
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / mit-krb5 / admin / systems / services / kerberos /
1 <?php
2 /*
3    This code is part of GOsa (
4    Copyright (C) 2008 Fabian Hickert
6    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9    (at your option) any later version.
11    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14    GNU General Public License for more details.
16    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19  */
21 class passwordMethodMIT extends passwordMethod
22 {
24     var $dn             = "new";   // DN of the current object
25     var $parent_dn      = "new";   // parents DN
26     var $is_account     = FALSE;   // This is TRUE if this object already has a krb extension
27     var $server_list    = array(); // A list with all configured servers
28     var $map            = array(); // Mapping array, maps SERVER-REALM, REALM-SERVER ...
30     var $goKrbRealm     = "";      // The realm name this principal belongs to
31     var $principal      = "";      // The principals name (e.g. user@MY-DOMAIN.SYS)
32     var $is_new         = TRUE;    // Is TRUE if principal is new 
34     var $si_error       = FALSE;   // TRUE is daemon communication failed
35     var $si_error_msg   = "";      // The last error message if above attribute is TRUE.
37     var $values = array(
38             "PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME",      // Expiry date of this principal
39             "PW_EXPIRATION",          // Password expiration 
40             "MAX_LIFE",               // Ticket lifetime
41             "MASK",                   // I'dont know 
42             "MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE",     // Max ticket lifetime when renewed
43             "POLICY");                // The policy used by this principal
45     var $PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME        = 0;
46     var $PW_EXPIRATION            = 0;
47     var $PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME_clear  = TRUE;
48     var $PW_EXPIRATION_clear      = TRUE;
49     var $MAX_LIFE                 = 36000;
50     var $MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE       = 604800;
51     var $MASK                     = 0;
53     var $flags = array(
54             "DISALLOW_POSTDATED"    =>0x00000001 ,  // Pohibit postdated tickets
55             "DISALLOW_FORWARDABLE"  =>0x00000002 ,  // Prohibit forwardable tickets
56             "DISALLOW_TGT_BASED"    =>0x00000004 ,  // Disallow Ticket-Granting Service
57             "DISALLOW_RENEWABLE"    =>0x00000008 ,  // Prohibit renewable tickets
58             "DISALLOW_PROXIABLE"    =>0x00000010 ,  // Disallow proxiable tickets
59             "DISALLOW_DUP_SKEY"     =>0x00000020 ,  // Disallow user to user authentification
60             "DISALLOW_ALL_TIX"      =>0x00000040 ,  // Forbid ticket issuance
61             "REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH"     =>0x00000080 ,  // Preauthentication required
62             "REQUIRES_HW_AUTH"      =>0x00000100 ,  // Hardware preauthentication
63             "REQUIRES_PWCHANGE"     =>0x00000200 ,  // Force a password change
64             "UNKNOWN_0x00000400"    =>0x00000400 ,  // ? 
65             "UNKNOWN_0x00000800"    =>0x00000800 ,  // ?
66             "DISALLOW_SVR"          =>0x00001000 ,  // Prohibit issuance of service tickets
67             "PWCHANGE_SERVICE"      =>0x00002000 ,  // Password change service
68             "SUPPORT_DESMD5"        =>0x00004000 ,  // ?
69             "NEW_PRINC"             =>0x00008000 ); // ?
71     var $used_flags = 128;        // Flags, see below
73     var $readonly = array(
74             "FAIL_AUTH_COUNT",        // The number of failed logins 
75             "KVNO",                   // Key version number
76             "LAST_FAILED",            // Last failed login time
77             "LAST_PWD_CHANGE",        // Password last change time
78             "LAST_SUCCESS",           // Last successful login 
79             "MOD_DATE");              // Last modification time
81     var $FAIL_AUTH_COUNT          = 0;
82     var $KVNO                     = "";
83     var $LAST_FAILED              = 0;
84     var $LAST_PWD_CHANGE          = 0;
85     var $LAST_SUCCESS             = 0;
86     var $MOD_DATE                 = 0;
88     var $POLICY                   = "_none_";
89     var $POLICIES                 = array(); // Policies provided by the corrently selected realm/server
91     public function is_locked($config,$dn = "")
92     {
93         return(FALSE);
94     }
96     public function lock_account($config,$dn = "")
97     {
98         return(FALSE);
99     }
101     public function unlock_account($config,$dn = "")
102     {
103         return(FALSE);
104     }
106     public function __construct(&$config,$dn = "new")  
107     {
108         $this->config= $config;
109         $this->parent_dn = $dn;
111         /* No config object given, this may be the case 
112            if there is only a is_available() request triggered.
