
Beautified FAI templates
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / fai / admin / fai /
1 <?php
3 class faiScript extends plugin
4 {
5   /* attribute list for save action */
6   var $ignore_account   = TRUE;
8   /* Attributes for this Object */
9   var $attributes       = array("cn","description");
11   /* ObjectClasses for this Object*/
12   var $objectclasses    = array("top","FAIclass","FAIscript");
14   /* Class name of the Ldap ObjectClass for the Sub Object */
15   var $subClass         = "FAIscriptEntry";
16   var $subClasses       = array("top","FAIclass","FAIscriptEntry");
18   /* Class name of the php class which allows us to edit a Sub Object */
19   var $subClassName     = "faiScriptEntry";      
21   /* Attributes to initialise for each subObject */
22   var $subAttributes    = array("cn","description","FAIpriority"); 
23   var $sub_Load_Later   = array("FAIscript");
24   var $sub64coded       = array();
25   var $subBinary        = array("FAIscript");
27   /* Specific attributes */
28   var $cn               = "";       // The class name for this object
29   var $description      = "";       // The description for this set of partitions
30   var $is_dialog        = false;    // specifies which buttons will be shown to save or abort
31   var $SubObjects       = array();  // All leafobjects of this object
33   var $FAIstate         = "branch";
34   var $sort_by          = "name";
35   var $sort_order       = "up";
37   var $view_logged = FALSE;
38   var $ui;
40   function faiScript (&$config, $dn= NULL)
41   {
42     /* Load Attributes */
43     plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
45     /* If "dn==new" we try to create a new entry
46      * Else we must read all objects from ldap which belong to this entry.
47      * First read SubObjects from ldap ... and then the partition definitions for the SubObjects.
48      */
49     if($dn != "new"){
50       $this->dn =$dn;
52       /* Read all leaf objects of this object (For FAIscript this would be FAIscriptEntry)
53        */
54       $res = FAI::get_all_objects_for_given_base($this->dn,"(&(objectClass=FAIclass)(objectClass=".$this->subClass."))");
55       foreach($res as $obj){
57         /* Skip not relevant objects */
58         if(!preg_match("/".preg_quote($this->dn, '/')."$/i",$obj['dn'])) continue;
60         $objects = array();
61         $objects['status']      = "FreshLoaded";
62         $objects['dn']          = $obj['dn'];
63         $objects                = $this->get_object_attributes($objects,$this->subAttributes);
64         $this->SubObjects[$objects['cn']] = $objects;
65       }
66     }
68     $this->is_new = FALSE;
69     if($this->dn == "new"){
70       $this->is_new =TRUE;
71     }
73     $this->ui = get_userinfo();
75     $this->scriptListWidget= new sortableListing($this->convertList(TRUE), $this->convertList());
76     $this->scriptListWidget->setDeleteable(true);
77     $this->scriptListWidget->setInstantDelete(false);
78     $this->scriptListWidget->setEditable(true);
79     $this->scriptListWidget->setWidth("100%");
80     $this->scriptListWidget->setHeight("140px");
81     $this->scriptListWidget->setHeader(array(_("Name"),_("Description")));
82   }
85   function convertList($type = FALSE)
86   {
87     $data = array();
88     $s_acl = $this->ui->get_permissions($this->dn,"fai/faiScriptEntry","FAIscript");
89     foreach($this->SubObjects as $cn => $entry){
90       if($entry['status'] == "delete") continue;
91       if($type){
92         $data[$cn] = $entry;
93       }else{
94         if(!isset($entry['description'])) $entry['description']="";
95         $data[$cn] = array('data' => array($entry['cn'], $entry['description']));
96       }
97     }
98     return($data);
99   }
102   /* Reload some attributes */
103   function get_object_attributes($object,$attributes)
104   {
105     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
106     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
107     $ldap->cat($object['dn'],$attributes);
108     $tmp  = $ldap->fetch();
110     foreach($attributes as $attrs){
111       if(isset($tmp[$attrs][0])){
112         $var = $tmp[$attrs][0];
114         /* Check if we must decode some attributes */
115         if(in_array_ics($attrs,$this->sub64coded)){
116           $var = postDecode($var);
117         }
119         /*  check if this is a binary entry */
120         if(in_array_ics($attrs,$this->subBinary)){
121           $var = $ldap->get_attribute($object['dn'], $attrs,$r_array=0);
122         }
124         /* Fix slashes */
125         $var = addslashes($var);
126         $object[$attrs] = $var;
127       }
128     }
129     return($object);
130   }
133   /* Return a valid dn to fetch acls. Because 'new' will not work. */
134   function acl_base_for_current_object($dn)
135   {
136     if($dn == "new" || $dn == ""){
137       if($this->dn == "new"){
