=========== Roundup FAQ =========== :Version: $Revision: 1.12 $ NOTE: This is just a grabbag, most of this should go into documentation. .. contents:: Installation ------------ Living without a mailserver. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remove the nosy reactor, means delete the tracker file 'detectors/nosyreactor.py'. Rights issues (MISSING) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Different jobs run under different users. * Standalone roundup-server is started by whome ? * Running cgi under apache. * roundup-mailgw called via .forward from MTA, or running a cron job fetching via pop. The cgibin is very slow! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yep, it sure is. It has to do database open/operation/close _every_ request. Solution: * use the built in server * place the built in server behind apache and link it into your web tree How do I put it behind apache ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have a project (foo) running on foohost.com:8888. We want http://foohost.com/FooIssues to use the roundup server, so we set that up on port 8888 on foohost.com with the config.py line: TRACKER_WEB = 'http://foohost.com/FooIssues/' We have a foo_issues project/tracker configured on roundup and we run the server with: ~/bin/roundup-server -p 8888 foo_issues=/home/roundup/trackers/foo_issues Then, on the 'front end' host (redhat 7.3 with apache 1.3), in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf uncomment: LoadModule proxy_module modules/libproxy.so and AddModule mod_proxy.c Then add: # roundup stuff (added manually) RewriteEngine on # General Roundup RewriteRule ^/Roundup$ Roundup/ [R] RewriteRule ^/Roundup/(.*) http://foohost.com:8888/$1 [P] # Redirect to Foo Issues RewriteRule ^/Roundup/foo_issues(.*) FooIssues$1 [R] # Handle Foo Issues RewriteRule ^/FooIssues$ FooIssues/ [R] RewriteRule ^/FooIssues/(.*) http://foohost.com:8888/foo_issues/$1 [P] Then restart apache. Now apache will proxy the request on to the roundup server. Obviously you need to add the last 3 RewriteRule lines for each project/tracker that you have. You can now firewall off port 8888 from the rest of the world. Templates --------- What is that stuff in ~/trackers/foo_issues/html/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the template code that roundup uses to display the various pages. This is bases upon the template markup language in zope. Have a look at: http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/current/contents chapter 5 Using Zope Page Templates and chapter 9 Advanced Page Templates But I just want a select/option list for .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Really easy... Edit issue.item For 'nosy', change line 53 from: to For 'assigned to', change line 61 from: assignedto menu to: assignedto menu get the idea? Great! But now the select/option list is too big ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thats a little harder (but only a little ;^) Edit issue.item For nosy, change line 53 from: (see above) to and then, like me, go and read about Zope templates. Using Roundup ------------- I got an error and I cant reload it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're using netscape/mozilla, try holding shift and pressing reload. If you're using IE then install mozilla and try again ;^) I tried changing my password and I got 'invalid one time ticket' or something ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, so I said to use mozilla, well apparently it 'double requests' pages from roundup. This means the first request worked (ie, your request was processed) then mozilla/galeon/children tried again and that request failed (ie, it tried to perform an operation using a no longer valid ticket). Dont worry, it worked. :^) ----------------- Back to `Table of Contents`_ .. _`Table of Contents`: index.html