
New bunch of value changes
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / ldapmanager / addons / ldapmanager / contentexport.tpl
1 {if $LDIFError != FALSE || $type == FALSE}
2 <p style="margin-top:5px;">
3   {t}The LDIF export plugin provides methods to download a complete snapshot of the running LDAP directory as ldif. You may save these files for backup purpose or when initializing a new server.{/t}
4 </p>
5 <p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
7 <table summary="" style="width:100%;">
8 <tr>
9         <td width="30%">
10                 <LABEL for="text" >{t}Export single entry{/t}</LABEL>
11         </td>
12         <td>
13                 <input id="text" type="text" value="" name="single">
14         </td>
15         <td>
16                 <input type="submit" value="{t}Export{/t}" name="sfrmgetsingle">
17         </td>
18 </tr>
19 <tr>
20         <td width="30%">
21                 <LABEL for="selfull">{t}Export complete LDIF for{/t}</LABEL>
22         </td>
23         <td>
24                 <select id="selfull" name="selfull" size="1" title="{t}Choose the department you want to Export{/t}">
25                         {html_options options=$deplist selected=0}
26                 </select>
27         </td>
28         <td>
29                 <input type="submit" value="{t}Export{/t}" name="sfrmgetfull">
30         </td>
31 </tr>
33 {if $govmode eq "true"}
34 <tr>
35         <td width="30%">
36                 <LABEL for="selivbb">{t}Export IVBB LDIF for{/t}</LABEL>
37         </td>
38         <td>
39                 <select id="selivbb" name="selivbb" size="1" title="{t}Choose the department you want to Export{/t}">
40                         {html_options options=$deplist selected=$depselectivbb}
41                 </select>
42         </td>
43         <td>
44                 <input type="submit" value="{t}Export{/t}" name="sfrmgetivbb">
45         </td>
46 </tr>
47 {/if}
48 </table> 
51 {else}
54 <br>
55         <h1>{t}Export successful{/t}</h1>
56 <br>
57         <div>
58                 <img alt="" border="0" align=middle src="images/filesaveas.png">
59                 <a href = "plugins/ldapmanager/getldif.php{$para}" title="{t}Click here to save the complete LDAP database to a file{/t} ">{t}Click here to save the LDAP Export {/t}</a>
62                 <br>
63                 <br>
64         </div>
65         <div align="right">
66                 <input type="submit" value="{msgPool type=backButton}" name='back'>
67         </div>
68 {/if}
69 <p class="plugbottom">
70   &nbsp;
71 </p>
73 <input type="hidden" name="ignore">