
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / goto / admin / groups / apps /
1 <?php
2 class appgroup extends plugin
3 {
4   var $config;
5   var $curbase;
7   /* Contains the menu structure in an array.
8    */
9   var $a_Structure= array();
10   var $a_Structure_on_load = array();
11   var $Releases;
12   var $FAIrelease = 0;
13   var $apps = array();
14   var $_cache = array();
16   var $app_parameter = array();
17   var $edit_entry    = array();
18   var $enableReleaseManagement = FALSE;
21   public function __construct(&$config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL)
22   {
23     plugin::plugin($config,$dn,$parent);
24     $this->dn = $dn; 
25     $this->_load_menu_structure();
26     $this->a_Structure_on_load = $this->a_Structure;
28     /* Check if we have relase mangement enabled and prepare group application for release management */
29     $tmp = $config->search("faiManagement", "CLASS",array('menu','tabs'));
30     if(!empty($tmp)){
31       $this->enableReleaseManagement = true;
32     }
34     $this->Releases   = $this->getReleases();
35     $this->FAIrelease = "/";
36     $this->curbase = $this->config->current['BASE'];
37     $this->reload();
39     $this->is_account = FALSE;
40     if(count($this->_get_all_entries()) > 1){
41       $this->is_account= TRUE;
42     }   
43     $this->initially_was_account = $this->is_account;
44   }
47   /*! \brief Reload the list of applications for the currently selected release 
48    */
49   function reload()
50   {
51     $ret = array();
52     $release_info = $this->Releases[$this->FAIrelease];
54     if(!isset($this->_cache['ReleaseApps'][$release_info['suffix']])){
56       $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
57       $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
58       $ldap->search("ou=apps",array("dn"));
59       $app_deps = array();
60       while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
61         $app_deps[] = $attrs['dn'];
62       }
64       foreach($app_deps as $dep){
65         $ldap->cd($dep);
66         $ldap->search("objectClass=FAIbranch",array("dn"));
67         while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
68           $app_deps[] = $attrs['dn'];
69         }
70       }
72       foreach($app_deps as $dep){
73         if(preg_match("/^".normalizePreg($release_info['suffix'])."/",$dep)){
74           $ret = array_merge($ret,get_list("(objectClass=gosaApplication)","application",$dep,array("*"),GL_NONE));
75         }
76       }
78       $tmp = array();
79       foreach($ret as $key => $app){
80         $tmp[$key] = $app['cn'][0];
81       }
82       natcasesort($tmp);
83       $res = array();
84       foreach($tmp as $key => $app){
85         $res[] = $ret[$key];
86       }
88       $this->_cache['ReleaseApps'][$release_info['suffix']] = $res;
89     } 
90     $this->apps = $this->_cache['ReleaseApps'][$release_info['suffix']];
91   }
96   /*! \brief generate a list of available releases
97       @return return an array with all available releases.
98     */
99   function getReleases()
100   {
101     $ret =array("/" => array("name" => "/", "found" => TRUE , "parts" => array(),"suffix" => get_ou('applicationou')));
102     if($this->enableReleaseManagement){
104       /* Only display those releases that we are able to read */
105       $dn     = $this->config->current['BASE'];
106       $filter = "(&(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=FAIbranch))";
107       $res    = get_sub_list($filter,array("application","fai"), array(get_ou("applicationou"),get_ou("faiou")),$dn, array("ou","FAIstate"), GL_SUBSEARCH);
110       foreach($res as $attrs){
111         if(preg_match("/".get_ou('applicationou')."/",$attrs['dn'])){
112           $bb     = preg_replace("/".get_ou('applicationou').".*/","",$attrs['dn']);
113           $parts  = array_reverse(split("ou=",$bb));
115           $str ="";
116           foreach($parts as $key => $part){
117             if(empty($part)) {
118               unset($parts[$key]);
119               continue;
120             }
121             $part = str_replace(",","",$part);
122             $str .= $part."/";
123             $parts[$key] = $part;
124           }
125           $name = preg_replace("/\/$/","",$str);
126           if(empty($name)) {
127             $name ="/";
128           }
129           $FAIstate = "";
130           if(isset($attrs['FAIstate'])){
131             $FAIstate = $attrs['FAIstate'][0];
132           }
134           $all = $this->_get_all_entries();
135           $found = FALSE;
136           foreach($all as $entry){
137             if(isset($entry['DN']) && preg_match("/^".normalizePreg($bb)."/",$entry['DN'])){
138               $found =TRUE;
139               break;
140             }
141           }
143           $cnt = 0;
144           $ret[$name] = array("name"     => $name, 
145               "found"    => $found,
146               "FAIstate" => $FAIstate,
147               "dn"       => $attrs['dn'], 
