3 /**
4 * \brief SPAttributeWidget
5 *
6 * Widget, that listens and modifies repr attributes
7 *
8 * Authors:
9 * Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@ximian.com>
10 *
11 * Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc.
12 *
13 * Licensed under GNU GPL
14 */
15 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
16 # include "config.h"
17 #endif
19 #include <gtk/gtktable.h>
20 #include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
21 #include "xml/repr.h"
22 #include "macros.h"
23 #include "document.h"
24 #include "sp-object.h"
25 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
27 #include <sigc++/functors/ptr_fun.h>
28 #include <sigc++/adaptors/bind.h>
30 #include "sp-attribute-widget.h"
32 static void sp_attribute_widget_class_init (SPAttributeWidgetClass *klass);
33 static void sp_attribute_widget_init (SPAttributeWidget *widget);
34 static void sp_attribute_widget_destroy (GtkObject *object);
36 static void sp_attribute_widget_changed (GtkEditable *editable);
38 static void sp_attribute_widget_object_modified ( SPObject *object,
39 guint flags,
40 SPAttributeWidget *spaw );
41 static void sp_attribute_widget_object_release ( SPObject *object,
42 SPAttributeWidget *spaw );
44 static GtkEntryClass *parent_class;
49 GtkType
50 sp_attribute_widget_get_type (void)
51 {
52 static GtkType type = 0;
53 if (!type) {
54 static const GtkTypeInfo info = {
55 "SPAttributeWidget",
56 sizeof (SPAttributeWidget),
57 sizeof (SPAttributeWidgetClass),
58 (GtkClassInitFunc) sp_attribute_widget_class_init,
59 (GtkObjectInitFunc) sp_attribute_widget_init,
61 };
62 type = gtk_type_unique (GTK_TYPE_ENTRY, &info);
63 }
64 return type;
66 } // end of sp_attribute_widget_get_type()
70 static void
71 sp_attribute_widget_class_init (SPAttributeWidgetClass *klass)
72 {
73 GtkObjectClass *object_class;
74 GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;
75 GtkEditableClass *editable_class;
77 object_class = GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
78 widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
79 editable_class = GTK_EDITABLE_CLASS (klass);
81 parent_class = (GtkEntryClass*)gtk_type_class (GTK_TYPE_ENTRY);
83 object_class->destroy = sp_attribute_widget_destroy;
85 editable_class->changed = sp_attribute_widget_changed;
87 } // end of sp_attribute_widget_class_init()
91 static void
92 sp_attribute_widget_init (SPAttributeWidget *spaw)
93 {
94 spaw->blocked = FALSE;
95 spaw->hasobj = FALSE;
97 spaw->src.object = NULL;
99 spaw->attribute = NULL;
101 new (&spaw->modified_connection) sigc::connection();
102 new (&spaw->release_connection) sigc::connection();
103 }
107 static void
108 sp_attribute_widget_destroy (GtkObject *object)
109 {
111 SPAttributeWidget *spaw;
113 spaw = SP_ATTRIBUTE_WIDGET (object);
115 if (spaw->attribute) {
116 g_free (spaw->attribute);
117 spaw->attribute = NULL;
118 }
121 if (spaw->hasobj) {
123 if (spaw->src.object) {
124 spaw->modified_connection.disconnect();
125 spaw->release_connection.disconnect();
126 spaw->src.object = NULL;
127 }
128 } else {
130 if (spaw->src.repr) {
131 spaw->src.repr = Inkscape::GC::release(spaw->src.repr);
132 }
133 } // end of if()
135 spaw->modified_connection.~connection();
136 spaw->release_connection.~connection();
138 ((GtkObjectClass *) parent_class)->destroy (object);
140 }
144 static void
145 sp_attribute_widget_changed (GtkEditable *editable)
146 {
148 SPAttributeWidget *spaw;
150 spaw = SP_ATTRIBUTE_WIDGET (editable);
152 if (!spaw->blocked) {
154 const gchar *text;
155 spaw->blocked = TRUE;
156 text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (spaw));
