1 <?php
2 /*
3 This code is part of GOsa (https://gosa.gonicus.de)
4 Copyright (C) 2003 Cajus Pollmeier
6 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 */
21 /* Basic setup, remove eventually registered sessions */
22 $start = microtime();
23 $timing= array();
24 require_once ("../include/php_setup.inc");
25 require_once ("functions.inc");
26 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
28 /* Find all class files and include them */
29 get_dir_list("$BASE_DIR/plugins");
31 /* Set the text domain as 'messages' */
32 $domain = 'messages';
33 bindtextdomain($domain, "$BASE_DIR/locale");
34 textdomain($domain);
36 /* Set cookie lifetime to one day (The parameter is in seconds ) */
37 session_set_cookie_params(24*60*60);
39 /* Set cache limter to one day (parameter is minutes !!)*/
40 session_cache_expire(60*24); // default is 180
42 /* Set session max lifetime, to prevent the garbage collector to delete session before timeout.
43 !! The garbage collector is a cron job on debian systems, the cronjob will fetch the timeout from
44 the php.ini, so if you use debian, you must hardcode session.gc_maxlifetime in your php.ini */
45 ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime",24*60*60);
47 /* Remember everything we did after the last click */
48 session_start ();
50 $_SESSION['limit_exceeded'] =FALSE;
54 }
57 /* Logged in? Simple security check */
58 if (!isset($_SESSION['config'])){
59 gosa_log ("main.php called without session - logging out");
60 header ("Location: logout.php");
61 exit;
62 }
64 /* Reset errors */
65 $_SESSION['errors'] = "";
66 $_SESSION['errorsAlreadyPosted']= array();
67 $_SESSION['LastError'] = "";
69 /* Check for uniqe ip address */
70 $ui= $_SESSION["ui"];
71 if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $ui->ip){
72 gosa_log ("main.php called with session which has a changed IP address.", 3);
73 header ("Location: logout.php");
74 exit;
75 }
76 $config= $_SESSION['config'];
79 /* Check for invalid sessions */
80 if(empty($_SESSION['_LAST_PAGE_REQUEST'])){
82 }else{
84 /* check GOsa.conf for defined session lifetime */
85 if(isset($config->data['MAIN']['SESSION_LIFETIME'])){
86 $max_life = $config->data['MAIN']['SESSION_LIFETIME'];
87 }else{
88 $max_life = 60*60*2;
89 }
91 /* get time difference between last page reload */
92 $request_time = (time()-$_SESSION['_LAST_PAGE_REQUEST']);
94 /* If page wasn't reloaded for more than max_life seconds
95 * kill session
96 */
97 if($request_time > $max_life){
98 session_unset();
99 gosa_log ("main.php called without session - logging out");
100 header ("Location: logout.php");
101 exit;
102 }
103 $_SESSION['_LAST_PAGE_REQUEST'] = time();
104 }
107 @DEBUG (DEBUG_CONFIG, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $config->data, "config");
109 /* Set template compile directory */
110 if (isset ($config->data['MAIN']['COMPILE'])){
111 $smarty->compile_dir= $config->data['MAIN']['COMPILE'];
112 } else {
113 $smarty->compile_dir= '/var/spool/gosa/';
114 }
116 /* Set default */
117 $reload_navigation = false;
119 /* Set last initialised language to current, browser settings */
120 if((!isset($_SESSION['Last_init_lang']))){
121 $reload_navigation = true;
122 $_SESSION['Last_init_lang'] = get_browser_language();
123 }
125 /* Language setup */
126 if ($config->data['MAIN']['LANG'] == ""){
128 /* If last language != current force navi reload */
129 if($_SESSION['Last_init_lang'] != get_browser_language()){
130 $reload_navigation = true;
131 }
132 $lang= get_browser_language();
133 $_SESSION['Last_init_lang'] = $lang;
134 } else {
135 $lang= $config->data['MAIN']['LANG'];
136 }
138 $lang.=".UTF-8";
139 putenv("LANGUAGE=");
140 putenv("LANG=$lang");
141 setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang);
142 $GLOBALS['t_language']= $lang;
143 $GLOBALS['t_gettext_message_dir'] = $BASE_DIR.'/locale/';
145 /* Set the text domain as 'messages' */
146 $domain = 'messages';
147 bindtextdomain($domain, "$BASE_DIR/locale");
148 textdomain($domain);
149 @DEBUG (DEBUG_TRACE, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $lang, "Setting language to");
151 /* Preset current main base */
152 if(!isset($_SESSION['CurrentMainBase'])){
153 $_SESSION['CurrentMainBase']= get_base_from_people($ui->dn);
154 }
156 /* Prepare plugin list */
