
Added "Select all" tooltip
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / fai / admin / fai /
1 <?php
3 class divListFai extends MultiSelectWindow
4 {
5   /* Regex */
6   var $Regex              = "*";
7   var $ShowProfiles;
8   var $ShowTemplates;
9   var $ShowScripts;
10   var $ShowHooks;
11   var $ShowVariables;
12   var $ShowPackages;
13   var $ShowPartitions;
15   /* Subsearch checkbox */
16   var $SubSearch;
18   var $parent             ;
19   var $ui                 ;
21   function divListFai (&$config,$parent)
22   {
23     MultiSelectWindow::MultiSelectWindow($config, "Fai", "fai");
25     $this->parent       = $parent;
26     $this->ui           = get_userinfo();
28     /* Set list strings */
29     $this->SetTitle(  _("List of classes"));
30     $this->SetSummary(_("List of deployment classes and packages"));
32     /* Result page will look like a headpage */
33     $this->SetHeadpageMode();
35     $this->EnableAplhabet   (true);
37     /* Disable buttonsm */
38     $this->EnableCloseButton(false);
39     $this->EnableSaveButton (false);
41     /* Dynamic action col, depending on snapshot icons */
42     $action_col_size = 120;
44     /* Toggle all selected / deselected */
45     $chk = "<input type='checkbox' id='select_all' name='select_all' title='"._("Select all")."'
46                onClick='toggle_all_(\"^item_selected_[0-9]*$\",\"select_all\");' >";
48     /* set Page header */
49     $this->AddHeader(array("string"=> $chk,          "attach"=>"style='width:20px;'"));
50     $this->AddHeader(array("string" => "&nbsp;",                "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"));
51     $this->AddHeader(array("string" => _("Class name"),  "attach" => "style=''"));
52     $this->AddHeader(array("string" => _("Class type"),         "attach" => "style='width:200px;'"));
53     $this->AddHeader(array("string" => _("Actions"),            "attach" => "style='width:".$action_col_size."px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'"));
55     $this->AddCheckBox("ShowProfiles"   , sprintf(_("Display objects of type '%s'."),_("Profile"))  ,_("Show profiles")     ,true);
56     $this->AddCheckBox("ShowTemplates"  , sprintf(_("Display objects of type '%s'."),_("Variable")) ,_("Show templates")    ,true);
57     $this->AddCheckBox("ShowScripts"    , sprintf(_("Display objects of type '%s'."),_("Script"))   ,_("Show scripts")      ,true);
58     $this->AddCheckBox("ShowHooks"      , sprintf(_("Display objects of type '%s'."),_("Hook"))     ,_("Show hooks")        ,true);
59     $this->AddCheckBox("ShowVariables"  , sprintf(_("Display objects of type '%s'."),_("Variable")) ,_("Show variables")    ,true);
60     $this->AddCheckBox("ShowPackages"   , sprintf(_("Display objects of type '%s'."),_("Package"))  ,_("Show packages")     ,true);
61     $this->AddCheckBox("ShowPartitions" , sprintf(_("Display objects of type '%s'."),_("Partition")),_("Show partitions")   ,true);
63     /* Add SubSearch checkbox */
64     //$this->AddCheckBox(SEPERATOR);
65     //$this->AddCheckBox("SubSearch",  msgPool::selectToView("","subsearch"), msgPool::selectToView("","subsearch_small"), false);
67     /*                  Name                 ,Text                              ,Default  , Connect with alphabet  */
68     $this->AddRegex   ("Regex",     _("Display users matching"),"*" , true);
69   }
71   function AddUserBoxToFilter($position)
72   {
73     $str = "";
74     if($position  == 2){
76       /* Check if there are post commands available for fai management.
77        * If not, grey out freeze/branch and release remove buttons.
