
Updated group to do smb sid updates for copy'n paste
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / plugins / admin / acl / acl_role.tpl
1 {if $dialogState eq 'head'}
3 <h1>{t}Assigned ACL for current entry{/t}</h1>
4 <table>
5 <tr>
6         <td>
7                 {t}Name{/t}
8         </td>
9         <td>    
10 {render acl=$cnACL}
11                 <input type="text" name='cn' value="{$cn}" style='width:200px;'>
12 {/render}
13         </td>
14 </tr>
15 <tr>
16         <td>
17                 {t}Description{/t}
18         </td>
19         <td>
20 {render acl=$descriptionACL}
21                 <input type="text" name='description' value="{$description}" style='width:200px;'>
22 {/render}
23         </td>
24 </tr>
25 <tr>
26         <td>
27                 {t}Base{/t}{$MUST}
28         </td>
29         <td>
30 {render acl=$baseACL}
31   {$base}
32 {/render}
33         </td>
34 </tr>
35 </table>
36 {$aclList}
37 {render acl=$gosaAclEntryACL}
38 <input type="submit" name="new_acl" value="{t}New ACL{/t}">
39 {/render}
41 {/if}
43 {if $dialogState eq 'create'}
44 <h1>{t}ACL type{/t} <select size="1" name="aclType" title="{t}Select an acl type{/t}" onChange="document.mainform.submit()">{html_options options=$aclTypes selected=$aclType}<option disabled>&nbsp;</option></select>&nbsp;{if $javascript eq 'false'}<input type="submit" value="{msgPool type=applyButton}" name="refresh">{/if}</h1>
46 <p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
49 <h1>{t}List of available ACL categories{/t}</h1>
50 {$aclList}
52 <p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
53 <div style='text-align:right;margin-top:5px'>
54 {render acl=$gosaAclEntryACL}
55         <input type="submit" name="submit_new_acl" value="{msgPool type=applyButton}">
56         &nbsp;
57 {/render}
58         <input type="submit" name="cancel_new_acl" value="{msgPool type=cancelButton}">
59 </div>
60 {/if}
62 {if $dialogState eq 'edit'}
64 <h1>{$headline}</h1>
66 {render acl=$gosaAclEntryACL}
67 {$aclSelector}
68 {/render}
70 <p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
71 <div style='text-align:right;margin-top:5px'>
72 {render acl=$gosaAclEntryACL}
73         <input type="submit" name="submit_edit_acl" value="{msgPool type=applyButton}">
74 {/render}
75         &nbsp;
76         <input type="submit" name="cancel_edit_acl" value="{msgPool type=cancelButton}">
77 </div>
78 {/if}
79 <input type='hidden' name='acl_role_posted' value='1'>