113          */
114         if(!is_object($this->config)){
115             return;
116         }  
118         /* Keep the cached valued and skip loading principals 
119            from si until this method gets configured.
120          */
121         $skip_si_access = TRUE;
122         if($dn != "new" && $dn != ""){
123             session::un_set("MIT_CACHE");
124             session::un_set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE");
125             session::un_set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE");
126             $this->clear_cache();
127             $skip_si_access = FALSE;
128         }
130         /* Get a list of all kerberos servers, defined in ldap
131            and get a list of principals they are providing. 
132          */
133         $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
134         $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
135         $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goServer)(objectClass=goKrbServer))",array("goKrbRealm","cn","description","macAddress"));
136         $this->server_list = array();
137         while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
138             if(!isset($attrs['macAddress'][0])) continue;
139             if(!isset($attrs['description'][0])) $attrs['description'][0] ="";
141             if($skip_si_access){
142                 $principals = array();
143             }else{
144                 $principals = $this->load_principals_for_server($attrs['macAddress'][0]);
145             }
147             /* Create Realm/Server/Principal mapping.
148              */
149             foreach($principals as $principal){
150                 $this->map["PRINCIPAL_SERVER"][$principal] = $attrs['cn'][0];
151                 $this->map["PRINCIPAL_REALM"] [$principal] = $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0];
152             }
153             $this->map["SERVER_REALM"][$attrs['cn'][0]] = $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0];
154             $this->map["REALM_SERVER"][$attrs['goKrbRealm'][0]] = $attrs['cn'][0];
156             /* Set first realm as selected.  
157              */
158             if($this->goKrbRealm == ""){
159                 $this->goKrbRealm = $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0];
160             }
162             /* Create Server list
163              */
164             $this->server_list[$attrs['cn'][0]] = array("macAddress" => $attrs['macAddress'][0],
165                     "description"=> $attrs['description'][0],
166                     "dn"         => $attrs['dn'],
167                     "principals" => $principals,
168                     "goKrbRealm" => $attrs['goKrbRealm'][0],
169                     "cn"         => $attrs['cn'][0]);
170         }
172         /*  If this methods is initialized with a valid object dn then 
173             load the object data from ldap and the SI daemon && initialize this class.
174          */
175         $this->is_new = TRUE;
176         if(!$skip_si_access){
177             $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
178             $ldap->cd($dn);
179             $ldap->cat($dn);
180             $this->attrs = $ldap->fetch();
182             /* Set initial pwd hash which take effect if no password method was set yet.  
183                Will be overwritten by the following lines, if the user has already a valid principal.
184              */
185             $this->principal = $this->attrs['uid'][0]."@".$this->goKrbRealm;
187             if(isset($this->attrs['userPassword']) && preg_match("/^\{".$this->get_hash_name()."\}/",$this->attrs['userPassword'][0])){
189                 /* Extract principal name out of userPassword attribute 
190                  */
191                 $p_name = preg_replace("/^\{".$this->get_hash_name()."\}/","",$this->attrs['userPassword'][0]);
193                 /* Try to detect server our principal is configured on
194                  */
195                 if(isset($this->map['PRINCIPAL_SERVER'][$p_name])){
196                     $server= $this->map['PRINCIPAL_SERVER'][$p_name];
197                     $this->goKrbRealm = $this->map['SERVER_REALM'][$server];
198                     $this->principal  = $p_name;
200                     /* Load policies */
201                     $server_name = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm];
202                     $server_mac  = $this->server_list[$server_name]['macAddress'];
203                     $this->POLICIES = $this->load_policies_for_server($server_mac);
205                     /* Load principal */
206                     $this->load_principal($this->server_list[$server]['macAddress'],$p_name);
207                     $this->is_new = FALSE;
208                 }
209             }
210         }
211     }
214     public static function clear_cache()
215     {
216         session::un_set("MIT_CACHE");
217         session::un_set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE");
218         session::un_set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE");
219     }
222     /*! \brief  Load a specific principal from the si daemon 
223       and initialize this plugin with it.
224       @param  String  The macAddress of the kerberos server.
225       @param  String  The name of the principal to load.
