1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 require 5.008;
3 use lib qw(/scratch/rrd-1.4.3-test2/lib/perl);
4 use RRDs;
5 use strict;
6 use Getopt::Long 2.25 qw(:config posix_default no_ignore_case);
7 use Pod::Usage 1.14;
8 use Data::Dumper;
10 '$Revision$ ' =~ /Revision: (\S*)/;
11 my $Revision = $1;
13 # main loop
14 my %opt = ();
15 sub main()
16 {
17 # parse options
18 GetOptions(\%opt, 'help|h', 'man', 'version', 'noaction|no-action|n',
19 'verbose|v','src-tmpl=s','dst-tmpl=s') or exit(1);
20 if($opt{help}) { pod2usage(1) }
21 if($opt{man}) { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) }
22 if($opt{version}) { print "rrdjig $Revision\n"; exit(0) }
23 my $src = shift @ARGV or pod2usage(1);
24 if (not -r $src) { pod2usage("Reading $src: $!") }
25 my $dst = shift @ARGV or pod2usage(1);
26 if (not -w $dst) { pod2usage("Accessing $dst: $!") }
28 rrdjig($src,$opt{'src-tmpl'},$dst,$opt{'dst-tmpl'});
29 }
31 main;
33 sub rrd_err_check(){
34 my $err = RRDs::error();
35 if ($err){
36 die "RRD Error: $err\n";
37 }
38 }
39 sub rrd_warn_check(){
40 my $err = RRDs::error();
41 if ($err){
42 warn "RRD Warning: $err\n";
43 }
44 }
46 # how should the data be fetched from the source
47 # to provide the best approximation of the original data
49 sub step_sync ($$){
50 my $value = shift;
51 my $step = shift;
52 return ($value - ($value % $step));
53 }
55 sub get_rra_size_map($){
56 my $info = shift;
57 my $map = {};
58 my $min_start;
59 for (my $i=0;;$i++){
60 my $cf = $info->{"rra[$i].cf"};
61 last if not $cf;
62 next if $cf !~ /AVERAGE|MIN|MAX/;
63 my $pdp_per_row = $info->{"rra[$i].pdp_per_row"};
64 next if $cf =~ /MIN|MAX/ and $pdp_per_row == 1;
65 my $rows = $info->{"rra[$i].rows"};
66 my $step = $pdp_per_row*$info->{step};
67 my $start = step_sync($info->{last_update},$step) - $step*$rows;
68 if (not defined $min_start or $start < $min_start) {
69 $min_start = $start;
70 }
71 if ( $map->{$cf}{$pdp_per_row}{rows} || 0 < $rows
72 or $map->{$cf}{$pdp_per_row}{start} || 0 < $start ){
73 $map->{$cf}{$pdp_per_row} = {
74 id => $i,
75 rows => $rows,
76 step => $step,
77 start => $start
78 };
79 }
80 }
81 return ($min_start,$map);
82 }
85 sub prep_fetch_tasks ($$){
86 my $src_info = shift;
87 my $dst_info = shift;
88 my ($min_start,$src_size) = get_rra_size_map($src_info);
89 my $now = step_sync($src_info->{last_update}, $src_info->{step});
90 my $first = step_sync($dst_info->{last_update} , $dst_info->{step});
91 if ($min_start > $first ) {
92 $first = $min_start;
93 }
94 print "Search $first to $now\n" if $opt{verbose};
95 my $task = {};
96 for my $cf (qw(AVERAGE MIN MAX)){
97 my $x = $src_size->{$cf};
98 my $pointer = $now;
99 $task->{$cf} = [];
100 for my $pdp_per_row (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$x){
101 my $step = $x->{$pdp_per_row}{step};
102 my $new_pointer = $x->{$pdp_per_row}{start};
103 print "look $cf $pdp_per_row * $step - $new_pointer\n" if $opt{verbose};
104 if ($new_pointer <= $first){
105 $new_pointer = step_sync($first,$step);
106 }
107 if ($new_pointer <= $pointer){
108 unshift @{$task->{$cf}}, {
109 start => $new_pointer,
110 end => step_sync($pointer,$step),
111 step => $step
112 };
113 $pointer = $new_pointer;
114 }
115 last if $pointer <= $first;
116 }
117 }
118 return ($first,$task);
119 }
121 sub fetch_data($$$){
122 my $src = shift;
123 my $first = shift;
124 my $tasks = shift;
125 my %data;
126 my @tmpl;
127 if ($opt{'src-tmpl'}){
128 @tmpl = split /:/, $opt{'src-tmpl'};
129 }
130 my %map;
131 for my $cf (keys %$tasks){
132 print STDERR "FETCH #### CF $cf #####################################\n"
133 if $opt{verbose};
134 for my $t (@{$tasks->{$cf}}){
135 my ($start,$step,$names,$array) = RRDs::fetch(
136 $src,$cf,'--resolution',$t->{step},
137 '--start',$t->{start},'--end',$t->{end}
138 );
139 my $id = 0;
140 if (@tmpl and not %map){
141 %map = ( map { ($_,$id++) } @$names );
142 for my $key (@tmpl){
143 die "ERROR: src key '$key' is not known in $src. Pick from ".join(':',@$names)."\n"
144 if not exists $map{$key};
145 }
146 }
147 rrd_err_check();
148 print STDERR "FETCH: want setp $t->{step} -> got step $step / want start $t->{start} -> got start $start\n" if $opt{verbose};
149 my $now = $start;
150 while (my $row = shift @$array){
151 if (@tmpl){
152 push @{$data{$cf}} , [ $now, $step, [ @$row[@map{@tmpl}] ] ];
153 }
154 else {
155 push @{$data{$cf}} , [ $now, $step, $row ];
156 }
157 $now+=$step;
158 }
159 }
160 }
161 die "ERROR: no AVERAGE RRA found in src rrd. Enhance me to be able to deal with this!\n"
162 if not $data{AVERAGE};
163 # if older data is required, generate a fake average entry.