148               "parts"    => $parts,"suffix" => $bb.get_ou('applicationou'));
149         }
150       }
151     }
152     ksort($ret);
153     return($ret);
154   }
157   /*! \brief Load the menu structure from ldap and create a multi dimensional array
158    */
159   function _load_menu_structure()
160   {
161     $this->a_Structure  = array();
162     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
163     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
164     $ldap->search("(|(objectClass=gotoSubmenuEntry)(objectClass=FAIbranch)(objectClass=gotoMenuEntry))",array("*"));
166     $base =  array();
167     $base['UNIQID'] = uniqid();
168     $base['PARENT'] = 0; 
169     $base['NAME']   = "";
170     $base['TYPE']   = "BASE";
171     $base['ENTRIES']= array();
172     $base['STATUS'] = "LOADED";
174     $this->a_Structure[0] = $base;
176     while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
177       $cur = &$this->a_Structure[0]['ENTRIES'];
178       $parent_id    = $base['UNIQID'];
179       $sub_dn       = preg_replace("/,".normalizePreg($this->dn)."$/","",$attrs['dn']);
180       $sub_dn_array = split("\,",$sub_dn);
182       $found = true;
183       for($i = (count($sub_dn_array)-1) ; $i >= 0 ; $i--){
184         $name = preg_replace("/^[^=]*+=/","",$sub_dn_array[$i]);
186         if($i > 0){
187           $found =FALSE;
188           foreach($cur as $key => $entry){
189             if($entry['NAME'] == $name){
190               $cur = &$cur[$key]['ENTRIES'];
191               $parent_id = $entry['UNIQID'];
192               $found =true;
193               break;
194             }
195           }
196         }else{
198           if(!$found){
199             break;
200           }
201           $priority = 1;
202           if(isset($attrs['gosaApplicationPriority'])){
203             $priority= $attrs['gosaApplicationPriority'][0];
204           }
205           while(isset($cur[$priority])){
206             $priority ++;
207           }
209           $data = array();
210           if(in_array("gotoSubmenuEntry",$attrs['objectClass'])){
211             $type = "FOLDER";
213             $data['ICON'] = "";
214             if(isset($attrs['gosaApplicationIcon'])){
215               $data['ICON'] = $ldap->get_attribute($attrs['dn'],"gosaApplicationIcon");
216             }
218           }elseif(in_array("gotoMenuEntry",$attrs['objectClass'])){
219             $type = "ENTRY";
220             $data['INFO'] = "";
221             $data['PARAMETER'] = array();
222             if(isset($attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'])){
223               for($p = 0 ; $p < $attrs['gosaApplicationParameter']['count'] ; $p ++){
224                 $tmp = split(":",$attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'][$p]);
225                 $data['PARAMETER'][$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];
226               }
227             }
228           }elseif(in_array("FAIbranch",$attrs['objectClass'])){
230             $type = "RELEASE";
231             if(isset($attrs['FAIstate'][0])){
232               $data['FAIstate'] = $attrs['FAIstate'][0];
233             }else{
234               $data['FAIstate'] = "";
235             }
236           }
238           $data['DN']       = $attrs['dn'];
239           $data['NAME']     = $name;
240           $data['TYPE']     = $type;
241           $data['PRIORITY'] = $priority;
242           $data['ENTRIES']  = array();
243           $data['UNIQID']   = uniqid();
244           $data['PARENT']   = $parent_id;
245           $data['STATUS']   = "LOADED";
246           $cur[$priority]   = $data;
247           ksort($cur);
248         }
249       }
250     }
251   } 
254   function execute()
255   {
256     /* Call parent execute */
257     plugin::execute();
259     if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
260       $this->is_account = !$this->is_account;
261     }
263     /* Do we represent a valid account? */
264     if (!$this->is_account){
265       $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add application extension"),
266           msgPool::featuresDisabled(_("application")));
267       return ($display);
268     }
270     $display =  $this->show_enable_header(_("Remove application extension"),
271           msgPool::featuresEnabled(_("application")));
273     if(isset($_GET['send'])){
274       $id = $_GET['send'];
275       $all = $this->_get_all_entries();
276       if(isset($all[$id])){
277         send_binary_content($all[$id]['ICON'],$id.".jpg","image/jpeg");
278         exit;
279       }
280     }
282     if(isset($_GET['r']))
283     $this->__construct($this->config,$this->dn);
285     if(count($this->edit_entry)){
286       if($this->edit_entry['TYPE'] == "ENTRY"){
287         $smarty = get_smarty();
288         $smarty->assign("type", "ENTRY");
289         $smarty->assign("entry",$this->edit_entry);
290         $smarty->assign("paras",$this->app_parameter);
