1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 =head1 NAME
8 exec-munin.px
12 This script allows you to use plugins that were written for Munin with
13 collectd's C<exec-plugin>. Since the data models of Munin and collectd are
14 quite different rewriting the plugins should be preferred over using this
15 transition layer. Having more than one "data source" for one "data set" doesn't
16 work with this script, for example.
18 =cut
20 use Sys::Hostname ('hostname');
21 use File::Basename ('basename');
22 use Config::General ('ParseConfig');
23 use Regexp::Common ('number');
25 our $ConfigFile = '/etc/exec-munin.conf';
26 our $TypeMap = {};
27 our $Scripts = [];
28 our $Interval = 300;
30 main ();
31 exit (0);
33 # Configuration
34 # {{{
38 This script reads it's configuration from F</etc/exec-munin.conf>. The
39 configuration is read using C<Config::General> which understands a Apache-like
40 config syntax, so it's very similar to the F<collectd.conf> syntax, too.
42 Here's a short sample config:
44 AddType voltage-in in
45 AddType voltage-out out
46 Interval 300
47 Script /usr/lib/munin/plugins/nut
49 The options have the following semantic (i.E<nbsp>e. meaning):
51 =over 4
53 =item B<AddType> I<to> I<from> [I<from> ...]
55 collectd uses B<types> to specify how data is structured. In Munin all data is
56 structured the same way, so some way of telling collectd how to handle the data
57 is needed. This option translates the so called "field names" of Munin to the
58 "types" of collectd. If more than one field are of the same type, e.E<nbsp>g.
59 the C<nut> plugin above provides C<in> and C<out> which are both voltages, you
60 can use a hyphen to add a "type instance" to the type.
62 For a list of already defined "types" look at the F<types.db> file in
63 collectd's library path, e.E<nbsp>g. F</usr/lib/collectd/>.
65 =item B<Interval> I<Seconds>
67 Sets the interval in which the plugins are executed. This doesn't need to match
68 the interval setting of the collectd daemon. Usually, you want to execute the
69 Munin plugins much less often, e.E<nbsp>g. every 300 seconds versus every 10
70 seconds.
72 =item B<Script> I<File>
74 Adds a script to the list of scripts to be executed once per I<Interval>
75 seconds.
77 =back
79 =cut
81 sub handle_config_addtype
82 {
83 my $list = shift;
85 for (my $i = 0; $i < @$list; $i++)
86 {
87 my ($to, @from) = split (' ', $list->[$i]);
88 for (my $j = 0; $j < @from; $j++)
89 {
90 $TypeMap->{$from[$j]} = $to;
91 }
92 }
93 } # handle_config_addtype
95 sub handle_config_script
96 {
97 my $scripts = shift;
99 for (my $i = 0; $i < @$scripts; $i++)
100 {
101 my $script = $scripts->[$i];
102 if (!-e $script)
103 {
104 print STDERR "Script `$script' doesn't exist.\n";
105 }
106 elsif (!-x $script)
107 {
108 print STDERR "Script `$script' exists but is not executable.\n";
109 }
110 else
111 {
112 push (@$Scripts, $script);
113 }
114 } # for $i
115 } # handle_config_script
117 sub handle_config
118 {
119 my $config = shift;
121 if (defined ($config->{'addtype'}))
122 {
123 if (ref ($config->{'addtype'}) eq 'ARRAY')
124 {
125 handle_config_addtype ($config->{'addtype'});
126 }
127 elsif (ref ($config->{'addtype'}) eq '')
128 {
129 handle_config_addtype ([$config->{'addtype'}]);
130 }
131 else
132 {
133 print STDERR "Cannot handle ref type '"
134 . ref ($config->{'addtype'}) . "' for option 'AddType'.\n";
135 }
136 }
138 if (defined ($config->{'script'}))
139 {
140 if (ref ($config->{'script'}) eq 'ARRAY')
141 {
142 handle_config_script ($config->{'script'});
143 }
144 elsif (ref ($config->{'script'}) eq '')
145 {
146 handle_config_addtype ([$config->{'script'}]);
147 }
148 else
149 {
150 print STDERR "Cannot handle ref type '"
151 . ref ($config->{'script'}) . "' for option 'Script'.\n";
152 }
153 }
155 if (defined ($config->{'interval'})
156 && (ref ($config->{'interval'}) eq ''))
157 {
158 my $num = int ($config->{'interval'});
159 if ($num > 0)
160 {
161 $Interval = $num;
162 }
163 }
164 } # handle_config }}}
166 sub execute_script
167 {
168 my $fh;
169 my $pinst;
170 my $time = time ();
171 my $script = shift;
172 my $host = hostname () || 'localhost';
173 if (!open ($fh, '-|', $script))
174 {
175 print STDERR "Cannot execute $script: $!";
176 return;
177 }
179 $pinst = basename ($script);
181 while (my $line = <$fh>)
182 {
183 chomp ($line);
184 if ($line =~ m#^([^\.\-/]+)\.value\s+($RE{num}{real})#)
185 {
186 my $field = $1;
187 my $value = $2;
188 my $type = (defined ($TypeMap->{$field})) ? $TypeMap->{$field} : $field;
190 print "$host/munin-$pinst/$type interval=$Interval $time:$value\n";
191 }
192 }
194 close ($fh);
195 } # execute_script
197 sub main
198 {
199 my $last_run;
200 my $next_run;
202 my %config = ParseConfig (-ConfigFile => $ConfigFile,
203 -AutoTrue => 1,
204 -LowerCaseNames => 1);
205 handle_config (\%config);
207 while (42)
208 {
209 $last_run = time ();
210 $next_run = $last_run + $Interval;
212 for (@$Scripts)
213 {
214 execute_script ($_);
215 }
217 while ((my $timeleft = ($next_run - time ())) > 0)
218 {
219 sleep ($timeleft);
220 }
221 }
222 } # main
226 This script requires the following Perl modules to be installed:
228 =over 4
230 =item C<Config::General>
232 =item C<Regexp::Common>
234 =back
236 =head1 SEE ALSO
238 L<http://munin.projects.linpro.no/>,
239 L<http://collectd.org/>,
240 L<collectd-exec(5)>
242 =head1 AUTHOR
244 Florian octo Forster E<lt>octo at verplant.orgE<gt>
246 =cut
248 # vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 fdm=marker :