
Updated setup templates
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / setup / setup_schema.tpl
1 <div class='default'>
2     <p>
3      <b>{t}Schema specific settings{/t}</b>
4     </p>
5     <div class='step4_container'>
6         <div class='step4_name' style='width:30%'>
7             {t}Enable schema validation when logging in{/t}
8         </div>
9         <div class='step4_value'>
10                         <select name='enable_schema_check' size=1>
11                                 {html_options options=$bool selected=$enable_schema_check}
12             </select>
13         </div>
14     </div>
15     <p>
16      <b>{t}Check status{/t}</b>
17     </p>
18         <div>
19                 {if $failed_checks == 0}
20                         <font style="color:green">{t}Schema check succeeded{/t}</font>
21                 {else}
22                         <img src='images/small_warning.png' class='center'>
23                                 <font style="color:red">{t}Schema check failed{/t}</font>
26                 {/if}
27         </div>
28         <div style="margin-left:20px;">
30                 {if $found_ocs == 0}
31                         <b>{t}Could not read any schema informations, all checks skipped. Adjust your ldap acls.{/t}</b>
32                         <br>
33                         {if !$database_initialised}
34                         <br>
35                                 {t}It seems that your ldap database wasn't initialized yet. This maybe the reason, why GOsa can't read your schema configuration!{/t}
36                         {/if}
37                 {else}
38                         {foreach from=$checks item=val key=key}
39                                         {if !$checks[$key].STATUS}
40                                         <br>
41                                                 {if $checks[$key].IS_MUST_HAVE}
42                                                         <font color='red'>{$checks[$key].MSG}</font>
43                                                 {else}
44                                                         {$checks[$key].MSG}
45                                                 {/if}
46                                         <br>
47                                         {/if}
48                         {/foreach}
49                 {/if}
50         </div>
51 </div>
52 <input type='hidden' value='1' name='step7_posted'>