
Applied modifications for fixed PHP versions
[gosa.git] / include /
1 <?php
3 require_once("");
5 class ogw{
6   var $info;
7   var $ogo;
9   var $validLocationTeam;
10   var $validTemplateUser;
11   var $validTeams;
14   var $InfoOK = false;
16   var $MUST = array("name","login","template_user_id");
18   var $MAY = array( "salutation","firstname","description","degree",
19                     "birthday","sex","street","zip","country","zipcity",
20                     "state","name1","value_string","number","db_status",
21                     "object_version","is_locked","LocationTeamID","TeamIDis");
23   var $LastError  = "";
24   var $option     = "";
25   var $connected = false;
27   function ogw($username,$password,$host,$db)
28   {
29     $this->ogo  = new pgre_sql($username,$password,$host,$db);
31     if($this->ogo->is_connected){
32       $this->validLocationTeam  = $this->ogo->GetLocationTeam();
33       $this->validTemplateUser  = $this->ogo->GetTemplateUser();
34       $this->validTeams         = $this->ogo->GetTeams();
35       $this->connected = true;
36     }else{
37       $this->validLocationTeam  = array();//$this->ogo->GetLocationTeam();
38       $this->validTemplateUser  = array();//$this->ogo->GetTemplateUser();
39       $this->validTeams         = array();//$this->ogo->GetTeams();
40       $this->connected = false;
41     }
42   }
44   function SetInfos($infos)
45   {   
46     $infos['name1']              = $infos['name'];
47     $this->info = $infos;
48   }
50   function GetInfos($uid)
51   {  
52     $ret = array();
53     $qry = "SELECT  is_person,is_account,is_intra_account,is_extra_account,  
54                     number,owner_id,object_version,company_id,template_user_id,is_locked,
55                     name,firstname,description,salutation,login,degree,birthday,sex 
56             FROM person WHERE login='".$uid."';";
57     $res = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
58     $ret = $res[0];
60     $qry = "SELECT street,zip,zipcity,country,state FROM address WHERE company_id = ".$ret['company_id']." limit 1;";
61     $res = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
62     $ret = array_merge($ret,$res[0]); 
64     $qry = "SELECT company_id FROM company_assignment 
65             WHERE (sub_company_id=".$ret['company_id'].") 
66               AND company_id IN 
67                 (SELECT company_id FROM team  WHERE  (is_team=1) 
68                 AND 
69                   company_id NOT IN (SELECT company_id FROM team WHERE is_location_team=1));";    
70     $res = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
71     if(is_array($res)){
72       foreach($res as $r){
73         $ret['TeamIDis'][]=$r['company_id']; 
74       }
75     }else{
76       $ret['TeamIDis']=array();
77     }
79     $qry = "SELECT value_string from company_value WHERE company_id=".$ret['company_id'].";";
80     $res = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
81     $ret = array_merge($ret,$res[0]); 
83     $qry ="SELECT company_id FROM company_assignment 
84            WHERE (sub_company_id=".$ret['company_id'].") 
85               AND company_id IN (SELECT company_id FROM team  WHERE  (is_location_team=1));";
86     $res = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
87     $ret['LocationTeamID'] = $res[0]['company_id'];
89     return($ret);
90   }
92   function Perform($option)
93   {
94     if(!in_array($option,array("ADD","EDIT","REMOVE"))){
95       $this->LastError = sprintf("Option '%s' is not allowed, possible options are 'ADD' 'EDIT' 'REMOVE'.",$option);
96       return(false);
97     }else{
98       $this->option = $option;
99       if(($this->option == "EDIT")||($this->option=="ADD")){
101         /* Static variables */
102         if(!isset($this->info['is_person'])){
103           $this->info['is_person']          = 1;  
104         }
106         if(!isset($this->is_account)){
107           $this->info['is_account']         = 1;  
108         }
110         if(!isset($this->info['is_intra_account'])){
111           $this->info['is_intra_account']   = 1;
112         }
114         if(!isset($this->info['is_extra_account'])){
115           $this->info['is_extra_account']   = 0;
116         }
118         if(!isset($this->info['owner_id'])){
119           $this->info['owner_id']           = 10000;
120         }
122         if(!isset($this->info['is_team'])){
123           $this->info['is_team']            = 0;
124         }
126         $this->InfoOK = $this->checkInfos();
128         if($this->InfoOK){
129           $qry = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE login='".$this->info['login']."';";
130           $ist = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
132           if($this->option == "ADD"){
133             if($this->CheckExistence()){
134               $this->LastError="Can't add entry already exists.";
135               return(false);
136             }else{
137               $this->info['db_status']          = "inserted";
138               $this->info['object_version']     = 1;
139               return($this->ADD());
140             }
141           }else{
142             if(!$this->CheckExistence()){
143               $this->LastError="Can't edit entry, entry doesn't exists.";
144               return(false);
145             }else{
146               $this->info['db_status']          = "updated";