164 my $start = $data{AVERAGE}[0][0] - $data{AVERAGE}[0][1];
165 if ($start > $first ) {
166 my $step = $start - $first;
167 unshift @{$data{AVERAGE}}, [ $start, $step, [ map {undef} @{$data{AVERAGE}[0][2]} ] ];
168 }
169 return (\%data);
170 }
172 sub reupdate($$$$){
173 my $step = shift;
174 my $min_time = shift;
175 my $dst = shift;
176 my $data = shift;
177 my @min;
178 my @max;
179 my @pending = map { 0 } @{$data->{AVERAGE}[0][2]};
180 my $hide_cnt = 0;
181 my @up;
182 while (my $av = shift @{$data->{AVERAGE}}){
183 my $end = $av->[0];
184 my $start = $end - $av->[1];
185 if (my $av_nx = $data->{AVERAGE}[0]){
186 my $start_nx = $av_nx->[0] - $av_nx->[1];
187 if ($end > $start_nx){
188 $end = $start_nx;
189 }
190 }
191 STEP:
192 for (my $t = $start+$step;$t<=$end;$t+=$step){
193 my @out = @{$av->[2]};
194 # lets see if we a usable a MIN or MAX entry pending
195 if ($hide_cnt <= 2 and $av->[1] > $step) {
196 for my $cf (qw(MIN MAX)){
197 my $m = $data->{$cf}[0];
198 # drop any MIN/MAX entries which we could not use
199 while ($m->[0] <= $start) {
200 print STDERR "# DROP $cf $m->[0], $m->[1]\n" if $opt{verbose};
201 shift @{$data->{$cf}};
202 $m = $data->{$cf}[0];
203 }
204 my $cend = $m->[0];
205 my $cstep = $m->[1];
206 my $crow = $m->[2];
207 if ($cend >= $t and $cend - $cstep <= $t - $step){
208 my $row = "$t:".join(':',map {defined $_ ? $_ : 'U'} @{$crow});
209 if ($cf eq 'MIN'){
210 @min = @{$crow};
211 } else {
212 @max = @{$crow};
213 }
214 print STDERR ($cf eq 'MIN' ? 'm' : 'M' ) ,$row,"\n" if $opt{verbose};
215 push @up, $row;
216 $hide_cnt++;
217 for (my $i = 0; $i <@$crow; $i++){
218 if (defined $pending[$i]){
219 if (defined $crow->[$i] and defined $out[$i]){
220 my $keep = ($out[$i] - $crow->[$i]);
221 # print STDERR " - keep $keep\n" if $opt{verbose};
222 $pending[$i] += $keep;
223 }
224 else {
225 $pending[$i] = undef;
226 }
227 }
228 }
229 shift @{$data->{$cf}};
230 next STEP;
231 }
232 }
233 }
235 # compensate for data not shown while insering fake MIN/MAX entries
236 for (my $i = 0; $i < @out; $i++){
237 if (defined $out[$i] and defined $pending[$i] and $pending[$i] != 0){
238 my $new = $out[$i] + $pending[$i];
239 if (defined $max[$i] and $new > $max[$i]) {
240 $pending[$i] = $new - $max[$i];
241 $out[$i] = $max[$i];
242 # print STDERR " - maxout $i $out[$i]\n" if $opt{verbose};
243 }
244 elsif (defined $min[$i] and $new < $min[$i]){
245 $pending[$i] = $new - $min[$i];
246 $out[$i] = $min[$i];
247 # print STDERR " - minout $i $out[$i]\n" if $opt{verbose};
248 }
249 else {
250 $pending[$i] = 0;
251 $out[$i] = $new;
252 # print STDERR " - combined $i $out[$i]\n" if $opt{verbose};
253 }
254 }
255 else {
256 $pending[$i] = 0;
257 }
258 }
259 $hide_cnt = 0;
260 # show the result;
261 my $row = "$t:".join(':',map {defined $_ ? $_ : 'U'} @out);
262 print STDERR " ",$row,"\n" if $opt{verbose};
263 push @up, $row if $t > $min_time;
264 }
265 }
266 pop @up; # the last update is most likely one too many ...