138         $dn= $this->parent->parent->acl_base;
139       }else{
140         $dn = $this->dn;
141       }
142     }
143     return($dn);
144   }
147   function execute()
148   {
149     /* Call parent execute */
150     plugin::execute();
152     if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
153       $this->view_logged = TRUE;
154       new log("view","fai/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
155     }
157     /* Fill templating stuff */
158     $smarty= get_smarty();
159     $display= "";
161     /* Add new sub object */
162     if(isset($_POST['AddSubObject']) && !preg_match("/freeze/i",$this->FAIstate)){
163       $this->dialog= new $this->subClassName($this->config,"new");
164       $this->dialog->FAIstate = $this->FAIstate;
165       $this->dialog->set_acl_base($this->acl_base);
166       $this->dialog->set_acl_category("fai");
167       $this->dialog->parent = &$this;
168       $this->is_dialog=true;
169     }
171     if($this->dn != "new"){
172       set_object_info($this->dn);
173     }
175     $this->scriptListWidget->setAcl($this->getacl(""));
176     $this->scriptListWidget->save_object();
177     $action = $this->scriptListWidget->getAction();
178     if($action['action'] =="edit"){
179       $s_entry = $this->scriptListWidget->getKey($action['targets'][0]);
180       if(isset($this->SubObjects[$s_entry])){ 
182         $obj  = $this->SubObjects[$s_entry];
183         if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){
184           $obj  = $this->get_object_attributes($obj,$this->sub_Load_Later);
185         }
187         /* Create new dialog and set acl attributes  */
188         $this->dialog= new $this->subClassName($this->config,$this->dn,$obj);
189         $this->dialog->FAIstate = $this->FAIstate;
190         $this->dialog->set_acl_base($this->acl_base_for_current_object($obj['dn']));
191         $this->dialog->set_acl_category("fai");
193         /* Assign some additional dialog informations like headline and parent  */
194         set_object_info($obj['dn']);
195         $this->dialog->parent = &$this;
196         $this->is_dialog=true;
197       }
198     }
200     /* Check acls, are we allowed to delete an entry */
201     if($action['action'] =="delete"){
202       $s_entry = $this->scriptListWidget->getKey($action['targets'][0]);
203       if(isset($this->SubObjects[$s_entry])){ 
204         $entry = $this->SubObjects[$s_entry];  
205         $acl = $this->ui->get_permissions($this->acl_base_for_current_object($entry['dn']),"fai/faiScriptEntry")  ;
206         if(preg_match("/d/",$acl)){
207           $status = $entry['status'];
208           if($status == "edited" || $status == "FreshLoaded"){
209             $this->SubObjects[$s_entry]['status']= "delete";
210           }else{
211             unset($this->SubObjects[$s_entry]);
212           }
213         }
214       }
215     }
218     /* Save the edited entry */
219     if(isset($_POST['SaveSubObject'])){
221       /* Check if there are still errors remaining that must be fixed before saving */
222       $this->dialog->save_object();
223       $msgs = $this->dialog->check();
224       if(count($msgs)>0){
225         foreach($msgs as $msg){
226           msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG);
227         }
228       }else{
230         /* Get return object */
231         $obj = $this->dialog->save();
233         /* If we have renamed the script entry, we must remove the old entry */
234         if(isset($obj['remove'])){
236           /* Get old entry values */
237           $old_stat = $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status'];
239           /* Depending on status, set new status */
240           if($old_stat == "edited" || $old_stat == "FreshLoaded"){
241             $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status'] = "delete";
242           }elseif($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status']=="new"){
243             unset($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]);
244           }
246           /* Append the new entry */
247           $obj['status'] = "new";
248           $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['to']] = $obj;
249           unset($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['to']]['remove']);
250         }else{
252           /* Set new status and append the entry */
253           if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){
254             $obj['status'] = "edited";
255           }
256           $this->SubObjects[$obj['cn']]=$obj;
257         }
258         $this->is_dialog=false;
259         unset($this->dialog);
260         $this->dialog=FALSE;
262       }
263     }
265     /* Cancel Dialog */
266     if(isset($_POST['CancelSubObject'])){
267       $this->is_dialog=false; 
268       unset($this->dialog);
269       $this->dialog=FALSE;
270     }
272     /* Print dialog if $this->dialog is set */
