
Completed lvm partition changes
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / fai / admin / fai /
1 <?php
3 class debconf
4 {
5   var $package= "";
6   var $language= "";
7   var $loaded_template= FALSE;
8   var $template= array();
11   function debconf($language= "")
12   {
13     $this->set_language($language);
14   }
16   function set_language($language)
17   {
18     $this->language= $language;
19   }
21   function load_from_string($str)
22   {
23     $lines                 = explode("\n",$str);
24     $this->template        = array();
25     $post_name             = 0;
26     $langcode              = $this->language.".UTF-8";
27     $in_description        = FALSE;
28     $got_local_description = FALSE;
30     foreach($lines as $line){
32       /* Reset description flag */
33       if ($in_description && !preg_match("/^ /", $line)){
34         $in_description= FALSE;
35       }
37       /* Template header */
38       if (preg_match("/^Template: /", $line)){
39         $post_name ++; 
40         $name= trim(preg_replace("/^Template: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
41         $this->template[$post_name]['Name'] = $name;
42         $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] ="";
44         $got_local_description= FALSE;
45         continue;
46       }
48       /* Get type */
49       if (preg_match("/^Type: /", $line)){
50         $type= trim(preg_replace("/^Type: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
51         $this->template[$post_name]['Type']= $type;
52         continue;
53       }
55       /* Get default */
56       if (preg_match("/^Default: /", $line)){
57         $this->template[$post_name]['Default']= "";
58         $default= trim(preg_replace("/^Default: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
59         $this->template[$post_name]['Default']= $default;
60         continue;
61       }
63       /* Get description */
64       if (!$got_local_description && preg_match("/^Description: /i", $line)){
65         $description= trim(preg_replace("/^Description: (.*)$/i", "\\1", $line));
66         $this->template[$post_name]['Topic']= $description;
67         $this->template[$post_name]['Description']= "";
68         $in_description= TRUE;
69         continue;
70       }
72       /* Fill description */
73       if (!$got_local_description && $in_description){
74         $description= preg_replace("/^ (.*)$/", "\\1", $line);
75         $this->template[$post_name]['Description'].= $description;
76         continue;
77       }
79       /* Get local description */
80       if (preg_match("/^Description-$langcode: /i", $line)){
81         $description= trim(preg_replace("/^Description-$langcode: (.*)$/i", "\\1", $line));
82         $this->template[$post_name]['Topic']= $description;
83         $in_description= TRUE;
84         $got_local_description= TRUE;
85         $this->template[$post_name]['Description']= "";
86         continue;
87       }
89       /* Fill local description */
90       if ($got_local_description && $in_description){
91         $description= preg_replace("/^ (.*)$/", "\\1", $line);
92         $this->template[$post_name]['Description'].= $description;
93         continue;
94       }
96       /* Get native choices */
97       if (preg_match("/^Choices: /", $line)){
98         $type= trim(preg_replace("/^Choices: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
99         $this->template[$post_name]['Choices']= $type;
100       }
102       /* Get local choices */
103       if (preg_match("/^Choices-$langcode: /", $line)){
104         $type= trim(preg_replace("/^Choices-$langcode: (.*)$/", "\\1", $line));
105         $this->template[$post_name]['Choices-local']= $type;
106       }
108     }
110     $this->loaded_template= TRUE;
112     $tmp= array();
113     foreach($this->template as $post_name => $template){
114       $template['post_name'] = "post_".$post_name;
115       $tmp[] = $template;
116     }
117     $this->template = $tmp;
119     return (TRUE);
120   }
122   function has_template()
123   {
124     return(count($this->template) != FALSE);
125   }
128   /* Check if some fields are posted */
129   function PostCheck()
130   {
131     /* Walk through all template variables */
132     foreach($this->template as $post_name => $entry){
134       /* Check if this var is set*/
135       if(isset($_POST[$entry['post_name']])){
137         /* special handling for arrays */
138         if(is_array($_POST[$entry['post_name']])){
139           $str = "";
140           foreach($_POST[$entry['post_name']] as $val){
141             $str.= $val.", ";
142           }
143           $str = preg_replace("/\,\ $/","",$str);
144           $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] = $str;
145         }else{
146           $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] = $_POST[$entry['post_name']];
147         }
148       }
149     }
151     foreach($this->template as $post_name => $entry){
152       if(isset($_POST["multi-".$entry['post_name']])){ 
153         $this->template[$post_name]['Default']= "";
154         foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
155           if(preg_match("/".$entry['post_name']."-multi-/",$name)){
156             $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] .= $value.", ";
157           }
158         } 
159         $this->template[$post_name]['Default'] = preg_replace("/, $/","",$this->template[$post_name]['Default']);
160       }
161     }
162   }
165   /* This funtion sets the defualt value */
166   function SetDefault($var,$val)
167   {
168     if ($this->loaded_template) {
169       foreach($this->template as $key => $tmp){
170         if($tmp['Name'] == $var ){
171           $this->template[$key]['Default'] = $val;
172         }
173       }
174     }
175   }
178   /* Display all possible options in html*/
179   function get_dialog()
180   {
181     if ($this->loaded_template) {
182       $result= "<table summary=''>";
184       foreach ($this->template as $post_name => $entry){
186         $types= array("boolean" => "", "multiselect" => "", "note" => "",
187             "password" => "", "select" => "", "string" => "", "text" => "", "title" => "");
189         /* Check if type is available */
190         if ((isset($entry['Type']))&&(isset($types[$entry['Type']]))){
192           /* Produce type specific output */
193           $fn= "render_".$entry['Type'];
194           $str = $this->$fn($entry);
195           if(!empty($str)){
196             $result.=$str."<tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr>";
197           }
198         } else {
199           //php_error(E_WARNING, "An unknown type has been specified in the debconf template. Please fix.");
200         }
201       }
204       $result .= "<input type='hidden' post_name='check_post' value='1'></table>";
205       return ($result);
206     } else {
207       return _("This package has no debconf options.");
208     }
209   }
212   function render_boolean($data)
213   {
214     $post_name= $data['post_name'];
215     $result="
216       <tr>
217       <td valign='top' style='width:100%'>
218       <h3>".$data['Topic']."</h3>".$data['Description']."