291         $display= $smarty->fetch (get_template_path('edit_entry.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__)));
292         return($display);
293       }
294       if($this->edit_entry['TYPE'] == "FOLDER"){
295         $smarty = get_smarty();
297         session::set("binarytype" , "image/jpeg");
298         session::set("binary" , $this->edit_entry['ICON']);
300         $smarty->assign("rand", microtime(TRUE));
301         $smarty->assign("image_set" , strlen($this->edit_entry['ICON']) > 0); 
302         $smarty->assign("type", "FOLDER");
303         $smarty->assign("entry",$this->edit_entry);
304         $display= $smarty->fetch (get_template_path('edit_entry.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__)));
305         return($display);
306       }
307     }
309     $smarty = get_smarty();
310     $smarty->assign("plug_id" , $_GET['plug']);
312     /* Create application list */
313     $div = new divSelectBox("appgroup");
314     $div->SetHeight(300);
315     $departments = array();
316     $res = get_list("(objectClass=gosaDepartment)", "application", $this->curbase,array("description","cn","ou"),GL_SIZELIMIT);
317     foreach($res as $value){
318       $fdn = $value['dn'];
319       $fdn = preg_replace("/".normalizePreg($this->curbase)."/","",$fdn);
320       $fdn= @LDAP::fix($fdn);
321       if($value["description"][0]!=".."){
322         $departments[$value['dn']]= convert_department_dn($fdn)." - [".$value["description"][0]."]";
323       }else{
324         $departments[$value['dn']]=convert_department_dn($fdn)." ["._("Back")."]";
325       }
326     }
328     $linkopen = "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=depopen&amp;depid=%s'>%s</a>";
330     /* Create base back entry */
331     $base_back = preg_replace("/^[^,]+,/","",$this->curbase);
332     if((strlen($base_back)>= strlen($this->config->current['BASE']))&&($this->curbase!=$this->config->current['BASE'])){
333       $div->AddEntry(array(
334             array("string"=>sprintf($linkopen,base64_encode($base_back),".. ["._("back")."]"),
335               "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'")
336             ));
337     }
339     /* Append departments for current base */
340     foreach($departments as $key => $app){
341       $div->AddEntry(array(
342             array("string"=>"<img class='center' src='images/folder.png' alt='"._("department")."'>&nbsp;".sprintf($linkopen,
343                 base64_encode($key),$app),
344               "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'")
345             ));
346     }
349     /* Add applications found on this base */
350     $used_apps = $this->_get_used_entry_name();
351     foreach($this->apps as $key => $app){
352       if(in_array($app['cn'][0],$used_apps)){
353         continue;
354       }
355       if(!preg_match("/".get_ou('applicationou').normalizePreg($this->curbase)."$/",$app['dn'])){
356         continue;
357       }
359       $name = $app['cn'][0];
360       if(isset($app['description'])){
361         $name .= "&nbsp;[".$app['description'][0]."]";
362       }
363       $div->AddEntry(array(
364             array("string"=>sprintf("<input class='center' type='checkbox' value='1' name='AddApp_%s'>",$key).
365               "<img class='center' src='images/select_application.png' alt='"._("application")."'>&nbsp;".$name,
366               "attach"=>"style='border:0px;'")
367             ));
368     }
371     $smarty->assign("enableReleaseManagement",$this->enableReleaseManagement);
372     $smarty->assign("FAIrelease",$this->FAIrelease);
373     $smarty->assign("app_list",$div->DrawList());
374     $smarty->assign("i",0);
375     $smarty->assign("releases",$this->Releases);
376     $smarty->assign("folders" , $this->_get_folder_names());
377     $entries = $this->_get_entries_for_release($this->FAIrelease);
378     $smarty->assign("entries",$entries);
379     $display.= $smarty->fetch (get_template_path('app_list.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__)));
380     return($display);
381   }
384   /*! \brief Returns all used folder names 
385       @return Array  All used folder names.
386    */ 
387   function _get_folder_names()
388   {
389     $data = $this->_get_entries_for_release($this->FAIrelease);
390     $all    = $this->_get_all_entries();
391     $ret = array("BASE" => ".");
392     foreach($data as $entry){
394       if($entry['TYPE'] == "FOLDER"){
395         $str = $entry['NAME'];
396         $parent = $entry['PARENT'];
397         $i = 10;
398         while(isset($all[$parent]) && $i){  
399           $i --;
400           $parent_o = $all[$parent];
401           $str      = $parent_o['NAME']."/".$str;
402           $parent   = $all[$parent_o['UNIQID']]['PARENT'];
403         }        
404         $ret[$entry['UNIQID']] = $str;
405       }
406     }
407     return($ret);
408   }
411   /*! \brief return all used applications 
412       @return Array  All used applications.
