
[gosa.git] / branches / old / gosa-plugins / goto / admin / systems / services / kiosk /
1 <?php
3 class goKioskService extends goService{
5   /* This plugin only writes its objectClass */
6   var $objectclasses    = array("goEnvironmentServer");
7   var $attributes       = array("gotoKioskProfile");
8   var $StatusFlag       = "";
10   /* This class can't be assigned twice so it conflicts with itsself */
11   var $conflicts        = array("goKioskService");
13   var $baseDir          = "../kiosk";
14   var $filesToAttach    = array();
15   var $cn               = "unknown";  
16   var $orig_cn          = "unknown";  
17   var $gotoKioskProfiles= array();
18   var $gotoKioskProfile = array();
19   var $server_path      = "http://%cn/kiosk";
21   function goKioskService(&$config, $dn, $parent)
22   {
23     goService::goService($config,$dn);
25     /* Get the current object name. 
26      */
27     if(isset($parent->parent->cn)){
28       $this->cn = &$parent->parent->cn;
29     }elseif(isset($this->attrs['cn'][0])){
30       $this->cn = $this->attrs['cn'][0];
31     }
32     $this->orig_cn = $this->cn;
34     $this->DisplayName = _("Kiosk profile service");
35     $this->baseDir = $this->config->search('environment', 'kioskpath',array('menu','tabs'));
36     $this->server_path = preg_replace("/%cn/", $this->cn, $this->server_path);
38     /* Load list of profiles and check if they still exists */
39     if ($this->baseDir == ""){
40 #      msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), 
41 #      msgPool::cmdnotfound("KIOSKPATH",_("Kiosk profile service")), ERROR_DIALOG);
42     }else{
43       $this->gotoKioskProfiles = array();
44       if(isset($this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile']) && is_array($this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile'])){
45         for($i = 0 ; $i < $this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile']['count']; $i ++){
46           $url = $this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile'][$i];
47           $this->server_path = preg_replace("/\/[^\/]*$/","",$url);
48           $name= preg_replace("/^.*\//","",$url);
49           $this->gotoKioskProfiles[] = array('url'     => $url , 
50                                             'name'    => $name , 
51                                             'initial' =>TRUE,
52                                             'exists'  => file_exists($this->baseDir."/".$name));
53         }
54       }
55     }
56   }
59   function remove_from_parent()
60   {
61     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
62     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
63     $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoEnvironment)(gotoKioskProfile=*/".$this->orig_cn."/*))",array("cn"));
64     if ($ldap->count() != 0){
65       $obj= array();
66       while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
67         $obj[$ldap->getDN()]= $attrs['cn'][0];
68       }    
69       msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::stillInUse(_("Kiosk profile service"), msgPool::buildList($obj)), ERROR_DIALOG);
70     }else{
71       goService::remove_from_parent();
72     }
73   }
76   function execute()
77   { 
78     /* log actions */
79     if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
80       $this->view_logged = TRUE;
81       new log("view","server/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
82     }
84     /* Fill templating stuff */
85     $smarty= get_smarty();
86     $smarty->assign("baseDir",$this->baseDir);
87     $smarty->assign("ThisACL",$this->getacl(""));
88     $display= "";
90     /* Download kiosk profile 
91      */
92     if(isset($_GET['getkiosk'])){
93       $id = $_GET['getkiosk'];
95       foreach($this->gotoKioskProfiles as $profile){
96         if($profile['name'] == $id){
97           $name = $this->baseDir."/".$id;
98           if(file_exists($name)){
99             $content = file_get_contents($name);    
100             send_binary_content($content,$id);
101           }
102         }
103       }
104     }
107     /* Add new kiosk profile
108      * in profile directory ($this->baseDir);
109      */
110     if((isset($_POST['profileAdd']))&&(isset($_FILES['newProfile'])) && $this->acl_is_writeable("")){
111       $file = $_FILES['newProfile'];
112       if(!file_exists($this->baseDir.$file['name'])){
113         $tmp = array(
114             'url'     => "" ,
115             'name'    => $file['name'] ,
116             'initial' => FALSE,
117             'tmp_name'=> $file['tmp_name'],
118             'content' => file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']),
119             'exists'  => TRUE);
120         $this->gotoKioskProfiles[] = $tmp;
121       }
122     }
124     $only_once = true;
125     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
127       if((preg_match("/^delkiosk_/",$name))&&($only_once) && $this->acl_is_writeable("")){
129         /* Get id, name and path */
130         $only_once = false;
131         $id = preg_replace("/^delkiosk_/","",$name);
132         $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
133         $name = $this->gotoKioskProfiles[$id]['name'];
134         $filename = $this->baseDir."/".$name;
136         /* check if profile is still in use */
137         $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
