
updated templates
[gosa.git] / gosa-plugins / addressbook / addons / addressbook / contents.tpl
1 <table style='table-layout:fixed; width:100%; table-layout:auto;' summary="">
3 <tr>
4   <td>
6    <table style='width:100%;' summary="">
9     <colgroup>
10         <col width="32%">
11         <col width="14%">
12         <col width="14%">
13         <col width="14%">
14         <col width="14%">
15         <col width="8%">
16     </colgroup>
17     <tr style="background-color: #E8E8E8; height:26px;font-weight:bold;">
18      <td class="tbhead">{t}Name{/t}</td><td class="tbhead">{t}Phone{/t}</td><td class="tbhead">{t}Fax{/t}</td>
19      <td class="tbhead">{t}Mobile{/t}</td><td class="tbhead">{t}Private{/t}</td><td class="tbrhead">{t}Contact{/t}</td>
20     </tr>
21     {$search_result}
22    </table>
24    <table style='text-align:center; width:100%;' summary="">
26     <tr>
27      <td>{$range_selector}</td>
28     </tr>
29    </table>
31    {if $show_info eq 1}
32     {include file=$address_info}
33    {/if}
35   </td>
36   <td style='width:270px;'>
38    <div class="contentboxh" style="border-bottom:1px solid #B0B0B0;">
39     <p class="contentboxh">{image path="{$infoimage}" align="right"}{t}Information{/t}
40 </p>
41    </div>
42    <div class="contentboxb">
43     <p class="contentboxb">
44      {t}The telephone list plugin provides list and search facilities for the people in your site. You may want to specify the asterisk [*] like in 'Go*us' to find 'Gonicus'. Use the filters below to narrow down your search.{/t}
45     </p>
46    </div>
47    <br>
48    <div class="contentboxh">
49     <p class="contentboxh" style="vertical-align:middle;">{image path="{$actionimage}" align="right"}{t}Actions{/t}
50 </p>
51    </div>
52    <div class="contentboxb">
53     <p class="contentboxb" style="vertical-align:middle;">
54 {if $internal_createable}
55      {image path="{$add_image}"}&nbsp;
57      <a href="main.php{$plug}&amp;global=add" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;">{t}Add entry{/t}</a><br>
58 {/if}
60 {if $internal eq 0}
61  {if $internal_editable}
62      {image path="{$edit_image}"}&nbsp;
64      <a href="main.php{$plug}&amp;global=edit">{t}Edit entry{/t}</a><br>
65  {/if}
66  {if $internal_removeable}
67              {image path="{$delete_image}"}&nbsp;
69              <a href="main.php{$plug}&amp;global=remove" style="vertical-align:middle;">{t}Remove entry{/t}</a><br>
70  {/if}
71 {/if}
72     </p>
73    </div>
74    <br>
75    <div class="contentboxh">
76     <p class="contentboxh">{image path="{$launchimage}" align="right"}{t}Filters{/t}
77 </p>
78    </div>
79    <div class="contentboxb">
80     <table style='width:100%;' summary="">
82      {$alphabet}
83     </table>
85 <table style='width:100%;' summary="">
87         <tr>
88                 <td>
89 <input type="checkbox" name="organizational" value="1" {$organizational} onClick="mainform.submit()" title="{t}Select to see regular users{/t}">{t}Show organizational entries{/t}<br>
90     <input type="checkbox" name="global" value="1" {$global} onClick="mainform.submit()" title="{t}Select to see users in addressbook{/t}">{t}Show addressbook entries{/t}<br>
91                 </td>
92         </tr>
93 </table>
95 <table style='width:100%;' summary="">
97         <tr>
98                 <td>
99                         <label for="search_base">{image path="{$tree_image}" title="{t}Display results for department{/t}"}
100 </label>
101                 </td>
102         <td>
103                         <select name="search_base" style='width:220px' onChange="mainform.submit()" title="{t}Choose the department the search will be based on{/t}" size=1>
104                         {html_options options=$deplist selected=$depselect}
105                                 <option disabled>&nbsp;</option>
106                 </select>
107                 </td>
108         </tr>
109 </table>
110 <table style='width:100%;' summary="">
112         <tr>
113                 <td>
114                         <label for="object_type">{image path="{$obj_image}" title="{t}Match object{/t}"}
115 </label>
116                 </td>
117             <td>
118                         <select id="object_type" style='width:220px' name="object_type" onChange="mainform.submit()" title="{t}Choose the object that will be searched in{/t}" size=1>
119                         {html_options options=$objlist selected=$object_type}
120                                 <option disabled>&nbsp;</option>
121                 </select>
122             </td>
123         </tr>
124 </table>
125 <table style='width:100%;' summary="">
127         <tr>
128                 <td><label for="search_for">{image path="{$search_image}" title="{t}Search for{/t}"}
129 </label>
130                 </td>
131             <td>
132                         <input id="search_for" style='width:99%' type='text' name='search_for' maxlength='20' value='{$search_for}' title='{t}Search string{/t}' onChange="mainform.submit()">
133                 </td>
134         </tr>
135 </table>
136    {$apply}
137    </div>
138   </td>
139 </tr>
140 </table>
142 <!-- Place cursor -->
143 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
144   <!-- // First input field on page
145         focus_field('search_for');
146   -->
147 </script>