157 if (!*text)
158 text = NULL;
160 if (spaw->hasobj && spaw->src.object) {
162 if (!sp_repr_set_attr ( SP_OBJECT_REPR (spaw->src.object),
163 spaw->attribute, text) )
164 {
165 /* Cannot set attribute */
166 text = SP_OBJECT_REPR (spaw->src.object)->attribute(spaw->attribute);
167 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (spaw), text ? text : "");
168 }
169 sp_document_done (SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT (spaw->src.object), SP_VERB_NONE,
170 /* TODO: annotate */ "sp-attribute-widget.cpp:160");
172 } else if (spaw->src.repr) {
174 if (!sp_repr_set_attr (spaw->src.repr, spaw->attribute, text))
175 {
176 /* Cannot set attribute */
177 text = spaw->src.repr->attribute(spaw->attribute);
178 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (spaw), text ? text : "");
179 }
180 /* TODO: Warning! Undo will not be flushed in given case */
181 }
182 spaw->blocked = FALSE;
183 }
185 } // end of sp_attribute_widget_changed()
189 GtkWidget *
190 sp_attribute_widget_new ( SPObject *object, const gchar *attribute )
191 {
192 SPAttributeWidget *spaw;
194 g_return_val_if_fail (!object || SP_IS_OBJECT (object), NULL);
195 g_return_val_if_fail (!object || attribute, NULL);
197 spaw = (SPAttributeWidget*)gtk_type_new (SP_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_WIDGET);
199 sp_attribute_widget_set_object (spaw, object, attribute);
201 return GTK_WIDGET (spaw);
203 } // end of sp_attribute_widget_new()
207 GtkWidget *
208 sp_attribute_widget_new_repr ( Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, const gchar *attribute )
209 {
210 SPAttributeWidget *spaw;
212 spaw = (SPAttributeWidget*)gtk_type_new (SP_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_WIDGET);
214 sp_attribute_widget_set_repr (spaw, repr, attribute);
216 return GTK_WIDGET (spaw);
217 }
221 void
222 sp_attribute_widget_set_object ( SPAttributeWidget *spaw,
223 SPObject *object,
224 const gchar *attribute )
225 {
227 g_return_if_fail (spaw != NULL);
228 g_return_if_fail (SP_IS_ATTRIBUTE_WIDGET (spaw));
229 g_return_if_fail (!object || SP_IS_OBJECT (object));
230 g_return_if_fail (!object || attribute);
231 g_return_if_fail (attribute != NULL);
233 if (spaw->attribute) {
234 g_free (spaw->attribute);
235 spaw->attribute = NULL;
236 }
238 if (spaw->hasobj) {
240 if (spaw->src.object) {
241 spaw->modified_connection.disconnect();
242 spaw->release_connection.disconnect();
243 spaw->src.object = NULL;
244 }
245 } else {
247 if (spaw->src.repr) {
248 spaw->src.repr = Inkscape::GC::release(spaw->src.repr);
249 }
250 }
252 spaw->hasobj = TRUE;
254 if (object) {
255 const gchar *val;
257 spaw->blocked = TRUE;
258 spaw->src.object = object;
260 spaw->modified_connection = object->connectModified(sigc::bind<2>(sigc::ptr_fun(&sp_attribute_widget_object_modified), spaw));
261 spaw->release_connection = object->connectRelease(sigc::bind<1>(sigc::ptr_fun(&sp_attribute_widget_object_release), spaw));
263 spaw->attribute = g_strdup (attribute);
265 val = SP_OBJECT_REPR (object)->attribute(attribute);
266 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (spaw), val ? val : (const gchar *) "");
267 spaw->blocked = FALSE;
268 }
270 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (spaw), (spaw->src.object != NULL));
272 } // end of sp_attribute_widget_set_object()
276 void
277 sp_attribute_widget_set_repr ( SPAttributeWidget *spaw,
278 Inkscape::XML::Node *repr,
279 const gchar *attribute )
280 {
282 g_return_if_fail (spaw != NULL);
283 g_return_if_fail (SP_IS_ATTRIBUTE_WIDGET (spaw));
284 g_return_if_fail (attribute != NULL);
286 if (spaw->attribute) {
