
Updated statistic plugin
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / plugins / generic / statistics / statistics.tpl
1 <h3>{t}Usage statistics{/t}</h3>
3 {if !$rpcConfigured}
5     {t}This feature is disabled. To enable it you can use the GOsa properties plugin, just activate the remote procedure call (RPC) configuration flags.{/t}
7 {else if !$validRpcHandle}
9     {t}Communication with the GOsa-backend failed. Please check the rpc configuration!{/t}
11 {else}
13     <button name='transmitStatistics'>{t}Send{/t}</button>
14     <button name='receiveStatistics'>{t}Receive{/t}</button>
16     <hr>
17     <table width="100%">
18         <tr>
19             <td>{t}Start{/t}</td>
20             <td>
21                  <input type="text" id="graph1DatePicker1" name="graph1DatePicker1" class="date" value="{$graph1DatePicker1}">
22                  <script type="text/javascript">
23                   {literal}
24                    var datepicker  = new DatePicker(
25                          { relative : 'graph1DatePicker1',
26                            language : '{/literal}{$lang}{literal}',
27                            keepFieldEmpty : true,
28                            enableCloseEffect : false,
29                            enableShowEffect : false });
30                   {/literal}
31                  </script>
32             </td>
33         </tr>
34         <tr>
35             <td>{t}Stop{/t}</td>
36             <td>
37                 <input type="text" id="graph1DatePicker2" name="graph1DatePicker2" class="date" value="{$graph1DatePicker2}">
38                 <script type="text/javascript">
39                  {literal}
40                   var datepicker  = new DatePicker(
41                         { relative : 'graph1DatePicker2',
42                           language : '{/literal}{$lang}{literal}',
43                           keepFieldEmpty : true,
44                           enableCloseEffect : false,
45                           enableShowEffect : false });
46                  {/literal}
47                 </script>
48             </td>
49         </tr>
50     </table>
52     <img src='plugins/statistics/getGraph.php?id={$graphID_1}'>
53     <img src='plugins/statistics/getGraph.php?id={$graphID_2}'>
55 {/if}