147               $this->info['object_version']     = $ist[0]['object_version']++;
148               return($this->EDIT());
149             }
150           }
151         }else{
152           return($this->InfoOK);
153         }
154       }
155       if($this->option == "REMOVE"){
157         if((!isset($this->info['login']))||(empty($this->info['login']))){
158           $this->LastError = "Require login to detect existence";
159           return(false);
160         }else{
162           if($this->CheckExistence()){
163             return($this->REMOVE());
164           }else{
165             $this->LastError="Can't remove non existing entry";
166             return(false);
167           }
168         }
169       }
170     }
171   }
173   function CheckExistence()
174   {
175     /* Check if thios entry already exists */
176     $qry = "SELECT login,name FROM person WHERE login='".$this->info['login']."';";
177     $ist = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
178     if($ist){
179       return(true);
180     }else{
181       return(false);
182     }
183   }
185   function checkInfos()
186   {
187     foreach($this->MUST as $name){
188       if((!isset($this->info[$name]))||(empty($this->info[$name]))){
189         $this->LastError = sprintf("Must attribute '%s' wasn't set.",$name);
190         return(false);
191       }
192     }
194     foreach($this->MAY as $name){
195       if((!isset($this->info[$name]))||(empty($this->info[$name]))){
196         $this->info[$name] = false;
197       }
198     }
200     $tmp = array(false,"",0);
201     foreach($this->validLocationTeam as $id){
202       $tmp[]= $id['company_id'];
203     }
204     if(!in_array($this->info['LocationTeamID'],$tmp)){
205       $this->LastError = "Given 'Location Team' is invalid.";
206       return(false);
207     }
209     $tmp = array();
210     foreach($this->validTemplateUser as $id){
211       $tmp[]= $id['company_id'];
212     }
213     if(!in_array($this->info['template_user_id'],$tmp)){
214       $this->LastError = "Given 'Template User ID' is invalid.";
215       return(false);
216     }
219     $tmp = array();
220     foreach($this->validTeams as $id){
221       $tmp[]= $id['company_id'];
222     }
223     foreach($this->info['TeamIDis'] as $id){
224       if(!in_array($id,$tmp)){
225         $this->LastError = sprintf("Given 'Team ID':%s is invalid.",$id);
226        return(false);
227       }
228     }
229     return(true);
230   }
232   function REMOVE()
233   {
234     $qry = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE login='".$this->info['login']."';";
235     $ist = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
236     if((!$ist)||(!isset($ist[0]['company_id']))||($ist[0]['company_id']<=0)){
237       $this->LastError(sprintf("Can't get company id for login %s",$this->info['login']));
238       return(false);
239     }else{
241       $company_id     = $ist[0]['company_id'];
243       $qry = "UPDATE person SET login='SKY".$company_id.$this->info['login']."', is_account=0, is_intra_account=0 WHERE company_id=".$company_id.";";
244       $this->ogo->Query($qry);
245       /*
246       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM telephone WHERE company_id=".$company_id.";");
247       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM address  WHERE company_id=".$company_id.";");
248       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM company_info WHERE company_id=".$company_id.";");
249       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM company_value WHERE company_id=".$company_id.";");
250       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM company_assignment WHERE sub_company_id=".$company_id.";");
251       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM person WHERE company_id=".$company_id.";");
252       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM staff WHERE company_id=".$company_id.";");
253       */
254       return(true);
255     }
256   }
258   function ADD()
259   {
260     /* 
261        Entry settings for personm table 
262      */
263     $arr = array( "company_id","object_version","owner_id","template_user_id",
264                   "is_person","is_account","is_intra_account","is_extra_account",
265                   "number","description","is_locked","login","name","name","firstname",
266                   "salutation","degree","birthday","sex","db_status");
267     $this->info['company_id']  = $this->ogo->gen_id();
268     $this->info['userID']             = "OGo".$this->info['company_id'];
269     foreach($arr as $attr){
270       if($attr == "number"){
271         $add_user[$attr]  = $this->info['userID'];
272       }else{
273         $add_user[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
274       }
275     }
276     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_user,"person","ADD",false);
279     /*
280        Entry for staff table
281      */
282     $arr = array("staff_id","company_id","description","login","is_team","is_account","db_status");
283     $this->info['staff_id'] = $this->ogo->gen_id();
284     foreach($arr as $attr){
285       $add_staff[$attr] = $this->info[$attr];
286     }
287     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_staff,"staff","ADD",false);
290     /* 
291        Create entries for company nfo 
292      */
293     $arr = array("company_info_id","company_id","db_status");