78        */
79       $r = $this->config->search("faiManagement", "POSTREMOVE",array('menu','tabs'));
80       $c = $this->config->search("faiManagement", "POSTCREATE",array('menu','tabs'));
82       $smarty = get_smarty();
83       $releases = $this->parent->getBranches();
85       $smarty->assign("allow_create", $c);
86       $smarty->assign("allow_remove", $r);
87       $smarty->assign("fai_release" , $releases[$this->parent->fai_release]);
88       $smarty->assign("fai_base"    , $releases[$this->parent->fai_base]);
89       $smarty->assign("branchimage","images/branch.png");
90       $smarty->assign("fai_releases", $releases);
91       $plug_id = 0;       
92       if(isset($_GET['plug'])){
93         $plug_id = $_GET['plug'];
94       }
95       $smarty->assign("plug_id",$plug_id);
96       $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('branch_selector.tpl', TRUE));
97     }
98     return($str);
99   }
101   function GenHeader()
102   {
103     /* Get all departments within this subtree */
104     $ui= get_userinfo();
105     $first = "";
106     $found = FALSE;
107     $base = $this->config->current['BASE'];
109     /* Add seperator */
110     $add_sep = false;
112     /* Get complete fai acls, to be able to check if we must show or hide the snapshot abilities */ 
113     $acl_all = $ui->has_complete_category_acls($this->parent->fai_base,$this->module);
115     /* Add default header */
116     $listhead = MultiSelectWindow::get_default_header(false);
118     /* Add additional seperator */
119     if($add_sep){
120       $listhead .=" <img class='center' src='images/lists/seperator.png' align='middle' alt='' height='16' width='1'>&nbsp;";
121     }
123     $s  = ".|"._("Actions")."|\n";
124     $s .= "..|<img src='images/lists/new.png' alt='' border='0' class='center'>".
125       "&nbsp;"._("Create")."|\n";
127     $acl = $ui->get_permissions($this->parent->fai_base,"fai/faiProfile");
128     if($this->parent->lock_type == "freeze" && !$this->parent->allow_freeze_object_attach){
129       $s.= "...|<input class='center' type='image' src='images/freeze.png' alt=''>".
130         "&nbsp;"._("Freezed")."|\n";
131     }else{
132       if(preg_match("/c/",$acl)){
133         $s.= "...|<input class='center' type='image' src='images/fai_new_profile.png' alt=''>".
134           "&nbsp;"._("Profile")."|Create_profile|\n";
135       }
137       /* Append create icons for each fai component */
138       $arr = array(
139           array("images/fai_new_partitionTable.png" , _("Partition table")  ,"Create_partition" , _("PT") , "faiPartitionTable"),
140           array("images/fai_new_script.png"         , _("Scripts")          ,"Create_script"    , _("S")  , "faiScript"),
141           array("images/fai_new_hook.png"           , _("Hooks")            ,"Create_hook"      , _("H")  , "faiHook"),
142           array("images/fai_new_variable.png"       , _("Variables")        ,"Create_variable"  , _("V")  , "faiVariable"),
143         array("images/fai_new_template.png"       , _("Templates ")       ,"Create_template"  , _("I")  , "faiTemplate"),
144         array("images/fai_new_packages.png"       , _("Package list")     ,"Create_package"   , _("PK") , "faiPackage"));
146       foreach($arr as $ar){
147         $acl = $ui->get_permissions($this->parent->fai_base,"fai/".$ar[4]);
148         if(preg_match("/c/",$acl)){
149           $s.= "...|<input class='center' type='image' src='".$ar[0]."' alt=''>".
150             "&nbsp;".$ar[1]."|".$ar[2]."|\n";
151         }
152       }
153     }
155     /* Multiple options */
156     $s.= "..|<img src='images/lists/trash.png' alt='' border='0' class='center'>".
157       "&nbsp;"._("Remove")."|"."remove_multiple|\n";
159     /* Add multiple copy & cut icons */
160     if(is_object($this->parent->CopyPasteHandler)){
161       $s.= "..|---|\n";
162       $s.= "..|<img src='images/lists/copy.png' alt='' border='0' class='center'>".
