
Updated terminal & workstation service .
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / goto / admin / systems / goto /
1 <?php
3 class termservice extends plugin
4 {
5   /* CLI vars */
6   var $cli_summary= "Manage terminal service aspects";
7   var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
8   var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
10   /* Generic terminal attributes */
11   var $gotoLpdEnable= FALSE;
12   var $gotoXMonitor= "";
13   var $gotoXMethod= "default";
14   var $gotoXdmcpServer= "";
15   var $gotoXDriver= "";
16   var $gotoXResolution= "";
17   var $gotoXColordepth= "";
18   var $gotoXHsync= "";
19   var $gotoXVsync= "";
20   var $gotoXKbModel= "";
21   var $gotoXKbLayout= "";
22   var $gotoXKbVariant= "";
23   var $gotoXMouseType= "";
24   var $gotoXMouseport= "";
25   var $gotoLpdServer= "";
26   var $gotoScannerEnable= "";
27   var $gotoScannerModel= "";
28   var $gotoScannerClients= "";
29   var $gotoScannerBackend= "";
30   var $goFonHardware= "automatic";
32   var $AutoSync = false;
33   var $view_logged = FALSE;
35   /* Needed values and lists */
36   var $ignore_account= TRUE;
37   var $base= "";
38   var $cn= "";
39   var $orig_dn= "";
40   var $XMethods= array();
41   var $XDrivers= array();
42   var $XResolutions= array();
43   var $XColordepths= array();
44   var $XKbModels= array ();
45   var $XKbLayouts= array ();
46   var $XKbVariants= array ();
47   var $MouseTypes= array();
48   var $MousePorts= array();
49   var $hardware_list= array();
50   var $used_hardware= array();
53   /* attribute list for save action */
54   var $attributes= array("gotoLpdEnable", "gotoXMonitor", "gotoXMethod", "gotoXdmcpServer",
55       "gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth",
56       "gotoXHsync", "gotoXVsync", "gotoLpdEnable", "gotoLpdServer",
57       "gotoScannerEnable", "gotoScannerModel", "gotoScannerClients",
58       "gotoScannerBackend", "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout", "gotoXKbVariant",
59       "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport", "goFonHardware");
60   var $objectclasses= array("GOhard");
62   var $is_ogroup        = FALSE;
63   var $is_ogroup_member = FALSE;
65   var $selected_xdmcp_servers = array();
66   var $inherited_xdmcp_servers = array();
68   function termservice (&$config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL)
69   {
70     plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent);
71     $this->orig_dn= $this->dn;
73     /* Check if we are a part of an ogroup.
74      * In this case, we have to hide all the inherit stuff.
75      */ 
76     if(isset($parent) && get_class($parent) == "ogroup"){
77       $this->is_ogroup = TRUE;
78     }
80     /* Check if we are member of an object group.
81      */
82     $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
83     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
84     $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoWorkstationTemplate)(member=".LDAP::prepare4filter($this->dn)."))");
85     if($ldap->count()){
86       $this->is_ogroup_member = TRUE;
87     }
89     /* Get list of available xdrivers */
90     $this->XDrivers = $this->getListOfXDrivers();
92     /* Create a list of available resolutions.