219       </td>
220       <td style=\"white-space:nowrap; vertical-align:top; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\">";
222     foreach(array("true","false") as $value){
223       if($data['Default'] == $value){
224         $result.="<input type='radio' name='".$data['post_name']."' value='".$value."' checked>"._($value);
225       }else{
226         $result.="<input type='radio' name='".$data['post_name']."' value='".$value."' >"._($value);
227       }
228       $result.="<br>";
229     }
231     $result.= "
232       </td>
233       </tr>
234       ";
236     return ($result);
237   }
240   function render_multiselect($data)
241   {
242     $post_name= $data['post_name'];
243     if (preg_match('/\$\{/', $data['Choices'])){
244        $data['Description'].= '<br><br><b>'._('This debconf question is dynamically generated during package installation and requires choosing between specific options which cannot be presented here. The entered text needs to be one of the valid choices in order to take effect.').'</b>';
245       $result= $this->render_string($data);
246     } else {
247       $choices= "";
248       foreach (explode(", ", $data['Choices']) as $choice){
249         $choices[]= $choice;
250       }
253       $result="
254         <tr>
255         <td valign='top'>
256         <h3>".$data['Topic']."</h3>".$data['Description']."
257         </td>
258         <td valign='top'  style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\">
259           <input type='hidden' name='multi-".$post_name."' value='1'>
260         ";
262       $defs = explode(", ",$data['Default']);
263       foreach($choices as $value){
264         if(in_array($value,$defs)){
265           $result.="\n<input name='".$post_name."-multi-".$value."' type='checkbox' value='".htmlentities($value)."' checked>".$value."<br>";
266         }else{
267           $result.="\n<input name='".$post_name."-multi-".$value."' type='checkbox' value='".htmlentities($value)."'>".$value."<br>";
268         }
269       }
271     $result .=    "</td>
272         </tr>
273         ";
274     }    
276     return ($result);
277   }
280   function render_note($data)
281   {
282     /* Ignore notes, they do not makes sense, since we don't get any
283        chance to test entered values... */
284     return ("");
285   }
288   function render_password($data)
289   {
290     $result=  "";
291     $result.= "<tr><td valign='top'>";
292     $result.= "<h3>".$data['Topic']."</h3>".$data['Description']."</td><td style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\">&nbsp;<input type='text' name='".$data['post_name']."' value='".$data['Default']."'></b><br><br>";
293     $result.= $data['Description'];
294     $result.= "</td>";
296     return ($result);
297   }
300   function render_select($data)
301   {
302     $post_name= $data['post_name'];
304     if (preg_match('/\$\{/', $data['Choices'])){
305       $result = $this->render_multiselect($data);
306     } else {
307       $choices= "";
308       foreach (explode(", ", $data['Choices']) as $choice){
309         $choices[]= $choice;
310       }
312       $result="
314         <tr>
315         <td valign='top'>
316         <h3>".$data['Topic']."</h3>".$data['Description']."
317         </td>
318         <td  valign='top'  style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\">
319         ";
321       foreach($choices as $value){
322         if($data['Default'] == $value){
323           $result.="\n<input type='radio' name='".$post_name."' value='".htmlentities($value)."' checked >".htmlentities($value)."<br>";
324         }else{
325           $result.="\n<input type='radio' name='".$post_name."' value='".htmlentities($value)."'>".htmlentities($value)."<br>";
326         }
327       }
329       $result.= "
331         </td>
332         </tr>
333         ";
334     }
336     return ($result);
337   }
340   function render_string($data)
341   {
342     $result=  "
343                 <tr>
344                   <td valign='top'>
345                     <h3>".$data['Topic']."</h3>".$data['Description']."
346                   </td>
347                   <td  style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);\" valign='top'>
348                     <input type='text' name='".$data['post_name']."' value='".$data['Default']."' style='width:300px;'>
349                   </td>
350                 </tr>
351               ";
353     return ($result);
354   }
357   function render_text($data)
358   {
359     /* Ignore text messages, they are normally used for status hints. */
360     return ("");
361   }
364   function render_title($data)
365   {
366     /* Ignore text messages, they are normally used for status hints. */
367     return ("");
368   }
373 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
374 ?>