138         $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
139         $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoEnvironment)(gotoKioskProfile=*".$name.")",array("cn","uid","gotoKioskProfile"));
141         if ($ldap->count() != 0){
143           $obj= array();
144           $found= false;
145           while(($attrs = $ldap->fetch()) && ($cnt)){
146             $check = preg_replace("/^.*\//i","",$attrs['gotoKioskProfile'][0]);
147             if($check == $name){
148               $obj[$ldap->getDN()]= $attrs['cn'][0];
149               $found= true;
150             }
151           }
153           if ($found){
154             msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::stillInUse(_("Kiosk profile"), msgPool::buildList($obj)), ERROR_DIALOG);
155           }
156         }else{
157           if($this->gotoKioskProfiles[$id]['initial']){
158             $res = @unlink($filename);
159             if(!$res){
160               if(!is_writeable($filename)){
161                 msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::cannotDeleteFile($filename), ERROR_DIALOG);
162               }
163               if(!file_exists($filename)){
164                 msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::fileDoesNotExist($filename), ERROR_DIALOG);
165               }
166             }
167             unset($this->gotoKioskProfiles[$id]);
168           }
169         }
170       }
171     }
173     /* Display list of profiles */
174     $divlist = new divSelectBox("KioskProfiles");
175     $divlist -> SetHeight (300);
178     foreach($this->gotoKioskProfiles as $key => $val ){
179       $del = "&nbsp;";
180       if($this->acl_is_writeable("")){
181         $del = "<input type='image' src='images/lists/trash.png'
182           class='center' alt='delete' name='delkiosk_".$key."'>";
183       }
184       $divlist->AddEntry(array(
185             array("string"=>"<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&getkiosk=".$val['name']."'>".$val['name']."</a>"),
186             array("string"=>$del,
187               "attach"=>" style='border-right: 0px;width:24px; text-align:center;' ")
188             ));
189     }
191     /* Assign all existing profiles to smarty */
192     $smarty->assign("divlist",$divlist->DrawList());
193     $smarty = get_smarty(); 
194     foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
195       $smarty->assign($attr,$this->$attr);
196     }
197     $smarty->assign("server_path",$this->server_path);
198     return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("goKioskService.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
199   }
203   function getListEntry()
204   {
205     $fields = goService::getListEntry();
206     $fields['Message']    = _("Kiosk profile service");
207     #$fields['AllowEdit']  = TRUE;
208     #$fields['AllowStart']  = false;
209     #$fields['AllowStop']  = false;
210     #$fields['AllowRestart']  = false;
211     return($fields);
212   }
214   function check()
215   { 
216     $message = plugin::check();
217     return($message);
218   }
220   function save()
221   {
222     goService::save();
224     $method = $this->server_path."/";
225     $method = preg_replace("/\/\/*$/","/",$method);
226     $this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile'] = array();
227     foreach($this->gotoKioskProfiles as $profile){
228       if(!$profile['initial']){
230         $contents = $profile['content'];
231         $path = $this->baseDir."/".$profile['name'];
232         $fp = @fopen($path,"w");
233         if(!$fp){
234           msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::cannotWriteFile($path), ERROR_DIALOG);
235         }else{
236           fwrite($fp,$contents,strlen($contents));
237           $this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile'][] = $method.$profile['name'];
238         }
239         @unlink($profile['tmp_name']);
240       }else{
241         $this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile'][] = $method.$profile['name'];
242       }
243     }
244     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
245     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
246     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
247     $ldap->modify($this->attrs);
248     if (!$ldap->success()){
249       msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $this->dn, LDAP_MOD, get_class()));
250     }
251   }
254   function save_object()
255   {
256     if(isset($_POST['goKioskPosted'])){
257       goService::save_object();
258       if(isset($_POST['server_path'])){
259         $this->server_path = get_post("server_path");
260       }
261     }
262   }  
265   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */
266   static function plInfo()
267   {
268     return (array(
269           "plShortName"   => _("Kiosk"),
270           "plDescription" => _("Kiosk profile management")." ("._("Services").")",
271           "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
272           "plDepends"     => array(),
273           "plPriority"    => 100,
274           "plSection"     => array("administration"),
275           "plCategory"    => array("server"),
277           "plProvidedAcls"=> array()
278           ));
279   }
281 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
282 ?>