
Updated mailqueue
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / mail / addons / mailqueue /
1 <?php
3 class mailqueue extends plugin
4 {
5   /* Definitions */
6   var $plHeadline     = "Mail queue";
7   var $plDescription  = "This does something";
8   var $plIcon         = "plugins/mail/images/mailqueue.png";
10   /* attribute list for save action */
11   var $attributes     = array();
12   var $objectclasses  = array();
14   var $Server         = "all";
15   var $ServerList     = array(); // The list of all available servers.
16   var $Search         = "*";
17   var $Time           = 0;
18   var $Page           = 0;
19   var $Stat           = "all";
20   var $OrderBy        = "Arrival";
21   var $SortType       = "up";
22   var $disp_header    = false;
23   var $range          = 20;   
25   /* Logging detection */
26   var $view_logged    = FALSE;
28   function mailqueue(&$config, $dn= NULL)
29   {
30     $this->config   = &$config;
31     $this->si_queue = new si_mailqueue($this->config);
32     $this->getServer();
33   }
36   function execute()
37   {
38     /* Call parent execute */
39     plugin::execute();
41     /* Log view */
42     if(!$this->view_logged){
43       $this->view_logged = TRUE;
44       new log("view","mailqueue/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
45     }
47     $smarty= get_smarty();
48     $error =false;
50     /******************
51       Handle options 
52      ******************/
54     $action = $server = $entry = "";
55     $types = array( 
56         "all_del"     => "del",
57         "all_hold"    => "hold",
58         "all_unhold"  => "unhold",
59         "all_requeue" => "requeue");
60     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
61       foreach($types as $type => $target){
62         if(preg_match("/^".$type."/",$name)){
63           $entry  = $this->list_get_selected_items();
64           $action = $target;
65           break;
66         }
67       }
68       if(!empty($action)) break;
69     }
72     $types = array("del","hold","unhold","header","requeue");
73     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
74       foreach($types as $type){
75         if(preg_match("/^".$type."__/",$name)){
76           $action = $type;
77           $server = preg_replace("/^".$type."__[^_]*__([^_]*)_.*/","\\1",$name); 
78           $entry[$server][] = preg_replace("/^".$type."__([^_]*)__.*/","\\1",$name); 
79           break;
80         }
81       }
82       if(!empty($action)) break;
83     }
85     /* Send action for given mail id */
86     if(in_array($action,array("del","hold","unhold","requeue"))){
87       foreach($entry as $server => $entries){
88         $this->si_queue->send_queue_action($entries,$server,$action);
89       }
90     }
93     /******************
94       Display mail header
95      ******************/
97     if($action == "header"){
98       $server = key($entry);
99       $entry = $entry[$server];
101       /* Create table which displays the header informations */
102       $data = $this->si_queue->header($entry,$server);
103       $this->disp_header = $data;
104       if($this->si_queue->is_error()){
105         msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::siError($this->si_queue->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);
106         $this->disp_header = FALSE;
107       }
108     }
110     /* Back is posted from the header display page */
111     if(isset($_POST['back'])){
112       $this->disp_header = false;
113     }
115     /* If there is a header in disp_header, then display it */
116     if($this->disp_header){
117       $smarty->assign("header",$this->disp_header);
118       return ($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('header.tpl', TRUE)));
119     }
122     /******************
123       Query mailqueues 
124      ******************/
126     $within_minutes = -1;
127     if($this->Time != "nolimit"){
128       $within_minutes = 60*60*$this->Time;
129     }
131     if($this->Server == "all"){
132       $entries = array();
133       foreach($this->ServerList as $mac => $name){
134         if(!tests::is_mac($mac)) continue;
135         $entries = array_merge($entries,$this->si_queue->query_mailqueue(
136               $mac,$this->OrderBy,$this->SortType,$this->Search,$within_minutes));
137         if($this->si_queue->is_error()){
138           msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::siError($this->si_queue->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);
139         }
140       }
141     }else{
142       $entries = $this->si_queue->query_mailqueue(
143           $this->Server,$this->OrderBy,$this->SortType,$this->Search,$within_minutes);
144       if($this->si_queue->is_error()){
145         msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::siError($this->si_queue->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);
146       }
147     }
149     $count = count($entries);
150     $entries = array_slice($entries,$this->Page,$this->range);
152     /* Add ServerName to results 
153      */
154     foreach($entries as $key => $data){
155       $entries[$key]['ServerName'] = $this->ServerList[$data['Server']];
156     }   
158     /******************
159       create html output 
160      ******************/
162     $smarty->assign("all_ok"        , count($entries));
163     $smarty->assign("entries"       , $entries);
164     $smarty->assign("plug"          , "?plug=".$_GET['plug']);
166     $smarty->assign("r_stats"       , $this->getStats());
167     $smarty->assign("stats"         , array_flip($this->getStats()));
169     $smarty->assign("stat"          , $this->Stat);
170     $smarty->assign("p_server"      , $this->Server);
171     $smarty->assign("p_servers"     , $this->ServerList);
172     $smarty->assign("p_serverKeys"  , array_flip($this->ServerList));
173     $smarty->assign("p_time"        , $this->Time);
174     $smarty->assign("p_times"       , $this->getTimes());
175     $smarty->assign("p_timeKeys"    , array_flip($this->getTimes()));
176     $smarty->assign("search_for"    , $this->Search);
177     $smarty->assign("range_selector", range_selector($count, $this->Page, $this->range,"EntriesPerPage")); 
178     $smarty->assign("OrderBy"       , $this->OrderBy);
180     /* Display sort arrow */
181     if($this->SortType == "up"){
182       $smarty->assign("SortType","<img src='images/lists/sort-up.png' alt='"._("up")."' border='0'>");
183     }else{
184       $smarty->assign("SortType","<img src='images/lists/sort-down.png' alt='"._("down")."' border='0'>");
185     }
186     return ($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('contents.tpl', TRUE)));
187   }
190   /* return selectable server 
191    */
192   function getServer()
193   {
194     $ret= array("all"=>_("All"));
196     /* First of all, detect all servers that supports the mailqueue extension 
197         -If this fails, the mailqueue(s) can't be queried.