273     if(is_object($this->dialog)){
274       $this->dialog->save_object();
275       $display = $this->dialog->execute();
276       return($display);
277     }
279     $this->scriptListWidget->setListData($this->convertList(TRUE), $this->convertList());
280     $this->scriptListWidget->update();
281     $smarty->assign("Entry_divlist",$this->scriptListWidget->render());
283     /* Magic quotes GPC, escapes every ' " \, to solve some security risks
284      * If we post the escaped strings they will be escaped again
285      */
286     foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){
287       if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
288         $smarty->assign($attrs,stripslashes($this->$attrs));
289       }else{
290         $smarty->assign($attrs,($this->$attrs));
291       }
292     }
294     $dn = $this->acl_base_for_current_object($this->dn);
295     $smarty->assign("sub_object_is_addable",  
296         preg_match("/c/",$this->ui->get_permissions($dn,"fai/faiScriptEntry")) && 
297         !preg_match("/freeze/",$this->FAIstate));
299     $tmp = $this->plInfo();
300     foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $name => $translated){
301       $smarty->assign($name."ACL",$this->getacl($name));
302     }
304     $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('faiScript.tpl', TRUE));
305     return($display);
306   }
309   /* Generate listbox friendly SubObject list
310    */
311   function getList($use_dns=false){
312     $a_return=array();
313     foreach($this->SubObjects as $obj){
314       if($obj['status'] != "delete"){
316         $cn   = stripslashes($obj['cn']);
317         $desc = "";
319         if((isset($obj['description']))&&(!empty($obj['description']))){
320           $desc = " [".stripslashes($obj['description'])."]";
321         }
323         if($use_dns){
324           $a_return[$obj['cn']]['name']= $cn.$desc;
325           $a_return[$obj['cn']]['dn']= $obj['dn'];
326           $a_return[$obj['cn']]['FAIpriority']= $obj['FAIpriority'];
327         }else{
328           $a_return[$obj['cn']] =  $cn.$desc;
329         }
330       }
331     }
332     return($a_return);
333   }
336   /* Delete me, and all my subtrees
337    */
338   function remove_from_parent()
339   {
340     if($this->acl_is_removeable()){
341       $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
342       $ldap->cd ($this->dn);
343       $release = $this->parent->parent->fai_release;
344       $use_dn = preg_replace("/".preg_quote(FAI::get_release_dn($this->dn), '/')."/i", $release, $this->dn);
345       new log("remove","fai/".get_class($this),$use_dn,$this->attributes);
346       FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($use_dn,array(),true);
348       foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){
349         $use_dn = preg_replace("/".preg_quote(FAI::get_release_dn($this->dn), '/')."/i", $release, $obj['dn']);
350         FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($use_dn,array(),true);
351       }
352       $this->handle_post_events("remove");
353     }
354   }
357   /* Save data to object 
358    */
359   function save_object()
360   {
361     if((isset($_POST['FAIscript_posted'])) && !preg_match("/freeze/", $this->FAIstate)){
362       plugin::save_object();
363     }
365     /* Get sort order */
366     if(isset($_GET['sort']) && in_array($_GET['sort'],array("name","priority"))){
367       if($this->sort_by == $_GET['sort']){
368         if($this->sort_order == "up"){
369           $this->sort_order = "down";
370         }elseif($this->sort_order == "down"){
371           $this->sort_order = "up";
372         }
373       }
374       $this->sort_by = $_GET['sort'];
375     }
376   }
379   /* Check supplied data */
380   function check()
381   {
382     /* Call common method to give check the hook */
383     $message= plugin::check();
385     /* Ensure that we do not overwrite an allready existing entry 
386      */
387     if($this->is_new){
388       $release = $this->parent->parent->fai_release;
389       $new_dn= 'cn='.$this->cn.",".get_ou('faiScriptRDN').get_ou('faiBaseRDN').$release;
390       $res = faiManagement::check_class_name("FAIscript",$this->cn,$new_dn);
391       if(isset($res[$this->cn])){
392         $message[] = msgPool::duplicated(_("Name"));
393       }
394     }
396     return ($message);
397   }
400   /* Save to LDAP */
401   function save()
402   {
403     plugin::save();
405     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
407     FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($this->dn,$this->attrs);
409     if($this->initially_was_account){
410       new log("modify","fai/".get_class($this),$this->dn,$this->attributes);
411     }else{
412       new log("create","fai/".get_class($this),$this->dn,$this->attributes);
413     }
415     /* Prepare FAIscriptEntry to write it to ldap
416      * First sort array.
