
Added first test for get_module_permissions
[gosa.git] / include / smarty / plugins / block.t.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3  * Smarty plugin
4  * -------------------------------------------------------------
5  * File:     block.t.php
6  * Type:     block function
7  * Name:     t (short for translate through gettext)
8  * Purpose:  return a translated string and, if
9  *      development = true, check for translations and store in
10  *      appropriate file.  Use babelfish to generate a translation if
11  *      use_babelfish = true
12  * Usage:  {t}Some text which could be translated if you wish{/t}
13  *
14  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
15  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
16  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
17  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
18  *
19  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
23  *
24  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
25  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
26  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
27  * -------------------------------------------------------------
28  * 
29  * @link
30  * @copyright 2003 Tom Anderson
31  * @author Tom Anderson <>
32  * @param string $language override global t_language variable
33  * @version: 1.3
34  */
35 function smarty_block_t($params, $content, &$this)
36 {
37         if (!$content) return $content;
38         // Setup local development variables.
39         // If $development = false then use_babelfish is ignored.
40         $development = false;
41         // If use_babelfish is false, placeholders will be put in .po files
42         // but no translation will be attempted using babelfish.
43         $use_babelfish = false;
45         global $t_language, $t_language_from, $t_msgfmt_location, $t_gettext_message_dir;
47         // Check for new language
48         if (isset($params['language']) && $params['language']) {
49                 $t_language = $params['language'];
50                 putenv ("LC_ALL={$GLOBALS[t_language]}");
51         }
53         // If under development, check for necessary files
54         if ($development) {
55                 // Translate string once for every language supported
56                 foreach ($GLOBALS['t_language_all'] as $t_language) {
57                         // Check for language directory; create if necessary
58                         if (!is_dir($t_gettext_message_dir . $t_language)) {
59                                 mkdir ($t_gettext_message_dir . $t_language);
60                                 mkdir ("$t_gettext_message_dir$t_language/LC_MESSAGES");
61                         }
62                         // Check for .po file
63                         $po = "$t_gettext_message_dir$t_language/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po";
64                         if (!file_exists($po)) _create_po_file($po);
66                         // Load the .po file and check for the current translation string
67                         $text = file($po);
68                         $cst_content = addcslashes(trim($content), '\\"');
69                         if (!_in_array_trim('msgid "' . $cst_content . '"', $text)) {
70                                 // String is not in translation file; add it
71                                 // Get translated string from babelfish if set to true
72                                 if ($use_babelfish) {
73                                         $translated = '';
74                                         $url ="{$t_language_from}_{$t_language}&intl=1&tt=urltext&doit=done&urltext=" . urlencode(htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
75                                         $fp = fopen($url, 'r');
76                                         // Find the translated string
77                                         //foreach ($babel as $line) {
78                                         while ($line = fgets($fp)) {
79                                                 if (strstr($line, "lang=$t_language")) {
80                                                         // multibytes do not work yet with
81                                                         // html_entity_decode but that is ok,
82                                                         // since altavista does not seem to send entities.
83                                                         $translated = html_entity_decode(trim(addcslashes(strip_tags($line), '\\"')), ENT_NOQUOTES);
85                                                         break;
86                                                 }
87                                         }
88                                         fclose($fp);
89                                         unset($url);
90                                 }
92                                 // Add string to .po
93                                 // mark translation as babelfish, so we know 
94                                 // that we need to look after it.
95                                 if ($use_babelfish) {
96                                         error_log("#: babelfish\n", 3, $po);
97                                 }
98                                 error_log("#: " . $this->_plugins['block']['t'][1] . "\nmsgid \"" . $cst_content . "\"\nmsgstr \"$translated\"\n\n", 3, $po);
100                                 // Recompile translation file
101                                 `$t_msgfmt_location -o $t_gettext_message_dir$t_language/LC_MESSAGES/ $po`;
102                         }
103                 }
104         }
105         // Do the actual translation through gettext.
106         bindtextdomain ('messages', $t_gettext_message_dir);
107         return gettext(trim($content));
110 // Helper functions
111 function _in_array_trim($needle, $haystack) {
112         $needle = trim($needle);
113         foreach ($haystack as $ck) {
114                 if ($needle == trim($ck)) return true;
115         }
116         return false;
119 function _create_po_file($po) {
120         touch ($po);
121         // put header info for .po file
122         $year = date('Y');
123         $date = date('r');
124         $body = <<<EOD
125 # Smarty gettext generated translation file
126 # Author
127 # Version 1.0 - 4/29/2003
128 #, fuzzy
129 msgid ""
130 msgstr ""
131 "Project-Id-Version: Smarty Gettext 1.0\\n"
132 "POT-Creation-Date: $date\\n"
133 "PO-Revision-Date: $date\\n"
134 "Last-Translator: Smarty Generated\\n"
135 "Language-Team:\\n"
136 "MIME-Version: 1.0n\\n"
137 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\\n"
138 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"
139 \n
140 EOD;
141         error_log($body, 3, $po);
145 /* vim: set expandtab: */
146 ?>