
Increased timeout
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / plugins / addons / gotomasses /
1 <?php
3 class gotomasses extends plugin
4 {
5   /* Definitions */
6   var $plHeadline     = "System deployment";
7   var $plDescription  = "This does something";
9   /* attribute list for save action */
10   var $attributes= array();
11   var $objectclasses= array();
13   /* Queue tasks */
14   var $current        = FALSE;
15   var $dialog         = FALSE;
16   var $ids_to_remove  = array();
17   var $divlist        = NULL;
19   var $sort_by  = "QueuePosition";
20   var $sort_dir = "up";
22   function gotomasses(&$config, $dn= NULL)
23   {
24     /* Include config object */
25     $this->config= &$config;
26     $this->divlist = new divListMasses($this->config,$this);
27     $this->o_queue = new gosaSupportDaemon("","20081","secret-gosa-password",TRUE,10);
28   }
31   function execute()
32   {
33     $smarty = get_smarty();
35     /************
36      * Handle posts 
37      ************/
39     $s_entry = $s_action = "";
40     $arr = array( 
41         "/^stop_/"      => "stop",
42         "/^stop_all/"  => "stop_all",
43         "/^start_/"      => "start",
44         "/^start_all/"  => "start_all",
46         "/^edit_task_/"             =>  "edit",
47         "/^remove_task_/"           =>  "remove",
48         "/^new_task_/"              =>  "new_task",
49         "/^remove_multiple_task_/"  => "remove_multiple");
51     foreach($arr as $regex => $action){
52       foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
53         if(preg_match($regex,$name)){
54           $s_action = $action;
55           $s_entry  = preg_replace($regex,"",$name);
56           $s_entry  = preg_replace("/_(x|y)$/","",$s_entry);
57         }
58       }
59     }
61     /* Edit posted from list link */
62     if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['id']) && isset($this->tasks[$_GET['id']])){
63       $s_action = "edit";
64       $s_entry = $_GET['id'];
65     }
68     /************
69      * Handle Priority modifications  
70      ************/
72     if(preg_match("/^start/",$s_action) || preg_match("/^stop/",$s_action)){
74       switch($s_action){
75         case 'start_all'   :foreach($this->list_get_selected_items() as $id){
76                                 $this->start_queue_entry($id);
77                             }
78                             break;
79         case 'start'       :$this->start_queue_entry($s_entry);break;
80         case 'stop_all'    :foreach($this->list_get_selected_items() as $id){
81                                 $this->stop_queue_entry($id);
82                             }
83                             break;
84         case 'stop'        : $this->stop_queue_entry($s_entry);break;
85         default : trigger_error("Undefined priority setting used.");
86       }
87       if($this->o_queue->is_error()){
88         msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $this->o_queue->get_error(), ERROR_DIALOG);
89       }
90     }
92     /************
93      * REMOVE 
94      ************/
96     /* Remove multiple */
97     if($s_action == "remove_multiple" || $s_action == "remove"){
99       if(!$this->acl_is_removeable()){
100         msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to delete this entry!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
101       }else{
103         if($s_action == "remove"){
104           $ids = array($s_entry);
105         }else{
106           $ids = $this->list_get_selected_items();
107         }
109         $this->ids_to_remove = $ids;
110         $tmp = "";
111         foreach($this->ids_to_remove as $key => $id){
112           if($this->o_queue->id_exists($id)){
113             $task = $this->o_queue->get_entry($id);
114             $tmp.= "\n".$task['HEADERTAG']."&nbsp;".$task['MACADDRESS'];
115           }else{
116             unset($this->ids_to_remove[$key]);
117           }
118         }
119         $smarty->assign("multiple", TRUE); 
120         $smarty->assign("info",sprintf(_("Your are about to delete the following tasks: %s"),"<pre>".$tmp."</pre>"));
121         $this->current = $s_entry;
122         return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove.tpl', TRUE)));
123       }
124     }
126     /* Remove specified tasks */
127     if(count($this->ids_to_remove) && isset($_POST['delete_multiple_confirm'])){
128       foreach($this->ids_to_remove as $id){
129         $this->o_queue->remove_entry($id);
130       }
131       $this->save();
132     }
134     /* Remove aborted */
135     if(isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])){
136       $this->ids_to_remove = array();;
137     }
140     /************
141      * EDIT 
142      ************/
144     /* Edit selected entry */
145     if($s_action == "edit"){
146       $entry = $this->o_queue->get_entry($s_entry);
147       if($entry){
148         $this->dialog = new goto_task($this->config,$this,$entry);
149         $this->current = $s_entry;
150       }
151     }
153     /* New entry */
154     if($s_action== "new_task" && $this->acl_is_createable()){
155       $this->dialog = new goto_task($this->config,$this);
156       $this->current = -1;
157     }
159     /* Close dialog */
160     if(isset($_POST['close_goto_task'])){
161       $this->dialog = FALSE;
162       $this->current = -1;
163     }
165     /* Close dialog */
166     if((isset($_POST['save_goto_task']) || isset($_POST['apply_goto_task'])) && is_object($this->dialog) ){
167       $this->dialog->save_object();
168       $msgs = $this->dialog->check();
169       if(count($msgs)){
170         foreach($msgs as $msg){
171           msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $msg, ERROR_DIALOG);
172         }
173       }else{  
175         if($this->o_queue->id_exists($this->current)){
176           $this->o_queue->update_entry($this->current,$this->dialog->save());
177         }else{
178           $tmp = $this->dialog->save();
179           $tmp2= array();
180           $targets =$tmp['Target'];
181           foreach($targets as $target){
182             $tmp['Target'] = array($target);
183             $tmp2[] = $tmp;
184           }
185           if(!$this->o_queue->add_multiple($tmp2)){
186             msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), $this->o_queue->get_error(), ERROR_DIALOG);
187           }
188         }
189         if(!isset($_POST['apply_goto_task'])){
190           $this->dialog = FALSE;
191           $this->current = -1;
192         }
193         $this->save();
194       }
195     }
197     /* Display dialogs if currently opened */
198     if(is_object($this->dialog)){
199       $this->dialog->save_object();
200       return($this->dialog->execute());
201     }
203     /************
204      * Handle Divlist 
205      ************/
207     $this->divlist->execute();
208     $entries = $this->get_queued_entries();
209     $this->divlist->SetEntries($entries);
210     return($this->divlist->Draw());
211   }
214   /*! \brief  Force queue job to be done as far as possible.