93      */     
94     $this->XResolutions= array(
95           "640x480"   =>  "640x480",
96           "800x600"   =>  "800x600",
97           "1024x768"  =>  "1024x768",
98           "1152x864"  =>  "1152x864",
99           "1280x1024" =>  "1280x1024",
100           "1400x1050" =>  "1400x1050",
101           "1600x1200" =>  "1600x1200");
103     if(isset($this->config->data['MAIN']['RESOLUTION_HOOK'])){
104       $file = $this->config->data['MAIN']['RESOLUTION_HOOK'];
105       if(is_readable($file)){
106         $str = file_get_contents($file);
107         $lines = split("\n",$str);
108         foreach($lines as $line){
109           $line = trim($line);
110           if(!empty($line)){
111             $this->XResolutions[$line]=$line;
112           }
113         }
114       }else{
115         print_red(sprintf(_("You have specified an external resolution hook which can't be read, please check the permission of the file '%s'."),$file));
116       }
117     }
119     /* Create a set of selectable color depths
120      */
121     $this->XColordepths= array(
122         "8"        => "8 " ._("bit"),
123         "15"       => "15 "._("bit"),
124         "16"       => "16 "._("bit"),
125         "24"       => "24 "._("bit"));
128     /* Create a set of selectable keyboard models
129      */
130     $this->XKbModels = array();
131     foreach(array ("btc9000", "chicony", "compaq", "dell", "dell101", "everex",
132           "flexpro", "geniuscomfy", "hp", "itouch", "jp106", "logicordless",
133           "logiinetnav", "logiinternet", "macintosh", "microsoft",
134           "microsoftpro", "omnikey101", "pc101", "pc102", "pc104",
135           "pc105", "rapidaccess", "rapidaccess2", "winbook") as $type){
136       $this->XKbModels[$type] = $type;
137     }
139     /* Additional values will be extracted from CONFIG_DIR.keyboardLayouts */
140     $this->XKbLayouts = array("de"=> "de","intl" =>"intl","us" =>"us");
141     $this->XKbVariants= array("nodeadkeys"=>"nodeadkeys", "basic"=>"basic");
142     $this->MouseTypes = array("ImPS/2"=>"ImPS/2","PS/2"=>"PS/2", "explorerps/2"=>"explorerps/2",
143                               "Microsoft"=>"Microsoft","Logitech"=>"Logitech");
144     $this->MousePorts = array("/dev/ttyS0"=>"/dev/ttyS0",
145                               "/dev/ttyS1"=>"/dev/ttyS1","/dev/psaux"=>"/dev/psaux", 
146                               "/dev/input/mice"=>"/dev/input/mice");
149     /* Try to read additional keyboard layouts
150      */
151     if(file_exists(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts")){
152       if(is_readable(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts")){
153         $str = file_get_contents(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts");
154         $tmp = split("\n",$str);
155         foreach($tmp as $entry){
156           if((!empty($entry)) && (!preg_match("/^#/",$entry))){
157             $entry = trim($entry);
158             $tmp2 = split ("\:",$entry);
159             $la =   trim($tmp2[0]);   // What would be saved to ldap
160             $da =   trim($tmp2[1]);   // This wis displayed in the listbox
161             $this->XKbLayouts [ $la] = $da;
162           }
163         }
164       }
165     }
167     /* Terminal server methods 
168      */
169     if($this->is_ogroup_member){
170       $this->XMethods["default"]= _("inherited");
171     }
172     $this->XMethods["xdmcp"]  = _("XDMCP");
173     $this->XMethods["ldm"]    = _("LDM");
174     $this->XMethods["rdp"]    = _("Windows RDP");
175     $this->XMethods["citrix"] = _("ICA client");
177     /* Get selected gotoXdmcpServer 
178      */
179     $this->selected_xdmcp_servers = array();
180     if(isset($this->attrs['gotoXdmcpServer'])){
181       for($i = 0 ; $i < $this->attrs['gotoXdmcpServer']['count'] ; $i++){
182         $this->selected_xdmcp_servers[] = $this->attrs['gotoXdmcpServer'][$i];
183       }
184     }
186     /* Load phone hardware list 
187      */
188     $tmp = get_sub_list("(objectClass=goFonHardware)","",array(get_ou("phoneou")), 
189                   $this->config->current['BASE'],array("cn","description"), GL_NO_ACL_CHECK);
190     foreach($tmp as $attrs){
191       $cn= $attrs['cn'][0];
192       $description= "";
193       if (isset($attrs['description'])){
194         $description= " - ".$attrs['description'][0];
195       }
196       $this->hardware_list[$cn]= "$cn$description";
197     }
198     $this->hardware_list["automatic"]= _("automatic");
199     ksort($this->hardware_list);
201     /* These departments may contain objects that have 
202         goFonHardware set. 
