
Removed usePrototype flag, its activated always now.
[gosa.git] / gosa-core / html / include / pulldown.js
1 /**
2  * dropDownMenu v0.5 sw edition
3  * An easy to implement dropDown Menu for Websites, that may be based on styled list tags
4  *
5  * Works for IE 5.5+ PC, Mozilla 1+ all Plattforms, Opera 7+
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2004 Knallgrau New Medias Solutions GmbH, Vienna - Austria
8  *
9  * Original written by Matthias Platzer at
10  *
11  * Modified by Sven Wappler
12  *
13  * Use it as you need it
14  * It is distributed under a BSD style license
15  */
18 /**
19  * Container Class (Prototype) for the dropDownMenu
20  *
21  * @param idOrElement     String|HTMLElement  root Node of the menu (ul)
22  * @param name            String              name of the variable that stores the result
23  *                                            of this constructor function
24  * @param customConfigFunction  Function            optional config function to override the default settings
25  *                                            for an example see Menu.prototype.config
26  */
27 var Menu = Class.create();
28 Menu.prototype = {
30         initialize: function(idOrElement, name, customConfigFunction) {
32        = name;
33                 this.type = "menu";
34                 this.closeDelayTimer = null;
35                 this.closingMenuItem = null;
37                 this.config();
38                 if (typeof customConfigFunction == "function") {
39                         this.customConfig = customConfigFunction;
40                         this.customConfig();
41                 }
42                 this.rootContainer = new MenuContainer(idOrElement, this);
43         },
45         config: function() {
46           this.collapseBorders = true;
47           this.quickCollapse = true;
48           this.closeDelayTime = 500;
49         }
51 }
53 var MenuContainer = Class.create();
54 MenuContainer.prototype = {
55         initialize: function(idOrElement, parent) {
56                 this.type = "menuContainer";
57                 this.menuItems = [];
58                 this.init(idOrElement, parent);
59         },
61         init: function(idOrElement, parent) {
62           this.element = $(idOrElement);
63           if (!this.element) return;
64           this.parent = parent;
65           this.parentMenu = (this.type == "menuContainer") ? ((parent) ? parent.parent : null) : parent;
66           this.root = parent instanceof Menu ? parent : parent.root;
67  =;
69           if (this.type == "menuContainer") {
70                 if (this.element.hasClassName("level1")) this.menuType = "horizontal";
71                 else if (this.element.hasClassName("level2")) this.menuType = "dropdown";
72                 else this.menuType = "flyout";
74             if (this.menuType == "flyout" || this.menuType == "dropdown") {
75               this.isOpen = false;
76                   Element.setStyle(this.element,{
77                 position: "absolute",
78                 top: "0px",
79                 left: "0px",
80                 visibility: "hidden"});
81             } else {
82               this.isOpen = true;
83             }
84           } else {
85             this.isOpen = this.parentMenu.isOpen;
86           }
88           var childNodes = this.element.childNodes;
89           if (childNodes == null) return;
91           for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
92             var node = childNodes[i];
93             if (node.nodeType == 1) {
94               if (this.type == "menuContainer") {
95                 if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "li") {
96                   this.menuItems.push(new MenuItem(node, this));
97                 }
98               } else {
99                 if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "ul") {
100                   this.subMenu = new MenuContainer(node, this);
101                 }
102               }
103             }
104           }
105         },
107         getBorders: function(element) {
108           var ltrb = ["Left","Top","Right","Bottom"];
109           var result = {};
110           for (var i = 0; i < ltrb.length; ++i) {
111             if (this.element.currentStyle)
112               var value = parseInt(this.element.currentStyle["border"+ltrb[i]+"Width"]);
113             else if (window.getComputedStyle)
114               var value = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(this.element, "").getPropertyValue("border-"+ltrb[i].toLowerCase()+"-width"));
115             else
116               var value = parseInt(["border"+ltrb[i]]);