215    *  @return Boolean TRUE in case of success, else FALSE. 
216    */
217   private function start_queue_entry($id)
218   {
219     $attr = $this->o_queue->get_entry($id); 
220     if(is_array($attr)){
221       $data = array("timestamp" => date("YmdHis"),
222                     "status"  => "-");
223       if(!$this->o_queue->update_entry($id,$data)){
224         msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Could not update queue entry: %s"),$id) , ERROR_DIALOG);
225         return(FALSE);
226       }else{
227         return(FALSE);
228       }
229     }
230     return(FALSE);
231   }
234   /*! \brief Stops the specified queue entry from execution.
235    *  @return Boolean TRUE in case of success, else FALSE. 
236    */
237   private function stop_queue_entry($id)
238   {
239     $attr = $this->o_queue->get_entry($id); 
240     if(is_array($attr)){
241       $data = array("timestamp" => "20370101010000",
242                     "status"  => "stopped");
243       if(!$this->o_queue->update_entry($id,$data)){
244         msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Could not update queue entry: %s"),$id) , ERROR_DIALOG);
245         return(FALSE);
246       }else{
247         return(FALSE);
248       }
249     }
250     return(FALSE);
251   }
254   /*! \brief  Request list of queued jobs.
255    *  @return Returns an array of all queued jobs.
256    */
257   function get_queued_entries()
258   {
260     $entries = $this->o_queue->get_queued_entries();
262     if(!is_array($entries)){
263       msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot load queue entries: %s"), "<br><br>".$this->o_queue->get_error()), ERROR_DIALOG);
264       return(array());
265     }
267     $tasks = array();
268     $ret = array();
269     foreach($entries as $entry){
270       $task = $entry['ID']; 
271       $ret[]= $entry;
272     }
273     $map = array("QueuePosition" => "ID",
274         "Action"        => "STATUS",
275         "TaskID"        => "HEADERTAG",
276         "TargetName"    => "MACADDRESS",
277         "Schedule"      => "TIMESTAMP");
278     $sort_tmp = array();
279     foreach($ret as $entry_id => $entry){
280       $sort_tmp[$entry_id] = $entry[$map[$this->sort_by]];
281     } 
282     natcasesort($sort_tmp);
283     $return = array();
284     foreach($sort_tmp as $entry_id => $value){
285       $return[] = $ret[$entry_id];
286     } 
287     if($this->sort_dir != "up"){
288       $return = array_reverse($return);
289     } 
290     return($return);
291   }
294   /*! \brief  Handle post jobs, like sorting.
295    */
296   function save_object()
297   {
298     $this->divlist->save_object();
299     $sort_vals = array("Action","QueuePosition","TargetName","Schedule","TaskID");
300     if(isset($_GET['sort']) && in_array($_GET['sort'],$sort_vals)){
301       $sort = $_GET['sort'];
302       if($this->sort_by == $sort){
303         if($this->sort_dir == "up"){
304           $this->sort_dir = "down";
305         }else{
306           $this->sort_dir = "up";
307         }
308       }
309       $this->sort_by = $sort;
310     }
311   }
314   /* Return list of object groups */
315   function get_object_groups()
316   {
317     $ret = array();
318     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
319     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
320     $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(cn=*))",array("cn"));
321     while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
322       $ret[$attrs['cn'][0]] = $attrs['cn'][0];
323     }
324     return($ret); 
325   }
328   function save()
329   {
330     // We do not save anything here.
331   }
334   /*! \brief  Return a list of all selected items.
335     @return Array   Returns an array containing all selected item ids.
336    */
337   function list_get_selected_items()
338   {
339     $ids = array();
340     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
341       if(preg_match("/^item_selected_[0-9]*$/",$name)){
342         $id   = preg_replace("/^item_selected_/","",$name);
343         $ids[$id] = $id;
344       }
345     }
346     return($ids);
347   }
350   function get_actions()
351   {
352     /* Prepare list of available actions */
353     $actions = array(      
354         "gosa_ping"       => _("GOsa ping"),
355         "ping"            => _("Ping"),
356         "sayHello"        => _("Say hello"));
357     return($actions);
358   }
361   static function plInfo()
362   {
363     return (array(
364           "plShortName"   => _("System mass deployment"),
365           "plDescription" => _("Provide a mechanism to automatically activate a set of systems"),
366           "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
367           "plDepends"     => array(),
368           "plPriority"    => 0,
369           "plSection"     => array("addon"),
370           "plCategory"    => array("gotomasses" => array("objectClass" => "none", "description" => _("System mass deployment"))),
371           "plProvidedAcls" => array("Comment"   => _("Description"), 
372             "Action"    => _("Action"),
373             "Day"       => _("Day"),
374             "Minute"    => _("Minute"),
375             "Hour"      => _("Hour"),
376             "Month"     => _("Month"),
377             "Weekday"   => _("Week day"),
378             "Target"    => _("Target"))
379           ));
380   }
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383 ?>