203      */
204     $deps_a = array(
205         get_people_ou(),
206         get_ou("ogroupou"),
207         get_ou("serverou"),
208         get_ou("terminalou"),
209         get_ou("workstationou"),
210         get_ou("printerou"),
211         get_ou("componentou"),
212         get_ou("phoneou"));
214     $tmp = get_sub_list("(goFonHardware=*)","",$deps_a,$this->config->current['BASE'],
215         array('cn','dn','goFonHardware'),GL_NO_ACL_CHECK);
216     foreach($tmp as $attrs){
217       $cn = $attrs['goFonHardware'][0];
218       if(isset($this->hardware_list[$cn])){
219         $this->used_hardware[$cn]= $cn;
220       }
221     }
223     /* Convert gotoLpdEnable 
224      */
225     $this->gotoLpdEnable= preg_match("/yes/i",$this->gotoLpdEnable);
227     /* Load hardware list */
228     $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
229     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
230     $map= array(
231         "gotoXResolution", 
232         "gotoXColordepth", 
233         "gotoXKbModel", 
234         "gotoXKbLayout",
235 #        "gotoXDriver",
236         "gotoXdmcpServer",
237         "gotoXKbVariant",
238         "gotoXMouseType", 
239         "gotoXMethod",
240         "gotoXMouseport");
241     $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoWorkstationTemplate)(member=".LDAP::prepare4filter($this->dn)."))",$map);
242     if ($ldap->count() == 1){
243       $attrs= $ldap->fetch();
244       foreach ($map as $name){
245         if (!isset($attrs[$name][0])){
246           continue;
247         }
249         switch ($name){
250 #         case 'gotoXDriver': 
251 #           $this->XDrivers = array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XDrivers;
252 #           break;
253           case 'gotoXMethod': 
254             $this->XMethods = array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XMethods;
255             if(isset($attrs['gotoXdmcpServer'])){
256               for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs['gotoXdmcpServer']['count'] ; $i++){
257                 $this->inherited_xdmcp_servers[] = $attrs['gotoXdmcpServer'][$i];
258               }
259             }
260             break;
261           case 'gotoXResolution':
262             $this->XResolutions= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XResolutions;
263             break;
264           case 'gotoXColordepth':
265             $this->XColordepths= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].' '._('Bit').']') + $this->XColordepths;
266             break;
267           case 'gotoXKbModel':
268             $this->XKbModels= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']') + $this->XKbModels;
269             break;
270           case 'gotoXKbLayout':
271             $this->XKbLayouts= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XKbLayouts;
272             break;
273           case 'gotoXKbVariant':
274             $this->XKbVariants= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XKbVariants;
275             break;
276           case 'gotoXMouseType':
277             $this->MouseTypes= array('AUTO' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->MouseTypes;
278             break;
279           case 'gotoXMouseport':
280             $this->MousePorts= array('AUTO' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->MousePorts;
281             break;
282         }
283       }
284     }
286     if(preg_match("/\+/",$this->gotoXHsync)){
287       $this->AutoSync = true;
288       $this->gotoXHsync = preg_replace("/\+/","-",$this->gotoXHsync);
289       $this->gotoXVsync = preg_replace("/\+/","-",$this->gotoXVsync);
290     }
291   }
294   function execute()
295   {
296     /* Call parent execute */
297     plugin::execute();
299     if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
300       $this->view_logged = TRUE;
301       new log("view","terminal/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
302     }
304     /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */
305     if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
306       $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
307     }
309     /* Do we represent a valid terminal? */
310     if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent === NULL){
311       $display= "<img alt=\"\" src=\"images/stop.png\" align=\"middle\">&nbsp;<b>".
