
Updated mail tempalte
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / mail / personal / mail / generic.tpl
1 <table summary="{t}Mail settings{/t}">
2  <tr>
3   <td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top;">  
4    <h3>{t}Generic{/t}</h3>
6    <table summary="{t}Mail address configuration{/t}">
7     {if !$multiple_support}
8     <tr>
9      <td><label for="mail">{t}Primary address{/t}</label>{$must}</td>
10      <td>
11       {if !$isModifyableMail && $initially_was_account}
12       <input type='text' disabled size=30 value="{$mail}">
13       {else}
14       {if $domainSelectionEnabled}
15       {render acl=$mailACL}
16       <input type='text' id="mail" name="mail" size=20 maxlength=65 value="{$mail}">
17       {/render}
18       @<select name='MailDomain'>
19        {html_options values=$MailDomains output=$MailDomains selected=$MailDomain}
20       </select>
21       {else}
22       {render acl=$mailACL}
23       <input type='text' id="mail" name="mail" size=35 maxlength=65 value="{$mail}">
24       {/render}
25       {/if}
26       {/if}
27      </td>
28     </tr>
29     <tr>
30      <td><label for="gosaMailServer">{t}Server{/t}</label></td>
31      <td>
32       {if !$isModifyableServer && $initially_was_account}
33       <input type='text' disabled size=30 value="{$gosaMailServer}">
34       {else}
36       {render acl=$gosaMailServerACL}
37       <select size="1" id="gosaMailServer" name="gosaMailServer" title="{t}Specify the mail server where the user will be hosted on{/t}">
38        {html_options values=$MailServers output=$MailServers selected=$gosaMailServer}
39        <option disabled>&nbsp;</option>
40       </select>
41       {/render}
42       {/if}
43      </td>
44     </tr>
45     {/if}
47     <tr>
48      <td>&nbsp;
49      </td>
50     </tr>
51     {if $quotaEnabled}
52     <tr>
53      <td>{t}Quota usage{/t}</td>
54      <td>{$quotaUsage}</td>
55     </tr>
56     <tr>
57      <td><label for="gosaMailQuota">{t}Quota size{/t}</label></td>
58      <td>
59       {render acl=$gosaMailQuotaACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_gosaMailQuota}
60       <input id="gosaMailQuota" name="gosaMailQuota" size="6" align="middle" maxlength="60"
61       value="{$gosaMailQuota}"> MB
62       {/render}
63      </td>
64     </tr>
65     {/if}
66    </table>
67   </td>
68   <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0;vertical-align:top;">
69    &nbsp;
70   </td>
71   <td>
72    {if !$multiple_support}
73    <h3>
74    <label for="alternates_list"> {t}Alternative addresses{/t}</label></h3>
75    {render acl=$gosaMailAlternateAddressACL}
76    <select id="alternates_list" style="width:100%;height:100px;" name="alternates_list[]" size="15" multiple
77    title="{t}List of alternative mail addresses{/t}">
78    {html_options values=$gosaMailAlternateAddress output=$gosaMailAlternateAddress}
79    <option disabled>&nbsp;</option>
80    {/render}
81 </select>
82 <br />
83 {render acl=$gosaMailAlternateAddressACL}
84 <input type='text' name="alternate_address" size="30" align="middle" maxlength="65" value="">
85 {/render}
86 {render acl=$gosaMailAlternateAddressACL}
87 <button type='submit' name='add_alternate'>{msgPool type=addButton}</button>
89 {/render}
90 {render acl=$gosaMailAlternateAddressACL}
91 <button type='submit' name='delete_alternate'>{msgPool type=delButton}</button>
93 {/render}
94 {/if}
95 </td>
96 </tr>
97 <tr>
98  <td colspan="3">
99   <hr>
100   <table summary="{t}Mail account configration flags{/t}">
101    <tr>
102     <td>
103      {render acl=$gosaMailDeliveryModeCACL}
104      <input class="center" type=checkbox id="own_script" name="own_script" value="1" {$own_script}
105      onClick="
106      changeState('sieveManagement');
107      changeState('drop_own_mails');
108      changeState('use_vacation');
109      changeState('use_spam_filter');
110      changeState('use_mailsize_limit');
111      changeState('import_vacation');
112      changeState('vacation_template');
113      changeState('only_local');
114      changeState('gosaVacationMessage');
115      changeState('gosaSpamSortLevel');
116      changeState('gosaSpamMailbox');
117      changeState('gosaMailMaxSize');
118      changeStates();"> {t}Use custom sieve script{/t} <b>({t}disables all Mail options!{/t})</b>
119      {/render}
120     </td>
121    </tr>
122    {if $allowSieveManagement}
123    <tr>
124     <td>
125      {render acl=$sieveManagementACL}
126      <button type='submit' name='sieveManagement' id="sieveManagement" {if $own_script == ""} disabled {/if}
127      >{t}Sieve Management{/t}</button>
129      {/render}
130     </td>
131    </tr>
132    {/if}
133   </table>
134  </td>
135 </tr>
136 <tr>
137  <td colspan="3">
138   <hr>
139  </td>
140 </tr>
141 </table>
143 <table summary="{t}Spam filter configuration{/t}">
144  <tr style="padding-bottom:0px;">
145   <td style="width:50%; vertical-align: top;">
