
Updated some sieve templates
[gosa.git] / gosa-si / server / events /
1 package siTriggered;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use Exporter;
7 use Data::Dumper;
8 use GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon;
9 use Socket;
11 our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
13 my @events = (
14     "got_ping",
15     "detected_hardware",
16     "trigger_wake",
17     "reload_ldap_config",
18     "get_terminal_server",
19     );
21 our @EXPORT = @events;
23 BEGIN {}
25 END {}
27 ### Start ######################################################################
29 my $ldap_uri;
30 my $ldap_base;
31 my $ldap_admin_dn;
32 my $ldap_admin_password;
33 my $mesg;
35 my %cfg_defaults = (
36     "server" => {
37         "ldap-uri" => [\$ldap_uri, ""],
38         "ldap-base" => [\$ldap_base, ""],
39         "ldap-admin-dn" => [\$ldap_admin_dn, ""],
40         "ldap-admin-password" => [\$ldap_admin_password, ""],
41     },
42 );
43 &GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon::read_configfile($main::cfg_file, %cfg_defaults);
46 sub get_terminal_server
47 {
48         my ($msg, $msg_hash, $session_id) = @_ ;
49         my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
50         my @out_msg_l;
52         # Send get_load message to all si-clients at terminal server specified in LDAP
53         my $ldap_handle = &main::get_ldap_handle();
54         if (defined $ldap_handle) 
55         {
56                 my $ldap_mesg = $ldap_handle->search(
57                                 base => $ldap_base,
58                                 scope => 'sub',
59                                 attrs => ['macAddress', 'cn', 'ipHostNumber'],
60                                 filter => "objectClass=goTerminalServer",
61                                 );
62                 if ($ldap_mesg->count) 
63                 {       
64                         # Parse all LDAP results to a sql compliant where statement
65                         my @entries = $ldap_mesg->entries;
66                         @entries = map ($_->get_value("macAddress"), @entries);
67                         @entries = map ("macaddress LIKE '$_'", @entries);
69                         my ($hit, $hash, $db_res, $out_msg);
70                         # Check known clients if a terminal server is active
71                         $db_res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry("SELECT * FROM $main::known_clients_tn WHERE ".join(" AND ", @entries));
72                         while (($hit, $hash) = each %$db_res) 
73                         {
74                                 $out_msg = &create_xml_string(&create_xml_hash('get_load', $source, $hash->{macaddress}));
75                                 push(@out_msg_l, $out_msg);
76                         }
77                         # Check foreign_clients if a terminal server is active
78                         $db_res = $main::foreign_clients_db->select_dbentry("SELECT * FROM $main::foreign_clients_tn WHERE ".join(" AND ", @entries));
79                         while (($hit, $hash) = each %$db_res) 
80                         {
81                                 $out_msg = &create_xml_string(&create_xml_hash('get_load', $source, $hash->{macaddress}));
82                                 push(@out_msg_l, $out_msg);
83                         }
85 ### JUST FOR DEBUGGING # CAN BE DELETED AT ANY TIME ###########################
86 #                       my $db_res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry("SELECT * FROM $main::known_clients_tn WHERE macaddress LIKE '00:01:6c:9d:b9:fa'");
87 #                       while (($hit, $hash) = each %$db_res) 
88 #                       {
89 #                               $out_msg = &create_xml_string(&create_xml_hash('get_load', $source, $hash->{macaddress}));
90 #                               push(@out_msg_l, $out_msg);
91 #                       }
92 ### JUST FOR DEBUGGING # CAN BE DELETED AT ANY TIME ###########################
94                         # Found terminal server but no running clients on them
95                         if (@out_msg_l == 0) 
96                         {
97                                 &main::daemon_log("$session_id ERROR: Found no running clients (known_clients_db, foreign_clients_db) on the following determined terminal server", 1);
98                                 my @entries = $ldap_mesg->entries;
99                                 foreach my $ts (@entries) 
100                                 {
101                                         my $ip = (defined $ts->get_value("ipHostNumber")) ? "   ip='".$ts->get_value("ipHostNumber")."'" : "" ;
102                                         my $cn = (defined $ts->get_value("cn")) ? "   cn='".$ts->get_value("cn")."'" : "" ;
103                                         my $mac = (defined $ts->get_value("macAddress")) ? "   macAddress='".$ts->get_value("macAddress")."'" : "" ;
104                                         &main::daemon_log("$session_id ERROR: ".$cn.$mac.$ip , 1);
105                                 }
106                         }
108                 }
109                 # No terminal server found in LDAP
110                 if ($ldap_mesg->count == 0) 
111                 {
112                         &main::daemon_log("$session_id ERROR: No terminal server found in LDAP: \n\tbase='$ldap_base'\n\tscope='sub'\n\tattrs='['macAddress']'\n\tfilter='objectClass=goTerminalServer'", 1);
113                 }
115                 # Translating errors ?
