
Add config-option "nosy" to messages_to_author setting in [nosy] section
[roundup.git] / share / roundup / templates / devel / html /
1 <tal:block metal:use-macro="templates/help/macros/frame">
2 <tal:block tal:define="property request/form/property/value;
3                   qs request/env/QUERY_STRING;
4                   qs python:'&'.join([a for a in qs.split('&') if not a.startswith('@template=')]);
5                   form request/form/form/value;
6                   field request/form/property/value">
7   <tal:block metal:fill-slot="more-javascript">
8      <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
9       // this is the name of the field in the original form that we're working on
10       form  = parent.opener.document.${request/form/form/value};
11       callingform=form
12       field  = '${request/form/property/value}';
13       var listform = null
14       function listPresent() { return document.frm_help.cb_listpresent.checked}
15       function getListForm()
16       {
17         if (listPresent()) { return parent.list.document.forms.dummyform}
18         else { return null}
19       }
21       function checkListForm()
22       {
23         // global listform
24         if (listform != null)
25         if (parent.list.document.dummyform) 
26         {
27           listform = parent.list.document.dummyform
28           alert(listform)
29         }
30         var bol= listform != null
31         alert('checkListForm: bol='+bol)
32         return bol
33       }
34     </script>
35     <script src="@@file/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
36     <script src="@@file/query.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
37   </tal:block>
38   <tal:block metal:fill-slot="content">
39     <div name="search">
40       <form method="get" name="itemSynopsis" target="list"
41             tal:attributes="action request/classname" 
42             tal:define="property request/form/property/value;
43                         cols python:request.columns or 'id username address realname roles'.split();
44                         sort_on request/sort | nothing;
45                         sort_desc python:sort_on and request.sort[0][0] == '-';
46                         sort_on python:sort_on and request.sort[0][1] or 'lastname';
47                         search_input templates/page/macros/search_input;
48                         search_select templates/page/macros/search_select;
49                         search_select_roles templates/page/macros/search_select_roles;
50                         required python:[];
51                         th_label templates/page/macros/th_label; ">
52        <input type="hidden" name="@template" value="query">
53        <input type="hidden" name="property" value="" tal:attributes="value property">
54        <input type="hidden" name="form" value="" tal:attributes="value request/form/form/value">
55        <table>
56         <tr tal:define="name string:username; label string:Username:">
57          <th metal:use-macro="th_label">Name</th> 
58          <td metal:use-macro="search_input"><input type="text"></td>
59         </tr>
60         <tr tal:define="name string:phone; label string:Phone number">
61          <th metal:use-macro="th_label">Phone</th>
62          <td metal:use-macro="search_input"><input type="text"></td>
63         </tr>
64         <tr tal:define="name string:roles; label string:Roles:" >
65          <th metal:use-macro="th_label">role</th>
66          <td metal:use-macro="search_select_roles">
67           <select>
68            <option value="">jokester</option>
69           </select>
70          </td>
71         </tr>
72         <tr>
73          <td>&nbsp;</td>
74          <td>
75           <input type="hidden" name="@action" value="search"/>
76           <input type="submit" value="Search" i18n:attributes="value"/>
77           <input type="reset"/>
78           <input type="hidden" value="username,realname,phone,organisation,roles" name="properties"/>
79           <input type="text" name="@pagesize" id="sp-pagesize" value="25" size="2"/>
80           <label for="sp-pagesize" i18n:translate="">Pagesize</label>
81          </td>
82         </tr>
83        </table>
84       </form>
85       <script type="text/javascript"><!-- focus2id('username'); //--></script>
86     </div>
87     <!-- for search results: query -->
88     <div class="list">
89       <p i18n:translate="">Please specify your search parameters!</p>
90     </div>
91     <div class="submit" onload="parent.focus();" id="submit">
92     <form name="frm_help"
93           tal:define="batch request/batch;
94                       props python:request.form['properties'].value.split(',')"
95           class="help-submit"
96           id="classhelp-controls">
97     <div style="width:100%;text-align:left;margin-bottom:0.2em">
98      <input type="text" name="text_preview" size="24" class="preview"
99             onchange="f=getListForm();if(f){ reviseList_framed(f, this)};"/>
100     </div>
101     <input type=checkbox name="cb_listpresent" readonly="readonly" style="display:none"/>
102     <input type="button" id="btn_cancel"
103            value=" Cancel " onclick="parent.close();return false;"
104            i18n:attributes="value" />
105     <input type="reset" id="btn_reset"
106            onclick="text_field.value=original_field;f=getListForm();if (f) {reviseList_framed(f, this)};return false"/>
107     <input type="submit" id="btn_apply" class="apply"
108            value=" Apply " onclick="callingform[field].value=text_field.value; parent.close();"
109            i18n:attributes="value" />
110    </form>
111    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
112 var text_field = document.frm_help.text_preview;
113 original_field=form[field].value;
114 text_field.value=original_field;
115 //--></script>
116   </div>
117 </tal:block>
118 </tal:block>
119 </tal:block>