226      */
227     public function load_principal($server,$name)
228     {
229         $o = new gosaSupportDaemon();
230         $tmp = array();
231         $tmp = $o->krb5_get_principal($server,$name);
233         if($o->is_error()){
234             $this->si_error     = TRUE;
235             $this->si_error_msg = sprintf(_("Cannot load principal '%s', from server '%s'!"),$name,$server).":&nbsp;<br>".$o->get_error(); 
236             msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);      
237         }else{
239             /* Load flags 
240              */
241             if(isset($tmp['ATTRIBUTES'])){
242                 $this->used_flags = $tmp['ATTRIBUTES'];
243             }
245             /* Load readonly attributes 
246              */
247             foreach($this->readonly as $attr){
248                 if(isset($tmp[$attr])){
249                     $this->$attr = $tmp[$attr];
250                 }
251             } 
253             /* Load modifyable attributes
254              */
255             foreach($this->values as $attr){
256                 if(isset($tmp[$attr])){
257                     $this->$attr = $tmp[$attr];
258                 }
259             } 
261             /* Update time checkboxes 
262              */
263             $date_values = array("PW_EXPIRATION","PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME");
264             foreach($date_values as $value){
265                 if(!empty($this->$value)){
266                     $clear = $value."_clear";
267                     $this->$clear = FALSE;
268                 }
269             }
270         }
271     }
274     /*! \brief  Get the list of all configured principals for a given server.
275       @param  String The servers mac address.
276       @return Array A list with all principals
277       The results will cached.  
278      */
279     public function load_principals_for_server($server)
280     {
281         if(!session::is_set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE")){
282             session::set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE",array());
283         }
284         $cache = session::get("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE");
285         if(!isset($cache[$server])){
286             $o = new gosaSupportDaemon();
287             if($o->is_configured()){
288                 $tmp = $o->krb5_list_principals($server);
289                 if($o->is_error()){
290                     $this->si_error     = TRUE;
291                     $this->si_error_msg = sprintf(_("Cannot load principals from server '%s'!"),$server).":&nbsp;<br>".$o->get_error(); 
292                     msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);
293                     return(array());
294                 }else{
295                     $cache[$server] = $tmp;
296                 }
297             }
298             session::set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE",$cache);
299         }
300         return($cache[$server]);
301     }
304     /*! \brief get list of all configured policies
305       for a given server. 
306       The results will cached.  
307      */
308     public function load_policies_for_server($server)
309     {
310         if(!session::is_set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE")){
311             session::set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE",array());
312         }
313         $cache = session::get("MIT_POLICY_CACHE");
314         if(!isset($cache[$server])){
315             $o = new gosaSupportDaemon();
316             $tmp = $o->krb5_list_policies($server);
317             if($o->is_error()){
318                 $this->si_error     = TRUE;
319                 $this->si_error_msg = sprintf(_("Cannot load policies from server '%s'!"),$server).":&nbsp;<br>".$o->get_error(); 
320                 msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);
321                 return(array());
322             }else{
323                 $cache[$server] = array();
324                 $cache[$server]["_none_"] = _("none"); 
325                 foreach($tmp as $policy){
326                     $cache[$server][$policy] = $policy;
327                 }
328                 ksort($cache[$server]);
329             }
330             session::set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE",$cache);
331         }
332         return($cache[$server]);
333     }
336     /*! \brief Check if this password method is useable. 
337       This is the case if there is a si server running and at least one server configured.
338       kerberos support. 
339      */ 
340     public function is_available()
341     {
342         global $config;
344         /* No config object given, this may be the case 
345            if there is only a is_available() request triggered.
346          */
347         if(!is_object($config)){
348             return;
349         }
352         $o = new gosaSupportDaemon(FALSE);
354         if(count($this->server_list) && $o->connect() && $o->is_configured()){
355             return TRUE; 
356         }
357         return(FALSE);  
358     }
361     /*! \brief Create the password hash. In this case: {kerberos/sasl}name@RELAM 
362       @param  String  The password -in this case unusued.             
363       @return String  The generated hash
364      */
365     public function generate_hash($pwd = "")
366     {
367         $mode= "kerberos";
369         /* No config object given, this may be the case 
370            if there is only a is_available() request triggered.
371          */
372         if (is_object($this->config) && $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","useSaslForKerberos") == "true"){
373             $mode= "sasl";
374         }
375         return "{".$mode."}".$this->attrs['uid'][0]."@".$this->goKrbRealm;
376     }
379     public function create_template_hash($attrs)
380     {
381         return($this->generate_hash());
382     }
385     /*! \brief  Removes this principal.
386      */
387     public function remove_from_parent()
388     {
389         if(!empty($this->principal) && $this->goKrbRealm){
390             $server = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm];
391             $o = new gosaSupportDaemon();
392             if(!$o->krb5_del_principal($this->server_list[$server]['macAddress'],$this->principal)){
393                 $this->si_error     = TRUE;
394                 $this->si_error_msg = $o->get_error();
395                 msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);      
396             }
397         }
398     }
401     /*! \brief  Set a new password for this principal 
402       @param  String The new password.