312         _("This 'dn' has no terminal features.")."</b>";
313       return ($display);
314     }
316     /* Show main page */
317     $smarty= get_smarty();
319     /* Assign acls */
320     $tmp= $this->plInfo();
321     foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $name => $translation){
322       $smarty->assign($name."ACL",$this->getacl($name));
323     }
325     if(isset($_POST['gotoXdmcpServer_add']) && isset($_POST['XdmcpAddServer'])){
326       if(!in_array($_POST['gotoXdmcpServer_add'],$this->selected_xdmcp_servers)){
327         $this->selected_xdmcp_servers[] = $_POST['gotoXdmcpServer_add'];
328       }
329     }
331     if(isset($_POST['selected_xdmcp_servers']) && isset($_POST['XdmcpDelServer'])){
332       $tmp = array();
333       foreach($this->selected_xdmcp_servers as $name){
334         if(!in_array($name,$_POST['selected_xdmcp_servers'])){
335           $tmp[] =  $name;
336         }
337       }
338       $this->selected_xdmcp_servers = $tmp;
339     }
341     /* Arrays */ 
342     foreach(array("XMethods", "XDrivers", "XResolutions", "XColordepths",
343           "XKbModels","XKbVariants","MouseTypes", "MousePorts") as $val){
344       $smarty->assign("$val", $this->$val);
345     }
346     $smarty->assign("XKbLayouts",   $this->XKbLayouts);
347     $smarty->assign("XKbLayoutKeys",array_flip($this->XKbLayouts));
348     $smarty->assign("nfsservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['NFS']);
351     /* Create a list of useable servers for the currently selected 
352      *  connection type.
353      */ 
354     $xdmcp_types =  $this->config->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL_SESSION_TYPES'];
355     $available_servers = array();
356     foreach($xdmcp_types as $servername =>$supported_types){
357       if(in_array(strtoupper($this->gotoXMethod),$supported_types)){
358         $available_servers[]  = $servername;
359       }
360     }
362     /* Append additional information to invalid server selections.
363      */
364     $tmp = array();
365     foreach($this->selected_xdmcp_servers as $server){
366       if(in_array($server,$available_servers)){
367         $tmp[$server] = $server;
368       }else{
369         $tmp[$server] = $server."&nbsp;-&nbsp;"._("Unsupported");
370       }
371     }
373     /* Remove already selected servers from available list. 
374      */
375     foreach($available_servers as $key => $server){
376       if(isset($tmp[$server])){
377         unset($available_servers[$key]);
378       }
379     }
381     $smarty->assign("selected_xdmcp_servers", $tmp);
382     $smarty->assign("inherited_xdmcp_servers", $this->inherited_xdmcp_servers);
383     $smarty->assign("available_xdmcp_servers", $available_servers);
385     /* Variables - select */
386     foreach(array("gotoXMethod","gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth", 
387           "gotoLpdServer", "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout",
388           "gotoXKbVariant", "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport") as $val){
390       $smarty->assign($val."_select", $this->$val);
391     }
393     /* Variables */
394     foreach(array("gotoXHsync", "gotoXVsync") as $val){
395       $smarty->assign($val, $this->$val);
396     }
397     $smarty->assign("staticAddress", "");
399     /* Checkboxes */
400     foreach(array("gotoLpdEnable", "gotoScannerEnable") as $val){
401       if ($this->$val == TRUE) {
402         $smarty->assign("$val", "checked");
403       } else {
404         $smarty->assign("$val", "");
405       }
406     }
408     /* Phone stuff */
409     $smarty->assign ("goFonHardware", $this->goFonHardware);
410     $hl= "<select size=\"1\" name=\"goFonHardware\" title=\"".
