
Merge branch 'maint'
[git.git] / lib / branch_rename.tcl
1 # git-gui branch rename support
2 # Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
4 class branch_rename {
6 field w
7 field oldname
8 field newname
10 constructor dialog {} {
11         global all_heads current_branch
13         make_toplevel top w
14         wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): Rename Branch"
15         if {$top ne {.}} {
16                 wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
17         }
19         set oldname $current_branch
20         set newname [get_config gui.newbranchtemplate]
22         label $w.header -text {Rename Branch} -font font_uibold
23         pack $w.header -side top -fill x
25         frame $w.buttons
26         button $w.buttons.rename -text Rename \
27                 -default active \
28                 -command [cb _rename]
29         pack $w.buttons.rename -side right
30         button $w.buttons.cancel -text {Cancel} \
31                 -command [list destroy $w]
32         pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
33         pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
35         frame $w.rename
36         label $w.rename.oldname_l -text {Branch:}
37         eval tk_optionMenu $w.rename.oldname_m @oldname $all_heads
39         label $w.rename.newname_l -text {New Name:}
40         entry $w.rename.newname_t \
41                 -borderwidth 1 \
42                 -relief sunken \
43                 -width 40 \
44                 -textvariable @newname \
45                 -validate key \
46                 -validatecommand {
47                         if {%d == 1 && [regexp {[~^:?*\[\0- ]} %S]} {return 0}
48                         return 1
49                 }
51         grid $w.rename.oldname_l $w.rename.oldname_m -sticky w  -padx {0 5}
52         grid $w.rename.newname_l $w.rename.newname_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
53         grid columnconfigure $w.rename 1 -weight 1
54         pack $w.rename -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
56         bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _rename]
57         bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
58         bind $w <Visibility> "
59                 grab $w
60                 $w.rename.newname_t icursor end
61                 focus $w.rename.newname_t
62         "
63         bind $w.header <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
64         tkwait window $w
65 }
67 method _rename {} {
68         global all_heads current_branch
70         if {$oldname eq {}} {
71                 tk_messageBox \
72                         -icon error \
73                         -type ok \
74                         -title [wm title $w] \
75                         -parent $w \
76                         -message "Please select a branch to rename."
77                 focus $w.rename.oldname_m
78                 return
79         }
80         if {$newname eq {}
81                 || $newname eq [get_config gui.newbranchtemplate]} {
82                 tk_messageBox \
83                         -icon error \
84                         -type ok \
85                         -title [wm title $w] \
86                         -parent $w \
87                         -message "Please supply a branch name."
88                 focus $w.rename.newname_t
89                 return
90         }
91         if {![catch {git show-ref --verify -- "refs/heads/$newname"}]} {
92                 tk_messageBox \
93                         -icon error \
94                         -type ok \
95                         -title [wm title $w] \
96                         -parent $w \
97                         -message "Branch '$newname' already exists."
98                 focus $w.rename.newname_t
99                 return
100         }
101         if {[catch {git check-ref-format "heads/$newname"}]} {
102                 tk_messageBox \
103                         -icon error \
104                         -type ok \
105                         -title [wm title $w] \
106                         -parent $w \
107                         -message "We do not like '$newname' as a branch name."
108                 focus $w.rename.newname_t
109                 return
110         }
112         if {[catch {git branch -m $oldname $newname} err]} {
113                 tk_messageBox \
114                         -icon error \
115                         -type ok \
116                         -title [wm title $w] \
117                         -parent $w \
118                         -message "Failed to rename '$oldname'.\n\n$err"
119                 return
120         }
122         set oldidx [lsearch -exact -sorted $all_heads $oldname]
123         if {$oldidx >= 0} {
124                 set all_heads [lreplace $all_heads $oldidx $oldidx]
125         }
126         lappend all_heads $newname
127         set all_heads [lsort $all_heads]
128         populate_branch_menu
130         if {$current_branch eq $oldname} {
131                 set current_branch $newname
132         }
134         destroy $w