267 if (@up == 0) {
268 warn "WARNING: src has no entries new enough to fill dst\n";
269 } else {
270 print STDERR ".";
271 RRDs::update($dst,
272 $opt{'dst-tmpl'} ? '--template='.$opt{'dst-tmpl'} : (),
273 @up);
274 rrd_warn_check();
275 }
276 }
278 sub set_gauge($$){
279 my $dst = shift;
280 my $info = shift;
281 my @tasks;
282 for my $key (keys %$info) {
283 if ($key =~ m/^ds\[(.+)\]\.type$/
284 and $info->{$key} ne 'GAUGE'){
285 print STDERR "DS $1 -> GAUGE\n" if $opt{verbose};
286 push @tasks, "--data-source-type=${1}:GAUGE";
287 }
288 if (@tasks) {
289 RRDs::tune($dst,@tasks);
290 rrd_err_check();
291 }
292 }
293 }
295 sub unset_gauge($$){
296 my $dst = shift;
297 my $info = shift;
298 my @tasks;
299 for my $key (keys %$info) {
300 if ($key =~ m/^ds\[(.+)\]\.type$/
301 and $info->{$key} ne 'GAUGE'){
302 print STDERR "DS $1 -> $info->{$key}\n" if $opt{verbose};
303 push @tasks, "--data-source-type=${1}:$info->{$key}";
304 }
305 if (@tasks) {
306 RRDs::tune($dst,@tasks);
307 rrd_err_check();
308 }
309 }
310 }
312 sub rrdjig($$$$){
313 my $src = shift;
314 my $src_tmpl = shift;
315 my $dst = shift;
316 my $dst_tmpl = shift;
317 my $dst_info = RRDs::info($dst);
318 rrd_err_check();
319 my $src_info = RRDs::info($src);
320 rrd_err_check();
321 my ($first,$fetch_tasks) = prep_fetch_tasks($src_info,$dst_info);
322 my $updates = fetch_data($src,$first,$fetch_tasks);
323 set_gauge($dst,$dst_info);
324 reupdate($src_info->{step},$dst_info->{last_update},$dst,$updates);
325 unset_gauge($dst,$dst_info);
326 }
329 __END__
331 =head1 NAME
333 rrdjig - use data from an existing rrd file to populate a new one
335 =head1 SYNOPSIS
337 B<rrdjig> [I<options>...] I<src.rrd> I<dest.rrd>
339 --man show man-page and exit
340 -h, --help display this help and exit
341 --version show version information and exit
342 --verbose talk while you work
343 --noaction just talk don't act
344 --src-tmpl=tmpl output template for the source rrd
345 --dst-tmpl=tmpl input template for the destination rrd
347 =head1 DESCRIPTION
349 In rrdtool, data gets processed immediately upon arrival. This means that
350 the original data is never stored and it is thus not easily possible to
351 restructure data at a later stage. In the rrdtool core there are no
352 functions to modify the base step size nor the number and types of RRAs in a
353 graceful manner.
355 The rrdjig tool tries to rebuild the original data as closely as possible
356 based on the data found in the rrd file. It takes AVERAGE, MIN and MAX RRAs
357 into account and rebuilds the original data stream such that it can be
358 re-entered into a fresh rrd file. Depending on the configuration of the new
359 rrd file the resulting data closely matches the data in the original rrd
360 file.
362 If the DS configuration of the new RRD file differs from the original
363 one the B<--src-tmp> and B<--dest-tmp> options can be used to override
364 the default order of DS entries.
366 =head1 BEWARE
368 There are two warnings you should keep in mind:
370 =over
372 =item *
374 This is NEW CODE, so there may be hidden problem. This this first on your real data before doing any major conversions.
376 =item *
378 In my testing there were differences between source and destination which I attribute to
379 quantization issues especially when switching from one consolidation level to the next one.
381 =back
383 =head1 EXAMPLE
385 F<legacy.rrd> has data for the last two years and F<new.rrd> is still empty
386 but created with a start data two years in the past. F<legacy.rrd> contains
387 4 Date Sources (in,out,error,drop) and F<new.rrd> contains 3 data-sources
388 (myout,myin,overrun). We want to transfer the old 'in' to 'myin' and 'out'
389 to 'myout' while dropping 'error' and 'drop'.
391 rrdjiig --src-tmpl=in:out --dst-tmpl=myin:myout legacy.rrd new.rrd
393 =head1 COPYRIGHT
395 Copyright (c) 2010 by OETIKER+PARTNER AG. All rights reserved.
397 =head1 LICENSE
399 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
400 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
401 the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
402 (at your option) any later version.
404 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
405 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
407 GNU General Public License for more details.
409 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
410 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
411 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
413 =head1 AUTHOR
415 S<Tobi Oetiker E<lt>tobi@oetiker.chE<gt>>
417 The development of this tool has been sponsored by L<www.init7.net|http://www.init7.net>.
419 =head1 HISTORY
421 2010-02-25 to Initial Version
423 =cut
425 # Emacs Configuration
426 #
427 # Local Variables:
428 # mode: cperl
429 # eval: (cperl-set-style "PerlStyle")
430 # mode: flyspell
431 # mode: flyspell-prog
432 # End:
433 #
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