413    */ 
414   function _get_used_entry_name()
415   {
416     $data = $this->_get_entries_for_release($this->FAIrelease);
417     $ret = array();
418     foreach($data as $entry){
419       if($entry['TYPE'] == "ENTRY"){
420         $ret[] = $entry['NAME'];
421       }
422     }
423     return($ret);
424   }
427   /*! \brief Returns all folder an entries for the selected release 
428       @return Array  Returns the complete menu structure for the given array.
429    */ 
430   function _get_entries_for_release($release,$cur = NULL)
431   {
432     $all = $this->_get_all_entries();
433     $key = $this->_get_release_key($release);
434     if(isset($all[$key]) && count($all[$key]['ENTRIES'])){
435       $res = $this->_get_all_entries(TRUE,TRUE,$all[$key]['ENTRIES']);
436       return($res);
437     } 
438     return(array());
439   }
442   /*! \brief Save the currently edited entry */
443   function _save_entry_edit()
444   {
445     $all    = $this->_get_all_entries();
446     $entry  = $this->edit_entry;
447     $r_entry= &$all[$entry['UNIQID']];
449     if($entry['TYPE'] == "ENTRY"){
450       $r_entry['PARAMETER'] = $this->app_parameter;
451       $r_entry['STATUS'] = "EDITED";
452     }
453     if($entry['TYPE'] == "FOLDER"){
454       $r_entry['ICON']   = $this->edit_entry['ICON'];
455       $r_entry['STATUS'] = "EDITED";
456     }
457     $this->dialog = FALSE;
458     $this->edit_entry = array();
459   }
462   /*! \brief prepare the entry with the given ID, to be edited.
463    */
464   function _edit_entry_edit($id)
465   {
466     $all   = $this->_get_all_entries();
467     $entry = $all[$id];
469     $this->app_parameter = array();
470     if($entry['TYPE'] == "ENTRY"){
471       $found = FALSE;
472       foreach($this->apps as $id => $app){
474         if($app['cn'][0] == $entry['NAME']){
475           $found = TRUE;
476           break;
477         }
478       }
479       if($found){
481         /* Create a list of editable parameter */
482         if(isset($app['gosaApplicationParameter'])){
483           for($i = 0 ; $i < $app['gosaApplicationParameter']['count'] ; $i++) {
484             $para = $app['gosaApplicationParameter'][$i];
485             $tmp  = split(":",$para);
486             $this->app_parameter[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];
487           }
488         }
490         /* Overwrite parameters with entry parameters */
491         foreach($entry['PARAMETER'] as $name => $value){
492           $this->app_parameter[$name] = $value;
493         }
495         $this->dialog = TRUE;
496         $this->edit_entry = $entry;
497       }
498     }
500     if($entry['TYPE'] == "FOLDER"){
501       $this->dialog = TRUE;
502       $this->edit_entry = $entry;
503     }
504   }
507   function remove_from_parent()
508   {
509     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
510     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
511     $ldap->ls("(|(objectClass=gotoSubmenuEntry)(objectClass=FAIbranch)(objectClass=gotoMenuEntry))",$this->dn,array("*"));
512     $a_remove = array();
513     while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
514       $a_remove[] = $attrs['dn'];
515     }
516     foreach($a_remove as $remove){
517       $ldap->rmdir_recursive($remove);
518       if (!$ldap->success()){
519         msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $this->dn, LDAP_DEL, get_class()));
520       }
521     }
522     $this->_load_menu_structure();
523   }
526   function check()
527   {
528   }
531   /*! \brief Create missing releases, if there is a release selected \
532               that is currently not part of the menu structure \
533               then create this entry
534    */
535   function _check_missing_release($release)
536   {
537     $release_info = $this->Releases[$release];
539     $parent_id = $this->a_Structure[0]['UNIQID'];
540     $cur = &$this->a_Structure[0]['ENTRIES'];
541     for($i = 0 ; $i < count($release_info['parts']) ; $i ++){
542       $part = $release_info['parts'][$i];
543       $found = FALSE;
544       foreach($cur as $key => $name){
545         if($name['NAME'] == $part){
546           $parent_id = $cur[$key]['UNIQID'];
547           $cur = &$cur[$key]['ENTRIES'];
549           $found =TRUE;
550           break;
551         }
552       }
553       if(!$found){
554         $release           =  array();
555         $release['UNIQID'] = uniqid();
556         $release['PARENT'] = $parent_id;
557         $release['NAME']   = $part;
558         $release['TYPE']   = "RELEASE";
559         $release['ENTRIES']= array();
560         $release['STATUS']   = "ADDED";
561         $release['FAIstate'] =  $release_info['FAIstate'];
