
Fixed typo
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / ldapmanager / addons / ldapmanager / contentcsv.tpl
1 <p>
2   {t}The CSV import plugin provides methods to generate user accounts from a file containing Comma Seperated Values. The administrator can decide which columns should be transfered to which attribute. Note that you must have at least the UID, GIVENNAME and SURENAME set.{/t}
3 </p>
4 <p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
6 {if $fileup != TRUE}
7 <table summary="">
8         <tr>
9                 <td>
10                         <LABEL for="userfile">{t}Select CSV file to import{/t}</LABEL>
11                 </td>
12                 <td>
13                 <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2097152">
14                 <input id="userfile" name="userfile" type="file" value="{t}Browse{/t}">
15                 </td>
16         </tr>
17         <tr>
18                 <td>
19                 <LABEL for="template">{t}Select template{/t}</LABEL>
20                 </td>
21                 <td>
22                 <select id="template" name="template" size="1" title="">
23                         {html_options options=$templates selected=""}   
24                 </select>
25                 </td>
27         </tr>
28 </table>
29 {elseif $sorted != FALSE}
32 <br>
33     {if $error == FALSE}
34          <b>{t}All entries have been written to the LDAP database successfully.{/t}</b>
35     {else}
36          <b style="color:red">{t}Oups. There was an error during the import of your data.{/t}</b>
37         {/if}
39 <b>{t}Here is the status report for the import:{/t} </b>
40 <br>
41 <br>
44         <table summary="" cellspacing="1" border=0 cellpadding="4"  bgcolor="#FEFEFE">
45                 <tr>
46                         {foreach from=$head item=h}
47                         <td bgcolor="#BBBBBB">
48                                 <b>{$h}</b>
49                         </td>
50                         {/foreach}
51                 </tr>
52                 {if $pointsbefore == TRUE}
53                 <tr>
54                         <td colspan={$i} bgcolor = "#EEEEEE">
55                                 ...     
56                         </td>
57                 </tr>
58                 {/if}
60                 {foreach from=$data item=row key=key}   
61                 <tr>
62                         {foreach from=$data[$key] item=col key=key2}
63                         <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
64                                 {$data[$key][$key2]}
65                         </td>
66                         {/foreach}
67                 </tr>
68                 {/foreach}
69             {if $pointsafter == TRUE}
70             <tr>
71                 <td colspan={$i} bgcolor = "#EEEEEE">
72                 ...
73                 </td>
74             </tr>
75             {/if}
77         </table>
79 {else}
80 <br><b>{t}Selected Template{/t}:</b> {$tpl}
81 <br>
82 <br>
83         <table summary="" cellspacing="1" border=0 cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#FEFEFE">
84                 <tr>
85                         {foreach from=$data[0] item=item key=key}
86                         <td bgcolor="#BBBBBB">
87                                 <select name="row{$key}" size="1" title="">
88                                  {html_options options=$attrs selected=$selectedattrs[$key]}
89                                 </select>
90                         </td>
91                         {/foreach}
92                 </tr>
93                 {foreach from=$data item=val key=key}
94                 <tr>
95                         {foreach from=$data[$key] item=val2 key=key2}
96                         <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
97                                 {$data[$key][$key2]}&nbsp;
98                         </td>
99                         {/foreach}
100                 </tr>
101                 {/foreach}
103         </table>
105 <!-- {html_table loop=$data cols=$anz table_attr='border="1"'}-->
106 {/if}
107 <p class="plugbottom">
108 {if $fileup != TRUE}
109   <input type="submit" value="{t}Import{/t}" name="fileup" >
110 {else}
111 {if $sorted == FALSE}
112   <input name="sorted" value="{t}Import{/t}" type ="submit">
113 {else}
114   <input type=submit name="back{$plug}" value="{msgPool type=backButton}">
115 {/if}
116 {/if}
117 </p>
118 <input type="hidden" name="ignore">