294     $this->info['company_info_id']  = $this->ogo->gen_id();
295     foreach($arr as $attr){
296       $add_company_info[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
297     }
298     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_company_info,"company_info","ADD",false);
301     /* 
302        Create entries for company value 
303      */
304     $arr = array("db_status","value_string","attribute","company_id","company_value_id");
305     $this->info['attribute']        = "email1";
306     $this->info['company_value_id'] = $this->ogo->gen_id();
307     foreach($arr as $attr){
308       $add_company_value[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
309     }
310     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_company_value,"company_value","ADD",false);
313     /* 
314        address entries 
315      */
316     $arr = array("company_id","address_id","street","zip","country","zipcity","state","db_status","name1","type");
317     foreach(array("private","mailing","location") as  $type){
319       $this->info['address_id'] = $this->ogo->gen_id();
320       $this->info['type']       = $type;
321       foreach($arr as $attr){
322         $add_address[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
323       }
324       $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_address,"address","ADD",false);
325     }
328     /*
329        telephone entries 
330      */
331     $arr = array("telephone_id","object_version","company_id","number","type","db_status");
332     foreach(array("01_tel","02_tel","03_tel_funk","05_tel_private","10_fax","fax_private") as $type){
333       $this->info['type']       = $type;
334       $this->info['telephone_id']     = $this->ogo->gen_id();
335       foreach($arr as $attr){
336         $add_telephone[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
337       }
338       $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_telephone,"telephone","ADD",false);
339     }
341     /*
342        company_assignment entries (Location Team) 
343      */
344     $this->info['old_company_id']       = $this->info['company_id'];
345     $this->info['sub_company_id']       = $this->info['old_company_id'];
347     $this->info['company_assignment_id']= $this->ogo->gen_id();
348     $this->info['company_id']           = $this->info['LocationTeamID'];
349     $arr = array("company_assignment_id","company_id","sub_company_id","db_status");
350     foreach($arr as $attr){
351       $add_company_assignment[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
352     }
353     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_company_assignment,"company_assignment","ADD",false);
356     /*
357        company_assignment entries (Teams) 
358      */
359     $arr = array("company_assignment_id","company_id","sub_company_id","db_status");
360     foreach($this->info['TeamIDis'] as $TeamID){
362       $this->info['company_id']           = $TeamID;
363       $this->info['sub_company_id']       = $this->info['old_company_id'];
364       $this->info['company_assignment_id']= $this->ogo->gen_id();
365       foreach($arr as $attr){
366         $add_company_assignment[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr]; 
367       }    
368       $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_company_assignment,"company_assignment","ADD",false);
369     }
371     $remove_all = false;
372     foreach($QUERY as $q ){
373       if(!$this->ogo->Query($q)){
374         $remove_all = true;
375         break;
376       }
377     }
379     if($remove_all== true){
380       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM telephone WHERE company_id=".$this->info['company_id'].";");
381       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM address WHERE company_id=".$this->info['company_id'].";");
382       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM company_assignment WHERE company_id=".$this->info['company_id'].";");
383       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM company_info WHERE company_id=".$this->info['company_id'].";");
384       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM company_value WHERE company_id=".$this->info['company_id'].";");
385       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM staff WHERE company_id=".$this->info['company_id'].";");
386       $this->ogo->Query("DELETE FROM person WHERE company_id=".$this->info['company_id'].";");
387       $this->LastError="Query failed, removed all added entries";
388       return(false);
389     }
390     return(true);
391   }
394   function EDIT()
395   {
396     $qry = "SELECT * FROM person WHERE login='".$this->info['login']."';";
397     $ist = $this->ogo->FetchAllRows($this->ogo->Query($qry));
398     /* 
399        Entry settings for personm table 
400      */
401     $arr = array( "company_id","object_version","owner_id",
402                   "template_user_id","is_person","is_account","is_intra_account",
403                   "is_extra_account","number","description","is_locked","login","name",
404                   "firstname","salutation","degree","birthday","sex","db_status");
405     $this->info['company_id'] = $ist[0]['company_id'];
406     $this->info['userID']     = "OGo".$this->info['company_id'];
407     foreach($arr as $attr){
408       if($attr == "number"){
409         $add_user[$attr]  = $this->info['userID'];