163         "&nbsp;"._("Copy")."|"."multiple_copy_systems|\n";
164     }
166     /* Add copy & paste icons, currently disabled, this ability is not implemeneted yet */
167     if(!($this->parent->lock_type == "freeze" && !$this->parent->allow_freeze_object_attach) && 
168       preg_match("/(c.*w|w.*c)/",$acl_all) &&  isset($this->parent->CopyPasteHandler) && $this->parent->CopyPasteHandler){
169       $s .= "..|---|\n";
170       if($this->parent->CopyPasteHandler->entries_queued()){
171         $img = "<img border='0' class='center' src='images/lists/paste.png' alt=''>";
172         $s.="..|".$img."&nbsp;"._("Paste")."|editPaste|\n";
173       }else{
174         $img = "<img border='0' class='center' src='images/lists/paste.png' alt=''>";
175         $s.="..|".$img."&nbsp;"._("Paste")."\n";
176       }
177     }
179 #   /* Add snapshot icons, if we are allowed to write and create the complete fai module ($ui->has_complete_category_acls) */ 
180 #   if(preg_match("/(c.*w|w.*c)/",$acl_all)){ 
181 #     if($this->parent->snapshotEnabled()){
182 #       $s .= "..|---|\n";
183 #       $s .= $this->get_snapshot_header(TRUE);
184 #     }
185 #   }
187     $this->SetDropDownHeaderMenu($s);
188     $this->SetListHeader($listhead);
189   }
191   /* so some basic settings */
192   function execute()
193   {
194     $this->ClearElementsList();
195     $this->GenHeader();
196     $this->AvailableBranches = $this->parent->getBranches();
197   }
199   function setEntries($list)
200   {
201     /********************
202       Variable init
203      ********************/
205      $objects = array(
206            "FAIpartitionTable"  => array("IMG"=> "images/fai_partitionTable.png", "NAME"=>_("Partition table"),"KZL"=> "PT", "VAR"=>"ShowPartitions"),
207            "FAIpackageList"     => array("IMG"=> "images/fai_packages.png",       "NAME"=>_("Package list") ,  "KZL"=> "PL", "VAR"=>"ShowPackages"),
208            "FAIscript"          => array("IMG"=> "images/fai_script.png",         "NAME"=>_("Scripts") ,       "KZL"=> "S",  "VAR"=>"ShowScripts"),
209            "FAIvariable"        => array("IMG"=> "images/fai_variable.png",       "NAME"=>_("Variables") ,     "KZL"=> "V",  "VAR"=>"ShowVariables"),
210            "FAIhook"            => array("IMG"=> "images/fai_hook.png",           "NAME"=>_("Hooks"),          "KZL"=> "H",  "VAR"=>"ShowHooks"),
211            "FAIprofile"         => array("IMG"=> "images/fai_profile.png",        "NAME"=>_("Profile") ,       "KZL"=> "P",  "VAR"=>"ShowProfiles"),
212            "FAItemplate"        => array("IMG"=> "images/fai_template.png",       "NAME"=>_("Templates") ,     "KZL"=> "T",  "VAR"=>"ShowTemplates"));
215     /* Dynamic action col, depending on snapshot icons */
216     $action_col_size = 120;
217 #   if($this->parent->snapshotEnabled()){
218 #     $action_col_size += 32;
219 #   }
221     /********************
222       Attach objects
223      ********************/
225     $cnts = array();
226     foreach($objects as $key => $data){
227       $cnts[$key] = 0;
228     }
230      foreach($list as $key => $value){
231        $info     = "";
232        $img      = "";
233        $type     = $value['type'];
234        $abort    =false;
236        $cnts[$type] ++;
238        if(isset($objects[$type])){
239          $img   = "<img class='center' src='".$objects[$type]['IMG']."' title='".$objects[$type]['NAME']."' alt='".$objects[$type]['KZL']."'>";
240          $info  = $objects[$type]['NAME'];
241          $var   = $objects[$type]['VAR'];
242        }else{
243          $img   = "<img class='center' src='images/empty.png' alt=''>";
244          $info  = "";
245          $var   = "";
246        }
248        if((isset($value['description']))&&(!empty($value['description']))){
249          $desc= " [".$value['description']."]";
250        }else{
251          $desc= "";
252        }
254        /* Add copy & cut icons */
255        $ui = get_userinfo();
256        $action ="";
257        $acl_all = $ui->has_complete_category_acls($this->parent->fai_base,$this->module);
258        if(preg_match("/(c.*w|w.*c)/",$acl_all) && $this->parent->CopyPasteHandler){
259          $action .= "<input class='center' type='image'
260            src='images/lists/copy.png' alt='"._("copy")."' name='copy_%KEY%' title='"._("Copy this entry")."'>&nbsp;";
261        }
263        if(preg_match("/^freeze/", $value['FAIstate'])){
264          $editlink ="<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;edit_freeze_entry=%KEY%' title='%TITLE%'>%NAME%</a>";
265          $action.=  "<input class='center' type='image' src='images/lists/edit.png'  alt='"._("edit")."'
266            name='entry_freeze_edit_%KEY%' title='"._("Edit class")."'>";
267          $action.=  "<img src='images/lists/locked.png' alt='F' class='center'>";
268        }else{
269          $editlink ="<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;edit_entry=%KEY%' title='%TITLE%'>%NAME%</a>";
270          $action.= "<input class='center' type='image' src='images/lists/edit.png'  alt='"._("edit")."'