403      */
404     public function set_password($password)
405     {
406         if(!empty($this->principal) && $this->goKrbRealm){
407             $server = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm];
408             $o = new gosaSupportDaemon();
409             if(!$o->krb5_set_password($this->server_list[$server]['macAddress'],$this->principal,$password)){
410                 msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);      
411                 return(FALSE);
412             }
413         }
414         return(TRUE);
415     }
418     /*! \brief  Return the hash name of this mehtod,  e.g. to identify methods.
419       @return String  The hash used by this method.
420      */
421     public function get_hash_name()
422     {
423         $mode= "kerberos";
425         /* No config object given, this may be the case 
426            if there is only a is_available() request triggered.
427          */
428         if (is_object($this->config) && $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","useSaslForKerberos") == "true"){
429             $mode= "sasl";
430         }
431         return "$mode";
432     }
435     /*! \brief  Returns TRUE if this method is configurable else FALSE
436       @retrun Boolena TRUE if configurable, else FALSE.
437      */
438     public function is_configurable()
439     {
440         return TRUE;
441     }
444     /*! \brief  Additional info displayed in the users password method drop down.
445       @retunr String  Additional password method info.
446      */
447     public function get_description()
448     {
449         return(_("Daemon based"));
450     }
453     /*! \brief  Display a HTML based configuration dialog for this plugin
454       @return String  HTML.
455      */
456     public function configure()
457     {
458         $this->save_object();
460         $years = array();
461         $start = date("Y")-1;
462         for($i = $start; $i < ($start +20) ; $i++){
463             $years[$i] = $i;
464         }
465         $month= array();
466         for($i = 1; $i <= 12  ; $i++){
467             $month[str_pad($i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $i;
468         }
469         $days= array();
470         for($i = 1; $i <= 31  ; $i++){
471             $days[str_pad($i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $i;
472         }
473         $hours= array();
474         for($i = 0; $i <= 23  ; $i++){
475             $hours[str_pad($i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $i;
476         }
477         $minutes= array();
478         for($i = 0; $i <= 59  ; $i++){
479             $minutes[str_pad($i,2,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT)] = $i;
480         }
483         /* Cancel heimdal options */
484         if (isset($_POST['pw_abort']) || $this->display == FALSE){
485             $this->display = FALSE;
486             return("");
487         }
489         /* Cancel heimdal options */
490         if (isset($_POST['pw_save'])){
491             $msgs = $this->check();
492             if(count($msgs)){
493                 foreach($msgs as $msg){
494                     msg_dialog::display(_("Kerberos"),$msg,WARNING_DIALOG);
495                 }
496             }else{
497                 $this->display = FALSE;
498                 return "";
499             }
500         }
502         $smarty = get_smarty();
503         $smarty->assign("si_error",$this->si_error);
504         $smarty->assign("si_error_msg",$this->si_error_msg);
505         $smarty->assign("years",       set_post($years));
506         $smarty->assign("month",       set_post($month));
507         $smarty->assign("days",        set_post($days));
508         $smarty->assign("hours",       set_post($hours));
509         $smarty->assign("minutes",     set_post($minutes));
510         $smarty->assign("server_list",  $this->server_list);
511         $smarty->assign("POLICY",       $this->POLICY);
512         $smarty->assign("goKrbRealm",   $this->goKrbRealm);
513         $server_name = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm];
514         $server_mac  = $this->server_list[$server_name]['macAddress'];
515         $this->POLICIES = $this->load_policies_for_server($server_mac);
516         $smarty->assign("POLICIES"  ,$this->POLICIES);
518         foreach($this->values as $attr){
519             $smarty->assign($attr ,set_post($this->$attr));
520         }
521         foreach($this->readonly as $attr){
522             $smarty->assign($attr ,set_post($this->$attr));
523         }
524         foreach($this->flags as $attr => $hex){
525             $smarty->assign($attr, ($this->used_flags & $hex ));
526         }
528         $date_values = array("PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME","PW_EXPIRATION");
529         foreach($date_values as $date_val){
530             $clear = $date_val."_clear";
531             $smarty->assign($date_val."_clear",$this->$clear);
532             $smarty->assign($date_val."_y",date("Y",$this->$date_val));
533             $smarty->assign($date_val."_m",date("m",$this->$date_val));
534             $smarty->assign($date_val."_d",date("d",$this->$date_val));
535             $smarty->assign($date_val."_h",date("h",$this->$date_val));
536             $smarty->assign($date_val."_i",date("i",$this->$date_val));
537         }
539         return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("pwd_kerberos_mit.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
540     }
543     /*! \brief  Saves all relevant HTML posts for this plugin
544      */
545     public function save_object()
546     {
547         /* If the communication with the si server failed, 
548            you are able to retry to connect to the server.