410       }else{
411         $add_user[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
412       }
413     }
414     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_user,"person","EDIT",$ist);
417     /*
418        Entry for staff table
419      */
420     $arr = array("staff_id","company_id","description","login","is_team","is_account","db_status");
421     $this->info['staff_id'] = $this->ogo->gen_id();
422     foreach($arr as $attr){
423       $add_staff[$attr] = $this->info[$attr];
424     }
425     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_staff,"staff","EDIT",$ist);
428     /* 
429        Create entries for company nfo 
430      */
431     $arr = array("company_info_id","company_id","db_status");
432     $this->info['company_info_id']    = $this->ogo->gen_id();
433     foreach($arr as $attr){
434       $add_company_info[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
435     }
436     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_company_info,"company_info","EDIT",$ist);
439     /* 
440        Create entries for company value 
441      */
442     $QUERY[] = "DELETE FROM company_value WHERE company_id=".$ist[0]['company_id']." AND attribute='mail1';";
443     $arr = array("db_status","value_string","attribute","company_id","company_value_id");
444     $this->info['attribute']        = "email1";
445     $this->info['company_value_id'] = $this->ogo->gen_id();
446     foreach($arr as $attr){
447       $add_company_value[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
448     }
449     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_company_value,"company_value","ADD",false);
452     /* 
453        address entries 
454      */
455     $QUERY[] = "DELETE FROM address WHERE company_id=".$ist[0]['company_id'].";";
456     $this->info['company_id'] = $ist[0]['company_id'];
457     $arr = array("company_id","address_id","street","zip","country","zipcity","state","db_status","name1","type");
458     foreach(array("private","mailing","location") as  $type){
459       $this->info['type']       = $type;
460       $this->info['address_id'] = $this->ogo->gen_id();
461       foreach($arr as $attr){
462         $add_address[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
463       } 
464       $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_address,"address","ADD",false);
465     }
468     /*
469        telephone entries 
470      */
471     $QUERY[] = "DELETE FROM telephone WHERE company_id=".$ist[0]['company_id'].";";
472     $this->info['company_id'] = $ist[0]['company_id'];
473     $arr = array("telephone_id","object_version","company_id","number","type","db_status");
474     foreach(array("01_tel","02_tel","03_tel_funk","05_tel_private","10_fax","fax_private") as $type){
475       $this->info['type']           = $type;
476       $this->info['telephone_id']   = $this->ogo->gen_id();
477       foreach($arr as $attr){
478         $add_telephone[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
479       }
481       $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_telephone,"telephone","ADD",false);
482     }
485     /*
486        company_assignment entries (Location Team) 
487      */
488     $this->info['old_company_id'] = $this->info['company_id'];
490     /* First remove location team */
491     $QUERY[] = "DELETE FROM company_assignment WHERE (sub_company_id=".$ist[0]['company_id'].") AND
492       company_id in (SELECT company_id FROM team WHERE is_location_team=1);";
494     $this->info['sub_company_id']       = $ist[0]['company_id'];
495     $this->info['company_assignment_id']= $this->ogo->gen_id();
496     $this->info['company_id']           = $this->info['LocationTeamID'];
497     $arr = array("company_assignment_id","company_id","sub_company_id","db_status");
498     foreach($arr as $attr){
499       $add_company_assignment[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
500     }
501     $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_company_assignment,"company_assignment","ADD",false);
504     /*
505        company_assignment entries (Teams) 
506      */
507     /* First remove location team */
508     $QUERY[] = "DELETE FROM company_assignment 
509                 WHERE 
510                     (sub_company_id=".$ist[0]['company_id'].") 
511                   AND
512                     company_id IN 
513                       (SELECT company_id FROM team  WHERE  (is_team=1) AND company_id NOT IN 
514                          (SELECT company_id FROM team WHERE is_location_team=1));";
516     $arr = array("company_assignment_id","company_id","sub_company_id","db_status");
517     foreach($this->info['TeamIDis'] as $TeamID){
518       $this->info['company_id']           = $TeamID;
519       $this->info['sub_company_id']       = $ist[0]['company_id'];
520       $this->info['company_assignment_id']= $this->ogo->gen_id();
521       foreach($arr as $attr){
522         $add_company_assignment[$attr]  = $this->info[$attr];
523       }    
524       $QUERY[] = gen_syntax($add_company_assignment,"company_assignment","ADD",false);
525     }
527     $remove_all = false;
529     foreach($QUERY as $q ){
530       if(!$this->ogo-> Query($q)){
531         print $q;
532         $remove_all = true;
533         break;
534       }
535     }
536   }
539 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
540 ?>