116                 if ($ldap_mesg->code) 
117                 {
118                         &main::daemon_log("$session_id ERROR: Cannot fetch terminal server from LDAP: \n\tbase='$ldap_base'\n\tscope='sub'\n\tattrs='['macAddress']'\n\tfilter='objectClass=goTerminalServer'", 1);
119                 }
120         }
121         &main::release_ldap_handle($ldap_handle);
123     return @out_msg_l;
127 sub get_events {
128     return \@events;
131 sub reload_ldap_config {
132     my ($msg, $msg_hash, $session_id) = @_;
133     my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
134     my $target = @{$msg_hash->{$header}}[0];
136     my $out_msg = &ClientPackages::new_ldap_config($target, $session_id);
137     my @out_msg_l = ( $out_msg );
138     return @out_msg_l;
142 sub got_ping {
143     my ($msg, $msg_hash, $session_id) = @_;
145     my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
146     my $target = @{$msg_hash->{target}}[0];
147     my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
148     my $act_time = &get_time;
149     my @out_msg_l;
150     my $out_msg;
152     $session_id = @{$msg_hash->{'session_id'}}[0];
154     # check known_clients_db
155     my $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM known_clients WHERE hostname='$source'";
156     my $query_res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
157     if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
158          my $sql_statement= "UPDATE known_clients ".
159             "SET status='$header', timestamp='$act_time' ".
160             "WHERE hostname='$source'";
161          my $res = $main::known_clients_db->update_dbentry( $sql_statement );
162     } 
164     # check known_server_db
165     $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM known_server WHERE hostname='$source'";
166     $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
167     if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
168          my $sql_statement= "UPDATE known_server ".
169             "SET status='$header', timestamp='$act_time' ".
170             "WHERE hostname='$source'";
171          my $res = $main::known_server_db->update_dbentry( $sql_statement );
172     } 
174     # create out_msg
175     my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash($header, $source, "GOSA");
176     &add_content2xml_hash($out_hash, "session_id", $session_id);
177     $out_msg = &create_xml_string($out_hash);
178     my $forward_to_gosa = @{$msg_hash->{'forward_to_gosa'}}[0];
179     if (defined $forward_to_gosa) {
180         $out_msg =~s/<\/xml>/<forward_to_gosa>$forward_to_gosa<\/forward_to_gosa><\/xml>/;
181     }
182     push(@out_msg_l, $out_msg);
184     return @out_msg_l;
188 sub detected_hardware {
189         my ($msg, $msg_hash, $session_id) = @_;
190         my $address = $msg_hash->{source}[0];
191         my $header = $msg_hash->{header}[0];
192         my $gotoHardwareChecksum= $msg_hash->{detected_hardware}[0]->{gotoHardwareChecksum};
194         my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM known_clients WHERE hostname='$address'";
195         my $res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
197         # check hit
198         my $hit_counter = keys %{$res};
199         if( not $hit_counter == 1 ) {
200                 &main::daemon_log("$session_id ERROR: more or no hit found in known_clients_db by query by '$address'", 1);
201                 return;
202         }
204         my $macaddress = $res->{1}->{macaddress};
205         my $hostkey = $res->{1}->{hostkey};
207         if (not defined $macaddress) {
208                 &main::daemon_log("$session_id ERROR: no mac address found for client $address", 1);
209                 return;
210         }
212         # Perform search
213         my $ldap_handle = &main::get_ldap_handle();
214         $mesg = $ldap_handle->search(
215                 base   => $ldap_base,
216                 scope  => 'sub',
217                 filter => "(&(objectClass=GOhard)(|(macAddress=$macaddress)(dhcpHWaddress=ethernet $macaddress)))"
218         );
220         # We need to create a base entry first (if not done from ArpHandler)
221         if($mesg->count == 0) {
222                 &main::daemon_log("INFO: Need to create a new LDAP Entry for client $address", 4);
223                 my $ipaddress= $1 if $address =~ /^([0-9\.]*?):.*$/;
224                 my $dnsname;
225                 #FIXME: like in ClientPackages!
