
Updated feed list
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / plugins / generic / dashBoard / dbInformation /
1 <?php
3 class rssReader{
5     public static $attributes = array( 
6             'title','link','description','language','copyright','skipHours','timestamp',
7             'managingEditor','webMaster','pubDate','lastBuildDate','category',
8             'generator','docs','cloud','ttl','image','rating','textInput','skipDays');
10     public static function feadToArray($urls)
11     {
12         $entries = array();
14         // We support multiple urls at once. 
15         if(!is_array($urls)) $urls = array($urls);
17         foreach($urls as $url){ 
18             $doc = new DOMDocument();
19             $doc->load($url);
20             foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('item') as $item) {
22                 // Collect data from feed
23                 $entry = array();
24                 $entry['url'] = $url;
25                 foreach(self::$attributes as $attr){
26                     $entry[$attr] =NULL;
27                     $obj = $item->getElementsByTagName($attr);
28                     if(is_object($obj->item(0))){
29                         $entry[$attr] = $obj->item(0)->nodeValue;
30                     }
31                 }   
33                 // Fake timestamp in none is given.
34                 if($entry['pubDate'] == NULL){
35                     $entry['timestamp'] = NULL;
36                 }else{
38                     // Create an entry timestamp 
39                     $entry['timestamp'] = strtotime($entry['pubDate']);
40                 }
41                 $entries[] = $entry;
42             }
43         }
44         return($entries);
45     }
47     public static function sortFeedResultBy($feedRes , $sortBy = 'timestamp')
48     {
50         // Do not try to sort for invalid attributes.
51         if(!in_array($sortBy, self::$attributes)){
52             trigger_error("Invalid sortby attribute '{$sortBy}'!");
53             return($feedRes);
54         }
56         // Prepare feeds to be sorted, put them in an array indexed by the 'sortBy' attribute.
57         $data = array();
58         foreach($feedRes as $feed){
59             $key = "{$feed[$sortBy]}";
60             $c = '1';
61             while(empty($key) || isset($data[$key])){
62                 $key = "{$c}_{$feed[$sortBy]}";
63                 $c++;
64             }
65             $data[$key] = $feed;
66         }
68         // Sort the natural way and return the results.
69         uksort($data, 'strnatcasecmp');
70         return($data);
71     }
75 ?>