
Updated FAI partition handling
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / fai / admin / fai /
1 <?php
3 class debconf
4 {
5   var $package= "";
6   var $language= "";
7   var $loaded_template= FALSE;
8   var $template= array();
11   function debconf($language= "")
12   {
13     $this->set_language($language);
14   }
16   function set_language($language)
17   {
18     $this->language= $language;
19   }
21   function load_from_string($str)
22   {
23     $lines                 = split("\n",$str);
24     $this->template        = array();
25     $post_name             = 0;
26     $langcode              = $this->language.".UTF-8";
27     $in_description        = FALSE;
28     $got_local_description = FALSE;
30     foreach($lines as $line){
32       /* Reset description flag */
33       if ($in_description && !preg_match("/^ /", $line)){
34         $in_description= FALSE;
35       }
37       /* Template header */
38       if (preg_match("/^Template: /", $line)){
39         $post_name ++; 
40         $name= trim(preg_replace("/^Template: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
41         $this->template[$post_name]['Name'] = $name;
42         $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] ="";
44         $got_local_description= FALSE;
45         continue;
46       }
48       /* Get type */
49       if (preg_match("/^Type: /", $line)){
50         $type= trim(preg_replace("/^Type: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
51         $this->template[$post_name]['Type']= $type;
52         continue;
53       }
55       /* Get default */
56       if (preg_match("/^Default: /", $line)){
57         $this->template[$post_name]['Default']= "";
58         $default= trim(preg_replace("/^Default: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
59         $this->template[$post_name]['Default']= $default;
60         continue;
61       }
63       /* Get description */
64       if (!$got_local_description && preg_match("/^Description: /i", $line)){
65         $description= trim(preg_replace("/^Description: (.*)$/i", "\\1", $line));
66         $this->template[$post_name]['Topic']= $description;
67         $this->template[$post_name]['Description']= "";
68         $in_description= TRUE;
69         continue;
70       }
72       /* Fill description */
73       if (!$got_local_description && $in_description){
74         $description= preg_replace("/^ (.*)$/", "\\1", $line);
75         $this->template[$post_name]['Description'].= $description;
76         continue;
77       }
79       /* Get local description */
80       if (preg_match("/^Description-$langcode: /i", $line)){
81         $description= trim(preg_replace("/^Description-$langcode: (.*)$/i", "\\1", $line));
82         $this->template[$post_name]['Topic']= $description;
83         $in_description= TRUE;
84         $got_local_description= TRUE;
85         $this->template[$post_name]['Description']= "";
86         continue;
87       }
89       /* Fill local description */
90       if ($got_local_description && $in_description){
91         $description= preg_replace("/^ (.*)$/", "\\1", $line);
92         $this->template[$post_name]['Description'].= $description;
93         continue;
94       }
96       /* Get native choices */
97       if (preg_match("/^Choices: /", $line)){
98         $type= trim(preg_replace("/^Choices: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
99         $this->template[$post_name]['Choices']= $type;
100       }
102       /* Get local choices */
103       if (preg_match("/^Choices-$langcode: /", $line)){
104         $type= trim(preg_replace("/^Choices-$langcode: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
105         $this->template[$post_name]['Choices-local']= $type;
106       }
108     }
110     $this->loaded_template= TRUE;
112     $tmp= array();
113     foreach($this->template as $post_name => $template){
114       $template['post_name'] = "post_".$post_name;
115       $tmp[] = $template;
116     }
117     $this->template = $tmp;
119     return (TRUE);
120   }
122   function has_template()
123   {
124     return(count($this->template) != FALSE);
125   }
128   /* Check if some fields are posted */
129   function PostCheck()
130   {
131     /* Walk through all template variables */
132     foreach($this->template as $post_name => $entry){
134       /* Check if this var is set*/
135       if(isset($_POST[$entry['post_name']])){
137         /* special handling for arrays */
138         if(is_array($_POST[$entry['post_name']])){
139           $str = "";
140           foreach($_POST[$entry['post_name']] as $val){
141             $str.= $val.", ";
142           }
143           $str = preg_replace("/\,\ $/","",$str);
144           $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] = $str;
145         }else{
146           $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] = $_POST[$entry['post_name']];
147         }
148       }
149     }
151     foreach($this->template as $post_name => $entry){
152       if(isset($_POST["multi-".$entry['post_name']])){ 
153         $this->template[$post_name]['Default']= "";
154         foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
155           if(preg_match("/".$entry['post_name']."-multi-/",$name)){
156             $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] .= $value.", ";
157           }
158         } 
159         $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] = preg_replace("/, $/","",$this->template[$post_name]['Default']);
160       }
161     }
162   }
165   /* This funtion sets the defualt value */
166   function SetDefault($var,$val)
167   {
168     if ($this->loaded_template) {
169       foreach($this->template as $key => $tmp){
170         if($tmp['Name'] == $var ){
171           $this->template[$key]['Default'] = $val;
172         }
173       }
174     }
175   }
178   /* Display all possible options in html*/
179   function get_dialog()
180   {
181     if ($this->loaded_template) {
182       $result= "<table summary=''>";
184       foreach ($this->template as $post_name => $entry){
186         $types= array("boolean" => "", "multiselect" => "", "note" => "",
187             "password" => "", "select" => "", "string" => "", "text" => "", "title" => "");
189         /* Check if type is available */
190         if ((isset($entry['Type']))&&(isset($types[$entry['Type']]))){
192           /* Produce type specific output */
193           $fn= "render_".$entry['Type'];
194           $str = $this->$fn($entry);
195           if(!empty($str)){
196             $result.=$str."<tr><td colspan='2'><p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p></td></tr>";
197           }
198         } else {
199           //php_error(E_WARNING, "An unknown type has been specified in the debconf template. Please fix.");
200         }
201       }
204       $result .= "<input type='hidden' post_name='check_post' value='1'></table>";
205       return ($result);
206     } else {
207       return _("This package has no debconf options.");
208     }
209   }
212   function render_boolean($data)
213   {
214     $post_name= $data['post_name'];
215     $result="
216       <tr>
217       <td valign='top' style='width:100%'>
218       <h2>".$data['Topic']."</h2>".$data['Description']."