562         $cur[] = $release;
563         $i --;
564       }
565     }
566   }
570   function _move_entry($id,$dir)
571   {
572     $all   = $this->_get_all_entries();
573     if($dir == "down"){
574       $to = $this->_get_next($id);
575     } 
576     if($dir == "up"){
577       $to = $this->_get_last($id);
578     }
580     if(!$to){
581       return;
582     }
584     $o_to   = $all[$to];
585     $o_from = $all[$id];
587     if($o_to['PARENT'] == $o_from['UNIQID'] && $dir == "down"){
588       $to    = $this->_get_next($to,$o_from['PARENT']); 
589       $o_to  = $all[$to]; 
590     }
593     /* Target is ENTRY && same BASE, just switch */
594     if($o_to['PARENT'] == $o_from['PARENT'] ){
595       $parent = $all[$o_to['PARENT']];
596       $pos = 0;
597       foreach($parent['ENTRIES'] as $entry){
598         $pos ++;
599         if($entry['UNIQID'] == $to){
600           break;
601         }
602       }
603       if($dir == "up" && $pos > 0){
604         $pos --;
605       }
606       $this->_add_entry($parent['UNIQID'],$o_from,$pos);
607       $this->_remove_entry_id($id);
608       return(TRUE);
609     }
610     return(FALSE);
611   }
615   function _get_last($id)
616   {
617     $all_l = array_reverse($this->_get_entries_for_release($this->FAIrelease));
618     for($i = 0 ; $i < count($all_l) ; $i ++){
619       if(isset($all_l[$i]['UNIQID']) && $all_l[$i]['UNIQID'] == $id){
620         $i++;
621         break;
622       }
623     }
624     while(isset($all_l[$i]) && !in_array($all_l[$i]['TYPE'],array("ENTRY","FOLDER","CLOSE","OPEN")) && $i < count($all_l)){
625       $i++;
626     }
628     if(!isset($all_l[$i])){
629       return(FALSE);
630     }
632     if(in_array($all_l[$i]['TYPE'],array("CLOSE","OPEN"))){
633       return($all_l[$i]['PARENT']);
634     }     
636     return($all_l[$i]['UNIQID']);
637   }
640   function _get_next($id,$parent = 0)
641   {
642     $all_l = $this->_get_entries_for_release($this->FAIrelease);
643     for($i = 0 ; $i < count($all_l) ; $i ++){
644       if(isset($all_l[$i]['UNIQID']) && $all_l[$i]['UNIQID'] == $id){
645         $i++;
646         break;
647       }
648     }
649     if($parent != 0){
650       while(isset($all_l[$i]) && $all_l[$i]['PARENT'] != $parent){
651         $i++;
652       }
653     }else{
654       while(isset($all_l[$i]) && !in_array($all_l[$i]['TYPE'],array("ENTRY","FOLDER")) && $i < count($all_l)){
655         $i++;
656       }
657     }
658     if(!isset($all_l[$i])){
659       return(FALSE);
660     }
661     if(in_array($all_l[$i]['TYPE'],array("CLOSE","OPEN"))){
662       return($all_l[$i]['PARENT']);
663     }
664     return($all_l[$i]['UNIQID']);
665   }
670   /* !\brief Handle ui POSTS, like sort up/down/delete
671    */ 
672   function save_object()
673   {
674     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
675       if(preg_match("/del_/",$name)){
676         $id = preg_replace("/^del_/","",$name);
677         $id = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$id);
678         $this->_remove_entry_id($id);
679         break;
680       }
681       if(preg_match("/app_entry_edit/",$name)){
682         $id = preg_replace("/^app_entry_edit/","",$name);
683         $id = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$id);
684         $this->_edit_entry_edit($id);
685         break;
686       }
687       if(preg_match("/up_/",$name)){
688         $id = preg_replace("/^up_/","",$name);
689         $id = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$id);
690         $this->_move_entry($id,"up");
691         break;
692       }
693       if(preg_match("/down_/",$name)){
694         $id = preg_replace("/^down_/","",$name);
695         $id = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$id);
696         $this->_move_entry($id,"down");
697         break;
698       }
699       if(preg_match("/^parameter_/",$name) && 
700         count($this->edit_entry) && $this->edit_entry['TYPE'] == "ENTRY"){
701         $name = preg_replace("/^parameter_/","",$name);
702         $this->app_parameter[$name] = $value;
703       }
704     }
705     if(isset($_POST['FAIrelease'])){
706       $this->FAIrelease = $_POST['FAIrelease'];
707       $this->_check_missing_release($this->FAIrelease);
708     }
709     if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'depopen'){
710       $this->curbase = base64_decode($_GET['depid']);
711     }
712     if(isset($_POST['add_to_folder']) && isset($_POST['folder'])){
713       $folder = $_POST['folder'];
714       foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
715         if(preg_match("/^AddApp_[0-9]*$/",$name)){