549            Here we hanlde those requests.
550          */
551         if(isset($_POST['retry_si'])){
552             $this->si_error= FALSE;
553             $this->si_error_msg= "";
554             session::un_set("MIT_PRINCIPAL_CACHE");
555             session::un_set("MIT_POLICY_CACHE");
556             $this->__construct($this->config,$this->parent_dn);
557         }
559         /* Only handle posts for this plugin, it its content was posted
560          */
561         if(isset($_POST['pwd_heimdal_posted'])){
563             if(isset($_POST['goKrbRealm'])){
564                 $this->goKrbRealm = get_post("goKrbRealm");
565             }
567             $this->used_flags = 0;
568             foreach($this->flags as $attr => $hex){
569                 if(isset($_POST[$attr])){
570                     $this->used_flags |= $hex; 
571                 }
572             }
574             foreach(array("MAX_LIFE","MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE","POLICY") as $attr){
575                 if(isset($_POST[$attr])){
576                     $this->$attr = get_post($attr);
577                 }
578             }
580             $date_values = array("PW_EXPIRATION","PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME");
581             foreach($date_values as $date_value){
582                 $clear = $date_value."_clear";
583                 if(isset($_POST[$date_value."_clear"])){
584                     $this->$clear = TRUE;
585                 }else{
586                     $this->$clear = FALSE;
587                     $this->$date_value = gmmktime( 
588                             get_post($date_value."_h"),
589                             get_post($date_value."_i"),
590                             0,
591                             get_post($date_value."_m"),
592                             get_post($date_value."_d"),
593                             get_post($date_value."_y"));
594                 }
595             }
596         }
597     }
600     /*! \brief  Checks the values specified in the configuration dialog. 
601       @return Array Containing all error messages.
602      */
603     public function check()
604     {
605         $message = array();
607         if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/",$this->MAX_LIFE)){
608             $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Ticket max life"),$this->MAX_LIFE,"/[0-9]/");
609         }
610         if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/",$this->MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE)){
611             $message[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Ticket max renew"),$this->MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE,"/[0-9]/");
612         }
613         return($message);
614     }
617     /*! \brief  Adapt account settings from given dn 
618      */ 
619     public function adapt_from_template ($dn)
620     {
621         $source = new passwordMethodMIT($this->config,$dn);
622         $attrs = array("PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME","PW_EXPIRATION","POLICY","MAX_LIFE","MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFE","MASK","used_flags");
623         foreach($attrs as $attr){
624             $this->$attr = $source->$attr;
625         }
626     }
629     /*! \brief Saves changes back to the SI daemon.
630      */
631     public function save($dn)
632     {
633         $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
634         $ldap->cd($dn);
635         $ldap->cat($dn,array('uid'));
636         $attrs = $ldap->fetch();
638         if(isset($attrs['uid'][0])){
640             /* Get servers mac */
641             $server_name = $this->map['REALM_SERVER'][$this->goKrbRealm];
642             $server_mac  = $this->server_list[$server_name]['macAddress'];
644             $uid       = $attrs['uid'][0];
645             $principal = $uid."@".strtoupper($this->goKrbRealm); 
646             $policy    = $this->POLICY;
648             /* Collect flags */
649             $flags = array();
650             $entry = array();
652             $entry['ATTRIBUTES'] = $this->used_flags;
654             /* Append other values */
655             foreach($this->values as $attr){
656                 if($attr == "POLICY") continue;
657                 $entry[$attr] = $this->$attr;
658             }
660             /* Prepare entry to be saved */
661             if($policy != "_none_"){
662                 $entry['POLICY'] = $policy;
663             }
665             /* Set date values 
666              */
667             $date_values = array("PW_EXPIRATION","PRINC_EXPIRE_TIME");
668             foreach($date_values as $value){
669                 $clear = $value."_clear";
670                 if($this->$clear){
671                     $entry[$value] = 0;
672                 }
673             }    
676             /* Save principal changes */
677             $o = new gosaSupportDaemon();
678             if(in_array($principal,$this->server_list[$server_name]['principals'])){
679                 $this->is_new = FALSE;
680             }
682             if($this->is_new){
683                 $o->krb5_add_principal($server_mac,$principal,$entry);
684             }else{
685                 $o->krb5_set_principal($server_mac,$principal,$entry);
686             }
687             if($o->is_error()){
688                 $this->si_error     = TRUE;
689                 $this->si_error_msg = $o->get_error();
690                 msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);      
691             }
692         }
693     }
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699 ?>