
Updated configViewer and its migration handling
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / plugins / addons / configViewer / migration /
1 <?php
5 class migrateRDN implements propertyMigration
6 {
7     protected $property = NULL;
8     protected $config = NULL;
9     protected $found = array();
10     protected $filter ="";
12     function __construct($config,$property)
13     {
14         $this->property = &$property;
15         $this->config = &$config;
16     }   
18     function checkForIssues()
19     {
20         $this->found = array();
21         $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
22         $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
23         $ldap2= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
24         $ldap2->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
26         // If the userRDN wasn't empty, then only search for users inside of the old userRDN.
27         $initialValue = $this->property->getValue();
28         $targetValue = $this->property->getValue(TRUE);
29         $dnMatch = "";
30         if(!empty($initialValue)){
31             foreach(preg_split("/,/", $initialValue) as $rdnPart){
32                 if(empty($rdnPart)) continue;
33                 list($namingAttrs, $container) = preg_split("/=/",$rdnPart,2);
34                 $container = trim($container,', ');
35                 $dnMatch.= "({$namingAttrs}:dn:={$container})";
36             }
37         }
39         // Search for users
40         $filter = sprintf($this->filter,$dnMatch);
41         $ldap->search($filter,array('dn'));
42         $found = FALSE;
43         while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
44             $dn = $attrs['dn'];
45             $dnTo = $dn;
47             // If there intially was no userDN given then just add the new userRDN to the user dns
48             //  and create the new container objects.
49             if(empty($initialValue)){
50                 list($namingAttrs, $container) = preg_split("/=/",$targetValue,2);
51                 list($name, $container) = preg_split("/,/",$dn,2);
53                 // Ensure that we handle a valid gosaDepartment container.
54                 while(!isset($this->config->idepartments[$container])){
55                     $container = preg_replace("/^[^,]*+,/","",$container);
56                 }
58                 // Queue new containuer to be created.
59                 if(!preg_match("/^".preg_quote($targetValue,'/i')."/", $container)){
60                     $dnTo = $name.",".$targetValue.$container;
61                     if(!$ldap->dn_exists($targetValue.$container)){
62                         $this->found['add'][$targetValue.$container] = array(); 
63                     }
64                     if($dn != $dnTo){
65                         $this->found['move'][] = array('from' => $dn, 'to' => $dnTo);
66                         $found = TRUE;
67                     }
68                 }
69             }
71             // If there intially was a userDN given then replace it with the new one.
72             if(!empty($initialValue)){
74                 list($name, $container) = preg_split("/,/",$dn,2);
75                 if(preg_match("/^".preg_quote($initialValue,'/i')."/", $container)){
76                     $container = preg_replace("/^".preg_quote($initialValue,'/')."/",$targetValue,$container);
78                     // Ensure that we handle a valid gosaDepartment container.
79                     while(!isset($this->config->idepartments[$container])){
80                         $container = preg_replace("/^[^,]*+,/","",$container);
81                     }
83                     $dnTo = $name.",".$targetValue.$container;
84                     if(!empty($targetValue) && !$ldap->dn_exists($targetValue.$container)){
85                         $this->found['add'][$targetValue.$container] = array(); 
86                     }
87                     if($dn != $dnTo){
88                         $this->found['move'][] = array('from' => $dn, 'to' => $dnTo);
89                         $found = TRUE;
90                     }
91                 }
92             }    
93         }
94         return($found);
95     }
97     function execute()
98     {
99         $str = "";
100         if(count($this->found['add'])) {
101             $str.= "<br><h3>"._("Objects that will be added")."</h3>";
102             foreach($this->found['add'] as $dn => $attrs){
103                 $str.= $dn."<br>";
104             }
105         }
106         if(count($this->found['move'])) {
107             $str.= "<br><h3>"._("Objects that will be moved")."</h3>";
108             $str.="<pre>";
109             foreach($this->found['move'] as $id => $data){
110                 $checked = (!isset($_POST['migrateNow'])) ? 'checked':'';
111                 $str.= "<input $checked type='checkbox' value='1' name='migrateEntry_{$id}'>";
112                 $str.= sprintf(_("Moving object '%s' to '%s'"), $data['from'], $data['to'])."<br>";
113             }
114             $str.="</pre>";
115         }
116         $str.= "<button name='migrateNow'>"._("Migrate")."</button>";
117         return($str);
118     }
120     function save_object()
121     {
122         if(isset($_POST['migrateNow'])){
123             $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
124             $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
126             // Try to add the new container objects
127             foreach($this->found['add'] as $dn => $data){
128                 $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
129                 $ldap->create_missing_trees(ldap::convert($dn));
130             }
132             // Now move the objects to the new traget
133             $tmp = new plugin($this->config,NULL);
134             foreach($this->found['move'] as $id => $data){
135                 if(isset($_POST["migrateEntry_{$id}"])){
136                     $tmp->move($data['from'], $data['to']);
137                 }
138             }
139             $this->checkForIssues();
140         }
141     } 
143     function check()
144     {
145         return(array());
146     }
150 ?>