271            name='entry_edit_%KEY%' title='"._("Edit class")."'>";
272          if(preg_match("/d/",$value['acl'])){
273            $action.= "<input class='center' type='image' src='images/lists/trash.png' alt='"._("delete")."'
274              name='entry_delete_%KEY%' title='"._("Delete class")."'>";
275          }
276        }
278        /* Cutted objects should be displayed in light grey */
279        $display = $value['cn'].$desc;
280        if($this->parent->CopyPasteHandler){
281          foreach($this->parent->CopyPasteHandler->queue as $queue_key => $queue_data){
282            if($queue_data['dn'] == $value['dn']) {
283              $display = "<font color='#999999'>".$display."</font>";
284              break;
285            }
286          }
287        }
288        $edi = $editlink;
289        $acti = $action;
291        /* Create each field */
292        $field0 = array("string" => "<input type='checkbox' id='item_selected_".$key."' name='item_selected_".$key."'>" ,
293            "attach" => "style='width:20px;'");
294        $field1 = array("string" => $img , "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'");
295        $field2 = array("string" => preg_replace(array("/%KEY%/","/%NAME%/","/%TITLE%/"),array($key,$display,preg_replace('/ /', '&nbsp;', @LDAP::fix($value['dn']))),$edi) , "attach" => "style=''");
296        $field3 = array("string" => $info, "attach" => "style='width:200px;'");
297        $field4 = array("string" => preg_replace("/%KEY%/",$key,$acti) , "attach" => "style='width:".$action_col_size."px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'");
298        $this->AddElement(array($field0,$field1,$field2,$field3,$field4));
299      }
301      /* Create summary string for list footer */
302      $num_deps=0;
303      if(!$this->SubSearch){
304        $num_deps = count($this->Added_Departments);
305      }
307      $profile_str    = sprintf(_("Number of listed '%s'"),_("profiles"));
308      $partition_str  = sprintf(_("Number of listed '%s'"),_("partitions"));
309      $script_str     = sprintf(_("Number of listed '%s'"),_("scripts"));
310      $hook_str       = sprintf(_("Number of listed '%s'"),_("hooks"));
311      $variable_str   = sprintf(_("Number of listed '%s'"),_("variables"));
312      $template_str   = sprintf(_("Number of listed '%s'"),_("templates"));
313      $package_str    = sprintf(_("Number of listed '%s'"),_("packages"));   
314      $dep_str        = sprintf(_("Number of listed '%s'"),_("departments"));
316      $str = "<img class='center' src='".$objects['FAIprofile']['IMG']."'
317        title='".$profile_str."' alt='".$profile_str."'>&nbsp;".$cnts['FAIprofile']."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
318      $str.= "<img class='center' src='".$objects['FAIpartitionTable']['IMG']."'
319        title='".$partition_str."' alt='".$partition_str."'>&nbsp;".$cnts['FAIpartitionTable']."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
320      $str.= "<img class='center' src='".$objects['FAIscript']['IMG']."'
321        title='".$script_str."' alt='".$script_str."'>&nbsp;".$cnts['FAIscript']."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
322      $str.= "<img class='center' src='".$objects['FAIhook']['IMG']."'
323        title='".$hook_str."' alt='".$hook_str."'>&nbsp;".$cnts['FAIhook']."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
324      $str.= "<img class='center' src='".$objects['FAIvariable']['IMG']."'
325        title='".$variable_str."' alt='".$variable_str."'>&nbsp;".$cnts['FAIvariable']."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
326      $str.= "<img class='center' src='".$objects['FAItemplate']['IMG']."'
327        title='".$template_str."' alt='".$template_str."'>&nbsp;".$cnts['FAItemplate']."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
328      $str.= "<img class='center' src='".$objects['FAIpackageList']['IMG']."'
329        title='".$package_str."' alt='".$package_str."'>&nbsp;".$cnts['FAIpackageList']."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
330      $str.= "<img class='center' src='images/lists/folder.png'
331        title='".$dep_str."' alt='".$dep_str."'>&nbsp;".$num_deps."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
332      $this->set_List_Bottom_Info($str);
333   }
335   function Save()
336   {
337     MultiSelectWindow::Save();  
338   }
340   function save_object()
341   {
342     /* Save automatic created POSTs like regex, checkboxes */
343     MultiSelectWindow::save_object(); 
344   }
346 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
347 ?>