
Updated password fields.
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / plugins / admin / users / password.tpl
1 <script type="text/javascript" src="include/pwdStrength.js"></script>
3 <p>
4  {t}To change the user password use the fields below. The changes take effect immediately. Please memorize the new password, because the user wouldn't be able to login without it.{/t}
5 </p>
7 <p>
8  {t}Changing the password affects your authentification on mail, proxy, samba and unix services.{/t}
9 </p>
11 <hr>
13 {if !$proposalEnabled}
15   <table summary="" style="vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=4 border=0>
16     <tr>
17       <td><b><LABEL for="new_password">{t}New password{/t}</LABEL></b></td>
18       <td><input type="password" id="new_password" name="new_password" onFocus="nextfield= 'repeated_password';" onkeyup="testPasswordCss(document.getElementById('new_password').value);"></td>
19     </tr>
20     <tr>
21       <td><b><LABEL for="repeated_password">{t}Repeat new password{/t}</LABEL></b></td>
22       <td><input type="password" id="repeated_password" name="repeated_password" onFocus="nextfiled= 'password_finish'"></td>
23     </tr>
24     <tr>
25       <td><b>{t}Strength{/t}</b></td>
26       <td>
27           <span id="meterEmpty" style="padding:0;margin:0;width:100%;background-color:#DC143C;display:block;height:5px;">
28           <span id="meterFull" style="padding:0;margin:0;z-index:100;width:0;background-color:#006400;display:block;height:5px;"></span></span>
29       </td>
30     </tr>
31   </table>
33 {else}
35   <table summary="{t}Password input dialog{/t}" cellpadding=4 border=0>
36     <tr>
37       <td>
38         <input type='radio' value='1' name='proposalSelected'
39             {if $proposalSelected} checked {/if}>&nbsp;<b>{t}Use proposal{/t}</b>
40       </td>
41       <td>
42         <div style='
43                   width:180px;
44                   border:1px solid #BBB;
45                   padding-top:3px;
46                   padding-bottom:3px;
47             '>{$proposal}</div>
48        </td>
49        <td>
50         &nbsp;<input type='submit' name='refreshProposal' value='{t}Refresh{/t}'>
51       </td>
52     </tr>
53     <tr>
54       <td>
55         <input type='radio' value='0' name='proposalSelected'
56             {if !$proposalSelected} checked {/if}>&nbsp;<b>{t}Manually specify a password{/t}</b>
57       </td>
58     </tr>
59     <tr>
60       <td style='padding-left:40px;'><b><LABEL for="new_password">{t}New password{/t}</LABEL></b></td>
61       <td><input type="password" id="new_password" name="new_password" onFocus="nextfield= 'repeated_password';"     onkeyup="testPasswordCss(document.getElementById('new_password').value);"></td>
62     </tr>
63     <tr>
64       <td style='padding-left:40px;'><b><LABEL for="repeated_password">{t}Repeat new password{/t}</LABEL></b></td>
65       <td><input type="password" id="repeated_password" name="repeated_password" onFocus="nextfiled='password_finish'"></td>
66     </tr>
67     <tr>
68       <td style='padding-left:40px;'><b>{t}Strength{/t}</b></td>
69       <td>
70         <span id="meterEmpty" style="padding:0;margin:0;width:100%;
71           background-color:#DC143C;display:block;height:7px;">
72         <span id="meterFull" style="padding:0;margin:0;z-index:100;width:0;
73           background-color:#006400;display:block;height:7px;"></span></span>
74       </td>
75     </tr>
76   </table>
78 {/if}
80 {if $passwordChangeForceable}
81     <hr>
82     <input type='checkbox' name='enforcePasswordChange' value='1' id='enforcePasswordChange'
83         {if $enforcePasswordChange} checked {/if}>&nbsp;
84             <LABEL for='enforcePasswordChange'>{t}Enforce password change on next login.{/t}</LABEL>
85 {/if}
89 <br>
90 <p class="plugbottom">
91   <input type=submit name="password_finish" value="{t}Set password{/t}">
92   &nbsp;
93   <input type=submit name="password_cancel" value="{msgPool type=cancelButton}">
94   <input type='hidden' id='formSubmit'>
95 </p>
97 <!-- Place cursor -->
98 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
99   <!-- // First input field on page
100         nextfield= "new_password";
101         focus_field('new_password');
102   -->
103 </script>