
Just use the -n option from dh_installinit and the world is fine again.
[gosa.git] / branches / old / gosa-plugins / goto / admin / systems / services / kiosk / goKioskService.tpl
1 <h2><img alt="" class="center" src="plugins/goto/images/kiosk.png" align="middle">&nbsp;<LABEL for="gotoKioskProfile">{t}Kiosk profile management{/t}</ LABEL></h2>
3 {if $baseDir == ""}
5 <b>{msgPool type=invalidConfigurationAttribute param=KIOSKPATH}</b>
7 <p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>
8 <div style="width:100%; text-align:right;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:3px;">
9     <input type='submit' name='CancelService' value='{msgPool type=cancelButton}'>
10 </div>
12 {else}
14     <input type="hidden" name="dialogissubmitted" value="1">
16 {t}Server path{/t}&nbsp;<input name="server_path" style="width:300px;" value="{$server_path}">
17 <br>
18 <br>
19 {render acl=$ThisACL}
20 {$divlist}
21 {/render}
22 {render acl=$ThisACL}
23 <input type="file" size=50 name="newProfile" value="{t}Browse{/t}">
24 {/render}
25 {render acl=$ThisACL}
26 <input type="submit" name="profileAdd" value="{msgPool type=addButton}">
27 {/render}
29 <p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>
30 <div style="width:100%; text-align:right;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:3px;">
31     <input type='submit' name='SaveService' value='{msgPool type=saveButton}'>
32     &nbsp;
33     <input type='submit' name='CancelService' value='{msgPool type=cancelButton}'>
34 </div>
35 <input type="hidden" name="goKioskPosted" value="1">
37 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
38   <!-- // First input field on page
39     focus_field('gotoKioskProfile');
40   -->
41 </script>
42 {/if}