226                 #if ( defined($heap->{force-hostname}->{$macaddress}) ){
227                 #       $dnsname= $heap->{force-hostname}->{$macaddress};
228                 #       &main::daemon_log("INFO: Using forced hostname $dnsname for client $address", 4);
229                 if (-e "/var/tmp/$macaddress" ){
230                         open(my $TFILE, "<", "/var/tmp/$macaddress");
231                         $dnsname= <$TFILE>;
232                         close($TFILE);
233                 } else {
234                         $dnsname= gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($ipaddress), AF_INET) || $ipaddress;
235                 }
237                 my $cn = (($dnsname =~ /^(\d){1,3}\.(\d){1,3}\.(\d){1,3}\.(\d){1,3}/) ? $dnsname : sprintf "%s", $dnsname =~ /([^\.]+)\.?/);
238                 my $dn = "cn=$cn,ou=incoming,$ldap_base";
239                 &main::daemon_log("INFO: Creating entry for $dn",5);
240                 my $entry= Net::LDAP::Entry->new( $dn );
241                 $entry->dn($dn);
242                 $entry->add("objectClass" => "GOhard");
243                 $entry->add("cn" => $cn);
244                 $entry->add("macAddress" => $macaddress);
245                 $entry->add("gotomode" => "locked");
246                 $entry->add("gotoSysStatus" => "new-system");
247                 $entry->add("ipHostNumber" => $ipaddress);
248                 if(defined($main::gosa_unit_tag) && length($main::gosa_unit_tag) > 0) {
249                         $entry->add("objectClass" => "gosaAdministrativeUnitTag");
250                         $entry->add("gosaUnitTag" => $main::gosa_unit_tag);
251                 }
252                 my $res=$entry->update($ldap_handle);
253                 if(defined($res->{'errorMessage'}) &&
254                         length($res->{'errorMessage'}) >0) {
255                         &main::daemon_log("ERROR: can not add entries to LDAP: ".$res->{'errorMessage'}, 1);
256                         &main::release_ldap_handle($ldap_handle);
257                         return;
258                 } else {
259                         # Fill $mesg again
260                         $mesg = $ldap_handle->search(
261                                 base   => $ldap_base,
262                                 scope  => 'sub',
263                                 filter => "(&(objectClass=GOhard)(|(macAddress=$macaddress)(dhcpHWaddress=ethernet $macaddress)))"
264                         );
265                 }
266         }
268         if($mesg->count == 1) {
269                 my $entry= $mesg->entry(0);
270                 $entry->changetype("modify");
271                 foreach my $attribute (
272                         "gotoSndModule", "ghNetNic", "gotoXResolution", "ghSoundAdapter", "ghCpuType", "gotoXkbModel", 
273                         "ghGfxAdapter", "gotoXMousePort", "ghMemSize", "gotoXMouseType", "ghUsbSupport", "gotoXHsync", 
274                         "gotoXDriver", "gotoXVsync", "gotoXMonitor", "gotoHardwareChecksum") {
275                         if(defined($msg_hash->{detected_hardware}[0]->{$attribute}) &&
276                                 length($msg_hash->{detected_hardware}[0]->{$attribute}) >0 ) {
277                                 if(defined($entry->get_value($attribute))) {
278                                         $entry->delete($attribute => []);
279                                 }
280                                 &main::daemon_log("INFO: Adding attribute $attribute with value ".$msg_hash->{detected_hardware}[0]->{$attribute},5);
281                                 $entry->add($attribute => $msg_hash->{detected_hardware}[0]->{$attribute});     
282                         }
283                 }
284                 foreach my $attribute (
285                         "gotoModules", "ghScsiDev", "ghIdeDev") {
286                         if(defined($msg_hash->{detected_hardware}[0]->{$attribute}) &&
287                                 length($msg_hash->{detected_hardware}[0]->{$attribute}) >0 ) {
288                                 if(defined($entry->get_value($attribute))) {
289                                         $entry->delete($attribute => []);
290                                 }
291                                 foreach my $array_entry (keys %{{map { $_ => 1 } sort(@{$msg_hash->{detected_hardware}[0]->{$attribute}}) }}) {
292                                         $entry->add($attribute => $array_entry);
293                                 }
294                         }
295                 }
297                 my $res=$entry->update($ldap_handle);
298                 if(defined($res->{'errorMessage'}) &&
299                         length($res->{'errorMessage'}) >0) {
300                         &main::daemon_log("ERROR: can not add entries to LDAP: ".$res->{'errorMessage'}, 1);
301                 } else {
302                         &main::daemon_log("INFO: Added Hardware configuration to LDAP", 5);
303                 }
304         }
306         # if there is a job in job queue for this host and this macaddress, delete it, cause its no longer used
307         my $del_sql = "DELETE FROM $main::job_queue_tn WHERE (macaddress LIKE '$macaddress' AND headertag='$header')";
308         my $del_res = $main::job_db->exec_statement($del_sql);
309   &main::release_ldap_handle($ldap_handle);
311         return ;
314 1;