287 g_free (spaw->attribute);
288 spaw->attribute = NULL;
289 }
291 if (spaw->hasobj) {
293 if (spaw->src.object) {
294 spaw->modified_connection.disconnect();
295 spaw->release_connection.disconnect();
296 spaw->src.object = NULL;
297 }
298 } else {
300 if (spaw->src.repr) {
301 spaw->src.repr = Inkscape::GC::release(spaw->src.repr);
302 }
303 }
305 spaw->hasobj = FALSE;
307 if (repr) {
308 const gchar *val;
310 spaw->blocked = TRUE;
311 spaw->src.repr = Inkscape::GC::anchor(repr);
312 spaw->attribute = g_strdup (attribute);
314 val = repr->attribute(attribute);
315 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (spaw), val ? val : (const gchar *) "");
316 spaw->blocked = FALSE;
317 }
319 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (spaw), (spaw->src.repr != NULL));
321 } // end of sp_attribute_widget_set_repr()
325 static void
326 sp_attribute_widget_object_modified ( SPObject *object,
327 guint flags,
328 SPAttributeWidget *spaw )
329 {
331 if (flags && SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG) {
333 const gchar *val, *text;
334 val = SP_OBJECT_REPR (spaw->src.object)->attribute(spaw->attribute);
335 text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (spaw));
337 if (val || text) {
339 if (!val || !text || strcmp (val, text)) {
340 /* We are different */
341 spaw->blocked = TRUE;
342 gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (spaw),
343 val ? val : (const gchar *) "");
344 spaw->blocked = FALSE;
345 } // end of if()
347 } // end of if()
349 } //end of if()
351 } // end of sp_attribute_widget_object_modified()
355 static void
356 sp_attribute_widget_object_release ( SPObject *object,
357 SPAttributeWidget *spaw )
358 {
359 sp_attribute_widget_set_object (spaw, NULL, NULL);
360 }
364 /* SPAttributeTable */
366 static void sp_attribute_table_class_init (SPAttributeTableClass *klass);
367 static void sp_attribute_table_init (SPAttributeTable *widget);
368 static void sp_attribute_table_destroy (GtkObject *object);
370 static void sp_attribute_table_object_modified (SPObject *object, guint flags, SPAttributeTable *spaw);
371 static void sp_attribute_table_object_release (SPObject *object, SPAttributeTable *spaw);
372 static void sp_attribute_table_entry_changed (GtkEditable *editable, SPAttributeTable *spat);
374 static GtkVBoxClass *table_parent_class;
379 GtkType
380 sp_attribute_table_get_type (void)
381 {
382 static GtkType type = 0;
383 if (!type) {
384 static const GtkTypeInfo info = {
385 "SPAttributeTable",
386 sizeof (SPAttributeTable),
387 sizeof (SPAttributeTableClass),
388 (GtkClassInitFunc) sp_attribute_table_class_init,
389 (GtkObjectInitFunc) sp_attribute_table_init,
391 };
392 type = gtk_type_unique (GTK_TYPE_VBOX, &info);
393 }
394 return type;
396 } // end of sp_attribute_table_get_type()
400 static void
401 sp_attribute_table_class_init (SPAttributeTableClass *klass)
402 {
403 GtkObjectClass *object_class;
404 GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;
406 object_class = GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
407 widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
409 table_parent_class = (GtkVBoxClass*)gtk_type_class (GTK_TYPE_VBOX);
411 object_class->destroy = sp_attribute_table_destroy;
413 } // end of sp_attribute_table_class_init()
417 static void
418 sp_attribute_table_init ( SPAttributeTable *spat )
419 {
420 spat->blocked = FALSE;
421 spat->hasobj = FALSE;
422 spat->table = NULL;
423 spat->src.object = NULL;
424 spat->num_attr = 0;
425 spat->attributes = NULL;
426 spat->entries = NULL;
428 new (&spat->modified_connection) sigc::connection();
