
Renamed opsi class.
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / opsi / admin / opsi /
1 <?php
3 class opsigeneric extends plugin
4 {
5   private $opsi;
6   private $hostId;  
8   /* Contains a list of all available netboot products 
9    */
10   private $a_availableNetbootProducts = array();
11   private $s_selectedNetbootProduct = "";  
12   private $s_initial_selectedNetbootProduct = "";  
14   /* Contains a list of all available local products
15    */
16   private $a_availableLocalProducts = array();
17   private $a_selectedLocalProducts = array();
18   private $a_initial_selectedLocalProducts = array();
20   private $init_failed = FALSE;
22   public function __construct($config,$hostId)
23   {
24     $this->opsi = new opsi($config); 
25     $this->is_account =TRUE;
26     $this->initially_was_account = TRUE;
28     /* Get hostId */
29     if($hostId != "new"){
30       $this->hostId = preg_replace("/^opsi:=([^,]*),.*$/","\\1",$hostId);
31     }
33     /* Try to plugin */
34     $this->init();
35   }
37   private function init()
38   {
39     $err = FALSE;
40     $this->init_failed = FALSE;
42     /* Get product settings */     
43     if(!$err){
44       $this->a_availableNetbootProducts = $this->opsi->get_netboot_products();
45       $err |= $this->opsi->is_error();
46     }
47     if(!$err) {
48       $this->a_availableLocalProducts   = $this->opsi->get_local_products();
49       $err |= $this->opsi->is_error();
50     }
52     /* Get selected products */
53     if(!$err && !empty($this->hostId)) {
54       $tmp = array_keys($this->opsi->get_netboot_products($this->hostId));
55       $this->s_selectedNetbootProduct = $tmp[0];
56       $err |= $this->opsi->is_error();
57     }
58     if(!$err && !empty($this->hostId)) {
59       $tmp = $this->opsi->get_local_products($this->hostId);  
60       $err |= $this->opsi->is_error();
61       $this->a_selectedLocalProducts = $tmp;
62     }
64     /* Load product configuration */
65     if(!$err && !empty($this->hostId)) {
66       foreach($this->a_selectedLocalProducts as $name => $data){
67         $CFG = $this->opsi->get_product_properties($name,$this->hostId);
68         $err |= $this->opsi->is_error();
69         $this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$name]['CFG'] = $CFG;
70       }
71     }
73     /* Check if everything went fine else reset everything and display a retry button 
74      */
75     if($err){
76       $this->a_availableNetbootProducts = array();
77       $this->s_selectedNetbootProduct = "";  
78       $this->s_initial_selectedNetbootProduct = "";  
79       $this->a_availableLocalProducts = array();
80       $this->a_selectedLocalProducts = array();
81       $this->a_initial_selectedLocalProducts = array();
82       $this->init_failed = TRUE;
83     }else{
85       /* Remember initial settings */ 
86       $this->a_initial_selectedLocalProducts = $this->a_selectedLocalProducts;
87       $this->s_initial_selectedNetbootProduct = $this->s_selectedNetbootProduct;
88     }
89   }
91   public function execute()
92   {
93     if($this->init_failed){
95       $smarty = get_smarty();
96       $smarty->assign("init_failed",TRUE);
97       $smarty->assign("message",$this->opsi->get_error());
98       return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("generic.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
99     }  
102     if(is_object($this->dialog)){
103       $this->dialog->save_object();
104       return($this->dialog->execute());
105     }
107     $smarty = get_smarty();
108     $smarty->assign("init_failed",FALSE);
109     $divSLP = new divSelectBox();
110     $divALP = new divSelectBox();
112     /* Create list of available local products 
113      */
114     ksort($this->a_availableLocalProducts);
115     foreach($this->a_availableLocalProducts as $name => $data){
116       if(isset($this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$name])) continue;
118       $add_tab  = array("string"   => "<input type='image' src='images/back.png' name='add_lp_".$name."'>");
119       $name_tab = array("string"   => $name);
120       $desc_tab = array("string"   => "<div style='height: 14px;overflow:hidden;'>".$data['DESC']."</div>",
121           "attach"   => "title='".$data['DESC']."' style='border-right:0px;'");
122       $divALP->AddEntry(array($add_tab,$name_tab,$desc_tab));
123     }
125     /* Create list of selected local products 
126      */
127     ksort($this->a_selectedLocalProducts);
128     foreach($this->a_selectedLocalProducts as $name => $data){
130       $name_tab = array("string"   => $name);
131       $desc_tab = array(
132           "string" => "<div style='height: 14px;overflow:hidden;'>".$data['DESC']."</div>",
133           "attach" => "title='".$data['DESC']."'");
135       /* Only display edit button, if there is something to edit 
136        */
137       $edit = "<img src='images/empty.png' alt=' '>";
138       if(count($data['CFG'])){
139         $edit = "<input type='image' src='images/lists/edit.png' name='edit_lp_".$name."'>";
140       }
141       $del  = "<input type='image' src='images/lists/trash.png' name='del_lp_".$name."'>";  
