
Updated feeedback formular
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / setup / setup_feedback.tpl
1 {if $feedback_send}
2         <font color='green'>{t}Feedback sucessfully send{/t}</font>
3 {else}
5     <input {if $subscribe} checked {/if} type='checkbox' name='subscribe' value='1' class='center'>
6     {t}Subscribe to the gosa-announce mailinglist{/t}
8     <p>{t}When checking this option, GOsa will try to connect in order to subscribe you to the gosa-announce mailing list. You've to confirm this by mail.{/t}</p>
10         <table> 
11                 <tr>
12                         <td>{t}Organization{/t}</td>
13                         <td><input name='organization' type='text' value='{$organization}' style='width:300px;'></td>
14                 </tr>
15                 <tr>
16                         <td>{t}Name{/t}</td>
17                         <td><input name='name' type='text' value='{$name}' style='width:300px;'></td>
18                 </tr>
19                 <tr>
20                         <td>{t}Mail address{/t}{$must}</td>
21                         <td><input name='eMail' type='text' value='{$eMail}' style='width:300px;'></td>
22                 </tr>
23         </table>
25     <hr>
27         <input {if $use_gosa_announce} checked {/if} type='checkbox' name='use_gosa_announce' value='1' class='center'>
28     {t}Send feedback to the GOsa project team{/t}
30         <p>
31         {t}When checking this option, GOsa will try to connect in order to submit your form anonymously.{/t}
32         </p>
34     <hr>
35         <b>{t}Generic{/t}</b>
36         <table> 
37                 <tr>
38                         <td>{t}Did the setup procedure help you to get started?{/t}</td>
39                         <td><input {if $get_started} checked {/if} type='radio' name='get_started' value='1'>{t}Yes{/t}
40                                 <br>
41                                 <input {if !$get_started} checked {/if} type='radio' name='get_started' value='0'>{t}No{/t}</td>
42                 </tr>
43                 <tr>
44                         <td>{t}If not, what problems did you encounter{/t}:</td>
45                         <td><textarea name='problems_encountered' rows='4' cols='50' style='width:100%'>{$problems_encountered}</textarea></td>
46                 </tr>
47                 <tr>
48                         <td>{t}Is this the first time you use GOsa?{/t}</td>
49                         <td>
50                                 <input {if $first_use} checked {/if} type='radio' name='first_use' value='1'>{t}Yes{/t}
51                                 <br>
52                                 <input {if !$first_use} checked {/if} type='radio' name='first_use' value='0'>{t}No{/t},
53                                 {t}I use it since{/t}
54                                 <select name='use_since' title='{t}Select the year since when you are using GOsa{/t}' size=1> 
55                                         {html_options options=$years}
56                                 </select>
57                         </td>   
58                 </tr>
59                 <tr>
60                         <td>{t}What operating system / distribution do you use?{/t}</td>
61                         <td><input type='text' name='distribution' size=50 value='{$distribution}'></td>
62                 </tr>
63                 <tr>
64                         <td>{t}What web server do you use?{/t}</td>
65                         <td><input type='text' size=50 name='web_server' value='{$web_server}'></td>
66                 </tr>
67                 <tr>
68                         <td>{t}What PHP version do you use?{/t}</td>
69                         <td><input type='text' size=50 name='php_version' value='{$php_version}'></td>
70                 </tr>
71         </table>
73         <hr>
74     <b>{t}LDAP{/t}</b>
75         <table>
76                 <tr>
77                         <td>{t}What kind of LDAP server(s) do you use?{/t}</td>
78                         <td><input type='text' name='ldap_server' size=50 value='{$ldap_server}'></td>
79                 </tr>
80                 <tr>
81                         <td>{t}How many objects are in your LDAP?{/t}</td>
82                         <td><input type='text' name='object_count' size=50 value='{$object_count}'></td>
83                 </tr>
84         </table>
86         <hr>
87     <b>{t}Features{/t}</b>
88         <table>
89                 <tr>
90                         <td>{t}What features of GOsa do you use?{/t}</td>
91                         <td>
92                                 {foreach from=$features_used item=data key=key}
93                                         <input type='checkbox' name='feature_{$key}' {if $data.USED} checked {/if}>
94                                         {$data.NAME}<br>
95                                 {/foreach}
96                         </td>
97                 </tr>
98                 <tr>
99                         <td>{t}What features do you want to see in future versions of GOsa?{/t}</td>
100                         <td><textarea name='want_to_see_next' cols=50 rows=3>{$want_to_see_next}</textarea></td>
101                 </tr>
102         </table>
103 <button type='submit' name='send_feedback'>{t}Send feedback{/t}</button>
105 {/if}
106 <input type='hidden' name='step_feedback' value='1'>