429 new (&spat->release_connection) sigc::connection();
430 }
432 static void
433 sp_attribute_table_destroy ( GtkObject *object )
434 {
435 SPAttributeTable *spat;
437 spat = SP_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE (object);
439 if (spat->attributes) {
440 gint i;
441 for (i = 0; i < spat->num_attr; i++) {
442 g_free (spat->attributes[i]);
443 }
444 g_free (spat->attributes);
445 spat->attributes = NULL;
446 }
448 if (spat->hasobj) {
450 if (spat->src.object) {
451 spat->modified_connection.disconnect();
452 spat->release_connection.disconnect();
453 spat->src.object = NULL;
454 }
455 } else {
456 if (spat->src.repr) {
457 spat->src.repr = Inkscape::GC::release(spat->src.repr);
458 }
459 } // end of if()
461 spat->modified_connection.~connection();
462 spat->release_connection.~connection();
464 if (spat->entries) {
465 g_free (spat->entries);
466 spat->entries = NULL;
467 }
469 spat->table = NULL;
471 if (((GtkObjectClass *) table_parent_class)->destroy) {
472 (* ((GtkObjectClass *) table_parent_class)->destroy) (object);
473 }
475 } // end of sp_attribute_table_destroy()
478 GtkWidget *
479 sp_attribute_table_new ( SPObject *object,
480 gint num_attr,
481 const gchar **labels,
482 const gchar **attributes )
483 {
484 SPAttributeTable *spat;
486 g_return_val_if_fail (!object || SP_IS_OBJECT (object), NULL);
487 g_return_val_if_fail (!object || (num_attr > 0), NULL);
488 g_return_val_if_fail (!num_attr || (labels && attributes), NULL);
490 spat = (SPAttributeTable*)gtk_type_new (SP_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE);
492 sp_attribute_table_set_object (spat, object, num_attr, labels, attributes);
494 return GTK_WIDGET (spat);
496 } // end of sp_attribute_table_new()
500 GtkWidget *
501 sp_attribute_table_new_repr ( Inkscape::XML::Node *repr,
502 gint num_attr,
503 const gchar **labels,
504 const gchar **attributes )
505 {
506 SPAttributeTable *spat;
508 g_return_val_if_fail (!num_attr || (labels && attributes), NULL);
510 spat = (SPAttributeTable*)gtk_type_new (SP_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE);
512 sp_attribute_table_set_repr (spat, repr, num_attr, labels, attributes);
514 return GTK_WIDGET (spat);
516 } // end of sp_attribute_table_new_repr()
520 #define XPAD 4
521 #define YPAD 0
523 void
524 sp_attribute_table_set_object ( SPAttributeTable *spat,
525 SPObject *object,
526 gint num_attr,
527 const gchar **labels,
528 const gchar **attributes )
529 {
531 g_return_if_fail (spat != NULL);
532 g_return_if_fail (SP_IS_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE (spat));
533 g_return_if_fail (!object || SP_IS_OBJECT (object));
534 g_return_if_fail (!object || (num_attr > 0));
535 g_return_if_fail (!num_attr || (labels && attributes));
537 if (spat->table) {
538 gtk_widget_destroy (spat->table);
539 spat->table = NULL;
540 }
542 if (spat->attributes) {
543 gint i;
544 for (i = 0; i < spat->num_attr; i++) {
545 g_free (spat->attributes[i]);
546 }
547 g_free (spat->attributes);
548 spat->attributes = NULL;
549 }
551 if (spat->entries) {
552 g_free (spat->entries);
553 spat->entries = NULL;
554 }
556 if (spat->hasobj) {
557 if (spat->src.object) {
558 spat->modified_connection.disconnect();
559 spat->release_connection.disconnect();
560 spat->src.object = NULL;
561 }
562 } else {
563 if (spat->src.repr) {
564 spat->src.repr = Inkscape::GC::release(spat->src.repr);
565 }
566 }
568 spat->hasobj = TRUE;
570 if (object) {
571 gint i;
573 spat->blocked = TRUE;
575 /* Set up object */
576 spat->src.object = object;
577 spat->num_attr = num_attr;
579 spat->modified_connection = object->connectModified(sigc::bind<2>(sigc::ptr_fun(&sp_attribute_table_object_modified), spat));