143       $opt_tab  = array("string" => $edit.$del,
144           "attach" => "style='border-right:0px; width: 40px; text-align:right;'");
145       $divSLP->AddEntry(array($name_tab,$desc_tab,$opt_tab));
146     }
148     $smarty->assign("divSLP", $divSLP->DrawList());
149     $smarty->assign("divALP", $divALP->DrawList());
150     $smarty->assign("SNP", $this->s_selectedNetbootProduct);
152     ksort($this->a_availableNetbootProducts);
153     $smarty->assign("ANP", $this->a_availableNetbootProducts);
154     return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("generic.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
155   }
158   public function save()
159   {
160     $add = array_diff_assoc($this->a_selectedLocalProducts,$this->a_initial_selectedLocalProducts);
161     $del = array_diff_assoc($this->a_initial_selectedLocalProducts,$this->a_selectedLocalProducts);
163     foreach($del as $name => $data){
164       $this->opsi->del_product_from_client($name,$this->hostId);
165     }
166     foreach($add as $name => $data){
167       $this->opsi->add_product_to_client($name,$this->hostId);
168       $this->opsi->set_product_properties($name,$data['CFG'],$this->hostId);
169     }
171     foreach($this->a_selectedLocalProducts as $name => $data){
172       if(isset($del[$name]) || isset($add[$name])) continue;
173       $diff = array_diff($data['CFG'],$this->a_initial_selectedLocalProducts[$name]['CFG']);
174       if(count($diff)){
175         $this->opsi->set_product_properties($name,$diff,$this->hostId);
176       }
177     }
179     if($this->s_selectedNetbootProduct != $this->s_initial_selectedNetbootProduct){
180       if(!empty($this->s_initial_selectedNetbootProduct)){
181         $this->opsi->del_product_from_client($this->s_initial_selectedNetbootProduct,$this->hostId);
182         $this->opsi->add_product_to_client($this->s_selectedNetbootProduct,$this->hostId);
183       }
184     }
185   }
187   public function remove_from_parent()
188   {}
191   public function save_object()
192   {
193     if(isset($_POST['reinit'])){
194       $this->init();
195     }
197     if(isset($_POST['cancel_properties']) && is_object($this->dialog)){
198       $this->dialog = NULL;
199     }
200     if(isset($_POST['save_properties']) && ($this->dialog instanceof opsi_product_config)){
201       $this->dialog->save_object();
202       $pro = $this->dialog->get_product();
203       $CFG = $this->dialog->get_cfg();
204       if(isset($this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$pro])){
205         $this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$pro]['CFG'] = $CFG;
206       }
207       $this->dialog = NULL;
208     }
210     if(isset($_POST['opsigeneric'])){
212       if(isset($_POST['opsi_netboot_product'])){
213         $SNP = trim($_POST['opsi_netboot_product']);
214         if(isset($this->a_availableNetbootProducts[$SNP])){
215           $this->s_selectedNetbootProduct = $SNP;
216         }
217       }
219       foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
220         if(preg_match("/^add_lp_/",$name)){
221           $product = preg_replace("/^add_lp_(.*)_.$/","\\1",$name);
222           if(isset($this->a_availableLocalProducts[$product]) && !isset($this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$product])){
223             $this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$product] = $this->a_availableLocalProducts[$product];
224             $CFG = $this->opsi->get_product_properties($product);
225             $this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$product]['CFG'] = $CFG;
226           }
227           break;
228         }
229         if(preg_match("/^del_lp_/",$name)){
230           $product = preg_replace("/^del_lp_(.*)_.$/","\\1",$name);
231           if(isset($this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$product])){
232             unset($this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$product]);
233           }
234           break;
235         }
236         if(preg_match("/^edit_lp_/",$name)){
237           $product = preg_replace("/^edit_lp_(.*)_.$/","\\1",$name);
238           $this->dialog = new opsi_product_config($this->config,
239               $product,$this->a_selectedLocalProducts[$product]['CFG'],$this->hostId);
240           break;
241         }
242       }   
243     }
244   }
246   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */
247   static function plInfo()
248   {
249     return (array(
250           "plShortName"   => _("Generic"),
251           "plDescription" => _("Opsi generic"),
252           "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
253           "plDepends"     => array(),
254           "plPriority"    => 1,
255           "plSection"     => array("administration"),
256           "plCategory"    => array("opsi" => array("description"  => _("Opsi client"),
257                                                      "objectClass"  => "dummy_class_opsi")),
258           "plProvidedAcls"=> array()
259           ));
260   }
265 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
266 ?>