157 if (!isset($_SESSION['plist'])){
158 $_SESSION['plist']= new pluglist($config, $ui);
159 }
160 $plist= $_SESSION['plist'];
162 /* Check for register globals */
163 if (isset($global_check) && $config->data['MAIN']['FORCEGLOBALS'] == 'true'){
164 echo _("FATAL: Register globals is on. GOsa will refuse to login unless this is fixed by an administrator.");
165 gosa_log ("Register globals is on. For security reasons, this should be turned off.");
166 session_destroy ();
167 exit ();
168 }
170 /* Check Plugin variable */
171 if (isset($_SESSION['plugin_dir'])){
172 $old_plugin_dir= $_SESSION['plugin_dir'];
173 } else {
174 $old_plugin_dir= "";
175 }
176 if (isset($_GET['plug'])){
177 $plug= validate($_GET['plug']);
178 $plugin_dir= $plist->get_path($plug);
179 $_SESSION['plugin_dir']= $plugin_dir;
180 if ($plugin_dir == ""){
181 gosa_log ("main.php called with invalid plug parameter \"$plug\"", 3);
182 header ("Location: logout.php");
183 exit;
184 }
185 } else {
186 /* set to welcome page as default plugin */
187 $_SESSION['plugin_dir']= "welcome";
188 $plugin_dir= "$BASE_DIR/plugins/generic/welcome";
189 }
191 /* Check if we need to delete a lock */
192 if ($old_plugin_dir != $plugin_dir){
193 if (is_file("$old_plugin_dir/main.inc")){
194 $remove_lock= true;
195 require_once ("$old_plugin_dir/main.inc");
196 }
197 }
198 $remove_lock= false;
200 /* Check for sizelimits */
201 eval_sizelimit();
203 /* Check for memory */
204 if (function_exists("memory_get_usage")){
205 if (memory_get_usage() > (to_byte(ini_get('memory_limit')) - 2048000 )){
206 print_red(_("Warning: memory is getting low - please increase the memory_limit!"));
207 }
208 }
210 /* Redirect on back event */
211 if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST"){
213 /* Look for button events that match /^back[0-9]+$/,
214 extract the number and step the correct plugin. */
215 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){
216 if (preg_match("/^back[0-9]+$/", $key)){
217 $back= substr($key, 4);
218 header ("Location: main.php?plug=$back");
219 exit;
220 }
221 }
222 }
224 /* Redirect on password back event */
225 if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && isset($_POST['password_back'])){
226 header ("Location: main.php");
227 exit;
228 }
230 /* Check for multiple windows logout */
231 if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST"){
232 if (isset($_POST['reset_session'])){
233 header ("Location: logout.php");
234 exit;
235 }
237 if (isset($_POST['cancel_lock'])){
238 unset ($_SESSION['dn']);
239 }
240 }
243 /* Load department list when plugin has changed. That is some kind of
244 compromise between speed and beeing up to date */
245 if (isset($_GET['reset'])){
246 if (isset($_SESSION['objectinfo'])){
247 unset ($_SESSION['objectinfo']);
248 }
249 }
251 /* Install eGOsa hooks, convert _POST to _SESSION['POST'] */
252 if(isset($_GET['explorer'])){
253 $_SESSION{'eGosa'}=1;
254 }
255 if(isset($_SESSION['POST'])){
257 foreach ($_SESSION['POST'] as $key => $dummy){
258 $_POST[$key]=$_SESSION['POST'][$key];
259 }
260 unset($_SESSION['POST']);
261 }
263 /* show web frontend */
264 $smarty->assign ("date", date("l, dS F Y H:i:s O"));
265 $smarty->assign ("must", "<font class=\"must\">*</font>");
266 if (isset($plug)){
267 $plug= "?plug=$plug";
268 } else {
269 $plug= "";
270 }
271 if ($_SESSION['js']==FALSE){
272 $smarty->assign("javascript", "false");
273 $smarty->assign("help_method", "href='helpviewer.php$plug' target='_blank'");
274 } else {
275 $smarty->assign("javascript", "true");
276 $smarty->assign("help_method"," onclick=\"return popup('helpviewer.php$plug','GOsa help');\"");
277 }
279 $smarty->assign ("username", $ui->username);
280 $smarty->assign ("go_logo", get_template_path('images/go_logo.png'));
281 $smarty->assign ("go_base", get_template_path('images/dtree.png'));
282 $smarty->assign ("go_home", get_template_path('images/gohome.png'));
283 $smarty->assign ("go_out", get_template_path('images/stop.png'));
284 $smarty->assign ("go_top", get_template_path('images/go_top.png'));
285 $smarty->assign ("go_corner", get_template_path('images/go_corner.png'));
286 $smarty->assign ("go_left", get_template_path('images/go_left.png'));
287 $smarty->assign ("go_help", get_template_path('images/help.png'));
289 /* reload navigation if language changed*/