411          _("Choose the phone located at the current terminal")."\" >\n";
412     foreach ($this->hardware_list as $cn => $description){
413       if ($cn == $this->goFonHardware){
414         $selected= "selected";
415       } else {
416         $selected= "";
417       }
418       if (isset($this->used_hardware[$cn])){
419         $color= "style=\"color:#A0A0A0\"";
420       } else {
421         $color= "";
422       }
423       $hl.= "  <option $color label=\"$cn\" value=\"$cn\" $selected>$description</option>\n";
424     }
425     $hl.= "</select>\n";
426     $smarty->assign ("hardware_list", $hl);
427     $smarty->assign ("gotoXMonitor", $this->gotoXMonitor);
429     $smarty->assign("AutoSyncACL",$this->getacl("AutoSync"));
431     $smarty->assign("AutoSyncCHK"," ");
432     if($this->AutoSync){
433       $smarty->assign("AutoSyncCHK"," checked ");
434       $smarty->assign("gotoXVsyncACL", preg_replace("/w/","",$this->getacl("gotoXVsync")));
435       $smarty->assign("gotoXHsyncACL", preg_replace("/w/","",$this->getacl("gotoXHsync")));
436     }
438     /* Show main page */
439     return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('terminalService.tpl', TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
440   }
442   function remove_from_parent()
443   {
444     new log("remove","terminal/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs));
445     $this->handle_post_events("remove");
447     plugin::remove_from_parent();
448     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
449     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
450     $ldap->modify($this->attrs);
451     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(),_("Could not remove terminal service."));
452   }
455   /* Save data to object */
456   function save_object()
457   {
458     plugin::save_object();
460     /* Save checkbox state */
461     if (isset ($_POST['gotoXMethod'])){
462       foreach (array("gotoLpdEnable", "gotoScannerEnable") as $val){
464         if($this->acl_is_writeable($val)){
465           if (!isset ($_POST["$val"])){
466             $this->$val= FALSE;
467           } else {
468             $this->$val= TRUE;
469           }
470         }
471       }
472     } 
474     if(isset($_POST['gotoXDriver'])){
475       if(isset($_POST['AutoSync'])){
476         $this->AutoSync = true;
477       }else{
478         $this->AutoSync = false;
479       }
480     }
482     /* Default entries can use blank hsync/vsync entries */
483     if ($this->dn != "" && $this->cn != "default" && $this->cn != "default"){
485       /* But only if no auto sync is enabled... */
486       if (!$this->AutoSync){
488         /* Check vsync for correct usage */
489         $val= preg_replace ("/\s/", "", $this->gotoXVsync);
490         if (!preg_match ("/^\d+(\.\d+)?([-]\d+(\.\d+)?)?$/", $val) && $this->acl_is_writeable("gotoXVsync")){
492           $message[]= _("Please specify a valid VSync range.");
493         } elseif ($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoXVsync")){
494           list($v1,$v2)= preg_split ("/[-+]/", $val);
495           if ($v2 != ""){
496             if ($v1 > $v2){
497               $message[]= _("Please specify a valid VSync range.");
498             }
499           }
500         }
502         /* Check hsync for correct usage */
503         $val= preg_replace ("/\s/", "", $this->gotoXHsync);
504         if (!preg_match ("/^\d+(\.\d+)?([-]\d+(\.\d+)?)?$/", $val) && $this->acl_is_writeable("gotoXHsync")){
506           $message[]= _("Please specify a valid HSync range.");
507         } elseif ($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoXHsync")){
508           list($v1,$v2)= preg_split ("/[-+]/", $val);
509           if ($v2 != ""){
510             if ($v1 > $v2){
511               $message[]= _("Please specify a valid HSync range.");
512             }
513           }
514         }
515       }
516     }
517   }
520   /* Check supplied data */
521   function check()
522   {
523     /* Call common method to give check the hook */
524     $message= plugin::check();
526     if($this->gotoXMethod != "default"){
527       $xdmcp_types =  $this->config->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL_SESSION_TYPES'];
528       $available_servers = array();
529       foreach($xdmcp_types as $servername =>$supported_types){
530         if(in_array(strtoupper($this->gotoXMethod),$supported_types)){
531           $available_servers[]  = $servername;
532         }
533       }
534       foreach($this->selected_xdmcp_servers as $server){
535         if(!in_array($server,$available_servers)){
536           $message[] = _("Remote desktop settings contains servers that do not support the selected connection method.");
537           break;
538         }
539       }
540     }
542     return ($message);
543   }
546   /* Save to LDAP */
547   function save()
548   {
549     /* Convert to string */
550     $this->gotoLpdEnable= $this->gotoLpdEnable?"Yes":"No";
552     if($this->is_ogroup){
553       $this->objectclasses = array("gotoWorkstationTemplate");
554     }else{
555       $this->objectclasses = array("GOhard");
556     }
558     plugin::save();
560     /* Strip out 'default' values */
561     foreach(array("gotoXMethod","gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth",
562           "gotoLpdServer", "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout",
563           "gotoXKbVariant", "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport") as $val){
565       if ($this->attrs[$val] == "default"){
566         $this->attrs[$val]= array();
567       }
568     }
570     if($this->gotoXMethod == "default"){
571       $this->attrs['gotoXdmcpServer'] = array();
572       $this->attrs['gotoXMethod'] = array();
573     }else{
574       $this->attrs['gotoXdmcpServer'] = array_values($this->selected_xdmcp_servers);
575     }
578     if($this->AutoSync){
579       $this->attrs['gotoXHsync'] = "30+55";
580       $this->attrs['gotoXVsync'] = "50+70";
581     }
583     /* Write back to ldap */
584     $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
585     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
586     $this->cleanup();
587     $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); 
588     new log("modify","terminal/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
590     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of object system terminal/service with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
591     $this->handle_post_events("modify");
592   }
595   function getListOfXDrivers()
596   {
597     $drivers = array("default" => "["._("unknown")."]");
599     /* Generate a list of xdrivers from CONFIG_DIR/xdrivers */
600     if (file_exists(CONFIG_DIR.'/xdrivers')){
601       $xdrivers = file (CONFIG_DIR.'/xdrivers');
602       foreach ($xdrivers as $line){
603         if (!preg_match ("/^#/", $line)){
604           $drivers[]= trim($line);
605         }
606       }
607     } else {
608       foreach( array(
609           "ati", "atimisc", "chips", "cirrus", "cyrix", "fbdev", "fglrx",
610           "i128", "i740", "i810", "imstt", "mga", "neomagic", "newport", "nsc",  "nv", "nvidia",
611           "r128", "radeon", "rendition", "s3", "s3virge", "savage", "siliconmotion",
612           "sis", "tdfx", "tga", "trident", "tseng", "vesa", "vga", "vmware") as $driver){
613         $drivers[] = $driver;
614       }
615     }
616     return($drivers);
617   }
620   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */
621   static function plInfo()
622   {
623     return (array(
624           "plShortName"   => _("Service"),
625           "plDescription" => _("Terminal service"),
626           "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
627           "plDepends"     => array(),
628           "plPriority"    => 3,
629           "plSection"     => array("administration"),
630           "plCategory"    => array("terminal"),
632           "plProvidedAcls"=> array(
633             "gotoXMonitor"            => _("Monitor"),
634             "gotoXMethod"             => _("Method"),
635             "gotoXdmcpServer"         => _("Remote desktop"),
636             "gotoXDriver"             => _("Gfx driver"),
637             "gotoXResolution"         => _("Gfx resolution"),
638             "gotoXColordepth"         => _("Gfx color depth"),
639             "gotoXHsync"              => _("Hsync"),
640             "gotoXVsync"              => _("Vsync"),
641             "AutoSync"                => _("Auto-Sync"),
642             "gotoLpdEnable"           => _("Printer service enabled"),
643             "gotoLpdServer"           => _("Spool server"),
644             "gotoScannerEnable"       => _("Scanner enabled"),
645             "gotoXKbModel"            => _("Keyboard model"),
646             "gotoXKbLayout"           => _("Keyboard layout"),
647             "gotoXKbVariant"          => _("Keyboard variant"),
648             "gotoXMouseType"          => _("Mouse type"),
649             "gotoXMouseport"          => _("Mouse port"),
650             "goFonHardware"           => _("Telephone hardware"))
651           ));
652   }
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