
Updated get_ou it receives values from the config registry now.
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / fai / admin / fai / faiScript.tpl
2 <table width="100%" summary="{t}FAI script{/t}">
3  <tr>
4   <td width="50%" valign="top">
5    <h3>{t}Generic{/t}
6    </h3>
7    <table summary="{t}Generic settings{/t}" cellspacing="4">
8     <tr>
9      <td><LABEL for="cn">{t}Name{/t}
10       {$must}</LABEL>
11      </td>
12      <td>
13       {render acl=$cnACL}
14        <input type='text' value="{$cn}"  maxlength="80" size="45" disabled id="cn">
15       {/render}
16      </td>
17     </tr>
18     <tr>
19      <td><LABEL for="description">{t}Description{/t}</LABEL>
20      </td>
21      <td>
22       {render acl=$descriptionACL}
23        <input type='text' size="45" maxlength="80" value="{$description}" name="description" id="description" >
24       {/render}
25      </td>
26     </tr>
27    </table>
28   </td>
29  </tr>
30 </table>
31 <hr>
32 <table width="100%" summary="{t}List of scripts{/t}">
33  <tr>
34   <td>
35    <h3>{t}List of scripts{/t}
36    </h3>
37    {$Entry_listing}
38    <hr>
40    {if $sub_object_is_addable}
41     <button type='submit' name='AddSubObject' title="{msgPool type=addButton}">
42     {msgPool type=addButton}</button>
43     {else}
44     <button type='submit' name='Dummy2' title="{msgPool type=addButton}">
45     {msgPool type=addButton}</button>
47    {/if}
48   </td>
49  </tr>
50 </table>
51 <input type="hidden" value="1" name="FAIscript_posted" ><!-- Place cursor -->
52 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--       focus_field("cn","description");--></script>