198      */
199     $hosts          = $this->si_queue->get_hosts_with_module("mailqueue_com");
200     $this->si_error = $this->si_queue->is_error();
201     if(!count($hosts)){
202       return(array());
203     }    
205     /* Create search filter and try to resolv mac to hostname 
206      */
207     $filter = "";
208     foreach($hosts as $mac){
209       $filter .= "(macAddress=".$mac.")";
210     }
211     $filter = "(&(objectClass=GOhard)(|".$filter."))";
212     $res = get_list($filter,"no_acls",$this->config->current['BASE'],
213         array("cn","macAddress"),GL_SUBSEARCH | GL_NO_ACL_CHECK); 
215     /* Create result array 
216      */
217     foreach($hosts as $mac){
218       $found = FALSE;
219       foreach($res as $entry){
220         if(preg_match("/^".normalizePreg($mac)."$/i",$entry['macAddress'][0])){
221           $ret[$mac] = $entry['cn'][0];
222           $found = TRUE;
223           break;
224         }
225       }
226       if(!$found){
227         $ret[$mac] = $mac;
228       }
229     }
230     $this->ServerList = $ret;
231   }
234   /* Return selectable times*/
235   function getTimes()
236   {
237     $ret = array();
238     $ret['nolimit']=_("no limit"); 
239     foreach(array(1,2,4,8,12,24,36,48) as $i){
240       if($i == 1){
241         $ret[$i] = $i."&nbsp;"._("hour");
242       }else{
243         $ret[$i] = $i."&nbsp;"._("hours");
244       }
245     }
246     return($ret);
247   }
250   /* Save post values*/
251   function save_object($save_current= FALSE)
252   {
253     /* Update amount of entries displayed */
254     if(isset($_POST['EntriesPerPage'])){
255       $this->range = $_POST['EntriesPerPage'];
256     }
258     if(isset($_POST['p_server']) && isset($this->ServerList[$_POST['p_server']])){
259       $this->Server = $_POST['p_server'];
260     }
262     if(isset($_POST['p_time'])){
263       $this->Time = $_POST['p_time'];
264     }
265     if(isset($_POST['search_for'])){
266       $this->Search = $_POST['search_for'];
267     }
268     if(isset($_POST['Stat'])){
269       $this->Stat = $_POST['Stat'];
270     }
271     if((isset($_GET['start']))&&(is_numeric($_GET['start']))&&($_GET['start']>=0)){
272       $this->Page = $_GET['start'];
273     }
275     if((isset($_GET['sort']))&&(!empty($_GET['sort']))){
276       $old = $this->OrderBy;
277       $this->OrderBy = $_GET['sort'];
278       if($this->OrderBy == $old)
279       {
280         if($this->SortType== "up"){
281           $this->SortType = "down";
282         }else{
283           $this->SortType = "up";
284         }
285       }
286     }
288   }
290   /* Return stats */
291   function getStats()
292   {
293     return(array(
294           "all"     =>_("All"),
295           "hold"    =>_("Hold"),
296           "unhold"  =>_("Un hold"),
297           "active"  =>_("Active"),
298           "nonactive"  =>_("Not active")
299           ));
300   }
302   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling
303      #FIXME You can only read attributes within this report plugin */
304   static function plInfo()
305   {
306     return (array(
307         "plShortName"   => _("Mail queue"),
308         "plDescription" => _("Mail queue addon"),
309         "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
310         "plDepends"     => array(),
311         "plPriority"    => 1,
312         "plSection"     => array("addon"),
313         "plCategory"    => array("mailqueue" => array("objectClass" => "none", "description" => _("Mail queue addon"))),
315         "plProvidedAcls" => array(
316             "unhold_all"      => _("Unhold all messages"),
317             "hold_all"        => _("Hold all messages"),
318             "del_all"         => _("Delete all messages"),
319             "requeue_all"     => _("Requeue all messages"),
320             "unhold"          => _("Unhold message"),
321             "hold"            => _("Hold message"),
322             "del"             => _("Delete message"),
323             "requeue"         => _("Requeue message"),
324             "query"           => _("Gathering queue data"),
325             "header"          => _("Get header information")
326           )
327         ));
328   }
330   function list_get_selected_items()
331   {
332     $ids = array();
333     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
334       if(preg_match("/^selected_*/",$name)){
335         $server = preg_replace("/^selected_.*_/","",$name) ;
336         $ids[$server][] = preg_replace("/^selected_([^_]*)_.*$/","\\1",$name);
337       }
338     }
339     return($ids);
340   }
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346 ?>