417      *  Because we must delete old entries first.
418      * After deletion, we perform add and modify 
419      */
420     $Objects = array();
422     /* We do not need to save untouched objects */
423     foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){
424       if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){
425         unset($this->SubObjects[$name]);
426       }
427     }
429     foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){
430       if($obj['status'] == "delete"){
431         $Objects[$name] = $obj; 
432       }
433     }
434     foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){
435       if($obj['status'] != "delete"){
436         $Objects[$name] = $obj; 
437       }
438     }
440     foreach($Objects as $name => $obj){
442       foreach($this->sub64coded as $codeIt){
443         $obj[$codeIt]=postEncode(stripslashes($obj[$codeIt]));
444       }
446       $tmp = array();
447       $attributes = array_merge($this->sub_Load_Later,$this->subAttributes);
448       foreach($attributes as $attrs){
449         if(!isset($obj[$attrs])) continue; 
450         if($obj[$attrs] == ""){
451           $obj[$attrs] = array();
452         }
453         if(!is_array($obj[$attrs])){
454           $tmp[$attrs] = stripslashes($obj[$attrs]);
455         }else{
456           $tmp[$attrs] = $obj[$attrs];
457         }
458       }    
460       $tmp['objectClass'] = $this->subClasses;
462       $sub_dn = "cn=".$obj['cn'].",".$this->dn;
464       if($obj['status']=="new"){
465         $ldap->cat($sub_dn,array("objectClass"));
466         if($ldap->count()){
467           $obj['status']="edited";
468         }
469       }
471       if(empty($tmp['FAIpriority'])){
472         $tmp['FAIpriority']  ="0";
473       }
475       /* Tag object */
476       $this->tag_attrs($tmp, $sub_dn, $this->gosaUnitTag);
478       if($obj['status'] == "delete"){
479         FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($sub_dn,array(),true);
480         $this->handle_post_events("remove");
481       }elseif($obj['status'] == "edited"){
482         FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($sub_dn,$tmp);
483         $this->handle_post_events("modify");
484       }elseif($obj['status']=="new"){
485         FAI::prepare_to_save_FAI_object($sub_dn,$tmp);
486         $this->handle_post_events("add");
487       }
488     }
489   }
492   function PrepareForCopyPaste($source)
493   {
494     plugin::PrepareForCopyPaste($source);
496     /* Read all leaf objects of this object (For FAIscript this would be FAIscriptEntry)
497      */
498     $res = FAI::get_all_objects_for_given_base($source['dn'],"(&(objectClass=FAIclass)(objectClass=".$this->subClass."))");
499     foreach($res as $obj){
501       /* Skip not relevant objects */
502       if(!preg_match("/".preg_quote($source['dn'], '/')."$/i",$obj['dn'])) continue;
504       $objects = array();
505       $objects['status']      = "edited";
506       $objects['dn']          = $obj['dn'];
507       $objects                = $this->get_object_attributes($objects,$this->subAttributes);
508       $objects                = $this->get_object_attributes($objects,$this->sub_Load_Later);
509       $this->SubObjects[$objects['cn']] = $objects;
510     }
511   }
514   /*! \brief  Used for copy & paste.
515               Returns a HTML input mask, which allows to change the cn of this entry.
516       @param  Array   Array containing current status && a HTML template.
517    */
518   function getCopyDialog()
519   {
520     $vars = array("cn");
521     $smarty = get_smarty();
522     $smarty->assign("cn", htmlentities($this->cn));
523     $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("paste_generic.tpl",TRUE));
524     $ret = array();
525     $ret['string'] = $str;
526     $ret['status'] = "";
527     return($ret);
528   }
531   /*! \brief  Used for copy & paste.
532               Some entries must be renamed to avaoid duplicate entries.
533    */
534   function saveCopyDialog()
535   {
536     if(isset($_POST['cn'])){
537       $this->cn = get_post('cn');
538     }
539   }
542   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */ 
543   static function plInfo()
544   {
545     return (array( 
546           "plShortName" => _("Script"),
547           "plDescription" => _("FAI script"),
548           "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
549           "plDepends"     => array(),
550           "plPriority"    => 18,
551           "plSection"     => array("administration"),
552           "plCategory"    => array("fai"),
553           "plProvidedAcls" => array(
554             "cn"                => _("Name")." ("._("Readonly").")",
555             "description"       => _("Description"))
556           ));
557   }
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561 ?>