147    <div>
148     <div style='float:left'>
149      {render acl=$gosaMailDeliveryModeIACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_drop_own_mails}
150        <input {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if} class="center" id='drop_own_mails' 
151           type=checkbox name="drop_own_mails" value="1" {$drop_own_mails} 
152           title="{t}Select if you want to forward mails without getting own copies of them{/t}">
153      {/render}
154     </div>
155     <div style='padding-left: 25px;'>
156      {t}No delivery to own mailbox{/t}
157     </div>
158    </div>
160    <div class='clear'></div>  
162    <div>
163     <div style='float:left'>
164      {render acl=$gosaMailDeliveryModeVACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_use_vacation}
165        <input type=checkbox name="use_vacation" value="1" {$use_vacation} 
166          id="use_vacation" {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if}
167          title="{t}Select to automatically response with the vacation message defined below{/t}" class="center" 
168          onclick="changeStates()">
169      {/render}
170     </div>
171     <div style='padding-left: 25px;'>
172       {t}Activate vacation message{/t}
173     </div>
174    </div>
176    <div class='clear'></div>  
178    {if $rangeEnabled}
179    <table summary="{t}Spam filter configuration{/t}">
180     <tr>
181      <td>{t}from{/t}</td>
182      <td style='width:140px'>
183       {render acl=$gosaVacationMessageACL}
184       <input type="text" id="gosaVacationStart" name="gosaVacationStart" class="date" style='width:100px' value="{$gosaVacationStart}">
185       {if $gosaVacationMessageACL|regex_replace:"/[cdmr]/":"" == "w"}
186       <script type="text/javascript">
187       {literal}
188       var datepicker  = new DatePicker({ relative : 'gosaVacationStart', language : '{/literal}{$lang}{literal}', keepFieldEmpty : true, enableCloseEffect : false, enableShowEffect : false });
189       {/literal}
190       </script>
191       {/if}
192       {/render}
193      </td>
194      <td>{t}till{/t}</td>
195      <td style='width:140px'>
196       {render acl=$gosaVacationMessageACL}
197       <div id="vacstart"><input type="text" id="gosaVacationStop" name="gosaVacationStop" class="date" style='width:100px' value="{$gosaVacationStop}"></div>
198       {if $gosaVacationMessageACL|regex_replace:"/[cdmr]/":"" == "w"}
199       <script type="text/javascript">
200       {literal}
201       var datepicker2  = new DatePicker({ relative : 'gosaVacationStop', language : '{/literal}{$lang}{literal}', keepFieldEmpty : true, enableCloseEffect : false, enableShowEffect : false });
202       {/literal}
203       </script>
204       {/if}
205       {/render}
206      </td>
207     </tr>
208    </table>
209    {/if}
210    <td rowspan=2 style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0">&nbsp;</td>
211    <td style="vertical-align:top;">
213    <div>
214     <div style='float:left'>
215      {render acl=$gosaMailDeliveryModeSACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_use_spam_filter}
216       <input {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if} id='use_spam_filter' type=checkbox name="use_spam_filter" 
217         value="1" {$use_spam_filter} title="{t}Select if you want to filter this mails through spamassassin{/t}" class="center">
218      {/render}
219     </div>
220     <div style='padding-left: 25px;'>
221      <label for="gosaSpamSortLevel">{t}Move mails tagged with spam level greater than{/t}</label>
222      {render acl=$gosaSpamSortLevelACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_gosaSpamSortLevel}
223       <select {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if} id="gosaSpamSortLevel" size="1" name="gosaSpamSortLevel" 
224         title="{t}Choose spam level - smaller values are more sensitive{/t}">
225         {html_options values=$spamlevel output=$spamlevel selected=$gosaSpamSortLevel}
226       </select>
227      {/render}
228      <label for="gosaSpamMailbox">{t}to folder{/t}</label>
229      {render acl=$gosaSpamMailboxACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_gosaSpamMailbox}
230      <select {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if} size="1" id="gosaSpamMailbox" name="gosaSpamMailbox">
231       {html_options values=$spambox output=$spambox selected=$gosaSpamMailbox}
232       <option disabled>&nbsp;</option>
233      </select>
234      {/render}
235     </div>
236    </div>
238    <div class='clear'></div>  
240    <div>
241     <div style='float:left;'>
242      {render acl=$gosaMailDeliveryModeRACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_use_mailsize_limit}
243       <input {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if} id='use_mailsize_limit' type=checkbox 
244         name="use_mailsize_limit" value="1" {$use_mailsize_limit} class="center">