219       </td>
220       <td style=\"white-space:nowrap; vertical-align:top; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\">";
222     foreach(array("true","false") as $value){
223       if($data['Default'] == $value){
224         $result.="<input type='radio' name='".$data['post_name']."' value='".$value."' checked>"._($value);
225       }else{
226         $result.="<input type='radio' name='".$data['post_name']."' value='".$value."' >"._($value);
227       }
228       $result.="<br>";
229     }
231     $result.= "
232       </td>
233       </tr>
234       ";
236     return ($result);
237   }
240   function render_multiselect($data)
241   {
242     $post_name= $data['post_name'];
243     if (preg_match('/\$\{/', $data['Choices'])){
244       $result= $this->render_string($data);
245     } else {
246       $choices= "";
247       foreach (split(", ", $data['Choices']) as $choice){
248         $choices[]= $choice;
249       }
252       $result="
253         <tr>
254         <td valign='top'>
255         <h2>".$data['Topic']."</h2>".$data['Description']."
256         </td>
257         <td valign='top'  style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\">
258           <input type='hidden' name='multi-".$post_name."' value='1'>
259         ";
261       $defs = split(", ",$data['Default']);
262       foreach($choices as $value){
263         if(in_array($value,$defs)){
264           $result.="\n<input name='".$post_name."-multi-".$value."' type='checkbox' value='".htmlentities($value)."' checked>".$value."<br>";
265         }else{
266           $result.="\n<input name='".$post_name."-multi-".$value."' type='checkbox' value='".htmlentities($value)."'>".$value."<br>";
267         }
268       }
270     $result .=    "</td>
271         </tr>
272         ";
273     }    
275     return ($result);
276   }
279   function render_note($data)
280   {
281     /* Ignore notes, they do not makes sense, since we don't get any
282        chance to test entered values... */
283     return ("");
284   }
287   function render_password($data)
288   {
289     $result=  "";
290     $result.= "<tr><td valign='top'>";
291     $result.= "<h2>".$data['Topic']."</h2>".$data['Description']."</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\">&nbsp;<input type='text' name='".$data['post_name']."' value='".$data['Default']."'></b><br><br>";
292     $result.= $data['Description'];
293     $result.= "</td>";
295     return ($result);
296   }
299   function render_select($data)
300   {
301     $post_name= $data['post_name'];
303     if (preg_match('/\$\{/', $data['Choices'])){
304       $choices= array("Need to use some text...");
305     } else {
306       $choices= "";
307       foreach (split(", ", $data['Choices']) as $choice){
308         $choices[]= $choice;
309       }
310     }
313     $result="
315       <tr>
316       <td valign='top'>
317       <h2>".$data['Topic']."</h2>".$data['Description']."
318       </td>
319       <td  valign='top'  style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\">
320       ";
322     foreach($choices as $value){
323       if($data['Default'] == $value){
324         $result.="\n<input type='radio' name='".$post_name."' value='".htmlentities($value)."' checked >".htmlentities($value)."<br>";
325       }else{
326         $result.="\n<input type='radio' name='".$post_name."' value='".htmlentities($value)."'>".htmlentities($value)."<br>";
327       }
328     }
330     $result.= "
332       </td>
333       </tr>
334       ";
336     return ($result);
337   }
340   function render_string($data)
341   {
342     $result=  "
343                 <tr>
344                   <td valign='top'>
345                     <h2>".$data['Topic']."</h2>".$data['Description']."
346                   </td>
347                   <td  style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\" valign='top'>
348                     <input type='text' name='".$data['post_name']."' value='".$data['Default']."' style='width:300px;'>
349                   </td>
350                 </tr>
351               ";
353     return ($result);
354   }
357   function render_text($data)
358   {
359     /* Ignore text messages, they are normally used for status hints. */
360     return ("");
361   }
364   function render_title($data)
365   {
366     /* Ignore text messages, they are normally used for status hints. */
367     return ("");
368   }
373 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
374 ?>