290 if($reload_navigation){
291 $plist->menu="";;
292 }
293 $plist->gen_headlines();
294 $plist->gen_menu();
295 $smarty->assign ("menu", $plist->menu);
296 $smarty->assign ("plug", "$plug");
298 $header= "<!-- headers.tpl-->".$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
300 /* React on clicks */
301 if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST"){
303 /* 'delete_lock' is set by the lock removal dialog. We should remove the
304 lock at this point globally. Plugins do not need to remove it. */
305 if (isset($_POST['delete_lock']) && isset($_SESSION['dn'])){
306 del_lock ($_SESSION['dn']);
308 /* Set old Post data */
309 if(isset($_SESSION['LOCK_VARS_USED'])){
310 foreach($_SESSION['LOCK_VARS_USED'] as $name => $value){
311 $_GET[$name] = $value;
312 $_POST[$name] = $value;
313 }
314 }
315 sess_del ('dn');
316 }
319 /* I don't want multiple browser windows open. One way to check it is
320 to count a hidden field and warn the user if SESSION and INPUT count
321 differ. */
322 if (isset($_POST['session_cnt'])){
323 if ($_POST['session_cnt'] != $_SESSION['session_cnt']){
324 $smarty->display(get_template_path('conflict.tpl'));
325 exit ();
326 }
327 $_SESSION['session_cnt']= $_SESSION['session_cnt'] + 1;
328 $_SESSION['post_cnt']= validate($_POST['session_cnt']) + 1;
329 }
330 }
332 /* Only generate hidden click counter, if post_cnt is defined */
333 if (isset ($_SESSION['post_cnt'])){
334 echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"session_cnt\" value=\"".$_SESSION['post_cnt']."\">\n";
335 }
337 /* Load plugin */
338 if (is_file("$plugin_dir/main.inc")){
339 require_once ("$plugin_dir/main.inc");
340 } else {
341 echo sprintf(_("FATAL: Can't find any plugin definitions for plugin '%s'!"), $plug);
342 exit();
343 }
345 /* Close div/tables */
347 /* check if we are using account expiration */
349 if((isset($config->data['MAIN']['ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION'])) &&
350 preg_match('/true/i', $config->data['MAIN']['ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION'])){
352 $expired= ldap_expired_account($config, $ui->dn, $ui->username);
354 if ($expired == 2){
355 gosa_log ("password for user \"$ui->username\" is about to expire");
356 print_red(_("Your password is about to expire, please change your password"));
357 }
358 }
360 /* Print_out last ErrorMessage repeated string. */
361 print_red(NULL);
363 $smarty->assign("contents", $display);
365 if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])){
366 $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
367 }
368 if ($error_collector != ""){
369 $smarty->assign("php_errors", $error_collector."</div>");
370 } else {
371 $smarty->assign("php_errors", "");
372 }
373 $display= $header.$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('framework.tpl'));
375 if ((isset($config->data['MAIN']['W3CTEST']) && preg_match('/true/i', $config->data['MAIN']['W3CTEST']))&&(!empty($display))&&(is_callable("tidy_parse_string"))) {
376 tidy_parse_string(utf8_decode($display));
377 $err = nl2br(htmlentities(tidy_get_error_buffer()));
379 if($err){
380 echo "<table summary=\"\" width=\"100%\" style='background-color:#E0E0E0;border-bottom:1px solid black'><tr><td><img alt=\"W3C\" align=\"middle\" src='images/warning.png'> <font style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold'>"._("Generating this page caused the W3C conformance checker to raise some errors!")."</font></td><td align=right><button onClick='toggle(\"w3cbox\")'>"._("Toggle information")."</ button></td></tr></table><div id='w3cbox' style='width:100%; position:absolute; z-index:0; visibility: hidden; background-color:white; border- bottom:1px solid black;'>";
381 echo $err."</div>";
382 }
384 tidy_clean_repair($display);
385 }
387 /* Show page... */
388 echo $display;
390 /* Save plist and config */
391 $_SESSION['plist']= $plist;
392 $_SESSION['config']= $config;
395 /* Echo compilation time * /
396 $r = split(" ",$start);
397 $ms = $r[0];
398 $s= $r[1];
400 $re = split(" ",microtime());
401 $mse = $re[0];
402 $se= $re[1];
404 $add = 0;
405 if(($mse -$ms)<0){
406 $se --;
407 $add = 1;
408 }
409 echo ($se -$s).",";
410 echo (int)(($add+($mse -$ms))*1000)." s";
411 */
412 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
413 ?>