117             result[ltrb[i].toLowerCase()] = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
118           }
119           return result;
120         },
122         open: function() {
123           if (this.root.closeDelayTimer) window.clearTimeout(this.root.closeDelayTimer);
124           this.parentMenu.closeAll(this);
125           this.isOpen = true;
126           if (this.menuType == "dropdown") {
127                 Element.setStyle(this.element,{
128                         left: (Position.positionedOffset(this.parent.element)[0]) + "px",
129                         top: (Position.positionedOffset(this.parent.element)[1] + Element.getHeight(this.parent.element)) + "px"
130                 });
132           } else if (this.menuType == "flyout") {
133             var parentMenuBorders = this.parentMenu ? this.parentMenu.getBorders() : new Object();
134             var thisBorders = this.getBorders();
135             if (
136               (Position.positionedOffset(this.parentMenu.element)[0] + this.parentMenu.element.offsetWidth + this.element.offsetWidth + 20) >
137               (window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.body.offsetWidth)
138             ) {
139                         Element.setStyle(this.element,{
140                         left: (- this.element.offsetWidth - (this.root.collapseBorders ?  0 : parentMenuBorders["left"])) + "px"
141                         });
142             } else {
143                         Element.setStyle(this.element,{
144                         left: (this.parentMenu.element.offsetWidth - parentMenuBorders["left"] - (this.root.collapseBorders ?  Math.min(parentMenuBorders["right"], thisBorders["left"]) : 0)) + "px"
145                         });
146             }
147                 Element.setStyle(this.element,{
148                 top: (this.parent.element.offsetTop - parentMenuBorders["top"] - this.menuItems[0].element.offsetTop) + "px"
149                 });
150           }
151           Element.setStyle(this.element,{visibility: "visible"});
152         },
154         close: function() {
155                 Element.setStyle(this.element,{visibility: "hidden"});
156                 this.isOpen = false;
157                 this.closeAll();
158         },
160         closeAll: function(trigger) {
161                 for (var i = 0; i < this.menuItems.length; ++i) {
162                         this.menuItems[i].closeItem(trigger);
163                 }
164         }
169 var MenuItem = Class.create();
171 Object.extend(Object.extend(MenuItem.prototype, MenuContainer.prototype), {
172         initialize: function(idOrElement, parent) {
173                 var menuItem = this;
174                 this.type = "menuItem";
175                 this.subMenu;
176                 this.init(idOrElement, parent);
177                 if (this.subMenu) {
178                         this.element.onmouseover = function() {
179                       ;
180                         }
181                 } else {
182                 if (this.root.quickCollapse) {
183                   this.element.onmouseover = function() {
184                         menuItem.parentMenu.closeAll();
185                   }
186                 }
187                   }
188                   var linkTag = this.element.getElementsByTagName("A")[0];
189                   if (linkTag) {
190                  linkTag.onfocus = this.element.onmouseover;
191         = linkTag;
192                  this.text = linkTag.text;
193                   }
194                   if (this.subMenu) {
195                 this.element.onmouseout = function() {
196                   if (menuItem.root.openDelayTimer) window.clearTimeout(menuItem.root.openDelayTimer);
197                   if (menuItem.root.closeDelayTimer) window.clearTimeout(menuItem.root.closeDelayTimer);
198                   eval( + ".closingMenuItem = menuItem");
199                   menuItem.root.closeDelayTimer = window.setTimeout( + ".closingMenuItem.subMenu.close()", menuItem.root.closeDelayTime);
200                 }
201                   }
202         },
204         openItem: function() {
205           this.isOpen = true;
206           if (this.subMenu) {; }
207         },
209         closeItem: function(trigger) {
210           this.isOpen = false;
211           if (this.subMenu) {
212             if (this.subMenu != trigger) this.subMenu.close();
213           }
214         }
215 });
218 var menu;
221 function configMenu() {
222   this.closeDelayTime = 300;
225 function initMenu() {
226   menu = new Menu('root', 'menu', configMenu);
230 Event.observe(window, 'load', initMenu, false);