245      {/render}
246     </div>
247     <div style='padding-left: 25px;'>
248      <label for="gosaMailMaxSize">{t}Reject mails bigger than{/t}</label>
249       {render acl=$gosaMailMaxSizeACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_gosaMailMaxSize}
250        <input {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if} id="gosaMailMaxSize" name="gosaMailMaxSize" 
251         size="6" align="middle" maxlength="30" value="{$gosaMailMaxSize}"  class="center"> {t}MB{/t}
252       {/render}
253     </div>
254    </div>
256    <div class='clear'></div>  
258 </td>
259 </tr>
260 <tr>
261  <td style="vertical-align:top; width:45%">
262   <p style="margin-bottom:0px;">
263   <b><label for="gosaVacationMessage">{t}Vacation message{/t}</label></b>
264   </p>
265   {render acl=$gosaVacationMessageACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_gosaVacationMessage}
266   <textarea {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if} id="gosaVacationMessage" style="width:99%; height:100px;" 
267 name="gosaVacationMessage" rows="4" cols="512">{$gosaVacationMessage}</textarea>
268 {/render}
269 <br>
271 {if $show_templates eq "true"}
272 {render acl=$gosaVacationMessageACL}
273 <select id='vacation_template' name="vacation_template" {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if}>
274  {html_options options=$vacationtemplates selected=$template}
275  <option disabled>&nbsp;</option>
276 </select>
277 {/render}
278 {render acl=$gosaVacationMessageACL}
279 <button type='submit' name='import_vacation' id="import_vacation" {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if}
280 >{t}Import{/t}</button>
282 {/render}
283 {/if}
284 </td>
285 <td>
286  <p style="margin-bottom:0px;">
287  <b><label for="forwarder_list">{t}Forward messages to{/t}</label></b>
288  </p>
290  {if $multiple_support}
291  <input type="checkbox" name="use_gosaMailForwardingAddress" onclick="changeState('gosaMailForwardingAddress');" 
292  class="center" {if $use_gosaMailForwardingAddress} checked {/if}>   
293  {/if}
295  {render acl=$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL}
296  <select {if $use_gosaMailForwardingAddress} checked {/if}
297  id="gosaMailForwardingAddress" style="width:100%; height:100px;" name="forwarder_list[]" size=15 multiple>
298  {html_options values=$gosaMailForwardingAddress output=$gosaMailForwardingAddress selected=$template}        
299  <option disabled>&nbsp;</option>
300 </select>
301 {/render}
302 <br>
303 {render acl=$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL}
304 <input type='text' id='forward_address' name="forward_address" size=20 align="middle" maxlength=65 value="">
305 {/render}
306 {render acl=$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL}
307 <button type='submit' name='add_forwarder' id="add_forwarder">{msgPool type=addButton}</button>&nbsp;
309 {/render}
310 {render acl=$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL}
311 <button type='submit' name='add_local_forwarder' id="add_local_forwarder">{t}Add local{/t}</button>&nbsp;
313 {/render}
314 {render acl=$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL}
315 <button type='submit' name='delete_forwarder' id="delete_forwarder">{msgPool type=delButton}</button>
317 {/render}
318 </td>
319 </tr>
320 </table>
321 <hr>
323 <h3>{t}Advanced mail options{/t}
324 </h3>
325 <table summary="{t}Delivery settings{/t}">
326  <tr>
327   <td>
328    {render acl=$gosaMailDeliveryModeLACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_only_local}
329    <input {if $own_script != ""} disabled {/if} id='only_local' type=checkbox name="only_local" 
330    value="1" {$only_local} title="{t}Select if user can only send and receive inside his own domain{/t}" class="center">
331    {/render}
332    {t}User is only allowed to send and receive local mails{/t}
333   </td>
334  </tr>
335 </table>
337 <input type="hidden" name="mailTab" value="mailTab">
339 <!-- Place cursor -->
340 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
342 {literal}
343 function validateClick()
345 alert("yes");
346 if(!document.getElementById('use_vacation').checked){
347 return;
351 function changeStates()
353 if($('own_script').checked) {
354 $("gosaVacationStart", "gosaVacationStop","gosaVacationMessage").invoke("disable");
355 $("datepicker-gosaVacationStop_image", "datepicker-gosaVacationStart_image").invoke("hide");
356 } else {
357 if($('use_vacation').checked) {
358 $("gosaVacationStart", "gosaVacationStop","gosaVacationMessage").invoke("enable");
359 $("datepicker-gosaVacationStop_image", "datepicker-gosaVacationStart_image").invoke("show");
360 }else{
361 $("gosaVacationStart", "gosaVacationStop","gosaVacationMessage").invoke("disable");
362 $("datepicker-gosaVacationStop_image", "datepicker-gosaVacationStart_image").invoke("hide");
367 changeStates();
368 focus_field('mail');
369 {/literal}
370 </script>