
[gosa.git] / include / sieve / templates / element_envelope.tpl
1 <table class='sieve_test_case'>
2         {if $Expert}
3         {if $LastError != ""}
4                 <tr>
5                                 <td colspan=4>
6                             <font color='red'><b>{$LastError}</b></font>
7                                 </td>
8                         </tr>
10         {/if}
12         <tr>
13                 <td>
14                         {t}Match type{/t}
15                 </td>
16                 <td>
17                         <select name='matchtype_{$ID}' title='{t}Boolean value{/t}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'> 
18                                 {html_options options=$match_types selected=$match_type}
19                         </select>
21                 </td>
22                 <td>
23                         {t}Invert test{/t}?
24                 </td>
25                 <td>
26                         {if $Inverse}
27                                 <input type='submit' name='toggle_inverse_{$ID}' value='{t}Yes{/t}'>
28                         {else}
29                                 <input type='submit' name='toggle_inverse_{$ID}' value='{t}No{/t}'>
30                         {/if}
31                 </td>
32                 <td style='text-align:right; vertical-align:top;'>
33                         <input type='submit' name='Toggle_Expert_{$ID}' value='{t}Normal mode{/t}'>
34                 </td>
35         </tr>
36         <tr>
37                 <td>
38                         {t}Comparator{/t}
39                 </td>
40                 <td>
41                         <select name='comparator_{$ID}' title='{t}Boolean value{/t}'> 
42                                 {html_options options=$comparators selected=$comparator}
43                         </select>
44                 </td>
45                 {if $match_type == ":count" || $match_type == ":value"}
46                 <td>
47                         {t}operator{/t}
48                 </td>
49                 <td>
50                         <select name='operator_{$ID}' title='{t}Boolean value{/t}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>
51                                 {html_options options=$operators selected=$operator}
52                         </select>
53                 </td>
54                 {else}
55                 <td style='text-align:right;'>
56                         &nbsp;
57                 </td>
58                 {/if}
59                 <td style='text-align:right;'>
60                         &nbsp;
61                 </td>
62         </tr>
63         <tr>
64                 <td>
65                         {t}Address fields to include{/t}
66                 </td>
67                 <td>
68                         <textarea style='width:95%;height:50px;' name='keys_{$ID}'>{$keys}</textarea>
69                 </td>
70                 <td>
71                         {t}Values to match for{/t}
72                 </td>
73                 <td>
74                         <textarea style='width:95%;height:50px;' name='values_{$ID}'>{$values}</textarea>
75                 </td>
76         </tr>
77         {else}
78         {if $LastError != ""}
79                 <tr>
80                                 <td colspan=4>
81                             <font color='red'><b>{$LastError}</b></font>
82                                 </td>
83                         </tr>
85         {/if}
86         <tr>
87                 <td style='vertical-align:top;'>
88                         {t}If{/t}
89                         &nbsp;
90                         <b>{t}Envelope{/t}</b>
92                         {if $Inverse}
93                                 <input type='submit' name='toggle_inverse_{$ID}' value='{t}Not{/t}'>
94                         {else}
95                                 <input type='submit' name='toggle_inverse_{$ID}' value='{t}-{/t}'>
96                         {/if}
97                         &nbsp;
98                         <select onChange='document.mainform.submit();' name='matchtype_{$ID}' title='{t}Boolean value{/t}'> 
99                                 {html_options options=$match_types selected=$match_type}
100                         </select>
102                         {if $match_type == ":count" || $match_type == ":value"}
103                         <select name='operator_{$ID}' title='{t}Boolean value{/t}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>
104                                 {html_options options=$operators selected=$operator}
105                         </select>
106                         {/if}
107                 </td>
108                 <td>
109                         <textarea style='width:45%;height:20px;' name='keys_{$ID}'>{$keys}</textarea>
110                         <textarea style='width:45%;height:20px;' name='values_{$ID}'>{$values}</textarea>
111                 </td>
112                 <td style='text-align:right; vertical-align:top;'>
113                         <input type='submit' name='Toggle_Expert_{$ID}' value='{t}Expert mode{/t}'>
114                 </td>
115         </tr>
116         {/if}
117 </table>