580 spat->modified_connection = object->connectRelease(sigc::bind<1>(sigc::ptr_fun(&sp_attribute_table_object_release), spat));
582 /* Create table */
583 spat->table = gtk_table_new (num_attr, 2, FALSE);
584 gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (spat), spat->table);
585 /* Arrays */
586 spat->attributes = g_new0 (gchar *, num_attr);
587 spat->entries = g_new0 (GtkWidget *, num_attr);
588 /* Fill rows */
589 for (i = 0; i < num_attr; i++) {
590 GtkWidget *w;
591 const gchar *val;
593 spat->attributes[i] = g_strdup (attributes[i]);
594 w = gtk_label_new (_(labels[i]));
595 gtk_widget_show (w);
596 gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (w), 1.0, 0.5);
597 gtk_table_attach ( GTK_TABLE (spat->table), w, 0, 1, i, i + 1,
599 (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL),
600 XPAD, YPAD );
601 w = gtk_entry_new ();
602 gtk_widget_show (w);
603 val = SP_OBJECT_REPR (object)->attribute(attributes[i]);
604 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (w), val ? val : (const gchar *) "");
605 gtk_table_attach ( GTK_TABLE (spat->table), w, 1, 2, i, i + 1,
606 (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL),
607 (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL),
608 XPAD, YPAD );
609 spat->entries[i] = w;
610 g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT (w), "changed",
611 G_CALLBACK (sp_attribute_table_entry_changed),
612 spat );
613 }
614 /* Show table */
615 gtk_widget_show (spat->table);
617 spat->blocked = FALSE;
618 }
620 gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( GTK_WIDGET (spat),
621 (spat->src.object != NULL) );
623 } // end of sp_attribute_table_set_object()
627 void
628 sp_attribute_table_set_repr ( SPAttributeTable *spat,
629 Inkscape::XML::Node *repr,
630 gint num_attr,
631 const gchar **labels,
632 const gchar **attributes )
633 {
634 g_return_if_fail (spat != NULL);
635 g_return_if_fail (SP_IS_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE (spat));
636 g_return_if_fail (!num_attr || (labels && attributes));
638 if (spat->table) {
639 gtk_widget_destroy (spat->table);
640 spat->table = NULL;
641 }
643 if (spat->attributes) {
644 gint i;
645 for (i = 0; i < spat->num_attr; i++) {
646 g_free (spat->attributes[i]);
647 }
648 g_free (spat->attributes);
649 spat->attributes = NULL;
650 }
652 if (spat->entries) {
653 g_free (spat->entries);
654 spat->entries = NULL;
655 }
657 if (spat->hasobj) {
658 if (spat->src.object) {
659 spat->modified_connection.disconnect();
660 spat->release_connection.disconnect();
661 spat->src.object = NULL;
662 }
663 } else {
664 if (spat->src.repr) {
665 spat->src.repr = Inkscape::GC::release(spat->src.repr);
666 }
667 }
669 spat->hasobj = FALSE;
671 if (repr) {
672 gint i;
674 spat->blocked = TRUE;
676 /* Set up repr */
677 spat->src.repr = Inkscape::GC::anchor(repr);
678 spat->num_attr = num_attr;
679 /* Create table */
680 spat->table = gtk_table_new (num_attr, 2, FALSE);
681 gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (spat), spat->table);
682 /* Arrays */
683 spat->attributes = g_new0 (gchar *, num_attr);
684 spat->entries = g_new0 (GtkWidget *, num_attr);
686 /* Fill rows */
687 for (i = 0; i < num_attr; i++) {
688 GtkWidget *w;
689 const gchar *val;
691 spat->attributes[i] = g_strdup (attributes[i]);
692 w = gtk_label_new (labels[i]);
693 gtk_widget_show (w);
694 gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (w), 1.0, 0.5);
695 gtk_table_attach ( GTK_TABLE (spat->table), w, 0, 1, i, i + 1,
697 (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL),