716           $this->_add_app_id($folder,preg_replace("/^AddApp_/","",$name));   
717         }
718       }
719     }
720     if(isset($_POST['add_menu_to_folder']) && isset($_POST['menu_folder'])){
721       $folder = $_POST['menu_folder'];
722       $name = $_POST['menu_folder_name'];
723       if(strlen($name) > 0 && preg_match("/[a-z ]/i",$name)){
724         $this->_add_sub_folder($folder,$name);
725       }
726     }
727     if(isset($_POST['app_entry_save'])){ 
728       $this->_save_entry_edit();
729     }
731     if(isset($_FILES['folder_image']) && isset($_POST['folder_image_upload'])){
732       if($_FILES['folder_image']['error'] == 0 && $_FILES['folder_image']['size'] > 0){
733         $this->edit_entry['ICON'] = file_get_contents($_FILES['folder_image']['tmp_name']);
734       }
735     }
737     if(isset($_POST['edit_reset_image'])){
738       $this->edit_entry['ICON'] = "";
739     }
741     if(isset($_POST['app_entry_cancel'])){
742       $this->edit_entry = array();
743       $this->dialog = FALSE;
744     }
745     $this->reload();
746   }
749   /*! \brief Returns the UNIQID of the currently selected release 
750    */ 
751   function _get_release_key($release,$add_if_missing = FALSE)
752   {
753     $release_info = $this->Releases[$release];
755     if($release_info['name'] == "/"){
756       return($this->a_Structure['0']['UNIQID']);
757     }
759     $cur = &$this->a_Structure[0]['ENTRIES'];
760     $s_key = "";
761     $found = FALSE;
762     foreach($release_info['parts'] as $name){
763       foreach($cur as $key => $obj){
764         if($obj['TYPE'] == "RELEASE" && $obj['NAME'] == $name){
765           $s_key = $cur[$key]['UNIQID'];
766           $cur = &$cur[$key]['ENTRIES'];
767           $found = TRUE;
768           break;
769         }
770         $found = FALSE;
771       }
772     }
773     if($found){
774       return($s_key);  
775     }  
776     return(FALSE);
777   }
780   /*! \brief Add a new folder folder to the specified folder id
781       @param  String $folder The folder id in where we want to add the new folder.
782       @param  String $name   The name of the new folder.
783    */ 
784   function _add_sub_folder($folder,$name)
785   {
786     $all = $this->_get_all_entries();
787     if($folder == "BASE"){
788       $folder = $this->_get_release_key($this->FAIrelease,TRUE);
789     }
791     if(isset($all[$folder])){
792       $a_folder = array();
793       $a_folder['STATUS'] = "ADDED";
794       $a_folder['NAME']   = $name;
795       $a_folder['UNIQID'] = uniqid();
796       $a_folder['ENTRIES']= array();
797       $a_folder['PARENT'] = $folder;      
798       $a_folder['TYPE']   = "FOLDER";
799       $a_folder['ICON']   = "";
800       $all[$folder]['ENTRIES'][] = $a_folder;
801     }
802   }
805   /* !\brief Remove the given id from the menu structure.
806       @param  String  ID to of the entry we want to remove.
807       @return Boolean TRUE on success
808    */
809   function _remove_entry_id($id)
810   {
811     $all = $this->_get_all_entries();
812     if(isset($all[$id])){
813       $all[$id]['STATUS'] = "REMOVED";
814       $all[$id]['ENTRIES'] = array();
815       return(TRUE);
816     }
817     return(FALSE);
818   }
821   /* !\brief Remove the given id from the menu structure.
822      @param  String  ID to of the entry we want to remove.
823      @return Boolean TRUE on success
824    */
825   function _add_entry($folder_id,$entry,$pos = 0)
826   {
827     $all = $this->_get_all_entries();
829     /* Do not add removed */
830     if($entry['STATUS'] == "REMOVED"){
831       return;
832     }
834     if(isset($all[$folder_id])){
836       if(!isset($entry['ENTRIES'])){
837         $entries = array();
838       }else{
839         $entries = $entry['ENTRIES'];
840       }
842       $folder  = &$all[$folder_id];
844       $entry['UNIQID'] = uniqid();     
845       $entry['PARENT'] = $folder_id;
846       $entry['ENTRIES']= array();
847       $entry['STATUS'] = "ADDED";
849       $cnt = 0; 
850       $new = array();
851       $added =FALSE;
852       if($obj['STATUS'] == "LOADED"){
853         $obj['STATUS'] = "EDITED";
854       }
855       if($pos == $cnt){
856         $new[] = $entry;
857         $added = TRUE;
858       }
859       $cnt ++;
860       $new[] = $obj;
861     }
862     if(!$added){
863       $new[] = $entry;
864     }
866     $all[$folder_id]['ENTRIES'] = $new;
867     foreach($entries as $sub){
868       $this->_add_entry($entry['UNIQID'],$sub,-1);
869     }
870     return(TRUE);
871   }
874   /*! \brief Add the application identified by $app_id to folder $folder_id 
875       @param  String  folder_id The UNIQID of the folder where we want to add the new folder.
876       @param  Integer app_id    The ID of the application which should be added.
877    */ 
878   function _add_app_id($folder_id,$app_id)
879   {
880     $all = $this->_get_all_entries();
881     if($folder_id == "BASE"){
882       $folder_id = $this->_get_release_key($this->FAIrelease);
883     }
884     if(isset($all[$folder_id]) && isset($this->apps[$app_id])){
886       $new = array();
887       $new['TYPE']  = "ENTRY";
888       $new['NAME']  = $this->apps[$app_id]['cn'][0];
889       $new['UNIQID']= uniqid(); 
890       $new['PARENT']= $folder_id;
891       $new['PARAMETER']= array();
892       if(isset($this->apps[$app_id]['description'][0])){
893         $new['INFO']  = $this->apps[$app_id]['description'][0];
894       }else{
895         $new['INFO']  = "";
896       }
897       $new['STATUS']= "ADDED";
898       $all[$folder_id]['ENTRIES'][] = $new;
899     }
900   }
903   /*! \brief  Return all entries linear. 
904       @param  Boolean   $add_tags  If TRUE, OPEN/CLOSE Tags will be appended.
905       @param  &Array    Start here, Pointer to an array.
906    */ 
907   function _get_all_entries($add_tags = FALSE, $skip_release = FALSE, &$cur = NULL)
908   {
909     $ret = array();
910     if($cur == NULL){
911       $cur = &$this->a_Structure;
912     }
913     foreach($cur as $key => $entry){
915       if($skip_release && $entry['TYPE'] == "RELEASE"){
916         continue;
917       }    
918       if($entry['TYPE'] == "ENTRY"){
919         $found = FALSE;
920         foreach($this->apps as $app){
921           if($app['cn'][0] == $entry['NAME']){
922             $found = TRUE;
923             if(isset($app['description'][0])){
924               $entry['INFO'] = "[".$app['description'][0]."]";
925             }
926             break;
927           }
928         } 
929         if(!$found){
930           $entry['INFO'] = "<font color='red'>"._("Not available in release.")."</font>";
931         }
932       }
935       $tmp = $entry;
936       if(!$add_tags){
937         $ret[$tmp['UNIQID']] = &$cur[$key];
938         if(isset($entry['ENTRIES']) && count($entry['ENTRIES'])){
939           $ret = array_merge($ret,$this->_get_all_entries($add_tags,$skip_release,$cur[$key]['ENTRIES']));
940         }
941       }else{
943         if(isset($tmp['ENTRIES'])){
944           unset($tmp['ENTRIES']);
945         }
946         if($tmp['STATUS'] != "REMOVED"){
947           $ret[] = $tmp;
948           if(isset($entry['ENTRIES']) && count($entry['ENTRIES'])){
949             $add = false;
950             foreach($entry['ENTRIES'] as $entry){
951               if($entry['STATUS'] != "REMOVED"){
952                 $add = TRUE;
953                 break;
954               }
955             }
957             if($add){
958               $ret[] = array("TYPE" => "OPEN", "PARENT" => $entry['PARENT']);
959               $ret = array_merge($ret,$this->_get_all_entries($add_tags,$skip_release,$cur[$key]['ENTRIES']));
960               $ret[] = array("TYPE" => "CLOSE" , "PARENT" => $entry['PARENT']);
961             }
962           }
963         }
964       }
965     }
966     return($ret);
967   }
970   function save()
971   {
972     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
973     $all = $this->_get_all_entries();
974     $prio = 0;
975     $Actions = array("Remove" => array(),"Edit" => array() , "Add" => array());
977     foreach($all as $entry){
978       $prio ++;
979       $cur = $entry;
980       $dn = "";
982       do{  
983         if($cur['TYPE'] == "ENTRY"){
984           $dn.= "cn=".$cur['NAME'].",";
985         }elseif($cur['TYPE'] == "FOLDER"){
986           $dn.= "cn=".$cur['NAME'].",";
987         }elseif($cur['TYPE'] == "RELEASE"){
988           $dn.= "ou=".$cur['NAME'].",";
989         }elseif($cur['TYPE'] == "BASE"){
990         }
991         if(!isset($all[$cur['PARENT']])){
992           $cur = NULL;
993         }else{
994           $cur = $all[$cur['PARENT']];
995         }
996       }while(is_array($cur));
998       $cur_dn = $dn.$this->dn;
1000       $attrs = array();
1001       switch($entry['TYPE']){
1002         case "ENTRY"    :
1003         { 
1004           $attrs['objectClass'] = "gotoMenuEntry";
1005           $attrs['cn']          = $entry['NAME'];
1006           $attrs['gosaApplicationPriority'] = $prio;
1007           $attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'] = array(); 
1010           foreach($entry['PARAMETER'] as $name => $value){
1011             $attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'][] = $name.":".$value; 
1012           }
1013           if($entry['STATUS'] == "ADDED" && !count($attrs['gosaApplicationParameter'])){
1014             unset($attrs['gosaApplicationParameter']);
1015           } 
1016         }
1017         break;
1018         case "FOLDER"   : 
1019         { 
1020           $attrs['objectClass'] = "gotoSubmenuEntry";
1021           $attrs['cn']          = $entry['NAME'];
1022           $attrs['gosaApplicationPriority'] = $prio;
1023           if($entry['STATUS'] != "ADDED"){
1024             $attrs['gosaApplicationIcon'] = array();
1025           }
1027           if(!empty($entry['ICON'])){
1028             $attrs['gosaApplicationIcon']     = $entry['ICON'];
1029           }
1030         }
1031         break;
1032         case "RELEASE"  : 
1033         { 
1034           $attrs['ou']            = $entry['NAME'];
1035           $attrs['objectClass']   = array();
1036           $attrs['objectClass'][] = "top";
1037           $attrs['objectClass'][] = "organizationalUnit";
1038           $attrs['objectClass'][] = "FAIbranch";
1039           if(!empty($entry['FAIstate'])){
1040             $attrs['FAIstate']      = $entry['FAIstate'];
1041           }
1042         }
1043         break;
1044       }
1046       if($entry['STATUS'] == "LOADED"){
1047         continue;
1048       }
1049       if($entry['STATUS'] == "REMOVED"){
1050         $Actions['Remove'][$cur_dn] = $cur_dn;
1051       }
1052       if($entry['STATUS'] == "EDITED"){
1053         $Actions['Edit'][$cur_dn] = $attrs;
1054       }
1055       if($entry['STATUS'] == "ADDED"){
1056         $Actions['Add'][$cur_dn] = $attrs;
1057       }
1058     }
1060     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
1061     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
1062     foreach($Actions['Remove'] as $dn){
1063       $ldap->cd($dn);
1064       $ldap->cat($dn);
1065       if($ldap->count()){
1066         $ldap->rmdir_recursive($dn);
1067         if (!$ldap->success()){
1068           msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $dn, LDAP_DEL, get_class()));
1069         }
1070       }
1071     }
1072     foreach($Actions['Add'] as $dn => $data){
1073       $ldap->cd($dn);
1074       $ldap->cat($dn);
1075       if(!$ldap->count()){
1076         $ldap->add($data);
1077         if (!$ldap->success()){
1078           msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $dn, LDAP_DEL, get_class()));
1079         }
1080       }
1081     }
1082     foreach($Actions['Edit'] as $dn => $data){
1083       $ldap->cd($dn);
1084       $ldap->cat($dn);
1085       if($ldap->count()){
1086         $ldap->modify($data);
1087         if (!$ldap->success()){
1088           msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $dn, LDAP_DEL, get_class()));
1089         }
1090       }
1091     }
1092     $this->_load_menu_structure();
1093   }
1096   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling  */ 
1097   static function plInfo()
1098   {
1099     return (array(
1100           "plShortName"   => _("Applications"),
1101           "plDescription" => _("Group applications"),
1102           "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
1103           "plDepends"     => array(),
1104           "plPriority"    => 0,
1105           "plSection"     => array("admin"),
1106           "plCategory"    => array("groups"),
1107           "plProvidedAcls"=> array(
1108             "gosaMemberApplication"     => _("Application"),
1109             "FAIrelease"                => _("Release"),
1110             "gosaApplicationParameter"  => _("Application parameter"))
1111           ));
1112   }
1115   function PrepareForCopyPaste($source)
1116   {
1117   }
1120   function multiple_save_object()
1121   {
1122     if(isset($_POST['group_apps_multi'])){
1123       $this->save_object(); 
1124       plugin::multiple_save_object();    
1126       /* Get posts */
1127       foreach(array("apps") as $attr){
1128         if(isset($_POST['use_'.$attr])) {
1129           $this->multi_boxes[] = $attr;
1130         }
1131       }
1132     }
1133   }
1136   function get_multi_edit_values()
1137   {
1138     $ret = plugin::get_multi_edit_values();
1140     if(in_array("apps",$this->multi_boxes)){
1141       $ret['gosaApplicationParameter'] = $this->gosaApplicationParameter;
1142       $ret['Categories']               = $this->Categories;
1143       $ret['gosaMemberApplication']    = $this->gosaMemberApplication;
1144       $ret['FAIrelease']               = $this->FAIrelease;
1145       $ret['appoption']                = $this->appoption;
1146     }
1147     return($ret);
1148   }
1150 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
1151 ?>