698 XPAD, YPAD );
699 w = gtk_entry_new ();
700 gtk_widget_show (w);
701 val = repr->attribute(attributes[i]);
702 gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (w), val ? val : (const gchar *) "");
703 gtk_table_attach ( GTK_TABLE (spat->table), w, 1, 2, i, i + 1,
704 (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL),
705 (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL),
706 XPAD, YPAD );
707 spat->entries[i] = w;
708 g_signal_connect ( G_OBJECT (w), "changed",
709 G_CALLBACK (sp_attribute_table_entry_changed),
710 spat );
711 }
712 /* Show table */
713 gtk_widget_show (spat->table);
715 spat->blocked = FALSE;
716 }
718 gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (spat), (spat->src.repr != NULL));
720 } // end of sp_attribute_table_set_repr()
724 static void
725 sp_attribute_table_object_modified ( SPObject *object,
726 guint flags,
727 SPAttributeTable *spat )
728 {
729 if (flags && SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG)
730 {
731 gint i;
732 for (i = 0; i < spat->num_attr; i++) {
733 const gchar *val, *text;
734 val = SP_OBJECT_REPR (spat->src.object)->attribute(spat->attributes[i]);
735 text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (spat->entries[i]));
736 if (val || text) {
737 if (!val || !text || strcmp (val, text)) {
738 /* We are different */
739 spat->blocked = TRUE;
740 gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (spat->entries[i]),
741 val ? val : (const gchar *) "");
742 spat->blocked = FALSE;
743 }
744 }
745 }
746 } // end of if()
748 } // end of sp_attribute_table_object_modified()
752 static void
753 sp_attribute_table_object_release (SPObject *object, SPAttributeTable *spat)
754 {
755 sp_attribute_table_set_object (spat, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
756 }
760 static void
761 sp_attribute_table_entry_changed ( GtkEditable *editable,
762 SPAttributeTable *spat )
763 {
764 if (!spat->blocked)
765 {
766 gint i;
767 for (i = 0; i < spat->num_attr; i++) {
769 if (GTK_WIDGET (editable) == spat->entries[i]) {
770 const gchar *text;
771 spat->blocked = TRUE;
772 text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (spat->entries[i]));
774 if (!*text)
775 text = NULL;
777 if (spat->hasobj && spat->src.object) {
778 if (!sp_repr_set_attr ( SP_OBJECT_REPR (spat->src.object),
779 spat->attributes[i], text))
780 {
781 /* Cannot set attribute */
782 text = SP_OBJECT_REPR (spat->src.object)->attribute(spat->attributes[i]);
783 gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (spat->entries[i]),
784 text ? text : (const gchar *) "");
785 }
786 sp_document_done (SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT (spat->src.object), SP_VERB_NONE,
787 /* TODO: annotate */ "sp-attribute-widget.cpp:772");
789 } else if (spat->src.repr) {
791 if (!sp_repr_set_attr (spat->src.repr,
792 spat->attributes[i], text))
793 {
794 /* Cannot set attribute */
795 text = spat->src.repr->attribute(spat->attributes[i]);
796 gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (spat->entries[i]),
797 text ? text : (const gchar *) "" );
798 }
799 /* TODO: Warning! Undo will not be flushed in given case */
800 }
801 spat->blocked = FALSE;
802 return;
803 }
804 }
805 g_warning ("file %s: line %d: Entry signalled change, but there is no such entry", __FILE__, __LINE__);
806 } // end of if()
808 } // end of sp_attribute_table_entry_changed()
810 /*
811 Local Variables:
812 mode:c++
813 c-file-style:"stroustrup"
814 c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
815 indent-tabs-mode:nil
816 fill-column:99
817 End:
818 */
819 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :